protected override void KeyDownHandler(object sender, KeyboardKeyEventArgs args) { key_down[args.Key] = true; if (!Global.KeyPressed) { ConsoleKey ck = Global.GetConsoleKey(args.Key); if (ck != ConsoleKey.NoName) { bool alt = KeyIsDown(Key.LAlt) || KeyIsDown(Key.RAlt); bool shift = KeyIsDown(Key.LShift) || KeyIsDown(Key.RShift); bool ctrl = KeyIsDown(Key.LControl) || KeyIsDown(Key.RControl); if (ck == ConsoleKey.Enter && alt) { if (FullScreen) { FullScreen = false; WindowState = WindowState.Normal; } else { FullScreen = true; WindowState = WindowState.Fullscreen; } } else { Global.KeyPressed = true; Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo(Global.GetChar(ck, shift), ck, shift, alt, ctrl); } } MouseUI.RemoveHighlight(); MouseUI.RemoveMouseover(); } }
void MouseWheelHandler(object sender, MouseWheelEventArgs args) { if (!Global.KeyPressed) { if (args.Delta > 0) { switch (MouseUI.Mode) { case MouseMode.ScrollableMenu: Global.KeyPressed = true; Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo('8', ConsoleKey.UpArrow, false, false, false); break; case MouseMode.Targeting: Global.KeyPressed = true; Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo((char)9, ConsoleKey.Tab, true, false, false); break; case MouseMode.Map: Global.KeyPressed = true; Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo((char)9, ConsoleKey.Tab, false, false, false); break; } } if (args.Delta < 0) { switch (MouseUI.Mode) { case MouseMode.ScrollableMenu: Global.KeyPressed = true; Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo('2', ConsoleKey.DownArrow, false, false, false); break; case MouseMode.Targeting: Global.KeyPressed = true; Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo((char)9, ConsoleKey.Tab, false, false, false); break; case MouseMode.Map: Global.KeyPressed = true; Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo((char)9, ConsoleKey.Tab, false, false, false); break; } } } MouseUI.RemoveHighlight(); MouseUI.RemoveMouseover(); }
void HandleMiddleClick() { if (!Global.KeyPressed) { Global.KeyPressed = true; switch (MouseUI.Mode) { case MouseMode.Map: Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo('v', ConsoleKey.V, false, false, false); break; default: Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo((char)27, ConsoleKey.Escape, false, false, false); break; } } MouseUI.RemoveHighlight(); MouseUI.RemoveMouseover(); }
public bool YesOrNoPrompt(string s, bool easy_cancel) { player.Interrupt(); MouseUI.PushButtonMap(MouseMode.YesNoPrompt); MouseUI.CreateButton(ConsoleKey.Y, false, 2, Global.MAP_OFFSET_COLS + s.Length + 1, 1, 2); MouseUI.CreateButton(ConsoleKey.N, false, 2, Global.MAP_OFFSET_COLS + s.Length + 4, 1, 2); if (MouseUI.descend_hack && Actor.viewing_more_commands) { MouseUI.CreateStatsButton(ConsoleKey.N, false, 16, 1); MouseUI.descend_hack = false; } DisplayNow(s + " (y/n): "); Screen.CursorVisible = true; while (true) { switch (Global.ReadKey().KeyChar) { case 'y': case 'Y': MouseUI.PopButtonMap(); return(true); case 'n': case 'N': MouseUI.PopButtonMap(); return(false); default: if (easy_cancel) { MouseUI.PopButtonMap(); return(false); } break; } } }
void MouseLeaveHandler(object sender, EventArgs args) { MouseUI.RemoveHighlight(); }
void MouseClickHandler(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs args) { if (MouseUI.IgnoreMouseClicks) { return; } if (args.Button == MouseButton.Middle) { HandleMiddleClick(); return; } if (args.Button == MouseButton.Right) { HandleRightClick(); return; } int row; int col; if (FullScreen) { row = (int)(args.Y - ClientRectangle.Height * ((1.0f - screen_multiplier_h) * 0.5f)) / cell_h; col = (int)(args.X - ClientRectangle.Width * ((1.0f - screen_multiplier_w) * 0.5f)) / cell_w; } else { row = args.Y / cell_h; col = args.X / cell_w; } Button b = MouseUI.GetButton(row, col); if (!Global.KeyPressed) { Global.KeyPressed = true; if (b != null) { bool shifted = (b.mods & ConsoleModifiers.Shift) == ConsoleModifiers.Shift; Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo(Global.GetChar(b.key, shifted), b.key, shifted, false, false); } else { switch (MouseUI.Mode) { case MouseMode.Map: { int map_row = row - Global.MAP_OFFSET_ROWS; int map_col = col - Global.MAP_OFFSET_COLS; if (map_row >= 0 && map_row < Global.ROWS && map_col >= 0 && map_col < Global.COLS) { if (map_row == Actor.player.row && map_col == Actor.player.col) { Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo('.', ConsoleKey.OemPeriod, false, false, false); } else { if (KeyIsDown(Key.LControl) || KeyIsDown(Key.RControl) || (Math.Abs(map_row - Actor.player.row) <= 1 && Math.Abs(map_col - Actor.player.col) <= 1)) { int rowchange = 0; int colchange = 0; if (map_row > Actor.player.row) { rowchange = 1; } else { if (map_row < Actor.player.row) { rowchange = -1; } } if (map_col > Actor.player.col) { colchange = 1; } else { if (map_col < Actor.player.col) { colchange = -1; } } ConsoleKey dir_key = (ConsoleKey)(ConsoleKey.NumPad0 + Actor.player.DirectionOf(Actor.M.tile[Actor.player.row + rowchange, Actor.player.col + colchange])); Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo(Global.GetChar(dir_key, false), dir_key, false, false, false); } else { Tile nearest = Actor.M.tile[map_row, map_col]; Actor.player.path = Actor.player.GetPath(nearest.row, nearest.col, -1, true, true, Actor.UnknownTilePathingPreference.UnknownTilesAreOpen); if (Actor.player.path.Count > 0) { Actor.player.path.StopAtBlockingTerrain(); if (Actor.player.path.Count > 0) { Actor.interrupted_path = new pos(-1, -1); ConsoleKey path_key = (ConsoleKey)(ConsoleKey.NumPad0 + Actor.player.DirectionOf(Actor.player.path[0])); Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo(Global.GetChar(path_key, false), path_key, false, false, false); Actor.player.path.RemoveAt(0); } else { Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo(' ', ConsoleKey.Spacebar, false, false, false); } } else { //int distance_of_first_passable = -1; //List<Tile> passable_tiles = new List<Tile>(); foreach (Tile t in Actor.M.TilesByDistance(map_row, map_col, true, true)) { //if(distance_of_first_passable != -1 && nearest.DistanceFrom(t) > distance_of_first_passable){ //nearest = passable_tiles.Last(); if (t.passable) { nearest = t; Actor.player.path = Actor.player.GetPath(nearest.row, nearest.col, -1, true, true, Actor.UnknownTilePathingPreference.UnknownTilesAreOpen); break; } /*} * if(t.passable){ * distance_of_first_passable = nearest.DistanceFrom(t); * passable_tiles.Add(t); * }*/ } if (Actor.player.path.Count > 0) { Actor.interrupted_path = new pos(-1, -1); ConsoleKey path_key = (ConsoleKey)(ConsoleKey.NumPad0 + Actor.player.DirectionOf(Actor.player.path[0])); Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo(Global.GetChar(path_key, false), path_key, false, false, false); Actor.player.path.RemoveAt(0); } else { Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo(' ', ConsoleKey.Spacebar, false, false, false); } } } } } else { Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo((char)13, ConsoleKey.Enter, false, false, false); } break; } case MouseMode.Directional: { int map_row = row - Global.MAP_OFFSET_ROWS; int map_col = col - Global.MAP_OFFSET_COLS; if (map_row >= 0 && map_row < Global.ROWS && map_col >= 0 && map_col < Global.COLS) { int dir = Actor.player.DirectionOf(new pos(map_row, map_col)); pos p = Actor.player.p.PosInDir(dir); Button dir_b = MouseUI.GetButton(Global.MAP_OFFSET_ROWS + p.row, Global.MAP_OFFSET_COLS + p.col); if (dir_b != null) { bool shifted = (dir_b.mods & ConsoleModifiers.Shift) == ConsoleModifiers.Shift; Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo(Global.GetChar(dir_b.key, shifted), dir_b.key, shifted, false, false); } } else { Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo((char)27, ConsoleKey.Escape, false, false, false); } break; } case MouseMode.Targeting: { int map_row = row - Global.MAP_OFFSET_ROWS; int map_col = col - Global.MAP_OFFSET_COLS; if (map_row >= 0 && map_row < Global.ROWS && map_col >= 0 && map_col < Global.COLS) { Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo((char)13, ConsoleKey.Enter, false, false, false); } else { Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo((char)27, ConsoleKey.Escape, false, false, false); } break; } case MouseMode.YesNoPrompt: Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo('y', ConsoleKey.Y, false, false, false); break; case MouseMode.Inventory: Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo('a', ConsoleKey.A, false, false, false); break; default: Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo((char)13, ConsoleKey.Enter, false, false, false); break; } } } MouseUI.RemoveHighlight(); MouseUI.RemoveMouseover(); }
void MouseMoveHandler(object sender, MouseMoveEventArgs args) { if (MouseUI.IgnoreMouseMovement) { return; } int row; int col; if (FullScreen) { row = (int)(args.Y - ClientRectangle.Height * ((1.0f - screen_multiplier_h) * 0.5f)) / cell_h; //todo: give this its own var? col = (int)(args.X - ClientRectangle.Width * ((1.0f - screen_multiplier_w) * 0.5f)) / cell_w; } else { row = args.Y / cell_h; col = args.X / cell_w; } switch (MouseUI.Mode) { case MouseMode.Targeting: { int map_row = row - Global.MAP_OFFSET_ROWS; int map_col = col - Global.MAP_OFFSET_COLS; Button b = MouseUI.GetButton(row, col); if (MouseUI.Highlighted != null && MouseUI.Highlighted != b) { MouseUI.RemoveHighlight(); } if (args.XDelta == 0 && args.YDelta == 0) { return; //don't re-highlight immediately after a click } if (b != null) { if (b != MouseUI.Highlighted) { MouseUI.Highlighted = b; colorchar[,] array = new colorchar[b.height, b.width]; for (int i = 0; i < b.height; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < b.width; ++j) { array[i, j] = Screen.Char(i + b.row, j + b.col); array[i, j].bgcolor = Color.Blue; } } Screen.UpdateGLBuffer(b.row, b.col, array); } } else { if (!Global.KeyPressed && (row != MouseUI.LastRow || col != MouseUI.LastCol) && !KeyIsDown(Key.LControl) && !KeyIsDown(Key.RControl)) { MouseUI.LastRow = row; MouseUI.LastCol = col; Global.KeyPressed = true; if (map_row >= 0 && map_row < Global.ROWS && map_col >= 0 && map_col < Global.COLS) { ConsoleKey key = ConsoleKey.F1; Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo(Global.GetChar(key, false), key, false, false, false); } else { ConsoleKey key = ConsoleKey.F2; Global.LastKey = new ConsoleKeyInfo(Global.GetChar(key, false), key, false, false, false); } } } break; } case MouseMode.Directional: { int map_row = row - Global.MAP_OFFSET_ROWS; int map_col = col - Global.MAP_OFFSET_COLS; if (map_row >= 0 && map_row < Global.ROWS && map_col >= 0 && map_col < Global.COLS) { int dir = Actor.player.DirectionOf(new pos(map_row, map_col)); pos p = Actor.player.p.PosInDir(dir); Button dir_b = MouseUI.GetButton(Global.MAP_OFFSET_ROWS + p.row, Global.MAP_OFFSET_COLS + p.col); if (MouseUI.Highlighted != null && MouseUI.Highlighted != dir_b) { MouseUI.RemoveHighlight(); } if (dir_b != null && dir_b != MouseUI.Highlighted) { MouseUI.Highlighted = dir_b; colorchar[,] array = new colorchar[1, 1]; array[0, 0] = Screen.Char(Global.MAP_OFFSET_ROWS + p.row, Global.MAP_OFFSET_COLS + p.col); array[0, 0].bgcolor = Color.Blue; Screen.UpdateGLBuffer(dir_b.row, dir_b.col, array); } } else { if (MouseUI.Highlighted != null) { MouseUI.RemoveHighlight(); } } break; } default: { Button b = MouseUI.GetButton(row, col); if (MouseUI.Highlighted != null && MouseUI.Highlighted != b) { MouseUI.RemoveHighlight(); } if (args.XDelta == 0 && args.YDelta == 0) { return; //don't re-highlight immediately after a click } if (b != null && b != MouseUI.Highlighted) { MouseUI.Highlighted = b; colorchar[,] array = new colorchar[b.height, b.width]; for (int i = 0; i < b.height; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < b.width; ++j) { array[i, j] = Screen.Char(i + b.row, j + b.col); array[i, j].bgcolor = Color.Blue; } } Screen.UpdateGLBuffer(b.row, b.col, array); /*for(int i=b.row;i<b.row+b.height;++i){ * for(int j=b.col;j<b.col+b.width;++j){ * colorchar cch = Screen.Char(i,j); * cch.bgcolor = Color.Blue; * UpdateVertexArray(i,j,cch.c,ConvertColor(cch.color),ConvertColor(cch.bgcolor)); * } * }*/ } else { if (MouseUI.Mode == MouseMode.Map) { int map_row = row - Global.MAP_OFFSET_ROWS; int map_col = col - Global.MAP_OFFSET_COLS; PhysicalObject o = null; if (map_row >= 0 && map_row < Global.ROWS && map_col >= 0 && map_col < Global.COLS) { o = MouseUI.mouselook_objects[map_row, map_col]; if (MouseUI.VisiblePath && o == null) { o = Actor.M.tile[map_row, map_col]; } } if (MouseUI.mouselook_current_target != null && MouseUI.mouselook_current_target != o) { MouseUI.RemoveMouseover(); } if (o != null && o != MouseUI.mouselook_current_target) { MouseUI.mouselook_current_target = o; bool description_on_right = false; /*int max_length = 29; * if(map_col - 6 < max_length){ * max_length = map_col - 6; * } * if(max_length < 20){ * description_on_right = true; * max_length = 29; * }*/ int max_length = MouseUI.MaxDescriptionBoxLength; if (map_col <= 32) { description_on_right = true; } List <colorstring> desc_box = null; Actor a = o as Actor; if (a != null) { desc_box = Actor.MonsterDescriptionBox(a, true, max_length); } else { Item i = o as Item; if (i != null) { desc_box = Actor.ItemDescriptionBox(i, true, true, max_length); } } if (desc_box != null) { int h = desc_box.Count; int w = desc_box[0].Length(); int player_r = Actor.player.row; int player_c = Actor.player.col; colorchar[,] array = new colorchar[h, w]; if (description_on_right) { for (int i = 0; i < h; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < w; ++j) { array[i, j] = desc_box[i][j]; if (i == player_r && j + Global.COLS - w == player_c) { Screen.CursorVisible = false; player_r = -1; //to prevent further attempts to set CV to false } } } Screen.UpdateGLBuffer(Global.MAP_OFFSET_ROWS, Global.MAP_OFFSET_COLS + Global.COLS - w, array); } else { for (int i = 0; i < h; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < w; ++j) { array[i, j] = desc_box[i][j]; if (i == player_r && j == player_c) { Screen.CursorVisible = false; player_r = -1; } } } Screen.UpdateGLBuffer(Global.MAP_OFFSET_ROWS, Global.MAP_OFFSET_COLS, array); } } if (MouseUI.VisiblePath) { MouseUI.mouse_path = Actor.player.GetPath(o.row, o.col, -1, true, true, Actor.UnknownTilePathingPreference.UnknownTilesAreOpen); if (MouseUI.mouse_path.Count == 0) { foreach (Tile t in Actor.M.TilesByDistance(o.row, o.col, true, true)) { if (t.passable) { MouseUI.mouse_path = Actor.player.GetPath(t.row, t.col, -1, true, true, Actor.UnknownTilePathingPreference.UnknownTilesAreOpen); break; } } } pos box_start = new pos(0, 0); int box_h = -1; int box_w = -1; if (desc_box != null) { box_h = desc_box.Count; box_w = desc_box[0].Length(); if (description_on_right) { box_start = new pos(0, Global.COLS - box_w); } } foreach (pos p in MouseUI.mouse_path) { if (desc_box != null && p.row < box_start.row + box_h && p.row >= box_start.row && p.col < box_start.col + box_w && p.col >= box_start.col) { continue; } colorchar cch = Screen.MapChar(p.row, p.col); cch.bgcolor = Color.DarkGreen; if (cch.color == Color.DarkGreen) { cch.color = Color.Black; } //,p.col+Global.MAP_OFFSET_COLS,text_surface,0,(int)cch.c); + Global.MAP_OFFSET_ROWS, p.col + Global.MAP_OFFSET_COLS, text_surface, 0, (int)cch.c, cch.color.GetFloatValues(), cch.bgcolor.GetFloatValues()); } if (MouseUI.mouse_path != null && MouseUI.mouse_path.Count == 0) { MouseUI.mouse_path = null; } } } } } break; } } }
public static void ShowKnownItems(Hash <ConsumableType> IDed) { MouseUI.PushButtonMap(); UI.draw_bottom_commands = false; UI.darken_status_bar = true; const int width = 25; List <ConsumableType> potion_order = new List <ConsumableType> { ConsumableType.STONEFORM, ConsumableType.CLOAKING, ConsumableType.VAMPIRISM, ConsumableType.HEALING, ConsumableType.MYSTIC_MIND, ConsumableType.SILENCE, ConsumableType.REGENERATION, ConsumableType.ROOTS, ConsumableType.BRUTISH_STRENGTH, ConsumableType.HASTE }; List <ConsumableType> scroll_order = new List <ConsumableType> { ConsumableType.SUNLIGHT, ConsumableType.DARKNESS, ConsumableType.BLINKING, ConsumableType.RENEWAL, ConsumableType.FIRE_RING, ConsumableType.CALLING, ConsumableType.KNOWLEDGE, ConsumableType.PASSAGE, ConsumableType.THUNDERCLAP, ConsumableType.RAGE, ConsumableType.ENCHANTMENT, ConsumableType.TIME, ConsumableType.TRAP_CLEARING }; List <ConsumableType> orb_order = new List <ConsumableType> { ConsumableType.BREACHING, ConsumableType.FREEZING, ConsumableType.SHIELDING, ConsumableType.BLADES, ConsumableType.CONFUSION, ConsumableType.FLAMES, ConsumableType.DETONATION, ConsumableType.PAIN, ConsumableType.TELEPORTAL, ConsumableType.FOG }; List <ConsumableType> wand_order = new List <ConsumableType> { ConsumableType.DUST_STORM, ConsumableType.SLUMBER, ConsumableType.TELEKINESIS, ConsumableType.REACH, ConsumableType.INVISIBILITY, ConsumableType.WEBS, ConsumableType.FLESH_TO_FIRE }; List <colorstring> potions = new List <colorstring>(); List <colorstring> scrolls = new List <colorstring>(); List <colorstring> orbs = new List <colorstring>(); List <colorstring> wands = new List <colorstring>(); List <List <colorstring> > string_lists = new List <List <colorstring> > { potions, scrolls, orbs, wands }; int list_idx = 0; foreach (List <ConsumableType> item_list in new List <List <ConsumableType> > { potion_order, scroll_order, orb_order, wand_order }) { int item_idx = 0; while (item_idx + 1 < item_list.Count) { ConsumableType[] ct = new ConsumableType[2]; string[] names = new string[2]; Color[] ided_color = new Color[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { ct[i] = item_list[item_idx + i]; names[i] = ct[i].ToString()[0] + ct[i].ToString().Substring(1).ToLower(); names[i] = names[i].Replace('_', ' '); if (IDed[ct[i]]) { ided_color[i] = Color.Cyan; } else { ided_color[i] = Color.DarkGray; } } int num_spaces = width - (names[0].Length + names[1].Length); string_lists[list_idx].Add(new colorstring(names[0], ided_color[0], "".PadRight(num_spaces), Color.Black, names[1], ided_color[1])); item_idx += 2; } if (item_list.Count % 2 == 1) { ConsumableType ct = item_list.Last(); string n = (ct.ToString()[0] + ct.ToString().Substring(1).ToLower()).Replace('_', ' '); //name = name[i].Replace('_',' '); Color ided_color = Color.DarkGray; if (IDed[ct]) { ided_color = Color.Cyan; } int num_spaces = width - n.Length; string_lists[list_idx].Add(new colorstring(n, ided_color, "".PadRight(num_spaces), Color.Black)); } ++list_idx; } Screen.WriteMapString(0, 0, "".PadRight(COLS, '-')); for (int i = 1; i < ROWS + 2; ++i) { Screen.WriteMapString(i, 0, "".PadToMapSize()); } Screen.WriteMapString(ROWS + 2, 0, "".PadRight(COLS, '-')); const Color label_color = Color.Yellow; const int first_column_offset = 2; const int second_column_offset = first_column_offset + 35; const int first_item_row = 4; Screen.WriteMapString(first_item_row - 1, 8 + first_column_offset, "- Potions -", label_color); Screen.WriteMapString(first_item_row - 1, 7 + second_column_offset, "- Scrolls -", label_color); int line = first_item_row; foreach (colorstring s in potions) { Screen.WriteMapString(line, first_column_offset, s); ++line; } line = first_item_row; foreach (colorstring s in scrolls) { Screen.WriteMapString(line, second_column_offset, s); ++line; } const int second_item_row = first_item_row + 11; Screen.WriteMapString(second_item_row - 1, 9 + first_column_offset, "- Orbs -", label_color); Screen.WriteMapString(second_item_row - 1, 8 + second_column_offset, "- Wands -", label_color); line = second_item_row; foreach (colorstring s in orbs) { Screen.WriteMapString(line, first_column_offset, s); ++line; } line = second_item_row; foreach (colorstring s in wands) { Screen.WriteMapString(line, second_column_offset, s); ++line; } UI.Display("Discovered item types: "); Input.ReadKey(); MouseUI.PopButtonMap(); UI.draw_bottom_commands = true; UI.darken_status_bar = false; }
public static void ShowPreviousMessages(bool show_footsteps) { const int text_height = Global.ROWS + 1; List <string> messages = B.GetMessageLog(); MouseUI.PushButtonMap(MouseMode.ScrollableMenu); UI.draw_bottom_commands = false; UI.darken_status_bar = true; MouseUI.CreateMapButton(ConsoleKey.OemMinus, false, 0, 1); MouseUI.CreateMapButton(ConsoleKey.OemPlus, false, text_height + 1, 1); Screen.WriteMapString(0, 0, "".PadRight(COLS, '-')); Screen.WriteMapString(text_height + 1, 0, "".PadRight(COLS, '-')); ConsoleKeyInfo command; char ch; int startline = Math.Max(0, messages.Count - text_height); for (bool done = false; !done;) { if (startline > 0) { Screen.WriteMapString(0, COLS - 3, new colorstring("[", Color.Yellow, "-", Color.Cyan, "]", Color.Yellow)); } else { Screen.WriteMapString(0, COLS - 3, "---"); } bool more = false; if (startline + text_height < messages.Count) { more = true; } if (more) { Screen.WriteMapString(text_height + 1, COLS - 3, new colorstring("[", Color.Yellow, "+", Color.Cyan, "]", Color.Yellow)); } else { Screen.WriteMapString(text_height + 1, COLS - 3, "---"); } for (int i = 1; i <= text_height; ++i) { if (messages.Count - startline < i) { Screen.WriteMapString(i, 0, "".PadToMapSize()); } else { Screen.WriteMapString(i, 0, messages[i + startline - 1].PadToMapSize()); } } UI.Display("Previous messages: "); command = Input.ReadKey(); ConsoleKey ck = command.Key; switch (ck) { case ConsoleKey.Backspace: case ConsoleKey.PageUp: case ConsoleKey.NumPad9: ch = (char)8; break; case ConsoleKey.Enter: ch = ' '; //hackery ahoy - enter becomes space and pagedown becomes enter. break; case ConsoleKey.PageDown: case ConsoleKey.NumPad3: ch = (char)13; break; case ConsoleKey.Home: case ConsoleKey.NumPad7: ch = '['; break; case ConsoleKey.End: case ConsoleKey.NumPad1: ch = ']'; break; default: ch = command.GetCommandChar(); break; } switch (ch) { case ' ': case (char)27: done = true; break; case '8': case '-': case '_': if (startline > 0) { --startline; } break; case '2': case '+': case '=': if (more) { ++startline; } break; case (char)8: if (startline > 0) { startline -= text_height; if (startline < 0) { startline = 0; } } break; case (char)13: if (messages.Count > text_height) { startline += text_height; if (startline + text_height > messages.Count) { startline = messages.Count - text_height; } } break; case '[': startline = 0; break; case ']': startline = Math.Max(0, messages.Count - text_height); break; default: break; } } if (show_footsteps && player.HasAttr(AttrType.DETECTING_MOVEMENT) && Actor.previous_footsteps.Count > 0) { M.Draw(); Screen.AnimateMapCells(Actor.previous_footsteps, new colorchar('!', Color.Red), 150); } MouseUI.PopButtonMap(); UI.draw_bottom_commands = true; UI.darken_status_bar = false; }
public static void ShowPreviousMessages(bool show_footsteps) { List <string> messages = B.GetMessages(); MouseUI.PushButtonMap(MouseMode.ScrollableMenu); MouseUI.CreateMapButton(ConsoleKey.OemMinus, false, 3, 1); MouseUI.CreateMapButton(ConsoleKey.OemPlus, false, 24, 1); Screen.CursorVisible = false; //Screen.Blank(); Screen.WriteMapString(0, 0, "".PadRight(COLS, '-')); Screen.WriteMapString(21, 0, "".PadRight(COLS, '-')); ConsoleKeyInfo command2; char ch2; int startline = Math.Max(0, messages.Count - 20); for (bool done = false; !done;) { if (startline > 0) { Screen.WriteMapString(0, COLS - 3, new colorstring("[", Color.Yellow, "-", Color.Cyan, "]", Color.Yellow)); } else { Screen.WriteMapString(0, COLS - 3, "---"); } bool more = false; if (startline + 20 < messages.Count) { more = true; } if (more) { Screen.WriteMapString(ROWS - 1, COLS - 3, new colorstring("[", Color.Yellow, "+", Color.Cyan, "]", Color.Yellow)); } else { Screen.WriteMapString(ROWS - 1, COLS - 3, "---"); } for (int i = 1; i <= 20; ++i) { if (messages.Count - startline < i) { Screen.WriteMapString(i, 0, "".PadToMapSize()); } else { Screen.WriteMapString(i, 0, messages[i + startline - 1].PadToMapSize()); } } B.DisplayNow("Previous messages: "); Screen.CursorVisible = true; command2 = Global.ReadKey(); ConsoleKey ck = command2.Key; switch (ck) { case ConsoleKey.Backspace: case ConsoleKey.PageUp: case ConsoleKey.NumPad9: ch2 = (char)8; break; case ConsoleKey.Enter: ch2 = ' '; //hackery ahoy - enter becomes space and pagedown becomes enter. break; case ConsoleKey.PageDown: case ConsoleKey.NumPad3: ch2 = (char)13; break; case ConsoleKey.Home: case ConsoleKey.NumPad7: ch2 = '['; break; case ConsoleKey.End: case ConsoleKey.NumPad1: ch2 = ']'; break; default: ch2 = Actor.ConvertInput(command2); break; } switch (ch2) { case ' ': case (char)27: done = true; break; case '8': case '-': case '_': if (startline > 0) { --startline; } break; case '2': case '+': case '=': if (more) { ++startline; } break; case (char)8: if (startline > 0) { startline -= 20; if (startline < 0) { startline = 0; } } break; case (char)13: if (messages.Count > 20) { startline += 20; if (startline + 20 > messages.Count) { startline = messages.Count - 20; } } break; case '[': startline = 0; break; case ']': startline = Math.Max(0, messages.Count - 20); break; default: break; } } if (show_footsteps && player.HasAttr(AttrType.DETECTING_MOVEMENT) && Actor.previous_footsteps.Count > 0) { M.Draw(); Screen.AnimateMapCells(Actor.previous_footsteps, new colorchar('!', Color.Red), 150); } MouseUI.PopButtonMap(); }
public void Print(bool special_message) { Screen.CursorVisible = false; int idx = str.Count - 1; while (special_message && str[idx].Length > max_length - 7) { for (int i = max_length - 8; i >= 0; --i) { if (str[idx].Substring(i, 1) == " ") { overflow = str[idx].Substring(i + 1); str[idx] = str[idx].Substring(0, i + 1); break; } } if (overflow != "") { Screen.ResetColors(); Print(false); idx = str.Count - 1; } } foreach (string s in str) { if (s != "You regenerate. " && s != "You rest... " && s != "You breathe in the overwhelming scent of the poppies. " && s != "") //eventually this will become a list of ignored strings { if (!player.HasAttr(AttrType.RESTING)) { player.Interrupt(); } } } bool repeated_message = false; foreach (string s in str) { if (s != "") { int last = (position - 1).Modulo(log_length); //if(last == -1){ last = 19; } string prev = log[last]; string count = "1"; int pos = prev.LastIndexOf(" (x"); if (pos != -1) { count = prev.Substring(pos + 3); count = count.Substring(0, count.Length - 1); prev = prev.Substring(0, pos + 1); } bool too_long_if_repeated = false; if (prev.Length + 3 + (Convert.ToInt32(count) + 1).ToString().Length > max_length) { too_long_if_repeated = true; } if (prev == s && str.Count == 1 && !too_long_if_repeated) //trying this - only add the (x2) part if it's a single-line message, for ease of reading { if (s != "You can't move! " && s != "You're rooted to the ground! ") { log[last] = prev + "(x" + (Convert.ToInt32(count) + 1).ToString() + ")"; //the immobilization messages could be confusing when repeated } repeated_message = true; } else { log[position] = s; position = (position + 1).Modulo(log_length); if (num_messages < 1000) { ++num_messages; } //++position; //if(position == 20){ position = 0; } repeated_message = false; } } } int lines = str.Count; if (str.Last() == "") { --lines; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { bool old_message = true; if (3 - i <= lines) { old_message = false; } if (old_message) { Screen.WriteMapString(i - 3, 0, PreviousMessage(3 - i).PadToMapSize(), Color.DarkGray); //Screen.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; } else { if (repeated_message) { int pos = PreviousMessage(3 - i).LastIndexOf(" (x"); if (pos != -1) { Screen.WriteMapString(i - 3, 0, PreviousMessage(3 - i).Substring(0, pos)); Screen.WriteMapString(i - 3, pos, PreviousMessage(3 - i).Substring(pos).PadToMapSize(), Color.DarkGray); //Screen.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; } else { Screen.WriteMapString(i - 3, 0, PreviousMessage(3 - i).PadToMapSize()); } } else { Screen.WriteMapString(i - 3, 0, PreviousMessage(3 - i).PadToMapSize()); } } } if (overflow != "" || special_message == true) { int cursor_col = str.Last().Length + Global.MAP_OFFSET_COLS; int cursor_row = Screen.CursorTop; if (cursor_row > 2) { cursor_row = 2; //hack - attempts a quick fix for the [more] appearing at the player's row } M.Draw(); Screen.WriteString(cursor_row, cursor_col, "[more]", Color.Yellow); MouseUI.PushButtonMap(); Screen.SetCursorPosition(cursor_col + 6, cursor_row); //Screen.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Screen.CursorVisible = true; Global.ReadKey(); MouseUI.PopButtonMap(); } str.Clear(); str.Add(""); string temp = overflow; overflow = ""; AddToStr(temp); }
public static void CreatePlayerStatsButtons() { if (Mode != MouseMode.Map) { return; } ConsoleKey[] keys = new ConsoleKey[] { ConsoleKey.C, ConsoleKey.E, ConsoleKey.M }; int[] rows = new int[] { 0, UI.equipment_row, UI.depth_row }; int[] heights = new int[] { UI.equipment_row, UI.depth_row - UI.equipment_row, UI.status_row_start - UI.depth_row - 1 }; if (MouseUI.GetButton(0, 0) == null) // if there's no button here, assume that there are no buttons in this area at all. { for (int n = 0; n < 3; ++n) { if (rows[n] + heights[n] > UI.status_row_cutoff) { return; } CreateStatsButton(keys[n], false, rows[n], heights[n]); } } else { bool all_found = false; for (int n = 0; n < 3; ++n) { if (heights[n] <= 0 || rows[n] + heights[n] > UI.status_row_cutoff) { break; } Button b = MouseUI.GetButton(rows[n], 0); if (b != null && b.key == keys[n] && b.row == rows[n] && b.height == heights[n]) //perfect match, keep it there. { if (b.key == ConsoleKey.M) { all_found = true; } } else { for (int i = rows[n]; i < rows[n] + heights[n]; ++i) { Button b2 = MouseUI.GetButton(i, 0); if (b2 != null) { if (b2.key == ConsoleKey.M) { all_found = true; } MouseUI.RemoveButton(b2); } } CreateStatsButton(keys[n], false, rows[n], heights[n]); } } if (!all_found) { for (int i = rows[2] + heights[2]; i <= UI.status_row_cutoff; ++i) //gotta continue downward until all the previous { Button b = MouseUI.GetButton(i, 0); // buttons have been accounted for. if (b != null) { MouseUI.RemoveButton(b); if (b.key == ConsoleKey.M) { break; } } } } } }
protected void DisplayLines(List <string> lines, bool morePrompt, bool addToLog) { for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; ++i) { lines[i] = RemoveTrailingSpaces(lines[i]); } bool repeated = false; bool printCount = true; if (lines.Count == 1 && log.Count > 0) { string last = GetPreviousMessage(0); string lastWithoutCount = last; if (repetitionCount > 0) { int repIdx = last.LastIndexOf(" (x" + (repetitionCount + 1) + ")"); if (repIdx != -1) { lastWithoutCount = last.Substring(0, repIdx); } } if (lines[0] == lastWithoutCount) //if the new line matches the last one, verify that there's room for the (xN) { repeated = true; if (HideRepeatCountStrings.Contains(lastWithoutCount)) { printCount = false; } else { int max = MaxLength; if (morePrompt) { max -= more.Length; } if ((lastWithoutCount + " (x" + (repetitionCount + 2) + ")").Length > max) { repeated = false; } } } } int numPrev = NumLines - lines.Count; int prevStartIdx = numPrev - 1; if (repeated) { prevStartIdx++; } for (int i = 0; i < numPrev; ++i) { Screen.WriteString(i, Global.MAP_OFFSET_COLS, GetPreviousMessage(prevStartIdx - i).PadToMapSize(), Color.DarkGray); } if (lines.Count == 0) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; ++i) { Screen.WriteString(i + numPrev, Global.MAP_OFFSET_COLS, lines[i].PadToMapSize()); } int extraIdx = lines[lines.Count - 1].Length + Global.MAP_OFFSET_COLS; if (repeated) { if (printCount) { string xCount = " (x" + (repetitionCount + 2) + ")"; Screen.WriteString(NumLines - 1, extraIdx, xCount, Color.DarkGray); extraIdx += xCount.Length; if (addToLog) { log[log.Count - 1] = lines[lines.Count - 1] + xCount; } } if (addToLog) { ++repetitionCount; } } else { if (addToLog) { repetitionCount = 0; AddToLog(lines); } } if (morePrompt) { Screen.WriteString(NumLines - 1, extraIdx, more, Color.Yellow); MouseUI.PushButtonMap(); Screen.SetCursorPosition(extraIdx + more.Length - 1, NumLines - 1); Input.ReadKey(); MouseUI.PopButtonMap(); } }