private void RowClicked(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (sender != null) { DataGrid data = sender as DataGrid; if (data != null && data.SelectedItems != null && data.SelectedItems.Count == 1) { try { DataTable TheUserData = new DataTable(); string FiledSelection = "ID,Name,Password,UserName,(Select Name From UserClass_tbl where UserClass_tbl.UserClass_ID=Users.UserClass_ID) as Tital,Adress,Phone,Email,Active"; string WhereFiltering = " where ID=" + ((DataRowView)UsersDGV.SelectedItem).Row.ItemArray[0]; TheUserData = Classes.RetrieveData(FiledSelection, WhereFiltering, "Users"); userIDtxt.Text = TheUserData.Rows[0][0].ToString(); Nametxt.Text = TheUserData.Rows[0][1].ToString(); UserNametxt.Text = TheUserData.Rows[0][3].ToString(); passwordtxt.Password = TheUserData.Rows[0][2].ToString(); jobTitle.Text = TheUserData.Rows[0][4].ToString(); phone.Text = TheUserData.Rows[0][6].ToString();; Addresstxt.Text = TheUserData.Rows[0][5].ToString(); Mailtxt.Text = TheUserData.Rows[0][7].ToString(); Active_chbx.IsChecked = Convert.ToBoolean(TheUserData.Rows[0][8].ToString()); } catch { } EnableUI(); userIDtxt.IsEnabled = false; newBtn.IsEnabled = false; saveBtn.IsEnabled = false; } } }
private void LoginBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { DataTable DTLogin = new DataTable(); string WhereSelection = string.Format("UserName='******' and Password='******'", UserNametxt.Text, Passwordtxt.Password); DTLogin = Classes.RetrieveData("ID,Name,UserName,UserClass_ID,Password", WhereSelection, "Users"); if (DTLogin.Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString() == MainWindow.UserID) { MessageBox.Show("You are Already Logined"); this.Close(); return; } else { MainWindow.UserName = DTLogin.Rows[0].ItemArray[1].ToString(); MainWindow.JobID = DTLogin.Rows[0].ItemArray[3].ToString(); MainWindow.UserID = DTLogin.Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString(); //MainWindow.ThetLogin.Add(Convert.ToInt32(MainWindow.UserID)); WhereSelection = string.Format("UserClass_ID='{0}'", DTLogin.Rows[0].ItemArray[3].ToString()); MainWindow.Authentication = Classes.RetrieveData("ClassPrv", WhereSelection, "UserPrivilages_tbl").Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString(); MainWindow.AuthenticationData.Clear(); SplitAuthentication(); MessageBox.Show("Welcome " + DTLogin.Rows[0].ItemArray[1].ToString()); this.Close(); CheckToLogin = true; } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter the Correct User Name and Password ..!"); CheckToLogin = false; } }
//Recipe Units private void LoadAllCOnv() { DataTable TheConvUnits = new DataTable(); TheConvUnits = Classes.RetrieveData("Code,BaseUnit_Name as 'Base Unit',Value as Qty,SecondUnit_Name 'Second Unit'", "Units_Conversion"); RecipeUnit_DGV.DataContext = TheConvUnits; }
//functions private void FillDGV() { DataTable TheRestaurant = new DataTable(); TheRestaurant = Classes.RetrieveData("Code,Name,Name2,IsMain as Main,IsActive as Active", "Setup_Restaurant"); Stores_DGV.DataContext = TheRestaurant; } //Done
//UNits private void FillDGV() { DataTable TheUnits = new DataTable(); TheUnits = Classes.RetrieveData("Code,Name,IsActive as Active", "Units"); Unit_DGV.DataContext = TheUnits; }
private void CreatedYear_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { BtnEdit.IsEnabled = true; DataTable MonthsforYear = Classes.RetrieveData("*", "Year = '" + CBCreatedYears.SelectedItem + "'", "Setup_Fiscal_Period"); if (MonthsforYear.Rows.Count != 0) { if (MonthsforYear.Rows[0]["Month Type"].ToString() == "Type2") { Month13_StackPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { Month13_StackPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } Year.Text = CBCreatedYears.SelectedItem.ToString(); MonthType_cbx.Text = MonthsforYear.Rows[0]["Month Type"].ToString(); SetStatus = new HashSet <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < MonthsforYear.Rows.Count; i++) { DatePicker From = FindName("from" + (i + 1)) as DatePicker; DatePicker To = FindName("to" + (i + 1)) as DatePicker; From.Text = MonthsforYear.Rows[i]["From"].ToString(); To.Text = MonthsforYear.Rows[i]["TO"].ToString(); SetStatus.Add(MonthsforYear.Rows[i]["isClosed"].ToString()); } } }
} //Done private void LoadToDGVOfBulkItems(string code) { //Michael's Update ToTWeight = 0; ToTCost = 0; string Where = ""; DataTable BulkItems = new DataTable(); DataTable BulkItemsInfos = new DataTable(); BulkItems = ((DataTable)BulkItemsDGV.DataContext); Where = string.Format("Code='{0}'", code); BulkItemsInfos = Classes.RetrieveData("Code,[Manual Code] as 'Manual Code',Name", Where, "Setup_Items"); BulkItems.Rows.Add(BulkItemsInfos.Rows[0][0], BulkItemsInfos.Rows[0][1], BulkItemsInfos.Rows[0][2]); BulkItemsDGV.DataContext = BulkItems; if (BulkItemsDGV.Items.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < BulkItemsDGV.Items.Count; i++) { DataRowView ToTalItemm = BulkItemsDGV.Items[i] as DataRowView; if (ToTalItemm.Row.ItemArray[3].ToString() != "") { ToTWeight += Convert.ToInt32(ToTalItemm.Row.ItemArray[3]); } if (ToTalItemm.Row.ItemArray[4].ToString() != "") { ToTCost += Convert.ToInt32(ToTalItemm.Row.ItemArray[4]); } } } WaisWeightttxt.Text = ToTWeight.ToString(); WaistCosttxt.Text = ToTCost.ToString(); } //DOne
} //Doen Finall Function private void LoadAllBulkItems() { string Where = ""; DataTable DT = new DataTable(); DT.Columns.Add("Code"); DT.Columns.Add("Manual Code"); DT.Columns.Add("Name"); DT.Columns.Add("Qty"); DT.Columns.Add("Unit"); DT.Columns.Add("Cost"); DataTable ItemQtyCost = new DataTable(); DataTable ItemsInfo = new DataTable(); ItemsInfo = Classes.RetrieveData("Code,[Manual Code],Name,Unit,weight", "Is_BulkItem='true'", "Setup_Items"); for (int i = 0; i < ItemsInfo.Rows.Count; i++) { Where = string.Format("ItemID='{0}' and RestaurantID='{1}' and KitchenID='{2}'", ItemsInfo.Rows[i][0].ToString(), CodeOfResturant, CodeOfKitchens); ItemQtyCost = Classes.RetrieveData("Qty,Current_Cost", Where, "Items"); if (ItemQtyCost.Rows.Count > 0) { if (Convert.ToDouble(ItemQtyCost.Rows[0][0].ToString()) > 0 && Convert.ToDouble(ItemQtyCost.Rows[0][1].ToString()) > 0) { DT.Rows.Add(ItemsInfo.Rows[i][0], ItemsInfo.Rows[i][1], ItemsInfo.Rows[i][2], (Convert.ToDouble(ItemQtyCost.Rows[0][0]) * Convert.ToDouble(ItemsInfo.Rows[i][4])), ItemsInfo.Rows[i][3], ItemQtyCost.Rows[0][1]); } } } for (int i = 0; i < ItemsInfo.Columns.Count; i++) { DT.Columns[i].ReadOnly = true; } ItemsDGV.DataContext = DT; } //Doen Finall Function
public void LoadAllCategories() { DataTable AllCat = new DataTable(); AllCat = Classes.RetrieveData("Code,Name,IsActive as Active", "IsActive = 'True'", "Setup_RecipeCategory"); CategoryDGV.DataContext = AllCat; }
//public void LoadUnits() //{ // SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(Classes.DataConnString); // try // { // string s = "select Name from Units"; // DataTable dt = new DataTable(); // using (SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(s, con)) // da.Fill(dt); // Unitstxt.Items.Clear(); // for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) // { // Unitstxt.Items.Add(dt.Rows[i]["Name"]); // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); // } // finally // { // con.Close(); // } //} public void FillRecpieDGV() { DataTable AllRecipes = new DataTable(); AllRecipes = Classes.RetrieveData("Code,Name,Name2,(select Name from Setup_RecipeCategory where Code=Category_ID)", "Setup_Recipes"); AllRecipesDGV.DataContext = AllRecipes; }
} //Done Finall Function private void LoadData(string RecipeName) { string category = "", SubCategory = ""; DataTable RecipeInfo = new DataTable(); DataTable RecipeCat = new DataTable(); DataTable RecipeSubCat = new DataTable(); string WhereFiltering = string.Format("Name=N'{0}'", RecipeName); RecipeInfo = Classes.RetrieveData("*", WhereFiltering, "Setup_Recipes"); WhereFiltering = string.Format("Code={0}", RecipeInfo.Rows[0]["Category_ID"]); category = Classes.RetrieveData("Name", WhereFiltering, "Setup_RecipeCategory").Rows[0][0].ToString(); WhereFiltering = string.Format("Code={0}", RecipeInfo.Rows[0]["SubCategory_ID"]); SubCategory = Classes.RetrieveData("Name", WhereFiltering, "Setup_RecipeSubCategories").Rows[0][0].ToString(); codetxt.Text = RecipeInfo.Rows[0]["Code"].ToString(); Nametxt.Text = RecipeInfo.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); Name2txt.Text = RecipeInfo.Rows[0]["Name2"].ToString(); CrossCodetxt.Text = RecipeInfo.Rows[0]["CrossCode"].ToString(); Categorytxt.Text = category; SUBCategorytxt.Text = SubCategory; Categtxt.Text = RecipeInfo.Rows[0]["Category_ID"].ToString(); SUBCategtxt.Text = RecipeInfo.Rows[0]["SubCategory_ID"].ToString(); ActiveChbx.IsChecked = RecipeInfo.Rows[0]["IsActive"].ToString().Equals("True"); Unittxt.Text = RecipeInfo.Rows[0]["UnitQty"].ToString(); Unitstxt.Text = RecipeInfo.Rows[0]["Unit"].ToString(); LoadRecipeItemsToGrid(codetxt.Text); } //Done FInall Function
//Functions private void FillDGV() { DataTable TheVendros = new DataTable(); TheVendros = Classes.RetrieveData("Code,Name,IsActive", "Vendors"); Vendors_DGV.DataContext = TheVendros; } //Done
private void FillDGV() { DataTable AdjReasons = new DataTable(); AdjReasons = Classes.RetrieveData("Code,Name,Name2,Active", "Setup_AdjacmentReasons_tbl"); ReasonsDGV.DataContext = AdjReasons; } //Done
private void FillDGV() { DataTable TheUsers = new DataTable(); TheUsers = Classes.RetrieveData("ID,Name,UserName,(select Name FROM UserClass_tbl Where Users.UserClass_ID=UserClass_tbl.UserClass_ID) as Tital,Active", "Users"); UsersDGV.DataContext = TheUsers; }
} //Done private void LoadToDGVOfParentItemsStartly(string Code) { string Where = ""; DataTable ParentsItems = new DataTable(); Where = string.Format("Parent_Item='{0}'", Code); ParentsItems = Classes.RetrieveData("Code,(Select Name From Setup_Items Where Code=Setup_ParentItems.Code) Name", Where, "Setup_ParentItems"); ParentItemsDGV.DataContext = ParentsItems; } //Done FInall Function
} //Done private void LoadToDGVOfItems() { DataTable AllItems = new DataTable(); string s = string.Format("Code <> '{0}' AND Active=1", ItemCode); AllItems = Classes.RetrieveData("Code,[Manual Code] as 'Manual Code',Name,Category", s, "Setup_Items"); ItemsDGV.DataContext = AllItems; } //Done
} //Done Finall Function private void LoadToDGVOfItems() { DataTable AllItems = new DataTable(); string s = string.Format("Code <> '{0}' AND Active=1", CodeOfparent); AllItems = Classes.RetrieveData("Code,Name,Name2,Category", s, "Setup_Items"); ItemsDGV.DataContext = AllItems; } //Done Finall Function
public void LoadAllCategories(string val) { DataTable AllSubCat = new DataTable(); string where = string.Format("IsActive='True' and Category_ID={0}", val); AllSubCat = Classes.RetrieveData("Code,Name,IsActive as Active", where, "Setup_RecipeSubCategories"); SubCategories.DataContext = AllSubCat; }
} //Done private void LoadAllReasons() { DataTable TheReasons = Classes.RetrieveData("Name", "Active='True'", "Setup_AdjacmentReasons_tbl"); for (int i = 0; i < TheReasons.Rows.Count; i++) { Reasoncbx.Items.Add(TheReasons.Rows[i][0].ToString()); } } //Done
private void LoadAllJobs() { DataTable TheJobTitles = Classes.RetrieveData("Name", "UserClass_tbl"); for (int i = 0; i < TheJobTitles.Rows.Count; i++) { jobTitle.Items.Add(TheJobTitles.Rows[i][0].ToString()); } }
public static void CloseMonth(DataRow DRCurrentMonth) { try { cols = "Year varchar(50),Month varchar(50),FromDate datetime,ToDate datetime,Restaurant_ID int,Kitchen_ID int,Item_ID varchar(50),Qty bigint,Cost float"; Classes.CreateTable("BeginningEndingMonth", cols); where = "Month = '" + DRCurrentMonth["Month"].ToString() + "' AND Year = '" + DRCurrentMonth["Year"].ToString() + "'"; Classes.DeleteRows(where, "BeginningEndingMonth"); DataTable Items = Classes.RetrieveData("Code", "Setup_Items"); DataTable DTTop = new DataTable(); DataTable Kitchens = Classes.RetrieveData("*", "Setup_Kitchens"); string Dvalues = "('" + DRCurrentMonth["Year"] + "','" + DRCurrentMonth["Month"].ToString() + "','" + Convert.ToDateTime(DRCurrentMonth["From"]).ToString(Classes.sysDateTimeFormat) + "','" + Convert.ToDateTime(DRCurrentMonth["To"]).ToString(Classes.sysDateTimeFormat) + "'"; foreach (DataRow KitName in Kitchens.Rows) { values = ""; string Dkitchen = ",'" + KitName["Name"].ToString() + "'"; for (int i = 0; i < Items.Rows.Count; i++) { where = " _Date <= '" + Convert.ToDateTime(DRCurrentMonth["To"]).ToString(Classes.sysDateTimeFormat) + "' AND Item_ID = '" + Items.Rows[i][0].ToString() + "' AND KitchenName = '" + KitName["Name"].ToString() + "' order by _DATE DESC"; DTTop = Classes.RetrieveData("top 1 * ", where, "TransActions"); if (DTTop.Rows.Count != 0) { Qty = double.Parse(DTTop.Rows[0]["Current_Qty"].ToString()); Cost = double.Parse(DTTop.Rows[0]["CurrentCost"].ToString()); } else { Qty = 0; Cost = 0; } string DQtyCost = ",'" + Items.Rows[i][0].ToString() + "','" + Qty.ToString() + "','" + Cost.ToString() + "'"; string RestKitchen = ",'" + KitName["RestaurantID"].ToString() + "','" + KitName["Code"].ToString() + "'"; values += Dvalues + RestKitchen + DQtyCost + "),"; if (i % 999 == 0 || i == Items.Rows.Count - 1) { Classes.InsertRow("BeginningEndingMonth", values.Substring(1, values.Length - 3)); values = ""; } } } //MessageBox.Show("Month Closed Successfully"); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); } }
private static void UpdateItems(DataRow DRCurrentMonth) { string where = "Year = '" + DRCurrentMonth["Year"].ToString() + "' AND Month = '" + DRCurrentMonth["Month"].ToString() + "'"; DataTable ItemsQtyCost = Classes.RetrieveData("*", where + " AND Qty > '0' ", "BeginningEndingMonth"); foreach (DataRow Item in ItemsQtyCost.Rows) { where = " RestaurantID = '" + Item["Restaurant_ID"] + "' AND KitchenID = '" + Item["Kitchen_ID"] + "' AND ItemID = '" + Item["Item_ID"] + "'"; Classes.UpdateRow("Qty,Current_Cost", Item["Qty"] + "," + Item["Cost"], where, "Items"); } }
} //Done Finall Function private void LoadToDGVOfBulkItems(string code) { //Michael's Update string Where = ""; DataTable ParentsItems = new DataTable(); DataTable ParentItemsInfos = new DataTable(); ParentsItems = ((DataTable)ParentItemsDGV.DataContext); Where = string.Format("Code='{0}'", code); ParentItemsInfos = Classes.RetrieveData("Code,Name", Where, "Setup_Items"); ParentsItems.Rows.Add(ParentItemsInfos.Rows[0][0], ParentItemsInfos.Rows[0][1]); ParentItemsDGV.DataContext = ParentsItems; } //DOne
} //Done private string IncrementCode() { int Code = 0; try { Code = Convert.ToInt32(Classes.RetrieveData("top(1)Code", "Setup_Recipes Order by Code DESC").Rows[0][0].ToString()); Code += 1; } catch { Code = 1; } return(Code.ToString()); }
} //Done Finall Function private void LoadCategoreis() { DataTable AllCategoreis = new DataTable(); AllCategoreis = Classes.RetrieveData("Name", "Setup_RecipeCategory"); for (int i = 0; i < AllCategoreis.Rows.Count; i++) { TreeViewItem treeViewItem = new TreeViewItem(); treeViewItem.Header = AllCategoreis.Rows[i][0].ToString(); treeViewItems.Items.Add(treeViewItem); } } //Done Finall Function
private void load_years() { string cols = "Year varchar(50),Month varchar(50),[Month Type] varchar(50),[From] date,[To] date,isClosed bit"; Classes.CreateTable("Setup_Fiscal_Period", cols); DataTable Years = Classes.RetrieveData("DISTINCT(Year)", "Setup_Fiscal_Period"); foreach (DataRow year in Years.Rows) { CBCreatedYears.Items.Add(year[0]); } }
} //Done private void SaveBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (Authenticated.IndexOf("SaveResturants") == -1 && Authenticated.IndexOf("CheckAllResturants") == -1) { LogIn logIn = new LogIn(); logIn.ShowDialog(); } else { if (Code_txt.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Code Field Can't Be Empty"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < Stores_DGV.Items.Count; i++) { if (Code_txt.Text == ((DataRowView)Stores_DGV.Items[i]).Row.ItemArray[0].ToString()) { MessageBox.Show("This Code Is Not Avaliable"); return; } } if (IsMain.IsChecked == true) { try { DataTable IsMain = Classes.RetrieveData("IsMain", "IsMain='True'", "Setup_Restaurant"); if (IsMain.Rows.Count != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Can't be More than Main Resturant !"); return; } } catch { } } try { string FiledSelection = "Code,Name,Name2,IsMain,IsActive,Create_Date,WS,UserID"; string values = string.Format("'{0}', N'{1}', N'{2}', '{3}','{4}',{5},'{6}','{7}'", Code_txt.Text, Name_txt.Text, Name2_txt.Text, IsMain.IsChecked, Active_chbx.IsChecked, "GETDATE()", Classes.WS, MainWindow.UserID); Classes.InsertRow("Setup_Restaurant", FiledSelection, values); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } finally { Classes.LogTable(Classes.MyComm.CommandText.ToString(), Code_txt.Text, "Setup_Restaurant", "New"); MainUiFormat(); Stores_DGV.DataContext = null; FillDGV(); } MessageBox.Show("Saved Successfully"); } } //Done
private static void LoadITEM_COST(DataTable DTPreviousMonth) { if (DTPreviousMonth.Rows.Count != 0) { string Pyear = DTPreviousMonth.Rows[0]["Year"].ToString(); string Pmonth = DTPreviousMonth.Rows[0]["Month"].ToString(); string where = "Year = '" + Pyear + "' AND Month = '" + Pmonth + "'"; DataTable TempItems = Classes.RetrieveData("*", where, "BeginningEndingMonthView"); foreach (DataRow DRI in TempItems.Rows) { item_cost[DRI["KitchenName"].ToString() + DRI["Item_ID"].ToString()] = DRI["Cost"].ToString(); } } }
public static TreeView LoadDates(TreeView TVDates) { DataTable DT = Classes.RetrieveData("*", "isClosed = 'True'", "Setup_Fiscal_Period"); foreach (DataRow DR in DT.Rows) { if (!TVDates.Nodes.ContainsKey(DR["Year"].ToString())) { TVDates.Nodes.Add(DR["Year"].ToString(), DR["Year"].ToString()); } TVDates.Nodes[DR["Year"].ToString()].Nodes.Add("Month" + DR["Month"].ToString()); } return(TVDates); }
} //Doen Finall Function private void ItemsDGV_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { //Michael's Update double Cost = 0, Weight = 0, _Qty = 0, _Cost = 0; string Where = ""; DataTable ItemsInfo = new DataTable(); DataTable BulkItems = new DataTable(); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); DT.Columns.Add("Code"); DT.Columns.Add("Manual Code"); DT.Columns.Add("Name"); DT.Columns.Add("Weight Precentage"); DT.Columns.Add("Cost Precentage"); DT.Columns.Add("Weight"); DT.Columns.Add("Cost"); DataGrid grid = sender as DataGrid; if (grid != null && grid.SelectedItems != null && grid.SelectedItems.Count == 1) { Where = string.Format("Item_Code='{0}'", ((DataRowView)grid.SelectedItem).Row.ItemArray[0]); BulkItems = Classes.RetrieveData("Code,WeightPrecentage,CostPrecentage", Where, "Setup_BulkItems"); for (int i = 0; i < BulkItems.Rows.Count; i++) { Where = string.Format("Code='{0}'", BulkItems.Rows[i][0]); ItemsInfo = Classes.RetrieveData("[Manual Code],Name", Where, "Setup_Items"); _Qty = Convert.ToDouble(((DataRowView)grid.SelectedItem).Row.ItemArray[3]); _Cost = Convert.ToDouble(((DataRowView)grid.SelectedItem).Row.ItemArray[5]); Cost = ((Convert.ToDouble(BulkItems.Rows[i][2].ToString()) * _Cost) / 100); Weight = ((Convert.ToDouble(BulkItems.Rows[i][1].ToString()) * _Qty) / 100); DT.Rows.Add(BulkItems.Rows[i][0], ItemsInfo.Rows[0][0], ItemsInfo.Rows[0][1], BulkItems.Rows[i][1].ToString(), BulkItems.Rows[i][2].ToString(), Weight, Cost); ItemsofBulkItemsDGV.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } } else { ItemsofBulkItemsDGV.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; return; } for (int i = 0; i < DT.Columns.Count; i++) { DT.Columns[i].ReadOnly = true; } DT.Columns["Weight Precentage"].ReadOnly = false; DT.Columns["Cost Precentage"].ReadOnly = false; DT.Columns["Weight"].ReadOnly = false; DT.Columns["Cost"].ReadOnly = false; ItemsofBulkItemsDGV.DataContext = DT; } //Doen Finall Function