Exemple #1
        private static DayEntry SelectDayEntry(DateTime date, out int affected) //selects one DayEntry from DB based on Date given
            affected = 0;

            SqlParameter[]    sparams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@DayDate", date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")) };
            DataRowCollection rows    = DBHelper.selectStatement("SELECT m.MealID FROM Meals m WHERE m.TimeEaten=@DayDate;", sparams); //selects Meals based on DayEaten

            if (rows.Count == 0)                                                                                                       //If No day(meal entries for the Date) is found Stop/do Nothing

            DayEntry day = new DayEntry();

            day._date = date;
            int affmeal;

            foreach (DataRow row in rows)    //adds Meals data into MealEntries for this newly made DayEntry
                day.addMealEntry(SelectMealEntry(((int)row["MealID"]), out affmeal));
                affected += affmeal;

            rows = DBHelper.selectStatement("SELECT n.Score, n.NoteTExt FROM Notes n WHERE n.OfDay=@DayDate;", sparams); //selects Note data for this day from Notes
            if (rows.Count == 1)                                                                                         //creates Note for this DayEntry is data was found
                day._note = new Note(rows[0]["Score"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : rows[0]["Score"].ToString(),
                                     rows[0]["NoteText"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : rows[0]["NoteText"].ToString());

            day.setCalculatedValues();  //calculate the final food values
Exemple #2
        private static int InsertDay(DayEntry day)  //insert one Day Entry data into DB
            int affected = 0;

            if (day._note.ToString() != "")     //attempts to select This Days Note the one tasked to be inserted) from Notes table
                SqlParameter[] sparams = new SqlParameter[] {
                    new SqlParameter("@UserID", 1),
                    new SqlParameter("@OfDay", day._date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"))
                DataRowCollection rows = DBHelper.selectStatement("SELECT * FROM Notes WHERE UserID=@UserID AND OfDay=@OfDay;", sparams); //if day already exists do nothing
                if (rows.Count == 0)                                                                                                      //if note not found inside table..
                    sparams = new SqlParameter[] {
                        new SqlParameter("@UserID", 1),
                        new SqlParameter("@Title", "N"),
                        new SqlParameter("@Score", day._note.gradeAverage()),
                        new SqlParameter("@NoteText", day._note._text),
                        new SqlParameter("@OfDay", day._date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"))
                    affected += DBHelper.insertStatement("INSERT INTO Notes VALUES(@UserID, @Title, @Score, @NoteText, @OfDay);", sparams); //insert Note for this Day into Notes with This Days Date

            foreach (MealEntry meal in day._mealEntries)        //insert Meals for this Day
                affected += InsertMeal(meal, day._date);

Exemple #3
        public AddDayForm(DateTime date)    //init this form using the date selected from calendar in MainForm
            _daysPrevious = new List <DayEntry>();

            foreach (DayEntry day in MainForm.Days)     //searches for DayEntry in Days global list and clones it to set values for this _day(which is temporary until commit)
                if (day._date == date)
                    _day = day.Clone();
            if (_day == null)       //creates new DayEntry to add later if not found in Days
                _day       = new DayEntry();
                _day._date = date;
            textBox_noteScore.Text = _day._note._grade;
            textBox_noteText.Text  = _day._note._text;

            comboBox_measure.SelectedIndex = 0;
            listBox_foodItems.Items.AddRange(MainForm.Foods.ToArray());     //populated listbox with items from Foods
            if (listBox_foodItems.Items.Count != 0)
                listBox_foodItems.SelectedIndex = 0;
            comboBox_meals.DataSource  = new BindingSource(_day._mealEntries, "");  //populates combobox with meals from current day with bindingsource for detect changes
            comboBox_meals.ValueMember = "_name";

            updateDay();        //calls method that updates various UI things to corespond with changed data
Exemple #4
        private void button_cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) => Close(); //closes form without comitting any changes

        private void button_undo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)               //undo the last change made to current _day state; can revert back up to when form 1st opened(no changes)
        {                                                                        //TODO: OPTIMIZE/Figure out better way(just use list?) Later!
            if (_daysPrevious.Count > 1)
                _daysPrevious.Remove(_daysPrevious.Last());                           //removes last(same as current) day object from list
                _day = _daysPrevious.Last().Clone();                                  //sets current day as a New DayEntry object with 2nd to last values(cloning from _daysPrevious list to avoid values changing in list also because of the reference)

                comboBox_meals.DataSource = new BindingSource(_day._mealEntries, ""); //updates selected meal(in case meal get undone)
                if (_day._mealEntries.Count > 0)
                    comboBox_meals.SelectedItem = _day._mealEntries.Last();

                //resets UI values without calling updateDay() to dupe values don't show up
                output.AppendText(_day.ToString() + "\n\n");
                label_title.Text    = $"DAY: {_day._date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")}";
                label_subtitle.Text = _day._note.ToStringInfo();
                textBox_activ.Text  = _day._activ;
                MessageBox.Show("Cannot Undo Further!");            //initial state on form open
Exemple #5
        List <DayEntry> _daysPrevious;     //previous states of _day for undoing changes

        #region Constructors
        public AddDayForm()         //init new day(with Now)

            _day          = new DayEntry();
            _daysPrevious = new List <DayEntry>();

            comboBox_measure.SelectedIndex = 0;
            listBox_foodItems.ValueMember = "ToStringLite()";
            if (listBox_foodItems.Items.Count != 0)
                listBox_foodItems.SelectedIndex = 0;
            comboBox_meals.DataSource  = new BindingSource(_day._mealEntries, "");
            comboBox_meals.ValueMember = "_name";

Exemple #6
        public DayEntry Clone() //return a New copy of this object with the same values
            List <MealEntry> ml = new List <MealEntry>();

            foreach (var meal in this._mealEntries)
                List <FoodEntry> fl = new List <FoodEntry>();
                foreach (var fentry in meal._foodEntries)
                    fl.Add(new FoodEntry(fentry._food, fentry._amount));
                MealEntry newm = new MealEntry(fl, new Note(meal._note._grade, meal._note._text), meal._fatEntry, meal._carbsEntry, meal._proteinEntry, meal._portion);
                newm._name = meal._name;
            DayEntry clone = new DayEntry(this._date, ml, new Note(this._note._grade, this._note._text), this._fatEntry, this._carbsEntry, this._proteinEntry);

Exemple #7
        public static List <DayEntry> SelectDayEntries(DateTime start, DateTime end, out int affected)   //selects multiple DayEntries from DB between 2 given dates

            affected = 0;
            List <DayEntry> dayList = new List <DayEntry>(); //list with DayEntries loaded
            DayEntry        day     = null;
            DateTime        current = start;                 //current date to check as going through the range

            while (current < end)
                day = SelectDayEntry(current, out int affDay);
                if (day != null)            //if no entries were found with the current date
                affected += affDay;
                current   = current.AddDays(1);
