public void ConfigureID(string id, Area area) { if (id != null && !id.Equals("")) { setPosition(id, area.getPage().getBody().getXPosition() + area.getTableCellXOffset() - ID_PADDING, area.getPage().getBody().GetYPosition() - area.getAbsoluteHeight() + ID_PADDING); setPageNumber(id, area.getPage().getNumber()); area.getPage().addToIDList(id); } }
public override Status Layout(Area area) { if (this.marker == MarkerStart) { AbsolutePositionProps mAbsProps = propMgr.GetAbsolutePositionProps(); BorderAndPadding bap = propMgr.GetBorderAndPadding(); BackgroundProps bProps = propMgr.GetBackgroundProps(); MarginProps mProps = propMgr.GetMarginProps(); this.marker = 0; this.position ="position").GetEnum(); ="top").GetLength().MValue(); this.bottom ="bottom").GetLength().MValue(); this.left ="left").GetLength().MValue(); this.right ="right").GetLength().MValue(); this.width ="width").GetLength().MValue(); this.height ="height").GetLength().MValue(); span ="span").GetEnum(); string id ="id").GetString(); area.getIDReferences().InitializeID(id, area); } AreaContainer container = (AreaContainer)area; if ((this.width == 0) && (this.height == 0)) { width = right - left; height = bottom - top; } this.areaContainer = new AreaContainer(propMgr.GetFontState(container.getFontInfo()), container.getXPosition() + left, container.GetYPosition() - top, width, height, position); areaContainer.setPage(area.getPage()); areaContainer.setBackground(propMgr.GetBackgroundProps()); areaContainer.setBorderAndPadding(propMgr.GetBorderAndPadding()); areaContainer.start(); areaContainer.setAbsoluteHeight(0); areaContainer.setIDReferences(area.getIDReferences()); int numChildren = this.children.Count; for (int i = this.marker; i < numChildren; i++) { FObj fo = (FObj)children[i]; Status status = fo.Layout(areaContainer); } areaContainer.end(); if (position == Position.ABSOLUTE) { areaContainer.SetHeight(height); } area.addChild(areaContainer); return new Status(Status.OK); }
public override Status Layout(Area area) { FONode inline = null; FONode fbody = null; if (this.marker == MarkerStart) { this.marker = 0; } int numChildren = this.children.Count; for (int i = this.marker; i < numChildren; i++) { FONode fo = (FONode)children[i]; if (fo is Inline) { inline = fo; Status status = fo.Layout(area); if (status.isIncomplete()) { return status; } } else if (inline != null && fo is FootnoteBody) { fbody = fo; if (area is BlockArea) { ((BlockArea)area).addFootnote((FootnoteBody)fbody); } else { Page page = area.getPage(); LayoutFootnote(page, (FootnoteBody)fbody, area); } } } if (fbody == null) { FonetDriver.ActiveDriver.FireFonetWarning( "No footnote-body in footnote"); } if (area is BlockArea) { } return new Status(Status.OK); }
public override Status Layout(Area area) { if (marker == MarkerStart) { marker = 0; Page containingPage = area.getPage(); bestMarker = SearchPage(containingPage); if (bestMarker != null) { bestMarker.resetMarkerContent(); return bestMarker.LayoutMarker(area); } AreaTree areaTree = containingPage.getAreaTree(); if (retrieveBoundary == RetrieveBoundary.PAGE_SEQUENCE) { PageSequence pageSequence = areaTree.GetCurrentPageSequence(); if (pageSequence == containingPage.getPageSequence()) { return LayoutBestMarker(areaTree.GetCurrentPageSequenceMarkers(), area); } } else if (retrieveBoundary == RetrieveBoundary.DOCUMENT) { return LayoutBestMarker(areaTree.GetDocumentMarkers(), area); } else if (retrieveBoundary != RetrieveBoundary.PAGE) { throw new FonetException("Illegal 'retrieve-boundary' value"); } } else if (bestMarker != null) { return bestMarker.LayoutMarker(area); } return new Status(Status.OK); }
public override Status Layout(Area area) { if (!(area is BlockArea)) { FonetDriver.ActiveDriver.FireFonetWarning( "Page-number outside block area"); return new Status(Status.OK); } if (this.marker == MarkerStart) { AccessibilityProps mAccProps = propMgr.GetAccessibilityProps(); AuralProps mAurProps = propMgr.GetAuralProps(); BorderAndPadding bap = propMgr.GetBorderAndPadding(); BackgroundProps bProps = propMgr.GetBackgroundProps(); MarginInlineProps mProps = propMgr.GetMarginInlineProps(); RelativePositionProps mRelProps = propMgr.GetRelativePositionProps(); ColorType c ="color").GetColorType(); = c.Red; = c.Green; = c.Blue; this.wrapOption ="wrap-option").GetEnum(); this.whiteSpaceCollapse ="white-space-collapse").GetEnum(); ts = new TextState(); this.marker = 0; string id ="id").GetString(); area.getIDReferences().InitializeID(id, area); } string p = area.getPage().getFormattedNumber(); this.marker = FOText.addText((BlockArea)area, propMgr.GetFontState(area.getFontInfo()), red, green, blue, wrapOption, null, whiteSpaceCollapse, p.ToCharArray(), 0, p.Length, ts, VerticalAlign.BASELINE); return new Status(Status.OK); }
public override Status Layout(Area area) { if (this.marker == MarkerStart) { this.marker = 0; } BlockArea blockArea = new BlockArea(propMgr.GetFontState(area.getFontInfo()), area.getAllocationWidth(), area.spaceLeft(), startIndent, endIndent, textIndent, align, alignLast, lineHeight); blockArea.setGeneratedBy(this); blockArea.isFirst(true); blockArea.setParent(area); blockArea.setPage(area.getPage()); blockArea.start(); blockArea.setAbsoluteHeight(area.getAbsoluteHeight()); blockArea.setIDReferences(area.getIDReferences()); blockArea.setTableCellXOffset(area.getTableCellXOffset()); int numChildren = this.children.Count; for (int i = this.marker; i < numChildren; i++) { FONode fo = (FONode)children[i]; Status status; if ((status = fo.Layout(blockArea)).isIncomplete()) { this.ResetMarker(); return status; } } blockArea.end(); area.addChild(blockArea); area.increaseHeight(blockArea.GetHeight()); blockArea.isLast(true); return new Status(Status.OK); }
public override Status Layout(Area area) { string destination; int linkType; AccessibilityProps mAccProps = propMgr.GetAccessibilityProps(); AuralProps mAurProps = propMgr.GetAuralProps(); BorderAndPadding bap = propMgr.GetBorderAndPadding(); BackgroundProps bProps = propMgr.GetBackgroundProps(); MarginInlineProps mProps = propMgr.GetMarginInlineProps(); RelativePositionProps mRelProps = propMgr.GetRelativePositionProps(); if (!(destination ="internal-destination").GetString()).Equals("")) { linkType = LinkSet.INTERNAL; } else if (!(destination ="external-destination").GetString()).Equals("")) { linkType = LinkSet.EXTERNAL; } else { throw new FonetException("internal-destination or external-destination must be specified in basic-link"); } if (this.marker == MarkerStart) { string id ="id").GetString(); area.getIDReferences().InitializeID(id, area); this.marker = 0; } LinkSet ls = new LinkSet(destination, area, linkType); AreaContainer ac = area.getNearestAncestorAreaContainer(); while (ac != null && ac.getPosition() != Position.ABSOLUTE) { ac = ac.getNearestAncestorAreaContainer(); } if (ac == null) { ac = area.getPage().getBody().getCurrentColumnArea(); } int numChildren = this.children.Count; for (int i = this.marker; i < numChildren; i++) { FONode fo = (FONode)children[i]; fo.SetLinkSet(ls); Status status; if ((status = fo.Layout(area)).isIncomplete()) { this.marker = i; return status; } } ls.applyAreaContainerOffsets(ac, area); area.getPage().addLinkSet(ls); return new Status(Status.OK); }
public override Status Layout(Area area) { if (this.marker == MarkerStart) { AccessibilityProps mAccProps = propMgr.GetAccessibilityProps(); AuralProps mAurProps = propMgr.GetAuralProps(); BorderAndPadding bap = propMgr.GetBorderAndPadding(); BackgroundProps bProps = propMgr.GetBackgroundProps(); MarginInlineProps mProps = propMgr.GetMarginInlineProps(); RelativePositionProps mRelProps = propMgr.GetRelativePositionProps(); this.align ="text-align").GetEnum(); this.startIndent ="start-indent").GetLength().MValue(); this.endIndent ="end-indent").GetLength().MValue(); this.spaceBefore ="space-before.optimum").GetLength().MValue(); this.spaceAfter ="space-after.optimum").GetLength().MValue(); this.width ="width").GetLength().MValue(); this.height ="height").GetLength().MValue(); this.src ="src").GetString(); ="id").GetString(); area.getIDReferences().CreateID(id); this.marker = 0; } try { FonetImage img = FonetImageFactory.Make(src); if ((width == 0) || (height == 0)) { double imgWidth = img.Width; double imgHeight = img.Height; if ((width == 0) && (height == 0)) { width = (int)((imgWidth * 1000d)); height = (int)((imgHeight * 1000d)); } else if (height == 0) { height = (int)((imgHeight * ((double)width)) / imgWidth); } else if (width == 0) { width = (int)((imgWidth * ((double)height)) / imgHeight); } } double ratio = (double)width / (double)height; Length maxWidth ="max-width").GetLength(); Length maxHeight ="max-height").GetLength(); if (maxWidth != null && width > maxWidth.MValue()) { width = maxWidth.MValue(); height = (int)(((double)width) / ratio); } if (maxHeight != null && height > maxHeight.MValue()) { height = maxHeight.MValue(); width = (int)(ratio * ((double)height)); } int areaWidth = area.getAllocationWidth() - startIndent - endIndent; int pageHeight = area.getPage().getBody().getMaxHeight() - spaceBefore; if (height > pageHeight) { height = pageHeight; width = (int)(ratio * ((double)height)); } if (width > areaWidth) { width = areaWidth; height = (int)(((double)width) / ratio); } if (area.spaceLeft() < (height + spaceBefore)) { return new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_NONE); } this.imageArea = new ImageArea(propMgr.GetFontState(area.getFontInfo()), img, area.getAllocationWidth(), width, height, startIndent, endIndent, align); if ((spaceBefore != 0) && (this.marker == 0)) { area.addDisplaySpace(spaceBefore); } if (marker == 0) { area.getIDReferences().ConfigureID(id, area); } imageArea.start(); imageArea.end(); if (spaceAfter != 0) { area.addDisplaySpace(spaceAfter); } if (breakBefore == BreakBefore.PAGE || ((spaceBefore + imageArea.GetHeight()) > area.spaceLeft())) { return new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK); } if (breakBefore == BreakBefore.ODD_PAGE) { return new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_ODD); } if (breakBefore == BreakBefore.EVEN_PAGE) { return new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_EVEN); } if (area is BlockArea) { BlockArea ba = (BlockArea)area; LineArea la = ba.getCurrentLineArea(); if (la == null) { return new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_NONE); } la.addPending(); if (imageArea.getContentWidth() > la.getRemainingWidth()) { la = ba.createNextLineArea(); if (la == null) { return new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_NONE); } } la.addInlineArea(imageArea, GetLinkSet()); } else { area.addChild(imageArea); area.increaseHeight(imageArea.getContentHeight()); } imageArea.setPage(area.getPage()); if (breakAfter == BreakAfter.PAGE) { this.marker = MarkerBreakAfter; return new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK); } if (breakAfter == BreakAfter.ODD_PAGE) { this.marker = MarkerBreakAfter; return new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_ODD); } if (breakAfter == BreakAfter.EVEN_PAGE) { this.marker = MarkerBreakAfter; return new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_EVEN); } } catch (FonetImageException imgex) { FonetDriver.ActiveDriver.FireFonetError("Error while creating area : " + imgex.Message); } return new Status(Status.OK); }
public override Status Layout(Area area) { if (this.marker == MarkerBreakAfter) { return new Status(Status.OK); } if (this.marker == MarkerStart) { AccessibilityProps mAccProps = propMgr.GetAccessibilityProps(); AuralProps mAurProps = propMgr.GetAuralProps(); BorderAndPadding bap = propMgr.GetBorderAndPadding(); BackgroundProps bProps = propMgr.GetBackgroundProps(); MarginProps mProps = propMgr.GetMarginProps(); RelativePositionProps mRelProps = propMgr.GetRelativePositionProps(); this.breakBefore ="break-before").GetEnum(); this.breakAfter ="break-after").GetEnum(); this.spaceBefore ="space-before.optimum").GetLength().MValue(); this.spaceAfter ="space-after.optimum").GetLength().MValue(); this.ipd ="inline-progression-dimension"). GetLengthRange(); this.height ="height").GetLength().MValue(); this.bAutoLayout = ("table-layout").GetEnum() == TableLayout.AUTO); ="id").GetString(); this.omitHeaderAtBreak ="table-omit-header-at-break").GetEnum() == TableOmitHeaderAtBreak.TRUE; this.omitFooterAtBreak ="table-omit-footer-at-break").GetEnum() == TableOmitFooterAtBreak.TRUE; if (area is BlockArea) { area.end(); } if (this.areaContainer == null) { area.getIDReferences().CreateID(id); } this.marker = 0; if (breakBefore == BreakBefore.PAGE) { return new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK); } if (breakBefore == BreakBefore.ODD_PAGE) { return new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_ODD); } if (breakBefore == BreakBefore.EVEN_PAGE) { return new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_EVEN); } } if ((spaceBefore != 0) && (this.marker == 0)) { area.addDisplaySpace(spaceBefore); } if (marker == 0 && areaContainer == null) { area.getIDReferences().ConfigureID(id, area); } int spaceLeft = area.spaceLeft(); this.areaContainer = new AreaContainer(propMgr.GetFontState(area.getFontInfo()), 0, 0, area.getAllocationWidth(), area.spaceLeft(), Position.STATIC); areaContainer.foCreator = this; areaContainer.setPage(area.getPage()); areaContainer.setParent(area); areaContainer.setBackground(propMgr.GetBackgroundProps()); areaContainer.setBorderAndPadding(propMgr.GetBorderAndPadding()); areaContainer.start(); areaContainer.setAbsoluteHeight(area.getAbsoluteHeight()); areaContainer.setIDReferences(area.getIDReferences()); bool addedHeader = false; bool addedFooter = false; int numChildren = this.children.Count; if (columns.Count == 0) { FindColumns(areaContainer); if (this.bAutoLayout) { FonetDriver.ActiveDriver.FireFonetWarning( "table-layout=auto is not supported, using fixed!"); } this.contentWidth = CalcFixedColumnWidths(areaContainer.getAllocationWidth()); } areaContainer.setAllocationWidth(this.contentWidth); layoutColumns(areaContainer); for (int i = this.marker; i < numChildren; i++) { FONode fo = (FONode)children[i]; if (fo is TableHeader) { if (columns.Count == 0) { FonetDriver.ActiveDriver.FireFonetWarning( "Current implementation of tables requires a table-column for each column, indicating column-width"); return new Status(Status.OK); } tableHeader = (TableHeader)fo; tableHeader.SetColumns(columns); } else if (fo is TableFooter) { if (columns.Count == 0) { FonetDriver.ActiveDriver.FireFonetWarning( "Current implementation of tables requires a table-column for each column, indicating column-width"); return new Status(Status.OK); } tableFooter = (TableFooter)fo; tableFooter.SetColumns(columns); } else if (fo is TableBody) { if (columns.Count == 0) { FonetDriver.ActiveDriver.FireFonetWarning( "Current implementation of tables requires a table-column for each column, indicating column-width"); return new Status(Status.OK); } Status status; if (tableHeader != null && !addedHeader) { if ((status = tableHeader.Layout(areaContainer)).isIncomplete()) { tableHeader.ResetMarker(); return new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_NONE); } addedHeader = true; tableHeader.ResetMarker(); area.setMaxHeight(area.getMaxHeight() - spaceLeft + this.areaContainer.getMaxHeight()); } if (tableFooter != null && !this.omitFooterAtBreak && !addedFooter) { if ((status = tableFooter.Layout(areaContainer)).isIncomplete()) { return new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_NONE); } addedFooter = true; tableFooter.ResetMarker(); } fo.SetWidows(widows); fo.SetOrphans(orphans); ((TableBody)fo).SetColumns(columns); if ((status = fo.Layout(areaContainer)).isIncomplete()) { this.marker = i; if (bodyCount == 0 && status.getCode() == Status.AREA_FULL_NONE) { if (tableHeader != null) { tableHeader.RemoveLayout(areaContainer); } if (tableFooter != null) { tableFooter.RemoveLayout(areaContainer); } ResetMarker(); } if (areaContainer.getContentHeight() > 0) { area.addChild(areaContainer); area.increaseHeight(areaContainer.GetHeight()); if (this.omitHeaderAtBreak) { tableHeader = null; } if (tableFooter != null && !this.omitFooterAtBreak) { ((TableBody)fo).SetYPosition(tableFooter.GetYPosition()); tableFooter.SetYPosition(tableFooter.GetYPosition() + ((TableBody)fo).GetHeight()); } SetupColumnHeights(); status = new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_SOME); } return status; } else { bodyCount++; } area.setMaxHeight(area.getMaxHeight() - spaceLeft + this.areaContainer.getMaxHeight()); if (tableFooter != null && !this.omitFooterAtBreak) { ((TableBody)fo).SetYPosition(tableFooter.GetYPosition()); tableFooter.SetYPosition(tableFooter.GetYPosition() + ((TableBody)fo).GetHeight()); } } } if (tableFooter != null && this.omitFooterAtBreak) { if (tableFooter.Layout(areaContainer).isIncomplete()) { FonetDriver.ActiveDriver.FireFonetWarning( "Footer could not fit on page, moving last body row to next page"); area.addChild(areaContainer); area.increaseHeight(areaContainer.GetHeight()); if (this.omitHeaderAtBreak) { tableHeader = null; } tableFooter.RemoveLayout(areaContainer); tableFooter.ResetMarker(); return new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_SOME); } } if (height != 0) { areaContainer.SetHeight(height); } SetupColumnHeights(); areaContainer.end(); area.addChild(areaContainer); area.increaseHeight(areaContainer.GetHeight()); if (spaceAfter != 0) { area.addDisplaySpace(spaceAfter); } if (area is BlockArea) { area.start(); } if (breakAfter == BreakAfter.PAGE) { this.marker = MarkerBreakAfter; return new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK); } if (breakAfter == BreakAfter.ODD_PAGE) { this.marker = MarkerBreakAfter; return new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_ODD); } if (breakAfter == BreakAfter.EVEN_PAGE) { this.marker = MarkerBreakAfter; return new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_EVEN); } return new Status(Status.OK); }
public override Status Layout(Area area) { if (this.marker == MarkerStart) { AccessibilityProps mAccProps = propMgr.GetAccessibilityProps(); AuralProps mAurProps = propMgr.GetAuralProps(); BorderAndPadding bap = propMgr.GetBorderAndPadding(); BackgroundProps bProps = propMgr.GetBackgroundProps(); MarginProps mProps = propMgr.GetMarginProps(); RelativePositionProps mRelProps = propMgr.GetRelativePositionProps(); this.align ="text-align").GetEnum(); this.alignLast ="text-align-last").GetEnum(); this.lineHeight ="line-height").GetLength().MValue(); this.startIndent ="start-indent").GetLength().MValue(); this.endIndent ="end-indent").GetLength().MValue(); this.spaceBefore ="space-before.optimum").GetLength().MValue(); this.spaceAfter ="space-after.optimum").GetLength().MValue(); this.marker = 0; if (area is BlockArea) { area.end(); } if (spaceBefore != 0) { area.addDisplaySpace(spaceBefore); } if (this.isInTableCell) { startIndent += forcedStartOffset; endIndent += area.getAllocationWidth() - forcedWidth - forcedStartOffset; } string id ="id").GetString(); area.getIDReferences().InitializeID(id, area); } BlockArea blockArea = new BlockArea(propMgr.GetFontState(area.getFontInfo()), area.getAllocationWidth(), area.spaceLeft(), startIndent, endIndent, 0, align, alignLast, lineHeight); blockArea.setTableCellXOffset(area.getTableCellXOffset()); blockArea.setGeneratedBy(this); this.areasGenerated++; if (this.areasGenerated == 1) { blockArea.isFirst(true); } blockArea.addLineagePair(this, this.areasGenerated); blockArea.setParent(area); blockArea.setPage(area.getPage()); blockArea.setBackground(propMgr.GetBackgroundProps()); blockArea.start(); blockArea.setAbsoluteHeight(area.getAbsoluteHeight()); blockArea.setIDReferences(area.getIDReferences()); int numChildren = this.children.Count; for (int i = this.marker; i < numChildren; i++) { if (!(children[i] is ListItem)) { FonetDriver.ActiveDriver.FireFonetError( "Children of list-blocks must be list-items"); return new Status(Status.OK); } ListItem listItem = (ListItem)children[i]; Status status; if ((status = listItem.Layout(blockArea)).isIncomplete()) { if (status.getCode() == Status.AREA_FULL_NONE && i > 0) { status = new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_SOME); } this.marker = i; blockArea.end(); area.addChild(blockArea); area.increaseHeight(blockArea.GetHeight()); return status; } } blockArea.end(); area.addChild(blockArea); area.increaseHeight(blockArea.GetHeight()); if (spaceAfter != 0) { area.addDisplaySpace(spaceAfter); } if (area is BlockArea) { area.start(); } blockArea.isLast(true); return new Status(Status.OK); }
public override Status Layout(Area area) { BlockArea blockArea; if (this.marker == MarkerBreakAfter) { return new Status(Status.OK); } if (this.marker == MarkerStart) { AccessibilityProps mAccProps = propMgr.GetAccessibilityProps(); AuralProps mAurProps = propMgr.GetAuralProps(); BorderAndPadding bap = propMgr.GetBorderAndPadding(); BackgroundProps bProps = propMgr.GetBackgroundProps(); HyphenationProps mHyphProps = propMgr.GetHyphenationProps(); MarginProps mProps = propMgr.GetMarginProps(); RelativePositionProps mRelProps = propMgr.GetRelativePositionProps(); this.align ="text-align").GetEnum(); this.alignLast ="text-align-last").GetEnum(); this.breakAfter ="break-after").GetEnum(); this.lineHeight ="line-height").GetLength().MValue(); this.startIndent ="start-indent").GetLength().MValue(); this.endIndent ="end-indent").GetLength().MValue(); this.spaceBefore ="space-before.optimum").GetLength().MValue(); this.spaceAfter ="space-after.optimum").GetLength().MValue(); this.textIndent ="text-indent").GetLength().MValue(); this.keepWithNext ="keep-with-next").GetEnum(); this.blockWidows ="widows").GetNumber().IntValue(); this.blockOrphans = (int)"orphans").GetNumber().IntValue(); ="id").GetString(); if (area is BlockArea) { area.end(); } if (area.getIDReferences() != null) { area.getIDReferences().CreateID(id); } this.marker = 0; int breakBeforeStatus = propMgr.CheckBreakBefore(area); if (breakBeforeStatus != Status.OK) { return new Status(breakBeforeStatus); } int numChildren = this.children.Count; for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) { FONode fo = (FONode)children[i]; if (fo is FOText) { if (((FOText)fo).willCreateArea()) { fo.SetWidows(blockWidows); break; } else { children.RemoveAt(i); numChildren = this.children.Count; i--; } } else { fo.SetWidows(blockWidows); break; } } for (int i = numChildren - 1; i >= 0; i--) { FONode fo = (FONode)children[i]; if (fo is FOText) { if (((FOText)fo).willCreateArea()) { fo.SetOrphans(blockOrphans); break; } } else { fo.SetOrphans(blockOrphans); break; } } } if ((spaceBefore != 0) && (this.marker == 0)) { area.addDisplaySpace(spaceBefore); } if (anythingLaidOut) { this.textIndent = 0; } if (marker == 0 && area.getIDReferences() != null) { area.getIDReferences().ConfigureID(id, area); } int spaceLeft = area.spaceLeft(); blockArea = new BlockArea(propMgr.GetFontState(area.getFontInfo()), area.getAllocationWidth(), area.spaceLeft(), startIndent, endIndent, textIndent, align, alignLast, lineHeight); blockArea.setGeneratedBy(this); this.areasGenerated++; if (this.areasGenerated == 1) { blockArea.isFirst(true); } blockArea.addLineagePair(this, this.areasGenerated); blockArea.setParent(area); blockArea.setPage(area.getPage()); blockArea.setBackground(propMgr.GetBackgroundProps()); blockArea.setBorderAndPadding(propMgr.GetBorderAndPadding()); blockArea.setHyphenation(propMgr.GetHyphenationProps()); blockArea.start(); blockArea.setAbsoluteHeight(area.getAbsoluteHeight()); blockArea.setIDReferences(area.getIDReferences()); blockArea.setTableCellXOffset(area.getTableCellXOffset()); for (int i = this.marker; i < children.Count; i++) { FONode fo = (FONode)children[i]; Status status; if ((status = fo.Layout(blockArea)).isIncomplete()) { this.marker = i; if (status.getCode() == Status.AREA_FULL_NONE) { if ((i != 0)) { status = new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_SOME); area.addChild(blockArea); area.setMaxHeight(area.getMaxHeight() - spaceLeft + blockArea.getMaxHeight()); area.increaseHeight(blockArea.GetHeight()); anythingLaidOut = true; return status; } else { anythingLaidOut = false; return status; } } area.addChild(blockArea); area.setMaxHeight(area.getMaxHeight() - spaceLeft + blockArea.getMaxHeight()); area.increaseHeight(blockArea.GetHeight()); anythingLaidOut = true; return status; } anythingLaidOut = true; } blockArea.end(); area.setMaxHeight(area.getMaxHeight() - spaceLeft + blockArea.getMaxHeight()); area.addChild(blockArea); area.increaseHeight(blockArea.GetHeight()); if (spaceAfter != 0) { area.addDisplaySpace(spaceAfter); } if (area is BlockArea) { area.start(); } areaHeight = blockArea.GetHeight(); contentWidth = blockArea.getContentWidth(); int breakAfterStatus = propMgr.CheckBreakAfter(area); if (breakAfterStatus != Status.OK) { this.marker = MarkerBreakAfter; blockArea = null; return new Status(breakAfterStatus); } if (keepWithNext != 0) { blockArea = null; return new Status(Status.KEEP_WITH_NEXT); } blockArea.isLast(true); blockArea = null; return new Status(Status.OK); }
public override Status Layout(Area area) { if (this.marker == MarkerBreakAfter) { return new Status(Status.OK); } if (this.marker == MarkerStart) { if (!setup) { DoSetup(area); } } if (columnWidth > 0) { this.areaContainer = new AreaContainer(propMgr.GetFontState(area.getFontInfo()), columnOffset, 0, columnWidth, area.getContentHeight(), Position.RELATIVE); areaContainer.foCreator = this; areaContainer.setPage(area.getPage()); areaContainer.setBorderAndPadding(propMgr.GetBorderAndPadding()); areaContainer.setBackground(propMgr.GetBackgroundProps()); areaContainer.SetHeight(area.GetHeight()); area.addChild(areaContainer); } return new Status(Status.OK); }
public override Status Layout(Area area) { this.registryArea = area; area.getPage().registerMarker(this); return new Status(Status.OK); }
public override Status Layout(Area area) { if (this.marker == MarkerBreakAfter) { return new Status(Status.OK); } if (this.marker == MarkerStart) { AccessibilityProps mAccProps = propMgr.GetAccessibilityProps(); AuralProps mAurProps = propMgr.GetAuralProps(); BorderAndPadding bap = propMgr.GetBorderAndPadding(); BackgroundProps bProps = propMgr.GetBackgroundProps(); RelativePositionProps mRelProps = propMgr.GetRelativePositionProps(); this.spaceBefore ="space-before.optimum").GetLength().MValue(); this.spaceAfter ="space-after.optimum").GetLength().MValue(); ="id").GetString(); try { area.getIDReferences().CreateID(id); } catch (FonetException e) { throw e; } if (area is BlockArea) { area.end(); } if (rowSpanMgr == null) { rowSpanMgr = new RowSpanMgr(columns.Count); } this.marker = 0; } if ((spaceBefore != 0) && (this.marker == 0)) { area.increaseHeight(spaceBefore); } if (marker == 0) { area.getIDReferences().ConfigureID(id, area); } int spaceLeft = area.spaceLeft(); this.areaContainer = new AreaContainer(propMgr.GetFontState(area.getFontInfo()), 0, area.getContentHeight(), area.getContentWidth(), area.spaceLeft(), Position.RELATIVE); areaContainer.foCreator = this; areaContainer.setPage(area.getPage()); areaContainer.setParent(area); areaContainer.setBackground(propMgr.GetBackgroundProps()); areaContainer.setBorderAndPadding(propMgr.GetBorderAndPadding()); areaContainer.start(); areaContainer.setAbsoluteHeight(area.getAbsoluteHeight()); areaContainer.setIDReferences(area.getIDReferences()); Hashtable keepWith = new Hashtable(); int numChildren = this.children.Count; TableRow lastRow = null; bool endKeepGroup = true; for (int i = this.marker; i < numChildren; i++) { Object child = children[i]; if (child is Marker) { ((Marker)child).Layout(area); continue; } if (!(child is TableRow)) { throw new FonetException("Currently only Table Rows are supported in table body, header and footer"); } TableRow row = (TableRow)child; row.SetRowSpanMgr(rowSpanMgr); row.SetColumns(columns); row.DoSetup(areaContainer); if ((row.GetKeepWithPrevious().GetKeepType() != KeepValue.KEEP_WITH_AUTO || row.GetKeepWithNext().GetKeepType() != KeepValue.KEEP_WITH_AUTO || row.GetKeepTogether().GetKeepType() != KeepValue.KEEP_WITH_AUTO) && lastRow != null && !keepWith.Contains(lastRow)) { keepWith.Add(lastRow, null); } else { if (endKeepGroup && keepWith.Count > 0) { keepWith = new Hashtable(); } if (endKeepGroup && i > this.marker) { rowSpanMgr.SetIgnoreKeeps(false); } } bool bRowStartsArea = (i == this.marker); if (bRowStartsArea == false && keepWith.Count > 0) { if (children.IndexOf(keepWith[0]) == this.marker) { bRowStartsArea = true; } } row.setIgnoreKeepTogether(bRowStartsArea && startsAC(area)); Status status = row.Layout(areaContainer); if (status.isIncomplete()) { if (status.isPageBreak()) { this.marker = i; area.addChild(areaContainer); area.increaseHeight(areaContainer.GetHeight()); if (i == numChildren - 1) { this.marker = MarkerBreakAfter; if (spaceAfter != 0) { area.increaseHeight(spaceAfter); } } return status; } if ((keepWith.Count > 0) && (!rowSpanMgr.IgnoreKeeps())) { row.RemoveLayout(areaContainer); foreach (TableRow tr in keepWith.Keys) { tr.RemoveLayout(areaContainer); i--; } if (i == 0) { ResetMarker(); rowSpanMgr.SetIgnoreKeeps(true); return new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_NONE); } } this.marker = i; if ((i != 0) && (status.getCode() == Status.AREA_FULL_NONE)) { status = new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_SOME); } if (!((i == 0) && (areaContainer.getContentHeight() <= 0))) { area.addChild(areaContainer); area.increaseHeight(areaContainer.GetHeight()); } rowSpanMgr.SetIgnoreKeeps(true); return status; } else if (status.getCode() == Status.KEEP_WITH_NEXT || rowSpanMgr.HasUnfinishedSpans()) { keepWith.Add(row, null); endKeepGroup = false; } else { endKeepGroup = true; } lastRow = row; area.setMaxHeight(area.getMaxHeight() - spaceLeft + this.areaContainer.getMaxHeight()); spaceLeft = area.spaceLeft(); } area.addChild(areaContainer); areaContainer.end(); area.increaseHeight(areaContainer.GetHeight()); if (spaceAfter != 0) { area.increaseHeight(spaceAfter); area.setMaxHeight(area.getMaxHeight() - spaceAfter); } if (area is BlockArea) { area.start(); } return new Status(Status.OK); }
public override Status Layout(Area area) { int originalAbsoluteHeight = area.getAbsoluteHeight(); if (this.marker == MarkerBreakAfter) { return new Status(Status.OK); } if (this.marker == MarkerStart) { area.getIDReferences().CreateID(id); this.marker = 0; this.bDone = false; } if (marker == 0) { area.getIDReferences().ConfigureID(id, area); } int spaceLeft = area.spaceLeft() - m_borderSeparation; this.cellArea = new AreaContainer(propMgr.GetFontState(area.getFontInfo()), startOffset + startAdjust, beforeOffset, width - widthAdjust, spaceLeft, Position.RELATIVE); cellArea.foCreator = this; cellArea.setPage(area.getPage()); cellArea.setParent(area); cellArea.setBorderAndPadding( (BorderAndPadding)propMgr.GetBorderAndPadding().Clone()); cellArea.setBackground(propMgr.GetBackgroundProps()); cellArea.start(); cellArea.setAbsoluteHeight(area.getAbsoluteHeight()); cellArea.setIDReferences(area.getIDReferences()); cellArea.setTableCellXOffset(startOffset + startAdjust); int numChildren = this.children.Count; for (int i = this.marker; bDone == false && i < numChildren; i++) { FObj fo = (FObj)children[i]; fo.SetIsInTableCell(); fo.ForceWidth(width); this.marker = i; Status status; if ((status = fo.Layout(cellArea)).isIncomplete()) { if ((i == 0) && (status.getCode() == Status.AREA_FULL_NONE)) { return new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_NONE); } else { area.addChild(cellArea); return new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_SOME); } } area.setMaxHeight(area.getMaxHeight() - spaceLeft + this.cellArea.getMaxHeight()); } this.bDone = true; cellArea.end(); area.addChild(cellArea); if (minCellHeight > cellArea.getContentHeight()) { cellArea.SetHeight(minCellHeight); } height = cellArea.GetHeight(); top = cellArea.GetCurrentYPosition(); return new Status(Status.OK); }
public override Status Layout(Area area) { if (this.marker == MarkerBreakAfter) { return new Status(Status.OK); } if (this.marker == MarkerStart) { if (!setup) { DoSetup(area); } if (cellArray == null) { InitCellArray(); area.getIDReferences().CreateID(id); } this.marker = 0; int breakStatus = propMgr.CheckBreakBefore(area); if (breakStatus != Status.OK) { return new Status(breakStatus); } } if (marker == 0) { area.getIDReferences().ConfigureID(id, area); } int spaceLeft = area.spaceLeft(); this.areaContainer = new AreaContainer(propMgr.GetFontState(area.getFontInfo()), 0, 0, area.getContentWidth(), spaceLeft, Position.RELATIVE); areaContainer.foCreator = this; areaContainer.setPage(area.getPage()); areaContainer.setParent(area); areaContainer.setBackground(propMgr.GetBackgroundProps()); areaContainer.start(); areaContainer.setAbsoluteHeight(area.getAbsoluteHeight()); areaContainer.setIDReferences(area.getIDReferences()); largestCellHeight = minHeight; bool someCellDidNotLayoutCompletely = false; int offset = 0; int iColIndex = 0; foreach (TableColumn tcol in columns) { TableCell cell; ++iColIndex; int colWidth = tcol.GetColumnWidth(); if (cellArray.GetCellType(iColIndex) == CellArray.CELLSTART) { cell = cellArray.GetCell(iColIndex); } else { if (rowSpanMgr.IsInLastRow(iColIndex)) { int h = rowSpanMgr.GetRemainingHeight(iColIndex); if (h > largestCellHeight) { largestCellHeight = h; } } offset += colWidth; continue; } cell.SetStartOffset(offset); offset += colWidth; int rowSpan = cell.GetNumRowsSpanned(); Status status; if ((status = cell.Layout(areaContainer)).isIncomplete()) { if ((keepTogether.GetKeepType() == KeepValue.KEEP_WITH_ALWAYS) || (status.getCode() == Status.AREA_FULL_NONE) || rowSpan > 1) { this.ResetMarker(); this.RemoveID(area.getIDReferences()); return new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_NONE); } else if (status.getCode() == Status.AREA_FULL_SOME) { someCellDidNotLayoutCompletely = true; } } int hi = cell.GetHeight(); if (rowSpan > 1) { rowSpanMgr.AddRowSpan(cell, iColIndex, cell.GetNumColumnsSpanned(), hi, rowSpan); } else if (hi > largestCellHeight) { largestCellHeight = hi; } } area.setMaxHeight(area.getMaxHeight() - spaceLeft + this.areaContainer.getMaxHeight()); for (int iCol = 1; iCol <= columns.Count; iCol++) { if (cellArray.GetCellType(iCol) == CellArray.CELLSTART && rowSpanMgr.IsSpanned(iCol) == false) { cellArray.GetCell(iCol).SetRowHeight(largestCellHeight); } } rowSpanMgr.FinishRow(largestCellHeight); area.addChild(areaContainer); areaContainer.SetHeight(largestCellHeight); areaAdded = true; areaContainer.end(); area.addDisplaySpace(largestCellHeight + areaContainer.getPaddingTop() + areaContainer.getBorderTopWidth() + areaContainer.getPaddingBottom() + areaContainer.getBorderBottomWidth()); if (someCellDidNotLayoutCompletely) { return new Status(Status.AREA_FULL_SOME); } else { if (rowSpanMgr.HasUnfinishedSpans()) { return new Status(Status.KEEP_WITH_NEXT); } if (breakAfter == BreakAfter.PAGE) { this.marker = MarkerBreakAfter; return new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK); } if (breakAfter == BreakAfter.ODD_PAGE) { this.marker = MarkerBreakAfter; return new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_ODD); } if (breakAfter == BreakAfter.EVEN_PAGE) { this.marker = MarkerBreakAfter; return new Status(Status.FORCE_PAGE_BREAK_EVEN); } if (breakAfter == BreakAfter.COLUMN) { this.marker = MarkerBreakAfter; return new Status(Status.FORCE_COLUMN_BREAK); } if (keepWithNext.GetKeepType() != KeepValue.KEEP_WITH_AUTO) { return new Status(Status.KEEP_WITH_NEXT); } return new Status(Status.OK); } }