public static void InsertMoneyParam(string pParamName, SqlCommand pCommand, OCurrency? pVal) { if (!pVal.HasValue) { pCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue(pParamName, SqlMoney.Null); } else { pCommand.Parameters.Add(pParamName, SqlDbType.Money); pCommand.Parameters[pParamName].Value = pVal.Value; } }
public static int Compare(OCurrency o1, OCurrency o2, int installmentNumber) { if (o1 - o2 > (OcurrencyDelta*(double)installmentNumber) )return 1; else if (o2 - o1 > (OcurrencyDelta * (double)installmentNumber)) return -1; else return 0; }
public OCurrency(OCurrency obj) { _currency = obj._currency; }
public static bool Equals(OCurrency a1, OCurrency a2) { return Math.Abs(a1.Value - a2.Value) < OcurrencyDelta.Value ? true : false; }
public static int Compare(OCurrency o1, OCurrency o2) { if (o1 - o2 > OcurrencyDelta) return 1; else if (o2 - o1 > OcurrencyDelta) return -1; else return 0; }
//add a function to convert string to OCurrency public static OCurrency ConvertStringToDecimal(string text, OCurrency defaultValue, bool useCents) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { try { return new OCurrency(Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(text), useCents ? 2 : 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)); } catch { throw new OctopusRepayException(OctopusRepayExceptionsEnum.AmountIsNull); } } return defaultValue; }
// a function to convert string to OCurrency public static OCurrency? ConvertStringToNullableDecimal(string text, OCurrency defaultValue) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { try { return new OCurrency( Convert.ToDecimal(text)); } catch { return defaultValue; } } return null; }
//convert OCurrency to string public static string ConvertNullableDecimalToString(OCurrency number) { if (number.HasValue) { try { return number.GetFormatedValue(true); } catch { return String.Empty; } } return String.Empty; }
// add a function to convert OCurrency to nullable int32 public static int? ConvertDecimalToNullableInt32(OCurrency number) { try { return Convert.ToInt32(number.Value); } catch { return null; } }
/// <summary> /// Check If Min Max And Value correctly Filled /// </summary> /// <param name="min"></param> /// <param name="max"></param> /// <param name="fixedValue"></param> /// <returns>true/false</returns> public static bool CheckMinMaxAndValueCorrectlyFilled(OCurrency min, OCurrency max, OCurrency fixedValue) { bool returned = false; if (min.HasValue && max.HasValue&& !fixedValue.HasValue) returned = CheckIfMinLowerThanMax(min, max); else if (!min.HasValue && !max.HasValue && fixedValue.HasValue) returned = true; return returned; }
public static bool CheckIfValueBetweenMinAndMax(OCurrency min, OCurrency max, OCurrency number) { bool result = false; if (number <= max && number >= min) result = true; return result; }
///<summary> ///this methode check if first param lower than second param ///</summary> ///<param name="a">first param</param> ///<param name="b">second param</param> ///<returns>true if first param lower than second</returns> ///<returns>false if second param lower than first</returns> public static bool CheckIfMinLowerThanMax( OCurrency? a, OCurrency? b) { bool result = false; if (a < b) result=true; return result; }