public PrerequisitesSet(Focus focus) { this.Focus = focus; FociList = new List <Focus>(); }
private void NotificationMessageReceived(NotificationMessage msg) { if (!this.isShown || this.Filename == null) { //is not shown, do not manage return; } if (msg.Notification == "HideAddFocus") { System.Windows.Application.Current.Properties["Mode"] = null; AddFocusViewModel viewModel = msg.Sender as AddFocusViewModel; addFocusToList(viewModel.Focus); RaisePropertyChanged(() => FociList); DrawOnCanvas(); } if (msg.Notification == "HideEditFocus") { System.Windows.Application.Current.Properties["Mode"] = null; EditGridDefinition(); DrawOnCanvas(); } if (msg.Notification == "DeleteFocus") { Focus Model = (Focus)msg.Sender; //Kill the set that might have this focus as parent foreach (Focus focus in FociList) { foreach (PrerequisitesSet set in focus.Prerequisite.ToList()) { if (set.FociList.Contains(Model)) { set.DeleteSetRelations(); } } } FociList.Remove(Model); RaisePropertyChanged(() => FociList); EditGridDefinition(); DrawOnCanvas(); } if (msg.Notification == "AddFocusMutually") { System.Windows.Application.Current.Properties["Mode"] = "Mutually"; Focus Model = (Focus)msg.Sender; selectedFocus = Model; Model.IsSelected = true; } if (msg.Notification == "FinishAddFocusMutually") { Focus Model = (Focus)msg.Sender; if (selectedFocus != null && selectedFocus != Model && FociList.Where((f) => f == Model).Any()) { System.Windows.Application.Current.Properties["Mode"] = null; selectedFocus.IsSelected = false; var tempo = new MutuallyExclusiveSet(selectedFocus, Model); selectedFocus.MutualyExclusive.Add(tempo); Model.MutualyExclusive.Add(tempo); DrawOnCanvas(); } } if (msg.Notification == "AddFocusPrerequisite") { System.Windows.Application.Current.Properties["Mode"] = "Prerequisite"; Focus Model = (Focus)msg.Sender; selectedFocus = Model; Model.IsSelected = true; } if (msg.Notification == "FinishAddFocusPrerequisite") { Focus Model = (Focus)msg.Sender; if (selectedFocus != null && selectedFocus != Model && FociList.Where((f) => f == Model).Any()) { System.Windows.Application.Current.Properties["Mode"] = null; string Type = (string)System.Windows.Application.Current.Properties["ModeParam"]; System.Windows.Application.Current.Properties["ModeParam"] = null; selectedFocus.IsSelected = false; if (Type == "Required") { //Create new set PrerequisitesSet set = new PrerequisitesSet(selectedFocus); set.FociList.Add(Model); selectedFocus.Prerequisite.Add(set); } else { //Create new set if no exist if (!selectedFocus.Prerequisite.Any()) { PrerequisitesSet set = new PrerequisitesSet(selectedFocus); selectedFocus.Prerequisite.Add(set); } //Add Model to first Set selectedFocus.Prerequisite.First().FociList.Add(Model); } RaisePropertyChanged(() => FociList); DrawOnCanvas(); } } if (msg.Notification == "ContainerRenamed") { RaisePropertyChanged(() => Filename); } }