/// <summary>
        /// Extracts the archive and adds the mod to the list.
        /// Saves the xml file afterwards.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="useSourceBA2Archive">When false, creates a new "frozen" mod.</param>
        public static void InstallArchive(ManagedMods mods, string filePath, bool useSourceBA2Archive = false, Action <Progress> ProgressChanged = null)
            ManagedMod newMod = ModInstallations.FromArchive(mods.GamePath, filePath, useSourceBA2Archive, ProgressChanged);

            ProgressChanged?.Invoke(Progress.Done("Mod archive installed."));
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads and installs a mod from NexusMods. (by using NXM links)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="useSourceBA2Archive">When false, creates a new "frozen" mod.</param>
        public static bool InstallRemote(ManagedMods mods, string nxmLinkStr, bool useSourceBA2Archive = false, Action <Progress> ProgressChanged = null)
            NXMLink nxmLink = NXMHandler.ParseLink(nxmLinkStr);

            // Get the download link from NexusMods:
            ProgressChanged(Progress.Indetermined("Requesting mod download link..."));
            string dlLinkStr = NMMod.RequestDownloadLink(nxmLink);

            if (dlLinkStr == null)
                ProgressChanged?.Invoke(Progress.Aborted("Couldn't retrieve download link..."));
            Uri    dlLink     = new Uri(dlLinkStr);
            string dlFileName = dlLink.Segments.Last();
            string dlPath     = Path.Combine(Shared.DownloadsFolder, dlFileName);

            // Download mod, unless we already have it:
            if (!File.Exists(dlPath))
                DownloadFile(dlLink.OriginalString, dlPath, ProgressChanged);

            if (!File.Exists(dlPath))
                ProgressChanged?.Invoke(Progress.Aborted("Download failed."));

            // Get remote mod info:
            ProgressChanged(Progress.Indetermined("Requesting mod information and thumbnail..."));
            NMMod nmMod = NexusMods.RequestModInformation(nxmLink.modId);

            // Install mod:
            ProgressChanged(Progress.Indetermined($"Installing '{nmMod.Title}'..."));
            ManagedMod newMod = ModInstallations.FromArchive(mods.GamePath, dlPath, useSourceBA2Archive, ProgressChanged);

            newMod.Title   = nmMod.Title;
            newMod.Version = nmMod.LatestVersion;
            newMod.URL     = nmMod.URL;
            ProgressChanged?.Invoke(Progress.Done($"'{nmMod.Title}' installed."));
