Exemple #1
        public virtual void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            Player p = entities[0] as Player;

            if (p.SwitchedFromShield)
                for (int j = 0; j < entities.Count; j++)
                    if (entities[j] is Shield)
                        j = 0;
                p.SwitchedFromShield = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < entities.Count; i++)
                if (!entities[i].isDead)
                    if (entities[i] is ChargeBall)
                        ChargeBall cb = entities[i] as ChargeBall;
                        cb.Update(gameTime, p.Position, p.Rotation);
                    if (entities[i] is Laser)
                        Laser l = entities[i] as Laser;
                        l.Update(gameTime, p.Position, p.Rotation);
                    if (entities[i] is Boss)
                        Boss b = entities[i] as Boss;
                        b.Update(gameTime, p.Position);
                    if (entities[i] is ClotSide)
                        ClotSide cs = entities[i] as ClotSide;
                        cs.Update(gameTime, velocity);
                    if (entities[i] is Infector)
                        Infector inf = entities[i] as Infector;
                        inf.Update(gameTime, p.Position);
                    if (entities[i] is TokenPickup)
                        TokenPickup tp = entities[i] as TokenPickup;
                    if (entities[i] is PlayerWeapon)
                        PlayerWeapon w = entities[i] as PlayerWeapon;
                        w.Update(gameTime, p.Position, p.Rotation);
                    if (entities[i] is BotWeapon)
                        BotWeapon bw = entities[i] as BotWeapon;
                        bw.Update(gameTime, p.Position, p.Rotation);
                    if (entities[i] is Shield)
                        Shield s = entities[i] as Shield;
                        s.Update(gameTime, p.Velocity, p.controls.isPlayerFiring());
                    if (entities[i] is LatchingCell || entities[i] is MeleeBot || entities[i] is MissileBot)
                        if (entities[i] is LatchingCell)
                            LatchingCell lc = entities[i] as LatchingCell;
                            lc.Update(gameTime, p.Position);
                        else if (entities[i] is MeleeBot)
                            MeleeBot mb = entities[i] as MeleeBot;
                            mb.Update(gameTime, p.Position);
                            MissileBot missBot = entities[i] as MissileBot;
                            missBot.Update(gameTime, p.Position);
                    if (entities[i] is EnemiesAndPlayer)
                        EnemiesAndPlayer ep = entities[i] as EnemiesAndPlayer;
                        if (ep.killedBy())
                            if (ep is MeleeBot || ep is MissileBot)
                                if (random.Next(2) == 0)
                                    Add(new TokenPickup(content, ep.Position));
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            currentWeapon.Update(gameTime, position, rotation);
            if (currentWeapon is Shield)
                Shield s = currentWeapon as Shield;
                s.UpdateWeapFirePosition(Position, Rotation);
            currFireTime       = currFireTime.Subtract(gameTime.ElapsedGameTime);
            betweenDodge       = betweenDodge.Subtract(gameTime.ElapsedGameTime);
            invincibleTime     = invincibleTime.Subtract(gameTime.ElapsedGameTime);
            pressedPowerUpTime = pressedPowerUpTime.Subtract(gameTime.ElapsedGameTime);
            if (isInvincible)
                flickerTime = flickerTime.Subtract(gameTime.ElapsedGameTime);
            if (invincibleTime.TotalSeconds <= 0)
                isInvincible = false;
            if (isPoweredUp)
                powerUpTime = powerUpTime.Subtract(gameTime.ElapsedGameTime);
            if (powerUpTime.TotalSeconds <= 0)
                isPoweredUp = false;
                currentWeapon.CurrentLevel = 0;
            if (cameraEnabled)
                if (!bossMode)
                    Camera.Instance.UpdateCamera(CameraStaticPosition, Vector3.Zero);
                    Camera.Instance.UpdateCamera(position, Vector3.UnitY * rotation.Y);
            sphere   = new BoundingSphere(position, 6);
            worldMat = Matrix.CreateScale(0.1f) * Matrix.CreateRotationY(rotation.Y) * Matrix.CreateRotationZ(rotation.Z) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(position);

            if (!controls.Locked)
                velocity = controls.UpdatePlayerMovement(position, rotation);
                if (initialLock)
                    velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 1.3f);
                    if (position.Z > 0)
                        // controls.Locked = false;
                        velocity    = Vector3.Zero;
                        initialLock = false;

            if (velocity.X != 0.0f && velocity.Z != 0.0f)
                velocity /= (float)Math.Sqrt(2); // don't want diagonal speed to be faster

            if (bossMode)
                oldPos = position;

            if (bossMode && !controls.Locked) //move around the boss when going left/right
                if (velocity.X != 0)
                    velocity = getRotationVelocityAroundPoint(velocity, bossCenter);
            #region Player dodge logic
            if (controls.isPlayerDodgingLeft())
                pressedDodgeLeft  = true;
                pressedDodgeRight = false;
            if (controls.isPlayerDodgingRight())
                pressedDodgeRight = true;
                pressedDodgeLeft  = false;

            if (pressedDodgeLeft && !pressedDodgeRight)
                if (betweenDodge.TotalSeconds <= 0)
                    dodgeTime = dodgeTime.Subtract(gameTime.ElapsedGameTime);
                    if (dodgeTime.TotalSeconds > 0)
                        velocity = Vector3.UnitX * 5;
                        pressedDodgeLeft = false;
                        dodgeTime        = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(dodgeTimeSeconds);
                        betweenDodge     = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(betweenDodgeSeconds);

            if (pressedDodgeRight && !pressedDodgeLeft)
                if (betweenDodge.TotalSeconds <= 0)
                    dodgeTime = dodgeTime.Subtract(gameTime.ElapsedGameTime);
                    if (dodgeTime.TotalSeconds > 0)
                        velocity = -Vector3.UnitX * 5;
                        pressedDodgeRight = false;
                        dodgeTime         = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(dodgeTimeSeconds);
                        betweenDodge      = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(betweenDodgeSeconds);

            position += velocity;
            #region Player rotation while moving
            if (velocity.X < 0)
                if (rotation.Z == 0 || rotation.Z > MathHelper.ToRadians(180))
                    rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, MathHelper.ToRadians(3)));
                    if (rotation.Z > 0 && rotation.Z <= MathHelper.ToRadians(180))
                        if (rotation.Z < MathHelper.ToRadians(30))
                            rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, MathHelper.ToRadians(3)));
            else if (velocity.X > 0)
                if (rotation.Z == 0 || rotation.Z > 0 && rotation.Z <= MathHelper.ToRadians(180))
                    rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, -MathHelper.ToRadians(3)));
                    if (rotation.Z > MathHelper.ToRadians(180))
                        if (rotation.Z > MathHelper.ToRadians(330))
                            rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, -MathHelper.ToRadians(3)));
                if (rotation.Z > 0 && rotation.Z <= MathHelper.ToRadians(180))
                    rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, -MathHelper.ToRadians(3)));
                else if (rotation.Z > MathHelper.ToRadians(180))
                    rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, MathHelper.ToRadians(3)));
                if (MathHelper.ToDegrees(rotation.Z) < 3)
                    rotation.Z = 0;

            if (position.X > 60)
                position.X = 60;
            if (position.X < -60)
                position.X = -60;

            if (!controls.Locked)
                if (position.Z < -40)
                    position.Z = -40;
                if (position.Z > 40)
                    position.Z = 40;

            if (controls.isPlayerFiring())
                //is the player allowed to fire again since his last fire?
                if (currFireTime.TotalSeconds <= 0)
                    //Reset current time
                    currFireTime = TimeSpan.FromTicks(currentWeapon.FireTime.Ticks);

            if (controls.isPlayerUsingPowerup())
                if (pressedPowerUpTime.TotalSeconds <= 0)
                    if (!isPoweredUp)
                        if (powerup < 394)
                            playerAVC.playSoundEffect("cancel", 1);
                            isPoweredUp = true;
                            powerUpTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(powerupTimeSeconds);
                            if (powerup >= 394 && powerup < 788)
                                currentWeapon.CurrentLevel = 1;
                                powerup -= 394;
                            else if (powerup >= 788 && powerup < 1182)
                                currentWeapon.CurrentLevel = 2;
                                powerup -= 788;
                                currentWeapon.CurrentLevel = 3;
                                powerup -= 1182;
                    pressedPowerUpTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(pressedPowerUpTimeSeconds);
            if (Game1.debug)
                if (controls.isPlayerPowering(gameTime))
                    if (currentWeapon.CurrentLevel < 3)
                        currentWeapon.CurrentLevel = 0;

                if (controls.isPlayerSwitching(gameTime))
                    int loc = Array.IndexOf(weapList, currentWeapon.Name.ToString());
                    if (loc < weapList.Length - 1)
                        changeWeapon((PlayerWeaponName)Enum.Parse(typeof(PlayerWeaponName), weapList[loc + 1], true));
                        changeWeapon((PlayerWeaponName)Enum.Parse(typeof(PlayerWeaponName), weapList[0], true));