/// <summary>
        /// Creates a strongly-typed field from the tokens in the WordProcessing DOM.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldStart">The starting point for the field.</param>
        /// <returns>A strongly typed field based on the tokens found in the stream.</returns>
        public static WordField CreateField(FieldStart fieldStart)
            // This is what is created if the type isn't recognized.
            WordField wordField = default(WordField);

            // The field type indicates what parser is used to evaluate the field.
            switch (fieldStart.FieldType)
            case FieldType.FieldDate:

                // Create a new 'DATE' field.
                wordField = new DateField(fieldStart);

            case FieldType.FieldIf:

                // Create a new 'IF' field.
                wordField = new IfField(fieldStart);

            case FieldType.FieldMergeField:

                // Create a new 'MERGEFIELD' field.
                wordField = new MergeField(fieldStart);


                // All other fields are unhandled but parsed.
                wordField = new UnhandledField(fieldStart);

            // This is a generic field that can be evaluated.
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the resources required for this instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startNode"></param>
        public IfField(FieldStart startNode)
            : base(startNode)
            // Initialize the object.
            this.falseExpression = new List <Node>();
            this.trueExpression  = new List <Node>();
            this.expression      = String.Empty;

            // The parser below will pull apart the various parts of the conditional statement.  The biggest issue is that the 'true' clause and the 'false'
            // clause contain a combination of Nodes which must be preserved exactly as they will become part of the document.  It is not enought to just extract
            // the text from these nodes, the fonts, paragraphs and styles and any other fields must be extracted as well.  Parsing nodes is difficult as the
            // various tokens can exist all in a single node, or be spread across several nodes.  These variables are used for parsing.  Note that parsinge starts
            // from the end of the statement and works towards the beginning.  This is because the 'true' and 'false' clauses are a fixed part of the syntax
            // and can be deterministically parsed using the quotes as tokens.  The rest of the statement -- the conditional expression -- is much more
            // difficult and requires a professional strength parser and analyzer.  The reason a RexEx function doesn't work here is because the values
            // extracted are in the form of CodeDOM Nodes and can't be tokenized.
            Int32 lastIndex  = default(Int32);
            Node  node       = this.FieldEnd.PreviousSibling;
            Run   run        = default(Run);
            Run   runClone   = default(Run);
            Int32 startIndex = -1;
            State state      = default(State);

            // The parsinge is constructed as a simple state machine.  There is no pushback or advanced expression evaluation performed in this section.  The
            // primary goal is to remove the nodes that will become the 'true' and 'false' expressions.  A full-blown expression evaluator will be called with
            // the part of the statement that remains after pulling out the clauses.
            while (state != State.Final)
                switch (node.NodeType)
                case NodeType.Run:

                    // Each of the run nodes can have a quote character which delineates the 'true' and 'false' clauses.  The 'startIndex' acts as a kind of
                    // cursor as the parser moves through each of the Run nodes.
                    run = node as Run;
                    if (startIndex == -1)
                        startIndex = run.Text.Length - 1;

                    // Once a Run node is recognized it is examined for tokens that delinate the clauses.  The state drives how each Run node is examined and
                    // determines what is trying to be extracted from each node.
                    switch (state)
                    case State.FieldResult:

                        // Just eat any Run nodes in the Field Result section of the field.  This moves the parser past the garbage -- the last evaluated data
                        // for this field -- and into the useful part of the field.
                        startIndex = -1;
                        node       = node.PreviousSibling;

                    case State.FalseEndQuote:

                        // Look for the quote that finishes the 'False' clause.
                        lastIndex = run.Text.LastIndexOf('\"', startIndex);
                        if (lastIndex == -1)
                            // If the delimiter character can't be found then try the previous node.
                            startIndex = -1;
                            // If the delimiter is found then move the cursor into the body of the clause.
                            state      = State.FalseStatement;
                            startIndex = lastIndex - 1;

                        // move to the previous node when there is nothing left to parse in the current node until the delimiter is found.
                        if (startIndex == -1)
                            node = node.PreviousSibling;


                    case State.FalseStatement:

                        // This will extract the body of the 'False' condition.  The next token that will cause a state change is the quote that opened this
                        // condition (remember we are parsing backwards).
                        lastIndex = run.Text.LastIndexOf('\"', startIndex);
                        if (lastIndex == -1)
                            // If there are no delimiters in the current run then clone it and copy the text up to the end quote (or the entire Run node if the
                            // end quote was in a previously parsed node).  There are times when the false clause is empty and an optimization removes any
                            // empty Run nodes.
                            String text = run.Text.Substring(0, startIndex + 1);
                            if (text != String.Empty)
                                runClone      = run.Clone(true) as Run;
                                runClone.Text = text;

                            // Since this node doesn't contain a delimiter, the state remains the same.  Continue parsing the next node for the start quote.
                            node       = node.PreviousSibling;
                            startIndex = -1;
                            // When an open quote is found we've come to the start of the false statement.  Copy any remaining text in the current Run node
                            // into the resulting clause.  The quotes will be removed but the rest of the text will be a literal copy of the text found in the
                            // document complete with all the formatting.
                            String text = run.Text.Substring(lastIndex + 1, startIndex - lastIndex);
                            if (runClone == null || runClone.Text != String.Empty)
                                runClone      = run.Clone(true) as Run;
                                runClone.Text = text;

                            // After the opening quote is found the parser will move to a state where it looks for the opening quote.  While this may seem
                            // unnecessary because we've already found the quote, it made the logic simpler than having to create a 'push back' concept for
                            // the tokens.
                            state = State.FalseStartQuote;


                    case State.FalseStartQuote:

                        // This will search for the start quote of the 'False' clause.  Note that there is no check here for an empty Run node.  The only way
                        // for the parser to be in this state is if the previous state had found an open quote in the current Run node.
                        lastIndex = run.Text.LastIndexOf('\"', startIndex);
                        if (lastIndex != -1)
                            // If the start quote was the starting character of this Run node then the parsing will continue with the previous sibling when
                            // the next state is entered.  Otherwise, the cursor is moved in front of the opening quote as the parsing continues.
                            if (lastIndex == 0)
                                node       = node.PreviousSibling;
                                startIndex = -1;
                                startIndex = lastIndex - 1;

                            // Transition to a state where the parser searches for the opening quote of the 'True' condition.
                            state = State.TrueEndQuote;


                    case State.TrueEndQuote:

                        // Look for the quote that finishes the 'True' clause.
                        lastIndex = run.Text.LastIndexOf('\"', startIndex);
                        if (lastIndex == -1)
                            // If the delimiter character can't be found then try the previous node.
                            startIndex = -1;
                            // If the delimiter is found then move the cursor into the body of the clause.
                            state      = State.TrueStatement;
                            startIndex = lastIndex - 1;

                        // move to the previous node when there is nothing left to parse in the current node until the delimiter is found.
                        if (startIndex == -1)
                            node = node.PreviousSibling;


                    case State.TrueStatement:

                        // This will extract the body of the 'True' condition.  The next token that will cause a state change is the quote that opened this
                        // condition (remember we are parsing backwards).
                        lastIndex = run.Text.LastIndexOf('\"', startIndex);
                        if (lastIndex == -1)
                            // If there are no delimiters in the current run then clone it and copy the text up to the end quote (or the entire Run node if the
                            // end quote was in a previously parsed node).  There are times when the true clause is empty and an optimization removes any
                            // empty Run nodes.
                            String text = run.Text.Substring(0, startIndex + 1);
                            if (text != String.Empty)
                                runClone      = run.Clone(true) as Run;
                                runClone.Text = text;

                            // Since this node doesn't contain a delimiter, the state remains the same.  Continue parsing the next node for the start quote.
                            node       = node.PreviousSibling;
                            startIndex = -1;
                            // When an open quote is found we've come to the start of the true statement.  Copy any remaining text in the current Run node into
                            // the resulting clause.  The quotes will be removed but the rest of the text will be a literal copy of the text found in the
                            // document complete with all the formatting.
                            String text = run.Text.Substring(lastIndex + 1, startIndex - lastIndex);
                            if (runClone.Text != String.Empty)
                                runClone      = run.Clone(true) as Run;
                                runClone.Text = text;

                            // After the opening quote is found the parser will move to a state where it looks for the opening quote.  While this may seem
                            // unnecessary because we've already found the quote, it made the logic simpler than having to create a 'push back' concept for
                            // the tokens.
                            state = State.TrueStartQuote;


                    case State.TrueStartQuote:

                        // This will search for the start quote of the 'True' clause.  Note that there is no check here for an empty Run node.  The only way
                        // for the parser to be in this state is if the previous state had found an open quote in the current Run node.
                        lastIndex = run.Text.LastIndexOf('\"', startIndex);
                        if (lastIndex != -1)
                            // If the start quote was the starting character of this Run node then the parsing will continue with the previous sibling when
                            // the next state is entered.  Otherwise, the cursor is moved in front of the opening quote as the parsing continues.
                            if (lastIndex == 0)
                                node       = node.PreviousSibling;
                                startIndex = -1;
                                startIndex = lastIndex - 1;

                            // Transition to a state where the parser searches for condition expression.
                            state = State.Expression;


                    case State.Expression:

                        // Once the 'True' and 'False' clauses have been parsed, everthing between the start quote and the start of the field can be considered
                        // part of the expression.  There is no formatting that is required to evaluate the expression so there is no need to pull apart the
                        // Run nodes.
                        this.expression = run.Text.Substring(0, startIndex + 1) + expression;

                        // This moves the cursor up to the previous run node.  Remember the parsing runs backwards because it is more deterministic to pull out
                        // the 'True' and 'False' clauses from the end than to parse forward to determine where the condition ended.
                        startIndex = -1;
                        node       = node.PreviousSibling;


                case NodeType.FieldSeparator:

                    // The field seperator divides the field into the part you see in the document when working with fields, and the actual text that is
                    // displayed when you are not working with fields.  Anything after the field seperator is previously evaluated data which is of no interest
                    // to this parser.
                    node  = node.PreviousSibling;
                    state = State.FalseEndQuote;

                case NodeType.FieldEnd:

                    // Remember that the parser works from the end of the field to the start.  Therefore, the end is just the beginning (of a field).
                    WordField wordField = this.FindByEndNode(node);

                    // Each field is handled according to the state of the parser.
                    switch (state)
                    case State.FalseStatement:

                        // A field found during the parsing of a false statement is added in its entirety to the literal collection.
                        while (node != null && node.NextSibling != wordField.FieldStart)
                            this.falseExpression.Insert(0, node.Clone(true));
                            node = node.PreviousSibling;

                        // Evaluate the previous node in the DOM.
                        node = wordField.FieldStart.PreviousSibling;


                    case State.TrueStatement:

                        // A field found during the parsing of a true statement is added in its entirety to the literal collection.
                        while (node != null && node.NextSibling != wordField.FieldStart)
                            this.trueExpression.Insert(0, node.Clone(true));
                            node = node.PreviousSibling;

                        // Evaluate the previous node in the DOM.
                        node = wordField.FieldStart.PreviousSibling;


                    case State.Expression:

                        // When a field is found during the evaluation of an expression, the name of the merge field is used as a general purpose parameter to
                        // the expression evaluator.
                        if (wordField is MergeField)
                            MergeField mergeField = wordField as MergeField;
                            this.expression = mergeField.Reference + expression;

                        // Evaluate the previous node in the DOM.
                        node = wordField.FieldStart.PreviousSibling;



                        // Ignore anything whiel processing the field results.
                        node = wordField.FieldStart.PreviousSibling;


                case NodeType.FieldStart:

                    // The parser works from the end of the field to the front because the expression can have many items in it but the 'True' and 'False'
                    // clauses are relatively easy to delinate.  When the cursor has come to the start of the field, then the parsing of this 'IF' statement is
                    // complete.  The last task is to remove the 'IF' keyword from the expression.
                    this.expression = expression.Substring(expression.IndexOf(IfField.ifText) + IfField.ifText.Length);
                    state           = State.Final;
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate the IF field.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Evaluate()
            // This will clear out the literal area of the field.  The main idea of evaluation is to replace the contents of this part of the field with the
            // evaluated data.  The original field -- the stuff before the field seperator -- remains pretty much in tact.

            // Recursively evaluate each of the child fields before the parent is evaluated.
            foreach (WordField wordField in this)

            // This is a general purpose expression evaluator.  It is used to determine the veracity of the expression in the 'IF' statement and depending on
            // the resulting value, will either add the 'True' clause or the 'False' clause to the document.
            ExpressionContext context = new ExpressionContext();

            // The first step to evaluating a conditional statement to provide distinct variables for all the merge fields.
            foreach (WordField wordField in this)
                if (wordField is MergeField)
                    MergeField mergeField = wordField as MergeField;
                    if (!context.Variables.ContainsKey(mergeField.Reference))
                        context.Variables.Add(mergeField.Reference, mergeField.Value);

                // This is the part where the expression that was parsed out of the field is evaluated.  At this point all the variables having been set to
                // values from the merged database and the expression can be compiled and evaluated.  Also note that this will catch any compile time errors
                // and produce a field in the output document that contains the error.
                IDynamicExpression iDynamicExpression = context.CompileDynamic(this.expression);
                List <Node>        statement          = Convert.ToBoolean(iDynamicExpression.Evaluate()) ? this.trueExpression : this.falseExpression;

                // The literal part of the field has been cleared out and now that the expression has been evaluated it can be filled in with either the data
                // collected from the 'True' or' 'False' statements (depending on the outcome of the evaluation done above).
                foreach (Node replacementNode in statement)
                    this.FieldStart.ParentNode.InsertBefore(replacementNode, this.FieldEnd);

                // Adding elements from the 'True' or 'False' statements has the potential to add child fields to this field.  This pass will look generate
                // any new fields and immediately evaluate them.  Like a real programming language, conditional clauses are not evaluated until the condition
                // has been resolved.
                foreach (Node replacementNode in statement)
                    if (replacementNode.NodeType == NodeType.FieldStart)
                        WordField wordField = WordField.CreateField(replacementNode as FieldStart);
            catch (Exception exception)
                // This inserts the error message into the document.
                Run run = new Run(this.FieldStart.Document, String.Format("Error! {0}", exception.Message));
                this.FieldStart.ParentNode.InsertAfter(run, this.FieldEnd);