public ManagerJob_Foraging( Manager manager ) : base(manager) { // all plants that yield something, and it isn't wood. AllowedPlants = .Where( plant => plant.plant.harvestYield > 0 && plant.plant.harvestedThingDef != null && plant.plant.harvestTag != "Wood" ) .ToDictionary( k => k, v => false ); // add cave world fauna List<ThingDef> caveWorldFauna = DefDatabase<ThingDef>.AllDefsListForReading.Where( def => def.plant?.sowTags.Contains( "Fungiponics" ) ?? false ) .ToList(); foreach ( ThingDef fungus in caveWorldFauna ) { AllowedPlants.Add( fungus, false ); } // populate the trigger field, count all harvested thingdefs from the allowed plant list Trigger = new Trigger_Threshold( this ); Trigger.ThresholdFilter.SetDisallowAll(); foreach ( ThingDef plant in AllowedPlants.Keys ) { Trigger.ThresholdFilter.SetAllow( plant.plant.harvestedThingDef, true ); } // create History tracker History = new History( new[] {"stock", "designated"}, new[] {Color.white, Color.grey} ); }
public Dialog_CreateJobsForIngredients( Manager manager, RecipeDef recipe, int count ) { targetCount = count; targetRecipe = recipe; ingredients = recipe.ingredients.Select( ic => new IngredientSelector( manager, ic, targetCount, recipe ) ).ToList(); this.manager = manager; }
public ManagerJob_Livestock( Manager manager ) : base(manager) { // init designations Designations = new List<Designation>(); // start history tracker _history = new History( Utilities_Livestock.AgeSexArray.Select( ageSex => ageSex.ToString() ).ToArray() ); // set up the trigger, set all target counts to 5 Trigger = new Trigger_PawnKind( this.manager ); // set all training to false Training = new TrainingTracker(); // set areas for restriction and taming to unrestricted TameArea = null; RestrictToArea = false; RestrictArea = Utilities_Livestock.AgeSexArray.Select( k => (Area) null ).ToList(); // set defaults for boolean options TryTameMore = false; ButcherExcess = true; ButcherTrained = false; }
public BillGiverTracker( ManagerJob_Production job ) { manager = job.manager; Recipe = job.Bill.recipe; _job = job; _assignedBills = new Dictionary<Bill_Production, Building_WorkTable>(); SpecificBillGivers = new List<Building_WorkTable>(); }
public ManagerJob_Production( Manager manager, RecipeDef recipe ) : base(manager) { Bill = recipe.UsesUnfinishedThing ? new Bill_ProductionWithUft( recipe ) : new Bill_Production( recipe ); _hasMeaningfulIngredientChoices = Dialog_CreateJobsForIngredients.HasPrerequisiteChoices( manager, recipe ); MainProduct = new MainProductTracker( Bill.recipe ); Trigger = new Trigger_Threshold( this ); BillGivers = new BillGiverTracker( this ); History = new History( new[] {Trigger.ThresholdFilter.Summary} ); }
public ManagerJob_Hunting( Manager manager ) : base(manager) { // populate the trigger field, set the root category to meats and allow all but human meat. Trigger = new Trigger_Threshold( this ); Trigger.ThresholdFilter.SetDisallowAll(); Trigger.ThresholdFilter.SetAllow( Utilities_Hunting.RawMeat, true ); Trigger.ThresholdFilter.SetAllow( Utilities_Hunting.HumanMeat, false ); // populate the list of animals from the animals in the biome - allow all by default. AllowedAnimals = pk => pk, v => true ); History = new History( new[] {"stock", "corpses", "designated"}, new Color[] {Color.white, new Color( .7f, .7f, .7f ), new Color( .4f, .4f, .4f )} ); }
public ManagerTab_Power( Manager manager ) : base(manager) { // get list of thingdefs set to use the power comps - this should be static throughout the game (barring added mods midgame) _traderDefs = GetTraderDefs().ToList(); _batteryDefs = GetBatteryDefs().ToList(); // get a dictionary of powercomps actually existing on the map for each thingdef. RefreshCompLists(); // set up the history trackers. tradingHistory = new History( _traderDefs.Select( def => new ThingCount( def, def ) .Count() ) ) .ToArray() ) { DrawOptions = false, DrawInlineLegend = false, Suffix = "W", DrawInfoInBar = true, DrawMaxMarkers = true }; overallHistory = new History( new[] {"Production", "Consumption", "Batteries"} ) { DrawOptions = false, DrawInlineLegend = false, Suffix = "W", DrawIcons = false, DrawCounts = false, DrawInfoInBar = true, DrawMaxMarkers = true, MaxPerChapter = true }; }
public ManagerJob_Forestry( Manager manager ) : base(manager) { // populate the trigger field, set the root category to wood. Trigger = new Trigger_Threshold( this ); Trigger.ThresholdFilter.SetDisallowAll(); Trigger.ThresholdFilter.SetAllow( Utilities_Forestry.Wood, true ); // populate the list of trees from the plants in the biome - allow all by default. // A tree is defined as any plant that yields wood or has a wood harvesting tag. AllowedTrees = pd => pd.plant.harvestTag == "Wood" || pd.plant.harvestedThingDef == Utilities_Forestry.Wood ) // add harvesttag to allow non-wood yielding woody plants. .ToDictionary( pk => pk, v => true ); // initialize clearAreas list with current areas UpdateClearAreas(); History = new History( new[] {"stock", "designated"}, new[] {Color.white, Color.grey} ); }
public ManagerTab_Foraging( Manager manager ) : base(manager) { _selected = new ManagerJob_Foraging( manager ); }
public Trigger( Manager manager ) { this.manager = manager; }
public ManagerTab_Overview(Manager manager) : base(manager) { }
public void DrawOverview(Rect rect) { if (Jobs.NullOrEmpty()) { Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; GUI.color = Color.grey; Widgets.Label(rect, "FM.NoJobs".Translate()); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; GUI.color = Color.white; } else { Rect viewRect = rect; Rect contentRect = viewRect.AtZero(); contentRect.height = OverviewHeight; if (OverviewHeight > viewRect.height) { contentRect.width -= ScrollbarWidth; } GUI.BeginGroup(viewRect); Widgets.BeginScrollView(viewRect, ref _overviewScrollPosition, contentRect); Vector2 cur =; for (var i = 0; i < Jobs.Count; i++) { var row = new Rect(cur.x, cur.y, contentRect.width, 50f); // highlights if (i % 2 == 1) { Widgets.DrawAltRect(row); } if (Jobs[i] == Selected) { Widgets.DrawHighlightSelected(row); } // go to job icon var iconRect = new Rect(Margin, row.yMin + (LargeListEntryHeight - LargeIconSize) / 2, LargeIconSize, LargeIconSize); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(iconRect, Jobs[i].Tab.Icon)) { MainTabWindow_Manager.GoTo(Jobs[i].Tab, Jobs[i]); } // order buttons DrawOrderButtons(new Rect(row.xMax - 50f, row.yMin, 50f, 50f), Manager.For(manager), Jobs[i]); // job specific overview. Rect jobRect = row; jobRect.width -= LargeListEntryHeight + LargeIconSize + 2 * Margin; // - (a + b)? jobRect.x += LargeIconSize + 2 * Margin; Jobs[i].DrawListEntry(jobRect, true, true); Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(row); if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(jobRect)) { Selected = Jobs[i]; } cur.y += 50f; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); GUI.EndGroup(); OverviewHeight = cur.y; } }
public ManagerTab_Livestock( Manager manager ) : base(manager) { }
public ManagerJob_Trading( Manager manager ) : base(manager) { }
public ManagerTab( Manager manager ) { this.manager = manager; }
public RecipeDef targetRecipe; // the parent recipe itself. #endregion Fields #region Constructors public IngredientSelector( Manager manager, IngredientCount ingredient, int count, RecipeDef targetRecipe ) { // set up vars this.ingredient = ingredient; this.targetRecipe = targetRecipe; this.manager = manager; targetCount = (int) Math.Sqrt( count ) * (int) ingredient.GetBaseCount(); allowedThingDefs = ingredient.filter.AllowedThingDefs.ToList(); // if there's only one allowed we don't need to manually choose. if ( allowedThingDefs.Count == 1 ) { recipeSelector = new RecipeSelector( manager, allowedThingDefs.First(), targetCount ); } }
public Trigger_PawnKind( Manager manager ) : base(manager) { CountTargets = Utilities_Livestock.AgeSexArray.ToDictionary( k => k, v => 5 ); }
// copypasta from AutoEquip. public static Manager For( Map map ) { var instance = map.GetComponent<Manager>(); if ( instance != null ) return instance; instance = new Manager( map ); map.components.Add( instance ); return instance; }
public ManagerTab_Production( Manager manager ) : base(manager) { }
protected override IEnumerable <Toil> MakeNewToils() { this.FailOnDespawnedNullOrForbidden(TargetIndex.A); yield return(Toils_Goto.GotoThing(TargetIndex.A, PathEndMode.InteractionCell)); var manage = Manage(TargetIndex.A); yield return(manage); // if made to by player, keep doing that untill we're out of jobs yield return(Toils_Jump.JumpIf(manage, () => GetActor().CurJob.playerForced&& Manager.For(Map).JobStack.NextJob != null)); }
// set defaults public ManagerJob_Livestock( PawnKindDef pawnKindDef, Manager manager ) : this(manager) { // set pawnkind and get list of current colonist pawns of that def. Trigger.pawnKind = pawnKindDef; }
public RecipeSelector( Manager manager, ThingDef thingDef, int count ) { target = thingDef; targetCount = count; this.manager = manager; newCount = count.ToString(); recipes = GetRecipesFor( manager, thingDef ); }
public ManagerTab_Mining(Manager manager) : base(manager) { _selected = new ManagerJob_Mining(manager); }
public ManagerTab_ImportExport( Manager manager ) : base(manager) { }