public static object invokeEval(this WatiN_IE ie, string evalScript) { var evalParam = "(function() { " + evalScript + "})();"; //"[WatiN_IE] invokeEval evalParam: {0}".debug(evalParam); return(ie.invokeScript("eval", evalParam)); }
/// <summary> /// Searches all elements for the an element that matches the provided value. /// /// The value returned is the first match, and the search order is: /// - Html Tag name /// - id attribute /// - innerHtml /// </summary> /// <param name="watinIe"></param> /// <param name="value"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Element element(this WatiN_IE watinIe, string value) { if (watinIe.isNull() || value.notValid()) { return(null); } var element_by_Tag = watinIe.elements().with_TagName(value); if (element_by_Tag.notNull()) { return(element_by_Tag); } var element_by_Id = watinIe.elements().with_Id(value); if (element_by_Id.notNull()) { return(element_by_Id); } var element_by_InnerText = watinIe.elements().with_InnerText(value); if (element_by_InnerText.notNull()) { return(element_by_InnerText); } return(null); }
public static List <T> elements <T>(this WatiN_IE watinIe) where T : Element { return((from element in watinIe.elements() where element is T select(T) element).toList()); }
public static WatiN_IE open_usingPOST(this WatiN_IE watinIe, string postUrl, string contentType, string postData) { try { "[WatIN] open using POST: {0} ({1} bytes)".info(postUrl, postData.size()); var browser = (watinIe.IE.InternetExplorer as IWebBrowser2); if (browser.notNull()) { object postDataByte = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData); object additionalHeaders = "Content-Type: " + contentType.line(); object nullValue = null; browser.Navigate(postUrl, ref nullValue, ref nullValue, ref postDataByte, ref additionalHeaders); watinIe.IE.WaitForComplete(); } else { "[WatiN_IE open_usingPOST] could not get a reference to the browser object".error(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.log("in WatiN_IE open_usingPOST"); } return(watinIe); }
public static WatiN_IE openWithExtraHeader(this WatiN_IE watinIe, string url, string extraHeader) { try { "[WatIN] open with extra Header: {0} ({1} bytes)".info(url, extraHeader.size()); object headerObject = extraHeader.line(); object flags = null; var iWebBrowser = watinIe.iWebBrowser(); if (iWebBrowser.notNull()) { iWebBrowser.Navigate(url, ref flags, ref flags, ref flags, ref headerObject); watinIe.IE.WaitForComplete(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.log("in WatiN_IE openWithExtraHeader(...)"); } return(watinIe); }
public static WatiN_IE deleteJsVariable(this WatiN_IE watinIe, string jsVariable) { var evalString = "try { delete " + jsVariable + " } catch(exception) { }"; watinIe.eval(evalString); return(watinIe); }
// region close public static WatiN_IE close(this WatiN_IE watinIe) { "closing WatIN InternetExplorer Process".info(); watinIe.close(); //watinIe.Close(); return(watinIe); }
public static string html(this WatiN_IE ie) { try { return(ie.IE.Html); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.log("in WatiN_IE html()"); return(null); } //return ie.documentElement().html(); /* * try * { * if (ie.IE.InternetExplorer.notNull() && ie.IE.InternetExplorer is IWebBrowser2) * { * var webBrowser = (IWebBrowser2)ie.IE.InternetExplorer; * if (webBrowser.Document.notNull() && webBrowser.Document is HTMLDocumentClass) * { * var htmlDocument = (HTMLDocumentClass)webBrowser.Document; * if (htmlDocument.documentElement.notNull()) * return htmlDocument.documentElement.outerHTML; * } * } * } * catch(Exception ex) * { * ex.log("in WatiN_IE html()"); * } * return "";*/ }
public static WatiN_IE.ToCSharp injectJavascriptFunctions(this WatiN_IE ie, bool resetHooks) { if (ie.WebBrowser.isNull()) { "in InjectJavascriptFunctions, ie.WebBrowser was null".error(); } else { if (ie.WebBrowser.ObjectForScripting.isNull() || resetHooks) { ie.WebBrowser.ObjectForScripting = new WatiN_IE.ToCSharp(); "Injecting Javascript Hooks * Functions for page: {0}".debug(ie.url()); ie.eval("var o2Log = function(message) { window.external.write(message) };"); ie.invokeScript("o2Log", "Test from Javascript (via toCSharp(message) )"); ie.eval("$o2 = window.external"); "Injection complete (use o2Log(...) or $o2.write(...) to talk back to O2".info(); return(ie.WebBrowser.ObjectForScripting as WatiN_IE.ToCSharp); } else { if ((ie.WebBrowser.ObjectForScripting is WatiN_IE.ToCSharp)) { return(ie.WebBrowser.ObjectForScripting as WatiN_IE.ToCSharp); } else { "in WatiN_IE injectJavascriptFunctions, unexpected type in ie.WebBrowser.ObjectForScripting: {0}".error(ie.WebBrowser.ObjectForScripting.typeName()); } } } return(null); }
public static DispHTMLHtmlElement htmlDocumentElement(this WatiN_IE ie) { try { var htmlDocument = ie.htmlDocument(); if (htmlDocument.notNull()) { var htmlDocumentElement = htmlDocument.documentElement; var comTypeName = htmlDocumentElement.comObject_TypeName(); if (htmlDocumentElement.notNull()) { /* in an previous version it was HTMLHtmlElementClass * * if (htmlDocumentElement is HTMLHtmlElementClass) * return (HTMLHtmlElementClass)htmlDocumentElement; */ if (htmlDocumentElement is DispHTMLHtmlElement) { return((DispHTMLHtmlElement)htmlDocumentElement); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.log("in WatiN_IE htmlDocumentElement()"); } return(null); }
public static string formatJsCode(this WatiN_IE ie, string codeToFormat) { if (ie.url().not_Equal("about:blank")) { "opening ABOUT:Blank".info();"about:blank"); } else { "already in ABOUT:Blank".info(); } if (ie.js_FunctionExists("js_beautify").isFalse()) { var jsBeautify = @"beautify.js".local(); ie.eval(jsBeautify.fileContents()); if (ie.js_FunctionExists("js_beautify")) { "Injected beautify.js into about:blank".info(); } else { "Failed to Inject js_beautify code".error(); } } "formating Javascript with size: {0}".info(codeToFormat.size()); ie.setJsObject(codeToFormat); ie.eval("window.external.setJsObject(js_beautify(_jsObject))"); var result = ie.getJsObject().str().fix_CRLF(); // "formated Javascript has size: {0}".info(result.size()); return(result); }
public static WatiN_IE ie(this string url, int top, int left, int width, int height) { var ie = new WatiN_IE(); ie.createIEObject(url, top, left, width, height); return(ie); }
public static List <WatiN.Core.RadioButton> radioButtons(this WatiN_IE watinIe, string name) { return((from radioButton in watinIe.IE.RadioButtons where ( == name) select radioButton ).toList()); }
public static WatiN_IE waitNSeconds(this WatiN_IE watinIe, int seconds) { if (seconds > 0) { watinIe.sleep(seconds * 1000); } return(watinIe); }
public static WatiN_IE if_NoPageLoaded(this WatiN_IE watinIe, Action callback) { if (watinIe.noPageLoaded()) { callback(); } return(watinIe); }
public static WatiN_IE inject_FirebugLite(this WatiN_IE ie) { var firebugLiteScript = "(function(F,i,r,e,b,u,g,L,I,T,E){if(F.getElementById(b))return;E=F[i+'NS']&&F.documentElement.namespaceURI;E=E?F[i+'NS'](E,'script'):F[i]('script');E[r]('id',b);E[r]('src',I+g+T);E[r](b,u);(F[e]('head')[0]||F[e]('body')[0]).appendChild(E);E=new Image;E[r]('src',I+L);})(document,'createElement','setAttribute','getElementsByTagName','FirebugLite','4','firebug-lite.js','releases/lite/latest/skin/xp/sprite.png','','#startOpened');"; ie.eval(firebugLiteScript); "[Injected FirebugLite]".info(); return(ie); }
public static WatiN_IE refresh(this WatiN_IE ie) { if (ie.url().valid()) {; } return(ie); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the parent WindForm Form object (note that this is NOT a WatiN.Core.Form object) /// /// This is the same as calling <code>watinIe.HostControl.parentForm()</code> /// </summary> /// <param name="watinIe"></param> /// <returns>System.Windows.Forms.Form</returns> public static System.Windows.Forms.Form parentForm(this WatiN_IE watinIe) { if (watinIe.notNull() && watinIe.HostControl.notNull()) { return(watinIe.HostControl.parentForm()); } return(null); }
public static WatiN_IE wait(this WatiN_IE watinIe, int miliseconds) { if (WatiN_IE.WaitingEnabled && miliseconds > 0) { watinIe.sleep(miliseconds); } return(watinIe); }
public static WatiN.Core.Image image(this WatiN_IE watinIe, string name) { foreach(var image in watinIe.images()) if ( == name)//|| link.text() == name) return image; "in WatiN_IE could not find Image with name:{0}".error(name ?? "[null value]"); return null; }
public static DialogWatcher getDialogWatcher(this WatiN_IE watinIe) { if (watinIe.isNull() || watinIe.IE.isNull()) { return(null); } watinIe.setDialogWatcher(); return(watinIe.IE.DialogWatcher); }
public static List <Link> links(this WatiN_IE watinIe) { if (watinIe.notNull() && watinIe.IE.notNull()) { return((from link in watinIe.IE.Links select link).toList()); } return(new List <Link>()); }
public static string askUserQuestion(this WatiN_IE watinIe, string question, string title, string defaultValue) { var assembly = "Microsoft.VisualBasic".assembly(); var intercation = assembly.type("Interaction"); var parameters = new object[] { question, title, defaultValue, -1, -1 }; return(intercation.invokeStatic("InputBox", parameters).str()); }
public static T javascript_VariableValue <T>(this WatiN_IE ie, string variableName) { var result = ie.javascript_VariableValue(variableName); if (result is T) { return((T)result); } return(default(T)); }
public static Credential askUserForUsernameAndPassword(this WatiN_IE watinIe, string loginType) { var credential = ascx_AskUserForLoginDetails.ask(); if (loginType.valid()) { credential.CredentialType = loginType; } return(credential); }
public static string url(this WatiN_IE watinIe) { var uri = watinIe.uri(); if (uri.notNull()) { return(uri.str()); } return(null); }
public static T getJsObject <T>(this WatiN_IE ie, string jsCommand) { var jsObject = ie.getJsObject(jsCommand); if (jsObject is T) { return((T)jsObject); } return(default(T)); }
public static object getJsObject(this WatiN_IE ie) { var toCSharpProxy = ie.injectJavascriptFunctions(); if (toCSharpProxy.notNull()) { return(toCSharpProxy.getJsObject()); } return(null); }
public static WatiN_IE eval(this WatiN_IE ie, string script, bool waitForExecutionComplete) { var executionThread = O2Thread.staThread(() => ie.IE.RunScript(script)); if (waitForExecutionComplete) { executionThread.Join(); } return(ie); }
public static WatiN_IE fullScreen(this WatiN_IE ie, bool value) { var internetExplorer = ie.internetExplorer(); if (internetExplorer.notNull()) { internetExplorer.FullScreen = value; } return(ie); }