protected override string FormatNullable(ColumnDefinition column)
            if (column.IsNullable.GetValueOrDefault())
                return column.ModificationType == ColumnModificationType.Alter ? "NULL" : string.Empty;

            return "NOT NULL";
 public static bool ColumnTypesMatch(ColumnDefinition col1, ColumnDefinition col2)
     FirebirdColumn column = new FirebirdColumn(new FirebirdOptions());
     string colDef1 = column.GenerateForTypeAlter(col1);
     string colDef2 = column.GenerateForTypeAlter(col2);
     return colDef1 == colDef2;
        protected void WriteColumn(ColumnDefinition column, StreamWriter output, bool isLastColumn)
            string columnSyntax = ".WithColumn(\"" + column.Name + "\")";
            switch (column.Type)
                case DbType.Boolean:
                    columnSyntax += ".AsBoolean()";
                case DbType.Int16:
                    columnSyntax += ".AsInt16()";
                case DbType.Int32:
                    columnSyntax += ".AsInt32()";
                    columnSyntax += ".AsString()";
            if (column.IsIdentity)
                columnSyntax += ".Identity()";
            else if (column.IsIndexed)
                columnSyntax += ".Indexed()";

            if (column.IsNullable == false)
                columnSyntax += ".NotNullable()";

            if (isLastColumn) columnSyntax += ";";
            output.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t" + columnSyntax);
Exemple #4
        public string GenerateAlterClause(ColumnDefinition column)
            if (column.IsIdentity)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Altering an identity column is not supported.");

            var alterClauses = AlterClauseOrder.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), (acc, newRow) =>
                var clause = newRow(column);
                if (acc.Length == 0)
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clause))
                    acc.Append(clause.PadLeft(clause.Length + 1));

                return acc;

            return string.Format(
                "ALTER COLUMN {0} SET DATA TYPE {1}",
Exemple #5
        public virtual string GenerateDDLForColumn(ColumnDefinition column)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append(" ");
            sb.Append(GetTypeMap(column.Type.Value, column.Size, column.Precision));

            if (!column.IsNullable)
                sb.Append(" NOT NULL");

            if (column.DefaultValue != null)
                sb.Append(" DEFAULT ");

            if (column.IsIdentity)
                sb.Append(" IDENTITY(1,1)");

            if (column.IsPrimaryKey)
                sb.Append(" PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED");

            return sb.ToString();
        protected override string FormatType(ColumnDefinition column)
            if (column.IsIdentity)
                return GetTypeMap(DbType.Int32, column.Size, column.Precision);

            return base.FormatType(column);
Exemple #7
        protected virtual string FormatType(ColumnDefinition column)
            if (!column.Type.HasValue)
                return column.CustomType;

            return GetTypeMap(column.Type.Value, column.Size, column.Precision);
 public void Truncate(ColumnDefinition column)
     column.Name = Truncate(column.Name);
     column.TableName = Truncate(column.TableName);
     if (column.IsPrimaryKey)
         column.PrimaryKeyName = packKeyNames ? Pack(column.PrimaryKeyName) : Truncate(column.PrimaryKeyName);
 protected override string FormatIdentity(ColumnDefinition column)
     if (column.IsIdentity)
         //todo: would like to throw a warning here
     return string.Empty;
 public void CanAddColumnWithGetDateDefault()
     ColumnDefinition column = new ColumnDefinition { Name = "TestColumn1", Type = DbType.String,
         Size = 5, DefaultValue = "GetDate()" };
     var expression = new CreateColumnExpression { TableName = "TestTable1", Column = column };
     var sql = _generator.Generate(expression);
     sql.ShouldBe("ALTER TABLE [TestTable1] ADD [TestColumn1] NVARCHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT GetDate()");
        protected override string FormatPrimaryKey(ColumnDefinition column)
            if (!column.IsPrimaryKey)
                return string.Empty;

            //Assume that if its IDENTITY and PRIMARY KEY, the it should be an AUTOINCREMENT column
            return !column.IsIdentity ? "PRIMARY KEY" : "PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT";
        public void CanUseSystemMethodCurrentDateTimeAsADefaultValueForAColumn()
            var columnDefinition = new ColumnDefinition { Name = "NewColumn", Size = 15, Type = null, CustomType = "TIMESTAMP", DefaultValue = SystemMethods.CurrentDateTime };
            var expression = new CreateColumnExpression { Column = columnDefinition, TableName = "NewTable" };

            var result = Generator.Generate(expression);
 protected override string FormatIdentity(ColumnDefinition column)
     if (column.IsIdentity)
         throw new DatabaseOperationNotSupportedException("Oracle does not support identity columns. Please use a SEQUENCE instead");
     return string.Empty;
        protected override string FormatDefaultValue(ColumnDefinition column)
            var defaultValue = base.FormatDefaultValue(column);

                return string.Format("CONSTRAINT DF_{0}_{1} ", column.TableName, column.Name) + defaultValue;

            return string.Empty;
Exemple #15
        protected virtual string FormatNullable(ColumnDefinition column)
			if (column.IsNullable.HasValue && column.IsNullable.Value) {
				return string.Empty;
			else {
				return "NOT NULL";
Exemple #16
        protected override string FormatNullable(ColumnDefinition column)
            if (!(column.DefaultValue is ColumnDefinition.UndefinedDefaultValue))
                return string.Empty;

            return column.IsNullable.HasValue 
                ? (column.IsNullable.Value ? "NULL" : "NOT NULL") 
                : String.Empty;
        public void CanUseSystemMethodCurrentUTCDateTimeAsADefaultValueForAColumn()
            const string tableName = "NewTable";
            var columnDefinition = new ColumnDefinition { Name = "NewColumn", Size = 5, Type = DbType.String, DefaultValue = SystemMethods.CurrentUTCDateTime };
            var expression = new CreateColumnExpression { Column = columnDefinition, TableName = tableName };

            var result = Generator.Generate(expression);
            result.ShouldBe("ALTER TABLE \"public\".\"NewTable\" ADD \"NewColumn\" varchar(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT (now() at time zone 'UTC')");
        public void CanUseSystemMethodCurrentUTCDateTimeAsADefaultValueForAColumn()
            const string tableName = "NewTable";
            var columnDefinition = new ColumnDefinition { Name = "NewColumn", Size = 5, Type = DbType.String, DefaultValue = SystemMethods.CurrentUTCDateTime };
            var expression = new CreateColumnExpression { Column = columnDefinition, TableName = tableName };

            var result = Generator.Generate(expression);
        public void CanUseSystemMethodCurrentUserAsADefaultValueForAColumn()
            const string tableName = "NewTable";
            var columnDefinition = new ColumnDefinition { Name = "NewColumn", Size = 18, Type = DbType.AnsiString, DefaultValue = SystemMethods.CurrentUser };
            var expression = new CreateColumnExpression { Column = columnDefinition, TableName = tableName };

            var result = Generator.Generate(expression);
            result.ShouldBe("ALTER TABLE NewTable ADD COLUMN NewColumn VARCHAR(18) NOT NULL DEFAULT USER");
        private string FormatAlterNullable(ColumnDefinition column)
            if (!column.IsNullable.HasValue)
                return "";

            if (column.IsNullable.Value)
                return "DROP NOT NULL";

            return "SET NOT NULL";
        private CreateTableExpression GetCreateTableExpression(string tableName)
            var columnName1 = "ColumnName1";

            var column1 = new ColumnDefinition { Name = columnName1, Type = DbType.String };

            var expression = new CreateTableExpression { TableName = tableName };
            return expression;
 protected override string FormatIdentity(ColumnDefinition column)
     //SQLite only supports the concept of Identity in combination with a single primary key
     //see: syntax details
     if (column.IsIdentity && !column.IsPrimaryKey && column.Type != DbType.Int32)
         throw new ArgumentException("SQLite only supports identity on single integer, primary key coulmns");
     return string.Empty;
        public void CanUseSystemMethodCurrentUTCDateTimeAsADefaultValueForAColumn()
            const string tableName = "NewTable";
            var columnDefinition = new ColumnDefinition { Name = "NewColumn", Size = 5, Type = DbType.String, DefaultValue = SystemMethods.CurrentUTCDateTime };
            var expression = new CreateColumnExpression { Column = columnDefinition, TableName = tableName };

            var result = Generator.Generate(expression);

            result.ShouldBe("ALTER TABLE \"NewTable\" ADD (\"NewColumn\" NVARCHAR(5) DEFAULT CURRENT_UTCTIMESTAMP);");
        public void CanAddDecimalColumn()
            var tableName = "NewTable";
            var columnDefinition = new ColumnDefinition {Name = "NewColumn", Size = 19, Precision = 2, Type = DbType.Decimal};
            var expression = new CreateColumnExpression {Column = columnDefinition, TableName = tableName};

            var sql = generator.Generate(expression);
            sql.ShouldBe("ALTER TABLE [NewTable] ADD COLUMN NewColumn NUMERIC NOT NULL");
        /// <summary>
        /// Either updates the IsNullable flag on the column, or creates/removes the SetNotNull expression, depending
        /// on whether the column has a 'Set existing rows' expression.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void SetNullable(bool isNullable)
            var column = _builder.Column;
            ExistingRowsData exRowExpr;
            if (_existingRowsDataByColumn.TryGetValue(column, out exRowExpr))
                if (exRowExpr.SetExistingRowsExpression != null)
                    if (isNullable)
                        //Remove additional expression to set column to not null.
                        exRowExpr.SetColumnNotNullableExpression = null;
                        //Add expression to set column to not null.
                        //If it already exists, just leave it.
                        if (exRowExpr.SetColumnNotNullableExpression == null)
                            //stuff that matters shouldn't change at this point, so we're free to make a
                            //copy of the col def.
                            //TODO: make a SetColumnNotNullExpression, which just takes the bare minimum.
                            ColumnDefinition notNullColDef = new ColumnDefinition
                                ModificationType = ColumnModificationType.Alter,
                                TableName = column.TableName,
                                Name = column.Name,
                                Type = column.Type,
                                CustomType = column.CustomType,
                                IsNullable = false,

                            exRowExpr.SetColumnNotNullableExpression = new AlterColumnExpression
                                Column = notNullColDef,
                                TableName = _builder.TableName,
                                SchemaName = _builder.SchemaName


                    //Setting column explicitly to nullable, as the actual nullable value
                    //will be set by the SetColumnNotNullableExpression after the column is created and populated.
                    column.IsNullable = true;

            //At this point, we know there's no existing row expression, so just pass it onto the 
            //underlying column.
            column.IsNullable = isNullable;
Exemple #26
 protected virtual string FormatCollation(ColumnDefinition column)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(column.CollationName))
         return "COLLATE " + column.CollationName;
         return string.Empty;
        protected override string FormatType(ColumnDefinition column)
            if (column.IsIdentity)
                if (column.Type == DbType.Int64)
                    return "bigserial";
                return "serial";

            return base.FormatType(column);
        public void CanUseSystemMethodCurrentUTCDateTimeAsADefaultValueForAColumn()
            const string tableName = "NewTable";

            var columnDefinition = new ColumnDefinition { Name = "NewColumn", Type = DbType.DateTime, DefaultValue = SystemMethods.CurrentUTCDateTime };

            var expression = new CreateColumnExpression { Column = columnDefinition, TableName = tableName };

            string sql = generator.Generate(expression);
            sql.ShouldBe("ALTER TABLE [dbo].[NewTable] ADD [NewColumn] DATETIME NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF__NewColumn DEFAULT GETUTCDATE()");
 public static bool DefaultValuesMatch(ColumnDefinition col1, ColumnDefinition col2)
     if (col1.DefaultValue is ColumnDefinition.UndefinedDefaultValue && col2.DefaultValue is ColumnDefinition.UndefinedDefaultValue)
         return true;
     if (col1.DefaultValue is ColumnDefinition.UndefinedDefaultValue || col2.DefaultValue is ColumnDefinition.UndefinedDefaultValue)
         return true;
     FirebirdColumn column = new FirebirdColumn(new FirebirdOptions());
     string col1Value = column.GenerateForDefaultAlter(col1);
     string col2Value = column.GenerateForDefaultAlter(col2);
     return col1Value != col2Value;
        public void CanUseSystemMethodCurrentUserAsADefaultValueForAColumn()
            const string tableName = "NewTable";

            var columnDefinition = new ColumnDefinition { Name = "NewColumn", Size = 15, Type = DbType.String, DefaultValue = SystemMethods.CurrentUser };

            var expression = new CreateColumnExpression { Column = columnDefinition, TableName = tableName };

            string sql = generator.Generate(expression);
            sql.ShouldBe("ALTER TABLE [dbo].[NewTable] ADD [NewColumn] NVARCHAR(15) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF__NewColumn DEFAULT CURRENT_USER");