public override string Generate(CreateIndexExpression expression)
            var result = new StringBuilder("CREATE");
            if (expression.Index.IsUnique)
                result.Append(" UNIQUE");

            result.Append(" INDEX {0} ON {1}.{2} (");

            var first = true;
            foreach (var column in expression.Index.Columns)
                if (first)
                    first = false;

                result.Append("\"" + column.Name + "\"");
                result.Append(column.Direction == Direction.Ascending ? " ASC" : " DESC");

            return String.Format(result.ToString(), Quoter.QuoteIndexName(expression.Index.Name), Quoter.QuoteSchemaName(expression.Index.SchemaName), Quoter.QuoteTableName(expression.Index.TableName));

            var idx = String.Format(result.ToString(), expression.Index.Name, Quoter.QuoteSchemaName(expression.Index.SchemaName), expression.Index.TableName);
            if (!expression.Index.IsClustered)
                return idx;

             // Clustered indexes in Postgres do not cluster updates/inserts to the table after the initial cluster operation is applied.
             // To keep the clustered index up to date run CLUSTER TableName periodically

            return string.Format("{0}; CLUSTER {1}\"{2}\" ON \"{3}\"", idx, Quoter.QuoteSchemaName(expression.Index.SchemaName), expression.Index.TableName, expression.Index.Name);
        public void ErrorIsReturnedWhenColumnCountIsZero()
            var expression = new CreateIndexExpression { Index = { Name = "IX", TableName = "test" } };

            var errors = ValidationHelper.CollectErrors(expression);
        public override string Generate(CreateIndexExpression expression)
            var result = new StringBuilder("CREATE");
            if (expression.Index.IsUnique)
                result.Append(" UNIQUE");

            //if (expression.Index.IsClustered)
            //    result.Append(" CLUSTERED");
            //    result.Append(" NONCLUSTERED");

            result.Append(" INDEX {0} ON {1} (");

            bool first = true;
            foreach (IndexColumnDefinition column in expression.Index.Columns)
                if (first)
                    first = false;

                if (column.Direction == Direction.Ascending)
                    result.Append(" ASC");
                    result.Append(" DESC");

            return String.Format(result.ToString(), expression.Index.Name, expression.Index.TableName);
        public override string Generate(CreateIndexExpression expression)
            //Firebird doesn't have particular asc or desc order per column, only per the whole index
            // CREATE [UNIQUE] [ASC[ENDING] | [DESC[ENDING]] INDEX indexname
            //  ON tablename  { (<col> [, <col> ...]) | COMPUTED BY (expression) }
            //  <col>  ::=  a column not of type ARRAY, BLOB or COMPUTED BY
            // Assuming the first column's direction for the index's direction.


            StringBuilder indexColumns = new StringBuilder("");
            Direction indexDirection = Direction.Ascending;
            int columnCount = expression.Index.Columns.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++)
                IndexColumnDefinition columnDef = expression.Index.Columns.ElementAt(i);

                if (i > 0)
                    indexColumns.Append(", ");
                else indexDirection = columnDef.Direction;



            return String.Format(CreateIndex
                , GetUniqueString(expression)
                , indexDirection == Direction.Ascending ? "ASC " : "DESC "
                , Quoter.QuoteIndexName(expression.Index.Name)
                , Quoter.QuoteTableName(expression.Index.TableName)
                , indexColumns.ToString());
        public void ErrorIsReturnedWhenTableNameIsNull()
            var expression = new CreateIndexExpression { Index = { Name = "IX", TableName = null } };
            expression.Index.Columns.Add(new IndexColumnDefinition());

            var errors = ValidationHelper.CollectErrors(expression);
 public static CreateIndexExpression GetCreateIndexExpression()
     var expression = new CreateIndexExpression();
     expression.Index.Name = TestIndexName;
     expression.Index.TableName = TestTableName1;
     expression.Index.IsUnique = false;
     expression.Index.Columns.Add(new IndexColumnDefinition { Direction = Direction.Ascending, Name = TestColumnName1 });
     return expression;
        public void ErrorIsNotReturnedWhenValidExpression()
            var expression = new CreateIndexExpression { Index = { Name = "IX", TableName = "test" } };
            expression.Index.Columns.Add(new IndexColumnDefinition{ Name = "Column1"});

            var errors = ValidationHelper.CollectErrors(expression);

            Assert.That(errors.Count, Is.EqualTo(0));
        public void ShouldDelegateApplyConventionsToIndexDefinition()
            var definitionMock = new Mock<IndexDefinition>();
            var createIndexExpression = new CreateIndexExpression {Index = definitionMock.Object};
            var migrationConventions = new Mock<IMigrationConventions>(MockBehavior.Strict).Object;

            definitionMock.Setup(id => id.ApplyConventions(migrationConventions)).Verifiable();


        public void CanCreateIndex()
            var expression = new CreateIndexExpression();
            expression.Index.Name = "IX_TEST";
            expression.Index.TableName = "TEST_TABLE";
            expression.Index.IsUnique = true;
            expression.Index.IsClustered = true;
            expression.Index.Columns.Add(new IndexColumnDefinition { Direction = Direction.Ascending, Name = "Column1" });
            expression.Index.Columns.Add(new IndexColumnDefinition { Direction = Direction.Descending, Name = "Column2" });

            string sql = generator.Generate(expression);
        public void CanCreateAcendingIndex()
            // Arrange
             var columns = new List<ColumnDefinition> {new ColumnDefinition {Name = "Data", Type = DbType.String}};

             var index = new CreateIndexExpression { Index = new IndexDefinition { Name = "IDX_Foo", TableName = "Foo" } };
             index.Index.Columns.Add(new IndexColumnDefinition { Name = "Data", Direction = Direction.Ascending});

             // Act
             var table = CreateTable(columns, index);

             // Assert
        public void CanCreateCompositeIndex()
            // Arrange
             var columns = new List<ColumnDefinition>
                             new ColumnDefinition { Name = "Data", Type = DbType.String }
                             , new ColumnDefinition { Name = "Data2", Type = DbType.String }

             var index = new CreateIndexExpression { Index = new IndexDefinition { Name = "IDX_Foo", TableName = "Foo", IsUnique = true } };
             index.Index.Columns.Add(new IndexColumnDefinition { Name = "Data" });
             index.Index.Columns.Add(new IndexColumnDefinition { Name = "Data2" });

             // Act
             var table = CreateTable(columns, index);

             // Assert
 public ICreateIndexForTableSyntax Index(string indexName)
     var expression = new CreateIndexExpression { Index = { Name = indexName } };
     return new CreateIndexExpressionBuilder(expression);
 public ICreateIndexForTableSyntax Index()
     var expression = new CreateIndexExpression();
     return new CreateIndexExpressionBuilder(expression);
        public override string Generate(CreateIndexExpression expression)
            var result = new StringBuilder("CREATE");
            if (expression.Index.IsUnique)
                result.Append(" UNIQUE");

            result.Append(" INDEX IF NOT EXISTS {0} ON {1} (");

            bool first = true;
            foreach (IndexColumnDefinition column in expression.Index.Columns)
                if (first)
                    first = false;


            return FormatExpression(result.ToString(), expression.Index.Name, expression.Index.TableName);
 //Not need for the nonclusted keyword as it is the default mode
 public override string GetClusterTypeString(CreateIndexExpression column)
     return column.Index.IsClustered ? "CLUSTERED " : string.Empty;
 public virtual void Process(CreateIndexExpression expression)
        public void CanForeignKeyToUniqueColumn()
            // Arrange

              var create = new CreateTableExpression
              TableName = "Foo",
              Columns = new[]{
                   new ColumnDefinition {Name = "Id", Type = DbType.Int32, IsPrimaryKey = true}
                   , new ColumnDefinition {Name = "Type", Type = DbType.Int32}

              var index = new CreateIndexExpression
              Index =
                 new IndexDefinition()
                     Name = "IDX_FooType",
                     TableName = "Foo",
                     IsUnique = true,
                     Columns = new List<IndexColumnDefinition> { new IndexColumnDefinition { Name = "Type" } }

              var secondTable = new CreateTableExpression
              TableName = "Bar",
              Columns = new[]{
                   new ColumnDefinition {Name = "Id", Type = DbType.Int32, IsPrimaryKey = true}
                   , new ColumnDefinition {Name = "FooType", Type = DbType.Int32}

              var foreignKey = new CreateForeignKeyExpression
              ForeignKey =
                 new ForeignKeyDefinition()
                     Name = "FK_FooType",
                     ForeignTable = "Bar",
                     ForeignColumns = new [] { "FooType" },
                     PrimaryTable= "Foo",
                     PrimaryColumns = new[] { "Type" }

              // Act
              MigrateToOracleWithData(new List<IMigrationExpression> { create, index, secondTable, foreignKey }, 2);

              // Assert
        public virtual void Indexed(string indexName)
            _builder.Column.IsIndexed = true;

            var index = new CreateIndexExpression
                Index = new IndexDefinition
                    Name = indexName,
                    SchemaName = _builder.SchemaName,
                    TableName = _builder.TableName

            index.Index.Columns.Add(new IndexColumnDefinition
                Name = _builder.Column.Name

        public void CanCreateUniqueIndex()
            var expression = new CreateIndexExpression();
            expression.Index.Name = "IX_TEST";
            expression.Index.TableName = "TEST_TABLE";
            expression.Index.IsUnique = true;
            expression.Index.Columns.Add(new IndexColumnDefinition { Direction = Direction.Ascending, Name = "Column1" });
            expression.Index.Columns.Add(new IndexColumnDefinition { Direction = Direction.Descending, Name = "Column2" });

            string sql = generator.Generate(expression);
            sql.ShouldBe("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX \"IX_TEST\" ON \"public\".\"TEST_TABLE\" (\"Column1\" ASC,\"Column2\" DESC)");
 public abstract string Generate(CreateIndexExpression expression);
        public void CanMigrateTableAndIndexWithOneColumnNameCaseSensitive()
            // Arrange

             var create = new CreateTableExpression
            TableName = "Foo",
            Columns = new[]{
                   new ColumnDefinition {Name = "id", Type = DbType.Int32}
                   , new ColumnDefinition {Name = "Data", Type = DbType.Int32}

             var index = new CreateIndexExpression()
                           Index =
                              new IndexDefinition()
                                    Name = "IDX_id",
                                    TableName = "Foo",
                                    Columns = new[] {new IndexColumnDefinition {Name = "id"}}

             // Act

             var context = GetDefaultContext();
             context.PreMigrationTableUpdate = tables =>
                                                 tables.First().Columns.First().Name = "\\\"id\\\"";
                                                 tables.First().Indexes.First().Columns.First().Name = "\\\"id\\\"";



             // Assert
 public virtual string GetClusterTypeString(CreateIndexExpression column)
     return string.Empty;
        public override string Generate(CreateIndexExpression expression)
            var result = new StringBuilder("CREATE");
            if (expression.Index.IsUnique)
                result.Append(" UNIQUE");

            result.Append(expression.Index.IsClustered ? " CLUSTERED" : " NONCLUSTERED");

            result.Append(" INDEX [{0}] ON {1}[{2}] (");

            var first = true;
            foreach (var column in expression.Index.Columns)
                if (first)
                    first = false;

                result.Append("[" + column.Name + "]");
                result.Append(column.Direction == Direction.Ascending ? " ASC" : " DESC");

            return String.Format(result.ToString(), expression.Index.Name, FormatSchema(expression.Index.SchemaName), expression.Index.TableName);
 public override string GetClusterTypeString(CreateIndexExpression column)
     return string.Empty;
        public void CanMigrateTableIndex()
            // Arrange

             var create = new CreateTableExpression
            TableName = "Foo",
            Columns = new[]{
                   new ColumnDefinition {Name = "Id", Type = DbType.Int32}

             var row = new InsertDataExpression
            TableName = "Foo"
             row.Rows.Add(new InsertionDataDefinition { new KeyValuePair<string, object>("Id", 1) });

             var index = new CreateIndexExpression
                           Index =
                              new IndexDefinition()
                                    Name = "IDX_Foo",
                                    TableName = "Foo",
                                    Columns = new List<IndexColumnDefinition> {new IndexColumnDefinition {Name = "Id"}}

             // Act
             MigrateToOracleWithData(new List<IMigrationExpression> { create, row, index }, 1, c => c.Type = c.Type | MigrationType.Indexes);

             // Assert
 public void Truncate(CreateIndexExpression expression)
        public override string Generate(CreateIndexExpression expression)
            string[] indexColumns = new string[expression.Index.Columns.Count];
            IndexColumnDefinition columnDef;

            for (int i = 0; i < expression.Index.Columns.Count; i++)
                columnDef = expression.Index.Columns.ElementAt(i);
                if (columnDef.Direction == Direction.Ascending)
                    indexColumns[i] = Quoter.QuoteColumnName(columnDef.Name) + " ASC";
                    indexColumns[i] = Quoter.QuoteColumnName(columnDef.Name) + " DESC";

            return String.Format(CreateIndex
                , GetUniqueString(expression)
                , GetClusterTypeString(expression)
                , Quoter.QuoteIndexName(expression.Index.Name)
                , Quoter.QuoteTableName(expression.Index.TableName)
                , String.Join(", ", indexColumns));
        public void CanCreateAndDropIndex()
            _processor.Process(new CreateTableExpression
            TableName = "Foo",
            Columns = { new ColumnDefinition { Name = "Bar", Type = DbType.Decimal } }

             var index = new CreateIndexExpression
                           Index = new IndexDefinition
                                         TableName = "Foo"
                                         ,Name = "IDX_Bar"
                                         ,Columns = new[] {new IndexColumnDefinition {Name = "Bar"}}

             var dropIndex = new DeleteIndexExpression
                              Index = new IndexDefinition
                                            TableName = "Foo"
                                            ,Name = "IDX_Bar"

 public virtual string GetUniqueString(CreateIndexExpression column)
     return column.Index.IsUnique ? "UNIQUE " : string.Empty;
 public virtual string GetIncludeString(CreateIndexExpression column)
     return column.Index.Includes.Count > 0 ? ") INCLUDE (" : string.Empty;