Exemple #1
        //public Tuple<DataPoint,DataPoint> linearRegOfCorrelative(string name)
        //    if (dc != null)
        //    {
        //        string nameCor = dc.GetMaxPearsonName(name);
        //        Tuple<string, string> lineAandB = dc.linear_reg(name, nameCor);
        //        float a = float.Parse(lineAandB.Item1);
        //        float b = float.Parse(lineAandB.Item2);
        //        float x1 = (float)(dc.getMin(name));
        //        float x2 = (float)(dc.getMax(name));
        //        DataPoint p1 = new DataPoint(x1, a * x1 + b);
        //        DataPoint p2 = new DataPoint(x2, a * x2 + b);
        //        return new Tuple<DataPoint, DataPoint>(p1, p2);
        //    }
        //    return null;


        //public LinkedList<DataPoint> getPointsOfCorralated (string name)
        //    if (dc!=null)
        //    {
        //        Tuple<string, string>[] pointsTuple = dc.getCorralatedTuple(name);
        //        int length = pointsTuple.Length;
        //        LinkedList<DataPoint> list = new LinkedList<DataPoint>();
        //        for (int i=0; i < length; i++)
        //        {
        //            list.AddLast(new DataPoint(float.Parse(pointsTuple[i].Item1), float.Parse(pointsTuple[i].Item2)));
        //        }
        //        // return list;
        //        return calculateLastSeconds(name);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        //    }
        //    return null;

        public LinkedList <DataPoint> calculateLastSeconds(string name) //name of the original
        {                                                               //new//
            if (dc == null)
            float maxX, minX;/////////
            int   currentTime = mc.getCurrentTimeInMilisecs();
            int   currentLine = mc.firstLine;
            int   interval    = mc.defaultSpeed;
            int   beginTime   = currentTime - ((secondsTocalc / 2) * 1000);
            int   endTime     = currentTime + ((secondsTocalc / 2) * 1000);

            if (beginTime < 0)
                beginTime = 0;
            if (endTime > mc.getTotalTimeInMilisecs())
                endTime = mc.getTotalTimeInMilisecs();
            int beginLine = beginTime / interval;
            int endLine   = endTime / interval;

            string[] data           = fc.getParser.GetDataByName(name);
            string[] dataCorralated = fc.getParser.GetDataByName(dc.GetMaxPearsonName(name));
            maxX = minX = float.Parse(data[beginLine]);////////////
            LinkedList <DataPoint> list = new LinkedList <DataPoint>();

            for (int i = beginLine; i < endLine; i++)
                list.AddLast(new DataPoint(float.Parse(data[i]), float.Parse(dataCorralated[i])));
                float info = float.Parse(data[i]);
                if (info > maxX)
                    maxX = info;
                if (info < minX)
                    minX = info;
            Tuple <string, string> lineAandB = dc.linear_reg(name, dc.GetMaxPearsonName(name));
            float a = float.Parse(lineAandB.Item1);
            float b = float.Parse(lineAandB.Item2);

            DataPoint p1 = new DataPoint(minX, a * minX + b);
            DataPoint p2 = new DataPoint(maxX, a * maxX + b);

Exemple #2
 public int timePrecents()
     if (media.getTotalTimeInMilisecs() != 0)
         float precents = (media.getCurrentTimeInMilisecs() * 100 / media.getTotalTimeInMilisecs());