private void calculateCostPerSeat() { _costPerSeat = (float.Parse(Aircraft.aircraftDetails[Aircraft.AircraftType, 0]) * Airport.getFlightDistance()) / 100; Console.WriteLine("The cost per seat is {0}", _costPerSeat); }
public void checkAirportCodes() { if (Airport.DomesticAirportCode != null && Airport.InternationalAirportCode != null) { if (Aircraft.AircraftType == 1 || Aircraft.AircraftType == 2 || Aircraft.AircraftType == 3) { if (_firstSeatsEntered == true) { if (int.Parse(Aircraft.aircraftDetails[Aircraft.AircraftType, 1]) >= Airport.getFlightDistance()) { inputFilghtDetail(); calculateFlightCost(); calculateFlightIncome(); calcualteFlightProfit(); ouptputFlightDetails(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Please make sure the type of aircraft is suitable for the distance."); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Please make sure the number of first class seats has been entered"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Please make sure the aircraft type has been entered."); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Please make sure both the domestic and international airport codes have been entered!"); } }