public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("ThumbSync - Flickr Sync by Tristan Phillips v0.4"); if (!ParseArgs(args)) { Console.WriteLine("usage: ThumbSync.exe -u <userIDs , seperated> -o <out directory>\n" + "Optionals:\n" + "-c <count, default 20> \n" + "-s get small photos (default medium) \n" + "-t get thumbnails (default medium) \n" + "-l get large photos (default medium) \n" + "-T <pre authenticated token> \n" + "-O overwrite existing local copy \n" + "-p <start at page> \n" + "-th <throttle millisecs> \n" + "-W use white average file validation"); return; } string[] userIDs = userIds.Split(','); FlickrNet.Flickr f = new FlickrNet.Flickr("5f9dbe6d11086346eacc6d9b9d81a5f5", "826ddba13f621f18"); if (token == "") { string frob = f.AuthGetFrob(); string url = f.AuthCalcUrl(frob, AuthLevel.Read); Console.WriteLine("Go here & authenticate: " + url); Console.WriteLine("When you are done, press return . . . I'll be waiting . . ."); try { /* * System.Diagnostics.Process p = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); * p.StartInfo.FileName="c:\\program files\\internet explorer\\iExplore.exe"; * p.StartInfo.Arguments = url; * p.Start(); * System.Diagnostics.Process p2 = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); * p2.StartInfo.FileName="/Applications/"; * p2.StartInfo.Arguments = "\"" + url + "\""; * p2.Start(); */ } catch {} Console.ReadLine(); FlickrNet.Auth auth = f.AuthGetToken(frob); Console.WriteLine("Token (you can re-use this with -T): " + auth.Token); token = auth.Token; } f.AuthToken = token; foreach (string userId in userIDs) { Person per = f.PeopleGetInfo(userId); string personName = per.UserName; Console.WriteLine("Processing " + maxPerPerson + " from " + per.UserName + "(" + per.RealName + ")"); while (collected < maxPerPerson) { PhotoCollection res = f.PeopleGetPhotos(userId, page, pageSize); collected += res.Count; if (res.Page == res.Pages) { collected = maxPerPerson; } foreach (Photo p in res) { bool processed = false; int tries = 0; int startSecsWait = 120; int maxTries = 15; while (!processed && tries < maxTries) { try { tries++; Console.Write(". "); if (x % 10 == 0) { Console.Write(x + " "); } PhotoInfo info = f.PhotosGetInfo(p.PhotoId); string tag = info.Tags.Count > 0 ? info.Tags[0].Raw : "NotTagged"; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(OutDir + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + personName + "-" + tag)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(OutDir + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + personName + "-" + tag); } string url = smallPhotos ? p.SmallUrl : p.MediumUrl; url = largeSize ? p.LargeUrl : url; url = thumbnailSize ? p.ThumbnailUrl: url; string[] pNames = url.Split('/'); string pName = pNames[pNames.Length - 1]; string fileName = OutDir + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + personName + "-" + tag + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + pName; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(fileName) || overwrite) { new System.Net.WebClient().DownloadFile(url, fileName); if (checkForWhiteFiles) { WhiteCheck(fileName); } } processed = true; x++; } catch (Exception e) { int wait = startSecsWait * tries; Console.WriteLine(String.Format("There was a problem processing page {0} (x={1}, page={2}, pageSize={3}, collected={4})", page, x, page, pageSize, collected)); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); if (tries < maxTries) { Console.WriteLine("Will retry in " + wait / 60 + " mins . . ."); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(wait * 1000); } } if (throttle > 0) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(throttle); } } page++; } } Console.WriteLine("Done"); }