Exemple #1
		public override IBELObject ValueOf(string name, System.Collections.ArrayList arguments, ExecutionContext ctx)
			Hashtable members = ctx.CurrentFederation.GetTopicProperties(Name);
			string val = (string)(members[name]);
			if (val == null)
				return null;
			val = val.Trim();
			bool isBlock = val.StartsWith("{");
			if (!isBlock)
				return new BELString(val);
			// It's a block, so fire up the interpreter
			if (!val.EndsWith("}"))
				throw new ExecutionException("Topic member " + name + " defined in " + Name.Fullname + " is not well-formed; missing closing '}' for code block.");
			ContentBase cb = CurrentFederation.ContentBaseForTopic(Name);
			TopicContext newContext = new TopicContext(ctx.CurrentFederation, cb, CurrentTopicInfo);
			BehaviorInterpreter interpreter = new BehaviorInterpreter(val, CurrentFederation, CurrentFederation.WikiTalkVersion, ctx.Presenter);
			if (!interpreter.Parse())
				throw new ExecutionException("Parsing error evaluating topic member " + name + " defined in " + Name.Fullname + ": " + interpreter.ErrorString);
			IBELObject b1 = interpreter.EvaluateToObject(newContext, ctx.ExternalWikiMap);
			if (b1 == null)
				throw new ExecutionException("Error while evaluating topic member " + name + " defined in " + Name.Fullname + ": " + interpreter.ErrorString);
			Block block = (Block)b1;
			ArrayList evaluatedArgs = new ArrayList();
			foreach (object each in arguments)
				IBELObject add = null;
				if (each != null && each is IBELObject)
					add = each as IBELObject;
					ExposableParseTreeNode ptn = each as ExposableParseTreeNode;
					add = ptn.Expose(ctx);

			InvocationFrame invocationFrame = new InvocationFrame();

			TopicScope topicScope = new TopicScope(null, this);
			ctx.PushScope(topicScope);		// make sure we can use local references
			IBELObject answer = block.Value(ctx, evaluatedArgs);


			// make sure to transfer any new cache rules
			// BELTODO - want a test case for this 
			foreach (CacheRule r in interpreter.CacheRules)

			return answer;
Exemple #2
    private IBELObject BorderPropertyFromTopic(AbsoluteTopicName relativeToTopic, AbsoluteTopicName abs, Border border, CompositeCacheRule rule)
      ContentBase cb = ContentBaseForTopic(abs);
      if (cb == null)
        return null;
      if (!cb.TopicExists(abs))
        return null;

      // OK, looks like the topic exist -- let's see if the property is there
      string borderPropertyName = BorderPropertyName(border);
      string prop = GetTopicProperty(abs, borderPropertyName);
      if (prop == null || prop == "")
        return null;

      // Yup, so evaluate it!
      string code = "federation.GetTopic(\"" + abs.Fullname + "\")." + borderPropertyName + "(federation.GetTopicInfo(\"" + relativeToTopic + "\"))";

      BehaviorInterpreter interpreter = new BehaviorInterpreter(code, this, this.WikiTalkVersion, null);
      if (!interpreter.Parse())
        throw new Exception("Border property expression failed to parse.");
      TopicContext topicContext = new TopicContext(this, this.ContentBaseForTopic(abs), new TopicInfo(this, abs));
      IBELObject obj = interpreter.EvaluateToObject(topicContext, null);
      if (interpreter.ErrorString != null)
        obj = new BELString(interpreter.ErrorString);

      foreach (CacheRule r in interpreter.CacheRules)
      return obj;
Exemple #3
        public override IBELObject ValueOf(string name, System.Collections.ArrayList arguments, ExecutionContext ctx)
            TopicPropertyCollection members = ctx.CurrentFederation.GetTopicProperties(Name);
            string val = members[name].LastValue;
            if (val == null)
                return null;
            val = val.Trim();
            bool isBlock = val.StartsWith("{");
            if (!isBlock)
                return new BELString(val);
            // It's a block, so fire up the interpreter
            if (!val.EndsWith("}"))
                throw new ExecutionException(ctx.CurrentLocation, "Topic member " + name + " defined in " + Name.DottedName + " is not well-formed; missing closing '}' for code block.");
            NamespaceManager cb = CurrentFederation.NamespaceManagerForTopic(Name);
            TopicContext newContext = new TopicContext(ctx.CurrentFederation, cb, CurrentTopicInfo);
            BehaviorInterpreter interpreter = new BehaviorInterpreter(Name.DottedName + "#" + name, val, CurrentFederation, CurrentFederation.WikiTalkVersion, ctx.Presenter);
            if (!interpreter.Parse())
                throw new ExecutionException(ctx.CurrentLocation, "Syntax error in " + interpreter.ErrorString);

            IBELObject b1 = interpreter.EvaluateToObject(newContext, ctx.ExternalWikiMap);
            if (b1 == null)
                throw new ExecutionException(ctx.CurrentLocation, "Execution error in " + interpreter.ErrorString);
            Block block = (Block) b1;
            ArrayList evaluatedArgs = new ArrayList();
            foreach (object each in arguments)
                IBELObject add = null;
                if (each != null && each is IBELObject)
                    add = each as IBELObject;
                    ExposableParseTreeNode ptn = each as ExposableParseTreeNode;
                    add = ptn.Expose(ctx);

            InvocationFrame invocationFrame = new InvocationFrame();

            TopicScope topicScope = new TopicScope(null, this);
            ctx.PushScope(topicScope);		// make sure we can use local references
            IBELObject answer = block.Value(ctx, evaluatedArgs);


            return answer;
Exemple #4
        private IBELObject BorderPropertyFromTopic(QualifiedTopicRevision relativeToTopic, QualifiedTopicRevision abs, Border border)
            NamespaceManager namespaceManager = NamespaceManagerForTopic(abs);
            if (namespaceManager == null)
                return null;

            if (!namespaceManager.TopicExists(abs.LocalName, ImportPolicy.DoNotIncludeImports))
                return null;

            // OK, looks like the topic exist -- let's see if the propertyName is there
            string borderPropertyName = BorderPropertyName(border);
            string prop = GetTopicPropertyValue(abs, borderPropertyName);
            if (prop == null || prop == "")
                return null;

            // Yup, so evaluate it!
            string code = "federation.GetTopic(\"" + abs.DottedName + "\")." + borderPropertyName + "(federation.GetTopicInfo(\"" + relativeToTopic + "\"))";

            BehaviorInterpreter interpreter = new BehaviorInterpreter(abs.DottedName + "#" + borderPropertyName, code, this, this.WikiTalkVersion, null);
            if (!interpreter.Parse())
                throw new Exception("Border property expression failed to parse.");
            TopicContext topicContext = new TopicContext(this, this.NamespaceManagerForTopic(abs), new TopicVersionInfo(this, abs));
            IBELObject obj = interpreter.EvaluateToObject(topicContext, null);
            if (interpreter.ErrorString != null)
                obj = new BELString(interpreter.ErrorString);

            return obj;