private void OnLoginResponse(LoginResponse response, ErrorResponse error) { if (error != null) { if (response.responseCode == LoginResponse.ResponseCode.DownForMaintenance && response.hasAdminAccess) { // Allow admin user the option to override the maintenance block ConfirmDialog.Create(OnOverrideDialogResponse, "Down For Maintenance", error.ToString(), "Override"); } else if (response.responseCode == LoginResponse.ResponseCode.BadVersion) { // Allow user to update app version ConfirmDialog.Create(OnUpdateDialogResponse, "Update Required", error.ToString(), "Download"); } else { // Other errors that always restore the login screen Debug.LogError(error.ToDeveloperMessage(true)); InfoDialog.Create("", error.ToString(), OnCloseInfoDialog); } } else { if (!response.emailVerified) { ConfirmDialog.Create(OnClick_ResendEmail, "Email Not Yet Verified", "Your email has not yet been verified. You must confirm your email address to upload content." + "\n\nWould you like to resend the confirmation email?", "Resend"); } else { // Success. Close login dialog. OnClick_Close(); } } }
public static ConfirmDialog Create(OnDialogCallback cb, string title, string body, string submit = "OK", string cancel = "Cancel") { GameObject goDlg = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>("Dialogs/CanvasConfirmDialog")); ConfirmDialog dlg = goDlg.GetComponent <ConfirmDialog>(); dlg.Initialize(cb, title, body, submit, cancel); return(dlg); }