Exemple #1
        private void DisplaySelectedImage(string fileName)
            _fits = new FITS(fileName);

            if (!_headerMode)
                pictureBox.Image = _fits.Bitmap;

            textBoxHeader.Text        = _fits.Header.Text;
            toolStripStatusLabel.Text = Path.GetFileName(fileName);
Exemple #2
        public FITS(FITS that)
            Header.Bitpix = that.Header.Bitpix;
            Header.Width  = that.Header.Width;
            Header.Height = that.Header.Height;
            FileName      = that.FileName;
            PixelMap      = new double[Header.Width * Header.Height];

            for (int i = 0; i < Header.Width * Header.Height; i++)
                PixelMap[i] = that.PixelMap[i];

            Bitmap = new Bitmap(that.Bitmap);
            Scaled = that.Scaled;
Exemple #3
        // scale data to bitmap. Zscale, if that is possible.
        private void ZScale(FITS fits)
            int width  = fits.Header.Width;
            int height = fits.Header.Height;
            int size   = width * height;

            fits.Bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height);

            float contrast = 0.25f;

            int NSample = Math.Min(size / 10, 10000);

            int NRows = height / 15;

            int[] SubSampleX = new int[NSample];
            int[] SubSampleY = new int[NSample];

            double[] SubSample       = new double[NSample];
            double[] SubSampleSorted = new double[NSample];

            Random random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

            for (int cell = 0; cell < NSample; cell++)
                int X = SubSampleX[cell] = random.Next(1, width - 1);
                int Y = SubSampleY[cell] = random.Next(1, height - 1);
                SubSample[cell] = fits.PixelMap[X + Y * width];

            float[] tmp = new float[NSample];

            SubSample.CopyTo(SubSampleSorted, 0);


            double zmin = SubSampleSorted[0];
            double zmed = SubSampleSorted[NSample / 2];
            double zmax = SubSampleSorted[NSample - 1];

            int midPoint = NSample / 2;

            double Sx  = 0.5f * NSample * (NSample - 1);
            double Sy  = SubSampleSorted.Sum();
            double Sxx = Count_Sxx(SubSampleSorted);
            double Sxy = Count_Sxy(SubSampleSorted);

            double a = (NSample * Sxy - Sx * Sy) / (NSample * Sxx - Sx * Sx);
            double b = (Sy - a * Sx) / NSample;

            a /= contrast;

            double scale;
            double value;

            // The minimum value to use for display scaling
            float z1 = Math.Max((float)fits.Min, (float)(zmed - midPoint * a));

            // The maximum value to use for display scaling
            float z2 = Math.Min((float)fits.Max, (float)(zmed + midPoint * a));

            fits.Range = Math.Abs(z2 - z1);

            if (fits.Range < float.Epsilon)
                scale = 0.0;
                scale = byte.MaxValue / fits.Range;

            Color newColor;
            byte  byteValue;

            double temp;

            for (int h = 0; h < height; h++)
                for (int w = 0; w < width; w++)
                    value = fits.PixelMap[w + h * width];

                    /* Min - max scaling --------------------------------*/
                    temp = (value - z1) * scale;

                    if (temp > 255.0)
                        byteValue = 255;
                        byteValue = (byte)temp;
                    /* _________________________________________________ */

                    newColor = Color.FromArgb(byteValue, byteValue, byteValue);

                    fits.Bitmap.SetPixel(width - w - 1, height - h - 1, newColor);

            fits.Scaled = true;