private static void DrawTorusAndInliers(Document doc, FS_FEATURE_RESULT?result)
            // fetch parameters of the torus found by FindSurface.
            XYZ    center, axis;
            double mean_radius, tube_radius;

            FetchParametersOfTorus(result, out center, out axis, out mean_radius, out tube_radius);

            // create the inlier point cloud corresponding to the torus.
            string name = "Torus" + DirectShapeEngine.DirectTorusInstanceCount;

            ExtractInlierPointCloud(doc, name, S_TORUS_INLIER_COLOR);

            // find two edges of the torus part.
            XYZ tube_begin, tube_end;

            string last_pointcloud_name = InlierPointCloudEngine.GetPointCloudNames().Last();

            XYZ[] inlier_points = InlierPointCloudEngine.GetCloudPoints(last_pointcloud_name).ToList().ConvertAll(x => (XYZ)x).ToArray();

            CalculateTubeEdges(inlier_points, center, axis, out tube_begin, out tube_end);
            double positive_angle = FindSurfaceRevitPluginUtils.GetPositiveAngleBetween(tube_begin, tube_end, tube_begin.CrossProduct(tube_end));

            // draw the torus on the Revit document.
            DirectShapeEngine.DrawTorus(doc, center, axis, mean_radius, tube_radius, tube_begin, positive_angle);
        /// <summary>
        /// creates a DirectShape instance of which shape is a part of a torus (like elbow joint pipe).
        /// Torus is defined by center, axis, tube radius, and mean radius (the distance between center and tube center).
        /// The tube_begin and tube_end defines the angle between the two edges of the piece.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">The Revit document where the instance to be drawn</param>
        /// <param name="name">The name of this instance</param>
        /// <param name="center">Position of center of the torus' hole</param>
        /// <param name="axis">Vector passing through the center</param>
        /// <param name="mean_radius">The distance between torus center and its tube center</param>
        /// <param name="tube_radius">Radius of tube</param>
        /// <param name="tube_begin">The vector pointing to one of the torus' edge from its center</param>
        /// <param name="torus_angle">The angle between the tube begin and end</param>
        /// <param name="line_color">Outline color of the torus</param>
        /// <param name="surface_transparency">Surface transparency; ranged from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque)</param>
        public DirectTorus(Document document, string name, XYZ center, XYZ axis, double mean_radius, double tube_radius, XYZ tube_begin, double torus_angle, Color line_color, int surface_transparency) : base(document, name)
            m_shape_type = ShapeTypes.Torus;
            Center       = center;
            Axis         = axis;
            MeanRadius   = mean_radius;
            TubeRadius   = tube_radius;
            HasAnElbow   = true;
            TubeBegin    = tube_begin;
            TubeAngle    = torus_angle;

            XYZ    tilting_axis  = XYZ.BasisZ.CrossProduct(axis);
            double tilting_angle = FindSurfaceRevitPluginUtils.GetPositiveAngleBetween(XYZ.BasisZ, axis, tilting_axis);

            bool      no_need_to_tilt = tilting_axis.IsAlmostEqualTo(XYZ.Zero);
            Transform tilting_torus   = no_need_to_tilt ? Transform.Identity : Transform.CreateRotation(tilting_axis, tilting_angle);
            XYZ       tilted_basis_x  = tilting_torus.OfVector(XYZ.BasisX);

            // model space coordinates
            Frame frame = new Frame(XYZ.Zero, XYZ.BasisX, XYZ.BasisY, XYZ.BasisZ);

            XYZ model_tube_center = XYZ.BasisX * mean_radius;
            XYZ model_tube_top    = model_tube_center + tube_radius * XYZ.BasisZ;
            XYZ model_tube_bottom = model_tube_center - tube_radius * XYZ.BasisZ;
            XYZ model_tube_outer  = model_tube_center + tube_radius * XYZ.BasisX;
            XYZ model_tube_inner  = model_tube_center - tube_radius * XYZ.BasisX;

            List <Curve> tube_circle = new List <Curve>();

            tube_circle.Add(Arc.Create(model_tube_top, model_tube_bottom, model_tube_inner));
            tube_circle.Add(Arc.Create(model_tube_bottom, model_tube_top, model_tube_outer));

            CurveLoop    curve_loop = CurveLoop.Create(tube_circle);
            SolidOptions options    = new SolidOptions(ElementId.InvalidElementId, ElementId.InvalidElementId);

            if (Frame.CanDefineRevitGeometry(frame))
                Solid torus = GeometryCreationUtilities.CreateRevolvedGeometry(frame, new CurveLoop[] { curve_loop }, 0, torus_angle, options);
                using (Transaction t = new Transaction(document, "Create torus direct shape."))
                    DirectShape shape = DirectShape.CreateElement(document, new ElementId(BuiltInCategory.OST_GenericModel));
                    shape.SetShape(new GeometryObject[] { torus });
                    m_element_id = shape.Id;

                    if (no_need_to_tilt == false)
                        shape.Location.Rotate(Line.CreateUnbound(XYZ.Zero, tilting_axis), tilting_angle);
                    shape.Location.Rotate(Line.CreateUnbound(XYZ.Zero, axis), FindSurfaceRevitPluginUtils.GetPositiveAngleBetween(tilted_basis_x, tube_begin, axis));

                    document.ActiveView.SetElementOverrides(shape.Id, new OverrideGraphicSettings().SetProjectionLineColor(line_color).SetSurfaceTransparency(surface_transparency));