public async void RefDispSet() { int i = 0; decimal TotalAssetAdd = 0; decimal PayAssetpriceAdd = 0; // UTF8のファイルの書き込み Edit. string write = await StorageControl.PCLSaveCommand("6758,200,1665\n9837,200,712\n6976,200,1846");//登録データ書き込み // List<Price> prices = Finance.Parse(await StorageControl.PCLLoadCommand());//登録データ読み込み List <Price> priceanser = await Models.PasonalGetserchi();//登録データの現在値を取得する foreach (Price item in priceanser) { ItemList.Add(new Price { Name = item.Name, // "Sony", Stocks = item.Stocks, //保有数* Itemprice = item.Itemprice, // 2015, Prev_day = item.Prev_day, //前日比±** Realprice = item.Realprice, //現在値*// 1000, RealValue = item.RealValue, // 100, Percent = item.Percent, //前日比%**// "5" }); PayAssetpriceAdd = PayAssetpriceAdd + (priceanser[i].Stocks * Convert.ToDecimal(priceanser[i].Itemprice)); //株数*購入単価の合計 TotalAssetAdd = TotalAssetAdd + (priceanser[i].Stocks * Convert.ToDecimal(priceanser[i].Realprice)); //現在評価額 i = ++i; } PayAssetprice = PayAssetpriceAdd; TotalAsset = TotalAssetAdd; UptoAsset = TotalAsset - PayAssetprice; }
/// <summary> /// Ons the label clicked. /// </summary> /// <param name="ID"></param> public async static void Deleet(int ID) { //List<string> listdata = new List<string>(); var listdata = await StorageControl.PCLLoadCommand();//登録データ読み込み // カンマ区切りで分割して配列に格納する string[] stArrayData = listdata.Split('\n'); stArrayData[ID] = null;//削除行をnullで消す int i = 0; foreach (string row in stArrayData) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row) != true)//null行を読み飛ばす { stArrayData[i] = row; i++; } } stArrayData[i] = "null";//最下行を消去する //要素数5の配列 //int[] intArray = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }; //要素数を10に増やす Array.Resize(ref stArrayData, i); //// 配列内のデータをすべて\n区切りで連結する string CsvData = string.Join("\n", stArrayData); // UTF8のファイルの書き込み Edit. string write = await StorageControl.PCLSaveCommand(CsvData);//登録データ書き込み }
public async void DispSet(bool Refresh) { int i = 0; decimal TotalAssetAdd = 0; decimal PayAssetpriceAdd = 0; try { // UTF8のファイルの書き込み Edit. //string write = await StorageControl.PCLSaveCommand("6758,200,1665\n9837,200,712\n6976,200,1846\n6502,0,0");//登録データ書き込み // List<Price> prices = Finance.Parse(await StorageControl.PCLLoadCommand());//登録データ読み込み List <Price> pricesanser = await Models.PasonalGetserchi();//登録データの現在値を取得する if (Refresh == true) { ItemList.Clear();// 全て削除 } foreach (Price item in pricesanser) { ItemList.Add(new Price { Name = item.Name, // "Sony", Stocks = item.Stocks, //保有数* Itemprice = item.Itemprice, // Prev_day = item.Prev_day, //前日比±** Realprice = item.Realprice, //現在値*// 1000, RealValue = item.RealValue, // 100, Percent = item.Percent, //前日比%**// "5" Gain = item.Gain, //損益 Idindex = i, // ButtonColor = item.Polar, Polar = item.Polar //FirstLastName = item.FirstLastName }); PayAssetpriceAdd = PayAssetpriceAdd + (pricesanser[i].Stocks * Convert.ToDecimal(pricesanser[i].Itemprice)); //株数*購入単価の合計 TotalAssetAdd = TotalAssetAdd + (pricesanser[i].Stocks * Convert.ToDecimal(pricesanser[i].Realprice)); //現在評価額 //Gain = item.Realprice - item.Itemprice; i = ++i; } PayAssetprice = PayAssetpriceAdd; TotalAsset = TotalAssetAdd; UptoAsset = TotalAsset - PayAssetprice; } catch (FileNotFoundException) { await View.DisplayAlert("登録データがありません", "Add.ボタンを押して登録して下さい。", "OK"); await StorageControl.PCLSaveCommand("");//新規ファイル登録書き込み } }
public async static void DataStorageAdd(string[] Adddata) { //// カンマ区切りで分割して配列に格納する //string[] stArrayData = listdata.Split('\n'); ////stArrayData[ID] = sender; ////// 配列内のデータをすべてカンマ区切りで連結する string CsvData = string.Join("\n", Adddata); //// UTF8のファイルの書き込み Edit. string write = await StorageControl.PCLSaveCommand(CsvData);//登録データ書き込み }
}//class to end /// <summary> /// Ons the label clicked. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">Sender.</param> /// <param name="e">E.</param> public async static void DataStorage(int ID, string sender) { //List<string> listdata = new List<string>(); var listdata = await StorageControl.PCLLoadCommand();//登録データ読み込み // カンマ区切りで分割して配列に格納する string[] stArrayData = listdata.Split('\n'); stArrayData[ID] = sender; //// 配列内のデータをすべてカンマ区切りで連結する string CsvData = string.Join("\n", stArrayData); // UTF8のファイルの書き込み Edit. string write = await StorageControl.PCLSaveCommand(CsvData);//登録データ書き込み //string Usercost = usercost.Text; //string Usershares = usershares.Text; //string[] cols; ////string[] savedata; //string[] entrydata = new string[3]; //string[] mergedArray = entrydata;//連結データ //string[] returncode = new string[] { "\n" }; // string response = await saveLoadCS.DataLoadAsync();//.Replace("\r", "").Split('\n'); // string[] rows = response.Split('\r'); // cols = rows; // entrydata[0] = Usercode;//usercode.Text = "Code or Cost or Usershares failed"; // entrydata[1] = Usercost; // entrydata[2] = Usershares; // if (response != "") // { // foreach (string row in rows) // { // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row)) continue; // cols = row.Split(','); // } // //Concatで連結して、ToArrayで配列にする // mergedArray = cols.Concat(entrydata).ToArray(); // } //} //// 配列内のデータをすべてカンマ区切りで連結する //string CsvData = string.Join(",", mergedArray); //await saveLoadCS.DataSaveAsync(CsvData + "\n"); //await DisplayAlert("SAVE", " is InputData", "OK"); ////InsertRange メソッド }
//NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false); internal async void AddEntryPage() { var listdata = await StorageControl.PCLLoadCommand();//登録データ読み込み // カンマ区切りで分割して配列に格納する string[] stArrayData = listdata.Split('\n'); var id = stArrayData.Length; var ID = new Label { Text = id.ToString(), TextColor = Color.Red }; Entry usercode = new Entry { Placeholder = "Code", TextColor = Color.Black, Keyboard = Keyboard.Default }; Entry usercost = new Entry { Placeholder = "Stock", TextColor = Color.Black, Keyboard = Keyboard.Numeric }; Entry usershares = new Entry { Placeholder = "Value", TextColor = Color.Black, Keyboard = Keyboard.Numeric }; Content = new StackLayout { Padding = 20, BackgroundColor = Color.White, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand, Children = { ID, usercode, usercost, usershares, } }; ToolbarItems.Add(new ToolbarItem { // <-2 Text = "Cansel", // <-3 Command = new Command(() => Navigation.PopAsync()) }); ToolbarItems.Add(new ToolbarItem { Text = "Add.", Command = new Command(() => AddData(id, usercode, usercost, usershares, stArrayData)) }); }
/// /// <summary> /// Pasonals the getserchi. /// </summary> /// <returns>The getserchi.</returns> public static async Task <List <Price> > PasonalGetserchi()//企業名を設定して現在値を取得する { string Value = null; string YenRatio = null; string PercentRatio = null; int index = 0; // UTF8のファイルの読み込み Edit. string responce = await StorageControl.PCLLoadCommand();//登録データ読み込み List <Price> prices = Finance.Parse(responce); foreach (Price price in prices) { string url = "" + price.Name;// +".T"; var httpClient = new HttpClient(); string str = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(url); string searchWord = "stoksPrice"; //検索する文字列 ="stoksPrice"> int foundIndex = str.IndexOf(searchWord); //始めの位置を探す //次の検索開始位置 int nextIndex = foundIndex + searchWord.Length; try { //次の位置を探す foundIndex = str.IndexOf(searchWord, nextIndex); if (foundIndex != -1) { int i = searchWord.Length + 2;//pricedata to point for (; Convert.ToString(str[foundIndex + i]) != "<"; i++) { Value = Value + str[foundIndex + i];//current value 現在値 } } else { //price[0] = "Error"; } string searchWord1 = "yjMSt"; //検索する文字列前日比 int foundIndex1 = str.IndexOf(searchWord1); //始めの位置を探す int i1 = searchWord1.Length + 2; for (; Convert.ToString(str[foundIndex1 + i1]) != "("; i1++) { YenRatio = YenRatio + str[foundIndex1 + i1];//previous 前日比? ¥ } if (Convert.ToString(str[foundIndex1 + i1 + 1]) == "-") //(-)下落 { price.Polar = "Green"; //(-) } else { price.Polar = "Red";//(+) } i1++; for (; Convert.ToString(str[foundIndex1 + i1]) != ")"; i1++) { PercentRatio = PercentRatio + str[foundIndex1 + i1];//previous 前日比? % } if (Value == "---") { price.Realprice = 000; } else { price.Realprice = Convert.ToDecimal(Value); //現在値 } price.Prev_day = YenRatio; //前日比± price.Percent = PercentRatio; //前日比% price.PayAssetprice = price.Stocks * price.Itemprice; //株数*購入単価 price.Gain = (price.Realprice - price.Itemprice) * price.Stocks; //損益 price.RealValue = (price.Stocks * price.Realprice); //個別利益 Value = ""; YenRatio = ""; PercentRatio = ""; index = index + 1; } catch (Exception) { price.Prev_day = "Close"; price.Polar = "Gray"; } } return(prices);//polarity; }//class to end