public static void EmailNotification(List<string> users, Transaction transaction, Category category)
            // Create the email object first, then add the properties.
            var myMessage = new SendGridMessage();

            // Add the message properties.
            myMessage.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**");


            myMessage.Subject = String.Format("{0} is over its limit.", category.Title);
            myMessage.Text = String.Format("{0} has either reached, or surpassed its limit of {1:C}. It's current balance is {2:C}.\r\nMost recent transaction: {3}\r\nDescription: {4}\r\nDate: {5}\r\nAmount: {6}", category.Title, category.Limit, category.Balance, transaction.Title, transaction.Description, transaction.CreatedOn, transaction.FormatedAmount);

            var credentials = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "Password@123");
            var transportWeb = new SendGrid.Web(credentials);
        public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "BudgetId,Limit,Title,Description")] CategoryVM categoryVM)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (db.Categories.Any(b => b.Title == categoryVM.Title))
                    return View(categoryVM);
                Category category = new Category();
                category.Description = categoryVM.Description;
                category.Limit = Decimal.Parse(categoryVM.Limit, NumberStyles.Currency);
                category.Title = categoryVM.Title;
                category.Budget = db.Budgets.Find(categoryVM.BudgetId);

                return RedirectToAction("Details", "Budgets", new { id = category.BudgetId });

            return View(categoryVM);