Exemple #1
        private void CbxSelectedItem_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (this.cbxSelectedItem.SelectedItem is DBItem)
                if (this.cbxSelectedItem.SelectedItem is DBBook)
                    this.lblItemSearchPrompt.Text = "Search by Title:";
                    //this.txtSearch.Text = (this.cbxSelectedItem.SelectedItem as DBBook).Title;
                else if (this.cbxSelectedItem.SelectedItem is DBMap)
                    this.lblItemSearchPrompt.Text = "Search by Location:";
                    //this.txtSearch.Text = (this.cbxSelectedItem.SelectedItem as DBMap).Location;
                else if (this.cbxSelectedItem.SelectedItem is DBPeriodical)
                    this.lblItemSearchPrompt.Text = "Search by Title:";
                    //this.txtSearch.Text = (this.cbxSelectedItem.SelectedItem as DBPeriodical).Title;

                DBItem tempItem = (this.cbxSelectedItem.SelectedItem as DBItem);
                this.lblCondition.Text = tempItem.GetConditionType();
 /// <summary>
 /// Used to instantiate a new transaction
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="invoiceID">The invoice the transaction belongs to</param>
 /// <param name="item">The item being sold</param>
 /// <param name="quantity">How many of the item is being sold</param>
 public DBTransaction(int invoiceID, DBItem item, int quantity)
     this.invoiceID   = invoiceID;
     this.ItemID      = item.GetItemID();
     this.Desc        = item.GetDescription();
     this.ItemType    = item.GetItemType();
     this.Edition     = item.GetEdition();
     this.Condition   = item.GetConditionType();
     this.conditionID = item.GetConditionID();
     this.Price       = item.GetPrice();
     this.Quantity    = quantity;
     this.itemStock   = item.GetQuantity();