Exemple #1
        }     //end populateInventory()

        /// <summary>
        /// If there is an invoice number, get the data from the database and populate the datatable and dataset.
        /// If there is not in invoice given, set up the table to be able to accept inventory items.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="invoiceId"></param>
        public void populateInvoice(String invoiceId)
            ///try catch block to handle exceptions
                ///if statement to check invoice ID and populate invoice
                if (invoiceId != "")
                    ///sets delete invoice to enabled
                    btnDeleteInvoice.IsEnabled = true;
                    ///sets label with number
                    lblInvoiceNumber.Content = invoiceId;
                    ///creates a string to hold invoice id info
                    String sQuery = mydb.SelectItemsOnInvoice(invoiceId);
                    ///executes query
                    dtInvoice = db.FillSqlDataTable(sQuery);
                    ///populates grid
                    dgInvoiceItems.ItemsSource = dtInvoice.DefaultView;
                    ///creates a return variable
                    int iRet = 0;
                    ///creates a data set
                    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                    ///calls a sql method
                    String sSQL = mydb.SelectInvoiceDateFromNum(invoiceId);
                    ///places info in data set
                    ds = db.ExecuteSQLStatement(sSQL, ref iRet);
                    ///creates temp variable to hold info
                    String date = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString();
                    ///takes care of the date format
                    invoiceDatePicker.SelectedDate = DateTime.Parse(date);

                    //pulls data from database
                    //UPDATE INVOICE LABEL WITH INVOICEID - lblInvoiceId
                    ///if all the above fails, then do this
                    btnDeleteInvoice.IsEnabled = false;
                    //fields should be clear and ready for input.
                    ///populatse invoice items
                    dgInvoiceItems.ItemsSource = dtInvoice.DefaultView;
                }//end else
            catch (Exception)
            {///catch exceptions
            }//end catch
        }//end populateInvoice()