static ListPlayer CreatePlayers(int nb_pl) { Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of player 0"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); Player p = new Player(name); ListPlayer LiPl = new ListPlayer(p); Console.WriteLine(p); for (int i = 1; i < nb_pl; i++) { Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of player " + i); name = Console.ReadLine(); p = new Player(name); LiPl.AddTail(p); Console.WriteLine(p); } Console.WriteLine("Enter the position of the player who will be banker : "); int pos = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); while (pos < 0 || pos >= nb_pl) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a correct value "); Console.WriteLine("The position should be between 0 and " + (nb_pl - 1)); pos = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } Banker ban = Banker.GetInstance(LiPl.getPlayer(pos)); LiPl.getPlayer(nb_pl - 1).next = LiPl.getPlayer(0); return(LiPl); }
public string getInformationPnumber(ListPlayer P) { Console.WriteLine("Enter the number of the player whom you want to have information : "); int pos_sp = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); return(P.getPlayer(pos_sp).ToString()); }
public void getInformationP(ListPlayer P) { Console.WriteLine("\nSpaces Informations"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------\n\n"); bool end = false; bool valid = true; string lecture = ""; do { end = false; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("1 : Player informations by name"); Console.WriteLine("2 : Player informations by number"); Console.WriteLine("3 : Leave the player information option"); do { lecture = ""; valid = true; Console.Write("\n Choose an action : "); lecture = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(lecture); if (lecture == "" || !"123".Contains(lecture[0])) { Console.WriteLine("Your choice <" + lecture + "> is not valid = > Please choose a correct action. "); valid = false; } } while (!valid); switch (lecture[0]) { case '1': Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(getInformationPname(P)); break; case '2': Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(getInformationPnumber(P)); break; case '3': Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You leave this optionnality"); Console.ReadKey(); end = true; break; default: Console.WriteLine("\n Please choose a correct action."); break; } } while (!end); }
public void buySpace(ListSpaces B, ListPlayer P) { if (B.getSpace(position) is Propriety) { Propriety prop = (Propriety)B.getSpace(position); if (prop.possessed) { Console.WriteLine("This propriety is already possessed by " + + ", you can't buy it."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Do you want to buy this propriety ? "); Console.WriteLine("Press 1 for yes or 0 for no. "); int resp = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); while (resp != 0 && resp != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a correct awnser."); Console.WriteLine("Press 1 for yes or 0 for no. "); resp = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } if (resp == 1) { int pri = prop.price; if (account > prop.price) { prop.possessed = true; = this; account = account - prop.price; B.changeSpace(position, prop); if (list_pr == null) { prop = (Propriety)B.getSpace(position).Shallowcopy(); = null; list_pr = new ListSpaces(prop); } else { prop = (Propriety)B.getSpace(position).Shallowcopy(); = null; list_pr.AddTail(prop); } Console.WriteLine("You have acquired " +; } else { Console.WriteLine("You don't have enough money in your bank account to buy this propriety ! "); } } } } else { Console.WriteLine("You can't buy this space, this is not a propriety."); } }
public void playSpecialSpace(ListSpaces B, ListPlayer P, Queue <SpecialCards> Chance, Queue <SpecialCards> CommunityChest) { SpecialSpace sp = (SpecialSpace)B.getSpace(position); if (sp.go_to_prison) { Console.WriteLine("Go to prison !"); Console.WriteLine("You will not receive your 200 if you pas by the Start"); goToPrison(); } if ( { Console.WriteLine("Pay a tax of 100 euros"); SpecialSpace park = (SpecialSpace)B.getSpace(20); park.money_in_parking += 100; account -= 100; Console.WriteLine("The money will go to the Public Parking (position 20)"); Console.WriteLine("The actual amount of money in the parking is : " + park.money_in_parking); } if (sp.luxe_tax) { Console.WriteLine("Pay a tax of 200 euros"); SpecialSpace park = (SpecialSpace)B.getSpace(20); park.money_in_parking += 200; account -= 200; Console.WriteLine("The money will go to the Public Parking (position 20)"); Console.WriteLine("The actual amount of money in the parking is : " + park.money_in_parking); } if (sp.chance) { Console.WriteLine("Press enter to pull a chance card"); Console.ReadLine(); SpecialCards cha = Chance.Dequeue(); Console.WriteLine(cha.SpecialCardAction(this, P, B)); Chance.Enqueue(cha); } if (sp.community_chest) { Console.WriteLine("Press enter to pull a community chest card"); Console.ReadLine(); SpecialCards cc = CommunityChest.Dequeue(); Console.WriteLine(cc.SpecialCardAction(this, P, B)); Chance.Enqueue(cc); } }
public string getInformationPname(ListPlayer P) { Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of the player whom you want to have information: "); string n = Console.ReadLine(); int pos = 0; while (!(P.onList(n))) { Console.WriteLine("This player is not playing in this game !"); Console.WriteLine("Please write a correct name."); Console.WriteLine("If you want to leave, press 'z'"); n = Console.ReadLine(); if (n == "z") { return(null); } } return("Here is all the informations about this player \n" + P.getPlayerByName(n)); }
public void outOfPrison(ListSpaces B, ListPlayer P) { Console.WriteLine("You're on prison !"); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to roll dices"); Console.ReadLine(); Random rd = new Random(); int first_dice = rd.Next(1, 7); int second_dice = rd.Next(1, 7); Console.WriteLine("The value of the first dice is : " + first_dice); Console.WriteLine("The value of the second dice is : " + second_dice); if (first_dice == second_dice) { Console.WriteLine("You're out of prison !"); position = position + 2 * first_dice; recalculatePosition(); Console.WriteLine("You are now in the space number : " + position); Console.WriteLine(B.getSpace(position)); Console.WriteLine(" You've turned the dices, make an action."); in_prison = false; time_in_prison = 0; makeAction(B, P); } else { time_in_prison++; if (time_in_prison >= 3) { Console.WriteLine("You're out of prison !"); in_prison = false; time_in_prison = 0; Console.WriteLine("You will play on your next turn."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Sorry, you will still in prison for " + (3 - time_in_prison) + "turns ..."); } } Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Game(ListSpaces l_s, ListPlayer l_p, Player p, int size, Queue <SpecialCards> Chance, Queue <SpecialCards> CommunityChest) { while ( != p) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(p); Console.WriteLine("This is your turn to play !"); if (p.in_prison) { p.outOfPrison(l_s, l_p); } else { p.rollDice(l_s, l_p, Chance, CommunityChest); if (l_s.getSpace(p.position) is SpecialSpace) { p.playSpecialSpace(l_s, l_p, Chance, CommunityChest); } if (p.passByStart(p.position)) { Console.WriteLine("Collect your 200 euros for completing a tour "); p.account += 200; Console.WriteLine("Your account is now : " + p.account); } p.recalculatePosition(); p.makeAction(l_s, l_p); } if (p.bankruptcy()) { Console.WriteLine( + ", you're in bankruptcy, you're out of the game!"); int pos_del = l_p.getPlayerPosition(p, size); l_p.deletePlayer(pos_del); size = size - 1; } p =; } Console.WriteLine("This game is over !"); Console.WriteLine("Bravo " + + " you won this game !"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // -------------------------Intialization------------------------------------------------------- ListSpaces Board = CreateBoard(); Console.WriteLine("How many players will play this game ? "); Console.WriteLine("Please enter a number : "); int number_players = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); while (number_players < 2) { Console.WriteLine("At least two players needed to start a game ! "); Console.WriteLine("How many players will play this game ? "); Console.WriteLine("Please enter a number : "); number_players = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } ListPlayer List_of_players = CreatePlayers(number_players); Queue <SpecialCards> cc = CreateChanceQueue(); Queue <SpecialCards> ccc = CreateCommunityChestQueue(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game(Board, List_of_players, List_of_players.getPlayer(0), number_players, cc, ccc); Console.ReadLine(); }
public ListPlayerIterator(ListPlayer l) { list = l; current_player_idx = -1; }
public void makeAction(ListSpaces B, ListPlayer P) { bool fin = false; bool valid = true; string lecture = ""; do { Console.WriteLine("\nPlayer Action"); Console.WriteLine("\n Turn of " + name); Console.WriteLine("-----------------\n\n"); fin = false; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("1 : Buy this propiety"); Console.WriteLine("2 : Buy a house or an hotel"); Console.WriteLine("3 : Get informations"); Console.WriteLine("4 : Pass your turn"); do { lecture = ""; valid = true; Console.Write("\n Choose an action : "); lecture = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(lecture); if (lecture == "" || !"1234".Contains(lecture[0])) { Console.WriteLine("Your choice <" + lecture + "> is not valid = > Please choose a correct action. "); valid = false; } } while (!valid); switch (lecture[0]) { case '1': Console.Clear(); buySpace(B, P); break; case '2': Console.Clear(); buyH(B); break; case '3': Console.Clear(); getInformation(B, P); break; case '4': Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You pass your turn"); if (B.getSpace(position) is Propriety) { Propriety prop = (Propriety)B.getSpace(position); if (!(prop.possessed)) { Console.WriteLine("This propriety will be auctionned"); Player pla =; prop.possessed = true; = pla; B.changeSpace(position, prop); if (pla.list_pr == null) { prop = (Propriety)B.getSpace(position).Shallowcopy(); = null; pla.list_pr = new ListSpaces(prop); } else { prop = (Propriety)B.getSpace(position).Shallowcopy(); = null; pla.list_pr.AddTail(prop); } } } Console.ReadKey(); fin = true; break; default: Console.WriteLine("\n Please choose a correct action."); break; } } while (!fin); }
public string rollDice(ListSpaces B, ListPlayer P, Queue <SpecialCards> Chance, Queue <SpecialCards> CommunityChest) { int count = 0; Console.WriteLine("Press enter to roll dices"); Console.ReadLine(); Random rd = new Random(); int first_dice = rd.Next(1, 7); int second_dice = rd.Next(1, 7); Console.WriteLine("The value of the first dice is : " + first_dice); Console.WriteLine("The value of the second dice is : " + second_dice); while (first_dice == second_dice) { count++; if (count == 3) { goToPrison(); return("You're probably cheating, go to prison !"); } position = position + 2 * first_dice; if (passByStart(position)) { Console.WriteLine("Collect your 200 euros for completing a tour "); account += 200; Console.WriteLine("Your account is now : " + account); } recalculatePosition(); Console.WriteLine("You are now in the space number : " + position); Console.WriteLine(B.getSpace(position).name); payRent(B, first_dice + second_dice); if (B.getSpace(position) is SpecialSpace) { playSpecialSpace(B, P, Chance, CommunityChest); } if (passByStart(position)) { Console.WriteLine("Collect your 200 euros for completing a tour "); account += 200; Console.WriteLine("Your account is now : " + account); } recalculatePosition(); makeAction(B, P); Console.WriteLine("You made a double, you can play again !"); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to roll dices again"); Console.ReadLine(); first_dice = rd.Next(1, 7); second_dice = rd.Next(1, 7); Console.WriteLine("The value of the first dice is : " + first_dice); Console.WriteLine("The value of the second dice is : " + second_dice); } int total = first_dice + second_dice; position = position + total; if (passByStart(position)) { Console.WriteLine("Collect your 200 euros for completing a tour "); account += 200; Console.WriteLine("Your account is now : " + account); } recalculatePosition(); payRent(B, total); Console.WriteLine("You are now in the space number : " + position); Console.WriteLine(B.getSpace(position).name); return(" You've turned the dices, make an action."); }
public Player auction(ListPlayer P) { Console.Clear(); Player pla = P.getPlayer(0); Console.WriteLine("This auction starts"); Console.WriteLine("The propriety to buy is " + name); int amount = 0; int res = 10; string n = ""; while (n != { if (!(pla.in_prison)) { Console.WriteLine( + " this is you turn to auction"); Console.WriteLine("Do you want to bid for this propriety : " + name + " ?"); Console.WriteLine("The current bid is " + amount); Console.WriteLine("Press 1 for yes, 0 for no"); res = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); while (res != 0 && res != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a correct awnser."); Console.WriteLine("Press 1 for yes or 0 for no. "); res = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } if (res == 1) { int am = 0; bool bid_placed = false; while (!(bid_placed) && am != 9999) { Console.WriteLine("Enter the amount of your bid :"); am = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); if (am > amount) { if (am <= pla.account) { Console.WriteLine("You place your bid for this propriety !"); amount = am; bid_placed = true; n =; } else { Console.WriteLine("You don't have enough money in your account !"); Console.WriteLine("Press 9999 to cancel your bid"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Your bid is lower than the current amount !"); Console.WriteLine("The current bid is " + amount); Console.WriteLine("Press 9999 to cancel your bid"); } } } } else { Console.WriteLine( + ", you can't play be in this action because you're in prison !"); } pla =; } Console.WriteLine( + " won this auction"); Console.WriteLine("He bought " + name + " for " + amount + " euros."); pla.account = pla.account - amount; return(pla); }