Exemple #1
        private void View_JournalUpdated(object sender, JournalEntry e)
            // Check if the Account No exists
            using (var context = new FinPlannerEntities())
                var account = context.Account.SingleOrDefault(
                    x => x.AccountNo == e.AccountNo && x.DocumentID == _cashflowDocumentID);

                // If account is not found
                if (account == null)
                    throw new CoreException(_exAccountNoNotFound);

                context.Journal.Add(new Journal()
                    AccountID   = account.AccountID,
                    Amount      = e.Amount,
                    PostingDate = e.PostingDate,
                    Description = e.Description

Exemple #2
        private void View_BalanceSheetUpdated(object sender, AccountBalanceEntry e)
            // Check if the Account No exists
            using (var context = new FinPlannerEntities())

                var account = context.Account.SingleOrDefault(
                    x => x.AccountNo == e.AccountNo && x.DocumentID == _balanceSheetDocumentID);

                // If account is not found
                if (account == null)
                    throw new CoreException(_exAccountNoNotFound);

                var month = DateTime.Now.Month;
                var year  = DateTime.Now.Year;

                // Look for the exisiting account record this month
                var balance = context.Balance.SingleOrDefault(
                    x => x.AccountID == account.AccountID &&
                    x.PostingDate.Year == year && x.PostingDate.Month == month);

                // Update the existing record
                balance.Amount = e.Amount;

Exemple #3
        private void View_BalanceSheetRequested(object sender, DateTime e)
            using (var context = new FinPlannerEntities())

                // Re-calculate totals

                // Project each row in the view into a BalanceSheetEntry
                var sheet = context.vBalanceSheet
                            .Where(x => x.PostingDate.Value.Year == e.Year && x.PostingDate.Value.Month == e.Month)
                            .Select(x =>
                                    new AccountBalanceEntry()
                    AccountNo   = x.AccountNo,
                    AccountName = x.AccountName,
                    Amount      = x.Amount,
                    Level       = x.Level

                // Show the list on UI
Exemple #4
        private void View_JournalRequested(object sender, DateTime e)
            using (var context = new FinPlannerEntities())
                var month = e.Month;
                var year  = e.Year;

                // Project each row in the view into a JournalEntry
                var entries = context.vJournal
                              .Where(y => y.PostingDate.Year == year && y.PostingDate.Month == month)
                              .Select(x =>
                                      new JournalEntry()
                    PostingDate = x.PostingDate,
                    AccountNo   = x.AccountNo,
                    AccountName = x.AccountName,
                    Amount      = x.Amount,
                    Description = x.Description

                // Display the journal on UI
Exemple #5
        private void View_CashflowRequested(object sender, DateTime e)
            // Check if the previous month is closed
            using (var context = new FinPlannerEntities())
                // Get a cashflow account
                var accountEx = context.Account.Where(x => x.DocumentID == _cashflowDocumentID).FirstOrDefault();

                // Check if the account does not exist
                if (accountEx == null)
                    throw new CoreException(_noCashflowAccountFound);

                // Get the last balance record for this cashflow account
                var balance = context.Balance.Where(x => x.AccountID == accountEx.AccountID).OrderByDescending(x => x.BalanceID).FirstOrDefault();

                // Check if the balance record is not found
                if (balance == null)
                    throw new CoreException(_noCashflowRecordsFound);

                // Sum up the journal entries into the Cashflow statement

                // Calculate the cashflow totals

                // Project each row in the view into a BalanceSheetEntry
                var sheet = context.vCashflow
                            .Where(x => x.PostingDate.Value.Year == e.Year && x.PostingDate.Value.Month == e.Month)
                            .Select(x =>
                                    new AccountBalanceEntry()
                    AccountNo   = x.AccountNo,
                    AccountName = x.AccountName,
                    Amount      = x.Amount,
                    Budget      = x.Budget,
                    Level       = x.Level

                // Show the list on UI
Exemple #6
        private void View_MonthEndClosingRequested(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Check if the previous month has been already closed
            using (var context = new FinPlannerEntities())
                // Get a balance sheet account
                var bsAccount = context.Account.Where(x => x.DocumentID == _balanceSheetDocumentID).FirstOrDefault();

                // Check if the account does not exist
                if (bsAccount == null)
                    throw new CoreException(_noBalanceSheetAccountFound);

                // Get a cashflow account
                var csAccount = context.Account.Where(x => x.DocumentID == _cashflowDocumentID).FirstOrDefault();

                // Check if the account does not exist
                if (csAccount == null)
                    throw new CoreException(_noCashflowAccountFound);

                // Get the last balance records for the both accounts
                var bsBalance = context.Balance.Where(x => x.AccountID == bsAccount.AccountID).OrderByDescending(x => x.BalanceID).FirstOrDefault();
                var csBalance = context.Balance.Where(x => x.AccountID == csAccount.AccountID).OrderByDescending(x => x.BalanceID).FirstOrDefault();

                var month = DateTime.Now.Month;
                var year  = DateTime.Now.Year;

                // Check if the records are found
                if (bsBalance != null && csBalance != null)
                    // Check if the found record has the same month and date
                    if (bsBalance.PostingDate.Month == month && bsBalance.PostingDate.Year == year &&
                        csBalance.PostingDate.Month == month && csBalance.PostingDate.Year == year)
                        throw new CoreException(_exMonthAlreadyClosed);

                // Call the closing procedure
                var previousMonth = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1);
Exemple #7
        private void View_NewGoalsRequested(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (var context = new FinPlannerEntities())
                // Project each row in the view into a GoalEntry
                var goals = context.Goal.Select(x =>
                                                new GoalEntry()
                    GoalName = x.GoalName,
                    GoalID   = x.GoalID

                // Suggest goals to user
Exemple #8
        private void View_GoalListRequested(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (var context = new FinPlannerEntities())
                // Project each row in the view into a GoalEntry
                var goals = context.vGoals.Select(x =>
                                                  new GoalEntry()
                    GoalNo   = x.GoalNo,
                    GoalName = x.GoalName,
                    Due      = x.Due

                // Display goals on UI
Exemple #9
        private void View_BudgetUpdated(object sender, AccountBalanceEntry e)
            // Check if the Account No exists
            using (var context = new FinPlannerEntities())
                var account = context.Account.SingleOrDefault(
                    x => x.AccountNo == e.AccountNo && x.DocumentID == _cashflowDocumentID);

                // If account is not found
                if (account == null)
                    throw new CoreException(_exAccountNoNotFound);

                var month = DateTime.Now.Month;
                var year  = DateTime.Now.Year;

                // Look for the exisiting account record in this month
                var budget = context.Budget.SingleOrDefault(
                    x => x.AccountID == account.AccountID &&
                    x.PostingDate.Year == year && x.PostingDate.Month == month);

                // if the record is found
                if (budget != null)
                    // Update the existing record
                    budget.Amount = e.Amount;
                    // Add a new budget record as of the first day of the month
                    context.Budget.Add(new Budget()
                        AccountID   = account.AccountID,
                        Amount      = e.Amount,
                        PostingDate = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1)

Exemple #10
        private static void BalanceSheetCheck(FinPlannerEntities context)
            // Get a balance sheet account
            var accountEx = context.Account.Where(x => x.DocumentID == _balanceSheetDocumentID).FirstOrDefault();

            // Check if the account does not exist
            if (accountEx == null)
                throw new CoreException(_noBalanceSheetAccountFound);

            // Get the last balance record for this balance sheet account
            var balance = context.Balance.Where(x => x.AccountID == accountEx.AccountID).OrderByDescending(x => x.BalanceID).FirstOrDefault();

            // Check if the balance record is not found
            if (balance == null)
                throw new CoreException(_noBalanceSheetRecordsFound);
Exemple #11
        private void View_NewGoalsSelected(object sender, List <GoalEntry> e)
            using (var context = new FinPlannerEntities())
                // Truncate the GoalSet table

                foreach (var entry in e)
                    context.GoalSet.Add(new GoalSet()
                        Description = entry.GoalName,
                        StartDate   = DateTime.Now,
                        EndDate     = entry.Due,
                        GoalID      = entry.GoalID,
                        Order       = entry.GoalNo

                // Save changes to database