private void SaveConnectDataFile(string EncKey, string PathSettingDataFile, string NameDataFile) { if (RememberCheck.IsChecked == true) { string ClearText = ""; if (ServerAdafruit) { ClearText = NickName.Text + "|" + UsernameTxt.Text + "|" + AioKeyTxt.Password; } else if (ServerSolace) { ClearText = SolaceNickName.Text + "|ssl://" + SolaceHostPort.Text + "|" + SolacePassword.Password; } string EncryptedText = StringCipher.Encrypt(ClearText, EncKey); if (!Directory.Exists(PathSettingDataFile)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(PathSettingDataFile); } using (StreamWriter ConnectionData = new StreamWriter(PathSettingDataFile + NameDataFile)) { ConnectionData.WriteLine(EncryptedText); } } else { if (File.Exists(PathSettingDataFile + NameDataFile)) { File.Delete(PathSettingDataFile + NameDataFile); } } }
private async void BtnShare_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var KeyRoomSelected = selectRoom.Name.Split('_'); FeedsJson.FeedProprety feedProprety = await getDataJson(KeyRoomSelected[2]); var licenseValue = feedProprety.license.Split('*'); string KeyRoomDec = feedProprety.key + "|" + MqttConnection.UserName + "|" + MqttConnection.AioKey + "|" + licenseValue[0] + "|" + MqttConnection.NickName + "|" + licenseValue[1] + "|" + licenseValue[2] + "|" + MqttConnection.MqttServer + "|" + MqttConnection.MqttPort.ToString(); string KeyRoomEnc = StringCipher.Encrypt(KeyRoomDec, ""); Clipboard.SetText(KeyRoomEnc); DrawerHost.CloseDrawerCommand.Execute(DrawerHostContent, BtnShare); ShowSnackBar("Key room copied in ClipBoard!"); }
public static async void MqttPublish(string Topic, string DataMessage) { DataMessage = StringCipher.Encrypt(DataMessage, Key_EndToEnd); await Task.Run(() => client.Publish(Topic, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(DataMessage))); }
private async void GenerateBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (NameRoom.Text != "" && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(UsernameTxt.Text) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(AioKeyTxt.Password) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Key_EndToEnd.Text) && !Key_EndToEnd.Text.Contains("GENERATE")) { HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); string KeyRoomDec = req.getCorretName(NameRoom.Text) + "|" + UsernameTxt.Text + "|" + AioKeyTxt.Password + "|" + Key_EndToEnd.Text + "|" + MqttConnection.NickName + "|" + UrlTxt.Text + "|" + CheckControll.IsChecked + "|" + MqttConnection.MqttServer + "|" + MqttConnection.MqttPort.ToString(); string KeyRoomEnc = StringCipher.Encrypt(KeyRoomDec, ""); if (CheckCurrentData.IsChecked == true) { if (getNumFeed(req.getAllFeeds()) != 10) { MqttConnection.MqttUnsubscribe(MqttConnection.UserName + "/feeds/" + MqttConnection.ChatRoomNameKey); if (req.createFeed(NameRoom.Text, DescriptionTxt.Text, Key_EndToEnd.Text, UrlTxt.Text, CheckControll.IsChecked.ToString())) { MqttConnection.setKeyEndToEnd(Key_EndToEnd.Text); MqttConnection.MqttSubscribe(MqttConnection.UserName + "/feeds/" + MqttConnection.ChatRoomNameKey); MqttConnection.MqttPublish(MqttConnection.UserName + "/feeds/" + MqttConnection.ChatRoomNameKey, MqttConnection.NickName + "_ROOMGROUP_" + NameRoom.Text + "_" + UrlTxt.Text); Clipboard.SetText(KeyRoomEnc); MessageBox.Show("Room created!!!" + '\n' + '\n' + "Don't worry, I copy the access key to the group, share it with your friends, you just have to paste and they just have to copy it and click on \"I have a key\""); Close(); } else { MqttConnection.setKeyEndToEnd(""); MqttConnection.setChatRoomNameKey("chat"); MqttConnection.MqttSubscribe(MqttConnection.UserName + "/feeds/" + MqttConnection.ChatRoomNameKey); ShowSnackBar("Error creating room!"); } } else { ShowSnackBar("Max number of group created, delete one!"); } } else { string tempUser = MqttConnection.UserName; string tempAioKey = MqttConnection.AioKey; MqttConnection.MqttDisconnect(); MqttConnection.setUser(UsernameTxt.Text); MqttConnection.setAioKey(AioKeyTxt.Password); if (!(await MqttConnection.MqttFastConnect())) { MqttConnection.setUser(tempUser); MqttConnection.setAioKey(tempAioKey); ShowSnackBar("Erron to connect with new data!"); UsernameTxt.Focus(); return; } if (getNumFeed(req.getAllFeeds()) != 10) { if (req.createFeed(NameRoom.Text, DescriptionTxt.Text, Key_EndToEnd.Text, UrlTxt.Text, CheckControll.IsChecked.ToString())) { MqttConnection.setKeyEndToEnd(Key_EndToEnd.Text); MqttConnection.MqttSubscribe(MqttConnection.UserName + "/clients"); MqttConnection.MqttSubscribe(MqttConnection.UserName + "/feeds/" + MqttConnection.ChatRoomNameKey); MqttConnection.MqttPublish(MqttConnection.UserName + "/feeds/" + MqttConnection.ChatRoomNameKey, MqttConnection.NickName + "_ROOMGROUP_" + NameRoom.Text + "_" + UrlTxt.Text); Clipboard.SetText(KeyRoomEnc); MessageBox.Show("Room created!!!" + '\n' + '\n' + "Don't worry, I copy the access key to the group, share it with your friends, you just have to paste and they just have to copy it and click on \"I have a key\""); Close(); } else { MqttConnection.setKeyEndToEnd(""); MqttConnection.setChatRoomNameKey("chat"); MqttConnection.MqttSubscribe(MqttConnection.UserName + "/clients"); MqttConnection.MqttSubscribe(MqttConnection.UserName + "/feeds/" + MqttConnection.ChatRoomNameKey); ShowSnackBar("Error creating room!"); } } else { ShowSnackBar("Max number of group created, delete one!"); } } } else { ShowSnackBar("Complete the box please"); } }