public bool AddFile(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d,
				FileContents f)
            m.Directories = GetDirList(c, m);
            f.Dir = (from o in m.Directories where o.Name == d.Name select o.Id).Single();

            if (!CheckFileExistence(c, m, d, f)) {
                File f1 = File.CreateFile(1, f.Dir, 1, f.Content, f.Name, f.Size, f.Hash,
                    f.Uploaded, f.Modified);
                using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) {
            } else {
                GetFileId(c, m, d, f);
                GetFileContentId(c, m, d, f);

                using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) {
                    File f1 = (from o in context.Files where o.file_id == f.Id select o).Single();
                    f1.file_hash = f.Hash;
                    f1.file_modified = f.Modified;
                    f1.file_size = f.Size;
                    f1.file_uploaded = f.Uploaded;

            return true;
Exemple #2
 public void CreateAccountTest()
     Credentials c = new Credentials("testUserLogin",
     UserContents uc = new UserContents(c, "Test User", "*****@*****.**");
     Assert.AreEqual(guiConn.GetUser(c), uc);
        public MachineWindow(MainWindow mw)
            : this()
            this.parentWindow = mw;
            this.credentials = parentWindow.credentials;

 public bool AddDirectory(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d)
     var cl = new Ref.FileSyncModelClient();
     try {
         bool result = false;
         result = cl.AddDirectory(c, m, d);
         return result;
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         throw new ActionException("Unable to create a new directory in the database.",
             ActionType.Directory, MemeType.Fuuuuu, ex);
        public bool AddFile(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d,
				FileContents f)
            var cl = new Ref.FileSyncModelClient();
            try {
                bool result = false;
                result = cl.AddFile(c, m, d, f);
                return result;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new ActionException("Error occurred while file was uploaded.",
                    ActionType.File, MemeType.Fuuuuu, ex);
        public bool AddMachine(Credentials c, MachineContents m)
            using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) {
                if (MachineNameExists(context, m.Name)) {
                    //throw new Exception("machine with given name already exists");
                    return false;
                } else {
                    int user_id = LoginToId(context, c.Login);
                    Machine m1 = Machine.CreateMachine(1, user_id, m.Name);
                    m1.machine_description = m.Description;

            return true;
        public bool AddMachine(Credentials c, MachineContents m)
            var cl = new Ref.FileSyncModelClient();
            try {
                if (c == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("cr", "user credentials must be provided");
                if (m == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("m", "machine contents were null");

                bool result = false;
                result = cl.AddMachine(c, m);
                return result;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new ActionException("Failed to create a new machine.", ActionType.Machine,
                    MemeType.Fuuuuu, ex);
 public bool AddDirectory(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d)
     m.Directories=GetDirList(c, m);
     int NoSuchNameYet = (from o in m.Directories where o.Name == d.Name select o).Count();
     if (NoSuchNameYet != 0) {
         // throw new Exception("directory with given name already exists");
         //no action needed
     } else {
         using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) {
             d.Owner = LoginToId(context, c.Login);
         using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) {
             m.Id = MachineNameToId(context, m.Name);
         AddMachDir(m, d);
     return true;
        public MachineContents DownloadMachine(IFileSyncModel connection, Credentials c,
				MachineIdentity mid)
            var m = connection.GetMachineWithDirs(c, mid);

            if (m == null)
                return null;

            List<DirectoryContents> directories = new List<DirectoryContents>();
            foreach (DirectoryIdentity did in m.Directories) {
                var d = connection.GetDirectoryWithFiles(c, m, did);
                List<FileContents> files = new List<FileContents>();
                foreach (FileIdentity fid in d.Files) {
                    var f = connection.GetFileWithContent(c, m, d, fid);
                d.Files = files;
            m.Directories = directories;
            return m;
        public bool ChangeMachineDetails(Credentials c, MachineContents newM,
				MachineContents oldM)
            var cl = new Ref.FileSyncModelClient();
            try {
                if (c == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("c", "user credentials must be provided");
                if (newM == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("newM", "new machine identity must be provided");
                if (oldM == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("oldM", "old machine identity must be provided");

                bool result = false;
                result = cl.ChangeMachineDetails(c, newM, oldM);
                return result;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new ActionException("Error while updating machine details.",
                    ActionType.Machine, MemeType.Fuuuuu, ex);
 private Credentials getCredentials()
     var cr = new Credentials(this.getLogin(),
     return cr;
        private void GetFileId(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d,
				FileContents f)
            GetDirList(c, m);
            d.Id = (from o in m.Directories where o.Name == d.Name select o.Id).Single();
            using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) {

                int file_id = (from o in context.Files
                               where (o.file_name == f.Name) && (o.dir_id == d.Id)
                               select o.file_id).Single();
                f.Id = file_id;
 private bool Authenticate(filesyncEntitiesNew context, Credentials c)
     try {
         //User u1 = (from u in context.Users
         //           where c.Equals(u.user_login, u.user_pass)
         //           select u).Single();
         User u1 = (from u in context.Users
                    where c.Login == u.user_login && c.Password == u.user_pass
                    select u).Single();
     } catch {
         return false;
     return true;
        public bool Login(Credentials c)
            using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) {
                //try {
                    //User u1 = (from u in context.Users
                    //           where c.Equals(u.user_login, u.user_pass)
                    //           select u).Single();
                    User u1 = context.Users.Where(u => u.user_login == c.Login).SingleOrDefault();

                    if (u1 == null) {
                        return false;
                    //(from u in context.Users
                    //       where c.Login == u.user_login && c.Password == u.user_pass
                    //       select u).Single();
                    if (!c.Equals(u1.user_login, u1.user_pass))
                        return false;

                    UpdateLastLogin(context, LoginToId(context, c.Login));

                //} catch (Exception ex) {
                    //if (ex.GetType().Equals(typeof(Exception)))
                    //    throw ex;
                    //throw new Exception("wrong credentials", ex);
                    return  true;
        public UserIdentity GetUser(Credentials c)
            using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) {
                if (LoginExists(context, c.Login)) {
                    if (Authenticate(context, c)) {
                        int id = LoginToId(context, c.Login);
                        User u1 = (from o in context.Users
                                   where o.user_id == id
                                   select o).SingleOrDefault();
                        UserIdentity u = new UserContents(u1.user_login, u1.user_pass, u1.user_fullname, u1.user_email);
                        u.LastLogin = (DateTime)u1.user_lastlogin;
                        u.Id = u1.user_id;
                        return u;

                    } else {
                        //throw new Exception("wrong password");
                        return null;
                } else {
                    //throw new Exception("no such user");
                    return null;
 public FileContents GetFileWithContent(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d,
         FileIdentity f)
     var fc = new FileContents(f);
     GetFileContentId(c, m, d, fc);
     using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew())
         Content c1 = (from o in context.Contents
                       where o.content_id == f.Content
                       select o).Single();
         fc.Data = c1.content_data;
     return fc;
        public void GetFileContent(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d,
				FileContents f)
            f.Id = GetFileContentId(c, m, d, f);
            using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) {
                Content c1 = (from o in context.Contents
                              where o.content_id == f.Content
                              select o).Single();
                f.Data = c1.content_data;
        public bool UploadDirectory(IFileSyncModel connection, Credentials c, MachineIdentity m,
				DirectoryContents d)
            //add dir if it does not exist
            if (!connection.AddDirectory(c, new MachineContents(m), d))
                return false;

            foreach (FileContents f in d.Files) {
                try {
                    FileContents fUp = null;
                    if (f.Size == 0)
                        fUp = ReadFileContents(f, d);
                        fUp = f;

                    if (!UploadFile(connection, c, m, d, f))
                        return false;
                } catch (ActionException ex) {
                    throw new ActionException("Couldn't upload the directory contents.",
                        ActionType.Directory, ex);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new ActionException("Error while uploading a directory.",
                        ActionType.Directory, ex);
            return true;
        public bool UpdateMachine(IFileSyncModel connection, Credentials c, MachineContents newM,
				MachineContents oldM)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #20
 public void AddMachine(Credentials c, MachineContents m)
     throw new Exception("not implemented");
Exemple #21
 public void ChangeMachineDetails(Credentials c, MachineContents newM,
                                  MachineContents oldM)
     throw new Exception("not implemented");
Exemple #22
 public void GetDirList(Credentials c, MachineContents m)
     throw new Exception("not implemented");
Exemple #23
 public void AddDirectory(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d)
     throw new Exception("not implemented");
        public bool UploadFile(IFileSyncModel connection, Credentials c, MachineIdentity m,
				DirectoryIdentity d, FileContents f)
            return connection.AddFile(c, new MachineContents(m), new DirectoryContents(d), f);
Exemple #25
 public void DelUser(Credentials c)
     throw new Exception("not implemented");
 public bool UploadMachine(IFileSyncModel connection, Credentials c, MachineContents m)
     try {
         foreach (DirectoryContents d in m.Directories) {
             if (!UploadDirectory(connection, c, m, d))
                 return false;
         return true;
     } catch (ActionException ex) {
         throw new ActionException("Couldn't upload the machine contents."
             , ActionType.Machine, ex);
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         throw new ActionException("Error while uploading a whole machine.",
             ActionType.Machine, ex);
        public List<FileContents> GetFileList(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d)
            List<FileContents> filelist = new List<FileContents>();
            m.Directories=GetDirList(c, m);
            d.Id = (from o in m.Directories where o.Name == d.Name select o.Id).Single();

            using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) {
                foreach (var x in (from f in context.Files
                                   join t in context.Types on f.type_id equals t.type_id
                                   where f.dir_id == d.Id
                                   select new { f, t.type_name })) {
                    FileIdentity file = new FileIdentity(x.f.file_name, x.f.file_modified,
                        x.f.file_uploaded, FileType.PlainText, x.f.file_size, x.f.file_hash);
                    file.Content = x.f.content_id;
                    file.Id = x.f.file_id;
                    filelist.Add(new FileContents(file));
            //d.Files = filelist;
            return filelist;
        public FileContents DownloadFile(IFileSyncModel connection, Credentials c,
				MachineIdentity m, DirectoryIdentity d, FileIdentity f)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
        public MachineContents GetMachineWithDirs(Credentials c, MachineIdentity m)
            MachineContents mc = new MachineContents(m);

            using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew())
                int mach_id = MachineNameToId(context, m.Name);
                if (mach_id == -1)
                    return null;
                mc.Id = mach_id;
                List<DirectoryContents> dirlist = new List<DirectoryContents>();

                foreach (var x in (from md in context.MachineDirs
                                   join d in context.Dirs on md.dir_id equals d.dir_id
                                   where md.machine_id == mach_id
                                   select new { md.dir_realpath, d }))
                    var dir = new DirectoryContents(x.d.dir_name, x.d.dir_description, x.dir_realpath);
                    dir.Id = x.d.dir_id;
                    dir.Owner = x.d.user_ownerid;
                mc.Directories = dirlist;
                return mc;
Exemple #30
 public void Login(Credentials c)
     throw new Exception("not implemented");
        public UserContents GetUserWithMachines(Credentials c)
            UserContents u =(UserContents) GetUser(c);
            List<Machine> ml;
            List<MachineContents> machinelist;
            using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) {

                if (!Authenticate(context, c))
                    return null;
                //throw new Exception("unauthorized access detected");

                machinelist = new List<MachineContents>();
                u.Id = LoginToId(context, u.Login);
                ml = (from o in context.Machines
                      where o.user_id == u.Id
                      select o).ToList();
            foreach (Machine m in ml) {
                MachineContents m1 = new MachineContents(m.machine_name, m.machine_description);
                m1.Id = m.machine_id;
                m1.User = m.user_id;
            u.Machines = machinelist;
            return u;
        public bool ChangeMachineDetails(Credentials c, MachineContents newM,
				MachineContents oldM)
            using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) {
                oldM.Id = MachineNameToId(context, oldM.Name);
                Machine m1 = (from o in context.Machines
                              where o.machine_id == oldM.Id
                              select o).SingleOrDefault();
                if (m1 == null)
                    return false;
                m1.machine_name = newM.Name;
                m1.machine_description = newM.Description;
                return true;
Exemple #33
 public void GetMachineList(Credentials c, UserContents u)
     throw new Exception("not implemented");
 public bool DelFile(Credentials c, MachineIdentity m, DirectoryIdentity d,
         FileIdentity f)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        private bool CheckFileExistence(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d,
				FileContents f)
            GetDirList(c, m);
            d.Id = (from o in m.Directories where o.Name == d.Name select o.Id).Single();
            try {
                using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) {
                    (from o in context.Files
                     where (o.file_name == f.Name) && (o.dir_id == d.Id)
                     select o.file_id).Single();
            } catch {
                return false;
            return true;
 public bool DelMachine(Credentials c, MachineIdentity m)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #37
 public UserContents GetUser(Credentials c)
     throw new Exception("not implemented");
        public bool DelUser(Credentials c)
            UserContents u =(UserContents) GetUser(c);
            bool result = false;
            using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) {
                if (!Authenticate(context, c))
                    return result;

                int id = LoginToId(context, u.Login);
                var u1 = (from o in context.Users
                          where o.user_id == id
                          select o).SingleOrDefault();
                if (u1 != null) {
                    result = true;
            return result;
Exemple #39
 public void AddUser(Credentials c, UserContents u)
     throw new Exception("not implemented");
Exemple #40
 public void GetFileContent(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d,
                            FileContents f)
     throw new Exception("not implemented");