Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a List of custom objects filtered by the filter parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filter">A string representing the desired filter, eg. LastName = 'Fuller'</param>
        /// <param name="fieldList">The desired fields to be in the returned Table</param>
        /// <param name="includeIndex">If true, an additional Field named "index" will be returned
        /// which is the ordinal index of the Record in the database, which can be used in
        /// GetRecordByIndex and UpdateRecordByIndex</param>
        /// <param name="orderByList">A list of one or more fields to order the returned table by,
        /// or null for default order. If an orderByField is prefixed with "!", that field will sorted
        /// in reverse order</param>
        /// <returns>A new List of custom objects with the requested Records and Fields</returns>
        public List <T> SelectRecords <T>(string filter, string[] fieldList, string[] orderByList, bool includeIndex)
            where T : class, new()
            FilterExpressionGroup filterExpGrp = FilterExpressionGroup.Parse(filter);

            return(SelectRecords <T>(filterExpGrp, fieldList, orderByList, includeIndex));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a List of custom objects filtered by the filter parameter. Only the specified Fields
        /// will be in the Table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filter">A string representing the desired filter, eg. LastName = 'Fuller'</param>
        /// <param name="fieldList">The desired fields to be in the returned Table</param>
        /// <returns>A new List of custom objects with the requested Records and Fields</returns>
        public List <T> SelectRecords <T>(string filter, string[] fieldList)
            where T : class, new()
            FilterExpressionGroup filterExpGrp = FilterExpressionGroup.Parse(filter);

            return(SelectRecords <T>(filterExpGrp, fieldList));
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Get all records matching the FilterExpressionGroup in the indicated order, if any.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filter">Represents a compound search expression, such as FirstName = "John" AND LastName = "Smith"</param>
 /// <param name="fieldList">The list of fields to return or null for all fields</param>
 /// <param name="includeIndex">Specify whether to include the record index as one of the Fields</param>
 /// <param name="orderByList">A list of one or more fields to order the returned table by,
 /// or null for default order. If an orderByField is prefixed with "!", that field will sorted
 /// in reverse order.</param>
 /// <returns>A new List of custom objects with the requested Records and Fields</returns>
 public List <T> SelectRecords <T>(FilterExpressionGroup filter, string[] fieldList, string[] orderByList, bool includeIndex)
     where T : class, new()
     lock (this)
         object[][] records = _dbEngine.getRecordByFields(filter, fieldList, includeIndex, orderByList);
         return(createTList <T>(records, fieldList, includeIndex, orderByList));
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the expression string to create a FilterExpressionGroup representing a simple expression.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expression">The string expression.  Example: LastName = 'Fuller'</param>
        /// <returns>A new FilterExpression representing the simple expression</returns>
        public static FilterExpression Parse(string expression)
            FilterExpression      fexp  = null;
            FilterExpressionGroup fexpg = FilterExpressionGroup.Parse(expression);

            if (fexpg != null)
                fexp = fexpg.Expressions[0] as FilterExpression;

        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the expression string to create a FilterExpressionGroup representing a compound expression.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expression">The string compound expression.  Example: (FirstName ~= 'andrew' OR FirstName ~= 'nancy') AND LastName = 'Fuller'</param>
        /// <returns>A new FilterExpressionGroup representing the compound expression</returns>
        public static FilterExpressionGroup Parse(string expression)
            FilterExpressionGroup srchExpGrp = null;

            if (expression == null)

            srchExpGrp = new FilterExpressionGroup();

            int n = 0;

            parseExpression(expression, ref n, srchExpGrp);

            while (true)
                if (srchExpGrp.Expressions.Count != 1)

                // if there is only one Group in a Group, then return that one

                FilterExpressionGroup grp = srchExpGrp.Expressions[0] as FilterExpressionGroup;
                if (grp == null)
                    break; // its an Expression, NOT a group
                // remove this group from its parent
                srchExpGrp = grp;

Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Return a List of custom objects filtered by the filter parameter. Only the specified Fields
 /// will be in the Table.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filter">A FilterExpression representing the desired filter.</param>
 /// <param name="fieldList">The desired fields to be in the returned Table</param>
 /// <param name="orderByList">A list of one or more fields to order the returned table by,
 /// or null for default order. If an orderByField is prefixed with "!", that field will sorted
 /// in reverse order.</param>
 /// <returns>A new List of custom objects with the requested Records and Fields in the specified order</returns>
 public List <T> SelectRecords <T>(FilterExpressionGroup filter, string[] fieldList, string[] orderByList)
     where T : class, new()
     return(SelectRecords <T>(filter, fieldList, orderByList, false));
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Return a List of custom objects filtered by the filter parameter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filter">A FilterExpressionGroup representing the desired filter.</param>
 /// <returns>A new List of custom objects with the requested Records</returns>
 public List <T> SelectRecords <T>(FilterExpressionGroup filter)
     where T : class, new()
     return(SelectRecords <T>(filter, null, null, false));
        static void parseExpression(string filter, ref int pos, FilterExpressionGroup parentSrchExpGrp)
            ParseState state      = ParseState.Left;
            bool       hasBracket = false,
                       inString   = false,
                       isNot      = false;
            string fieldName      = null;
            object searchVal      = null;
            var    sbTemp         = new StringBuilder();
            ComparisonOperatorEnum comparisonOp = ComparisonOperatorEnum.Equal;
            MatchTypeEnum          matchType    = MatchTypeEnum.UseCase;
            BoolOpEnum             curBoolOp    = BoolOpEnum.And;
            int startPos = pos;

            // skip past any leading spaces
            while (pos < filter.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(filter[pos]))

            for ( ; pos < filter.Length;)
                #region Left
                if (state == ParseState.Left)
                    if (filter[pos] == '[')   // field names with ' ' in them must be wrapped with brackets
                        hasBracket = true;
                        startPos = pos;

                    if (hasBracket)
                        // look for ending bracket
                        if (filter[pos] == ']')
                            fieldName = filter.Substring(startPos, pos - startPos).Trim();
                            pos++; // skip past bracket
                    else // no bracket - look for non-alpha
                        if (filter[pos] == '(')
                            // start of a new FilterExpressionGroup
                            var newSrchExpGrp = new FilterExpressionGroup();
                            parentSrchExpGrp.Add(curBoolOp, newSrchExpGrp);
                            parseExpression(filter, ref pos, newSrchExpGrp);
                            state = ParseState.BoolOp;
                        else if (filter[pos] == '~')  // eg. ~LastName
                            matchType = MatchTypeEnum.IgnoreCase;
                        else if (char.IsWhiteSpace(filter[pos]) ||
                                 (!char.IsLetterOrDigit(filter[pos]) && filter[pos] != '_' && filter[pos] != '~'))
                        // field names with spaces in them must be wrapped with brackets
                            fieldName = filter.Substring(startPos, pos - startPos).Trim();

                    if (fieldName != null)
                        if (fieldName[0] == '~')
                            fieldName = fieldName.Substring(1);
                            matchType = MatchTypeEnum.IgnoreCase;
                        state = ParseState.CompareOp;
                #endregion Left
                #region CompareOp
                else if (state == ParseState.CompareOp)
                    // skip whitespace
                    while (pos < filter.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(filter[pos]))

                    if (char.IsLetter(filter[pos]))    // REGEX
                        // should be CONTAINS, REGEX, IN or NOT
                        //if( pos + 4 >= filter.Length )
                        //    throwInvalidFilterConstruct( filter, pos );

                            // NOT
                            if (char.ToUpper(filter[pos]) == 'N' && char.ToUpper(filter[pos + 1]) == 'O' &&
                                char.ToUpper(filter[pos + 2]) == 'T' && char.IsWhiteSpace(filter[pos + 3]))
                                pos  += 3;
                                isNot = true;
                            // IN
                            else if (char.ToUpper(filter[pos]) == 'I' && char.ToUpper(filter[pos + 1]) == 'N' &&
                                     (char.IsWhiteSpace(filter[pos + 2]) || filter[pos + 2] == '('))
                                pos += 2;
                                if (char.IsWhiteSpace(filter[pos]))    // skip whitespace
                                    while (pos < filter.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(filter[pos]))
                                    if (filter[pos] != '(')
                                        throwInvalidFilterConstruct(filter, pos - 2);
                                comparisonOp = ComparisonOperatorEnum.In;
                            // REGEX
                            else if (char.ToUpper(filter[pos]) == 'R' && char.ToUpper(filter[pos + 1]) == 'E' &&
                                     char.ToUpper(filter[pos + 2]) == 'G' && char.ToUpper(filter[pos + 3]) == 'E' &&
                                     char.ToUpper(filter[pos + 4]) == 'X' && char.IsWhiteSpace(filter[pos + 5]))
                                pos         += 5;
                                comparisonOp = ComparisonOperatorEnum.Regex;
                            // CONTAINS
                            else if (char.ToUpper(filter[pos]) == 'C' && char.ToUpper(filter[pos + 1]) == 'O' &&
                                     char.ToUpper(filter[pos + 2]) == 'N' && char.ToUpper(filter[pos + 3]) == 'T' &&
                                     char.ToUpper(filter[pos + 4]) == 'A' && char.ToUpper(filter[pos + 5]) == 'I' &&
                                     char.ToUpper(filter[pos + 6]) == 'N' && char.ToUpper(filter[pos + 7]) == 'S' &&
                                     char.IsWhiteSpace(filter[pos + 8]))
                                pos         += 8;
                                comparisonOp = ComparisonOperatorEnum.Contains;
                                throwInvalidFilterConstruct(filter, pos - 2);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throwInvalidFilterConstruct(filter, pos - 2);
                    // alternative way to specify ignore case search (other way is to prefix a fieldname with ~)
                    else if (filter[pos] == '~')  // ~=
                        matchType = MatchTypeEnum.IgnoreCase;
                        if (++pos >= filter.Length)
                            throwInvalidFilterConstruct(filter, pos);

                        // next char must be =
                        if (filter[pos] != '=')
                            throwInvalidFilterConstruct(filter, pos);

                        comparisonOp = ComparisonOperatorEnum.Equal;
                    else if (filter[pos] == '!')  // !=
                        if (++pos >= filter.Length)
                            throwInvalidFilterConstruct(filter, pos);

                        // next char must be =
                        if (filter[pos] != '=')
                            throwInvalidFilterConstruct(filter, pos);

                        comparisonOp = ComparisonOperatorEnum.Equal;
                        isNot        = true;
                    else if (filter[pos] == '=')
                        comparisonOp = ComparisonOperatorEnum.Equal;
                    else if (filter[pos] == '<')  // <, <= or <>
                        if (pos + 1 >= filter.Length)
                            throwInvalidFilterConstruct(filter, pos);

                        if (filter[pos + 1] == '>')
                            comparisonOp = ComparisonOperatorEnum.Equal;
                            isNot        = true;
                        else if (filter[pos + 1] == '=')
                            comparisonOp = ComparisonOperatorEnum.LessThanOrEqual;
                            comparisonOp = ComparisonOperatorEnum.LessThan;
                    else if (filter[pos] == '>')  // > or >=
                        if (pos + 1 >= filter.Length)
                            throwInvalidFilterConstruct(filter, pos);

                        if (filter[pos + 1] == '=')
                            comparisonOp = ComparisonOperatorEnum.GreaterThanOrEqual;
                            comparisonOp = ComparisonOperatorEnum.GreaterThan;
                        throwInvalidFilterConstruct(filter, pos);
                    state = ParseState.Right;
                #endregion CompareOp
                #region Right
                else if (state == ParseState.Right)
                    if (comparisonOp == ComparisonOperatorEnum.In)  //|| comparisonOp == EqualityEnum.NotIn )
                        // skip whitespace
                        while (pos < filter.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(filter[pos]))

                        // filter[pos] should look like this now: (val1, val2, val3)
                        // or like this: ('val1', 'val2', 'val3')

                        if (filter[pos] == '(')

                        // find the end
                        int endPos = pos;

                        while (endPos < filter.Length && filter[endPos] != ')')
                        if (endPos >= filter.Length)
                            throw new FileDbException(string.Format(FileDbException.InvalidFilterConstruct, filter.Substring(pos)),

                        string inVals = filter.Substring(pos, endPos - pos);

                        searchVal = parseInVals(inVals, matchType);

                        pos = endPos;
                        if (!inString)
                            // skip whitespace only if we haven't found anything yet
                            if (sbTemp.Length == 0)
                                while (pos < filter.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(filter[pos]))

                            // look for end of ExpressionGroup
                            if (sbTemp.Length > 0 && (filter[pos] == ')' || char.IsWhiteSpace(filter[pos])))
                                // Expression completed
                                searchVal     = sbTemp.ToString();
                                sbTemp.Length = 0;
                                var srchExp = new FilterExpression(fieldName, searchVal, comparisonOp, matchType, isNot);
                                parentSrchExpGrp.Add(curBoolOp, srchExp);
                                if (filter[pos] == ')')
                                fieldName = null;
                                state     = ParseState.BoolOp;
                            else if (sbTemp.Length == 0 && filter[pos] == '\'')
                                // just starting to get the value
                                inString = /*isString=*/ true;
                        else // inString == true
                            if (filter[pos] == '\'')
                                //Debug.Assert( sbTemp.Length > 0 ); -- it could be empty, eg. myfield = ''

                                // if the next char is NOT another ' (escaped) then the string is completed
                                if ((pos + 1 < filter.Length) && filter[pos + 1] == '\'')
                                    inString      = false;
                                    searchVal     = sbTemp.ToString();
                                    sbTemp.Length = 0;
                                    var srchExp = new FilterExpression(fieldName, searchVal, comparisonOp, matchType, isNot);
                                    parentSrchExpGrp.Add(curBoolOp, srchExp);
                                    fieldName = null;
                                    state     = ParseState.BoolOp;
                                    goto Advance;
                    // advance
                #endregion Right
                #region Next
                else // if( state == ParseState.BoolOp )
                    Debug.Assert(state == ParseState.BoolOp);

                    if (sbTemp.Length == 0)
                        // skip whitespace
                        while (pos < filter.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(filter[pos]))

                    if (filter[pos] == ')')
                        return; // we must be finished
                    if (char.IsWhiteSpace(filter[pos]))
                        // we must be finished
                        if (sbTemp.Length == 0)
                            throw new FileDbException(string.Format(FileDbException.InvalidFilterConstruct, filter.Substring(pos)),

                        string sOp = sbTemp.ToString();
                        sbTemp.Length = 0;

                        if (string.Compare(sOp, "AND", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                            curBoolOp = BoolOpEnum.And;
                        else if (string.Compare(sOp, "OR", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                            curBoolOp = BoolOpEnum.Or;
                            throw new FileDbException(string.Format(FileDbException.InvalidFilterConstruct, filter.Substring(pos)),

                        state = ParseState.Left; // start over on next expression

                        // skip whitespace
                        while (pos < filter.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(filter[pos]))

                        // reset vars
                        startPos   = pos;
                        hasBracket = false;
                #endregion Next
            } // for...

            // did we just complete an Expression?
            if (state == ParseState.Right)
                if (comparisonOp != ComparisonOperatorEnum.In)  //&& comparisonOp != EqualityEnum.NotIn )
                    searchVal = sbTemp.ToString();
                    if (!inString && string.Compare((string)searchVal, "null", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                        searchVal = null;
                    sbTemp.Length = 0;
                var srchExp = new FilterExpression(fieldName, searchVal, comparisonOp, matchType, isNot);
                parentSrchExpGrp.Add(curBoolOp, srchExp);