Exemple #1
 public override void Initialize()
   this.PlayerManager.Hidden = true;
   this.PlayerManager.CanControl = false;
   this.GameState.FarawaySettings.InTransition = true;
   this.StartVolume = this.LevelManager.Volumes[this.PlayerManager.DoorVolume.Value];
   if (this.StartVolume.ActorSettings == null)
     this.StartVolume.ActorSettings = new VolumeActorSettings();
   float viewScale = SettingsManager.GetViewScale(this.GraphicsDevice);
   this.OriginalRadius = this.CameraManager.Radius;
   this.GameState.FarawaySettings.DestinationRadius = this.DestinationRadius = (double) this.StartVolume.ActorSettings.DestinationRadius == 0.0 ? this.CameraManager.Radius : this.StartVolume.ActorSettings.DestinationRadius * viewScale;
   this.GameState.FarawaySettings.DestinationPixelsPerTrixel = this.StartVolume.ActorSettings.DestinationPixelsPerTrixel;
   this.GameState.FarawaySettings.SkyRt = this.SkyRt.Target;
   this.NextLevel = this.PlayerManager.NextLevel;
   this.LevelRt = this.TargetRenderer.TakeTarget();
   ServiceHelper.AddComponent((IGameComponent) (this.Fader = new FarawayTransition.LevelFader(this.Game, this.SkyRt, this.LevelRt)));
   this.TargetRenderer.ScheduleHook(this.Fader.DrawOrder, this.LevelRt.Target);
   if (this.StartVolume.ActorSettings.WaterLocked)
   if (this.LevelManager.Rainy && RainHost.Instance != null)
   if (this.StartVolume.ActorSettings.DestinationSong != this.LevelManager.SongName)
     this.SoundManager.PlayNewSong((string) null, 10f);
   foreach (SoundEmitter soundEmitter in this.SoundManager.Emitters)
     soundEmitter.FadeOutAndDie(1f, false);
   SoundEffectExtensions.Emit(this.CMProvider.Global.Load<SoundEffect>("Sounds/Intro/ZoomToFarawayPlace")).Persistent = true;
Exemple #2
 protected override void TestConditions()
   if (this.PlayerManager.Action == ActionType.WalkingTo || this.IsActionAllowed(this.PlayerManager.Action))
   if (this.PlayerManager.Grounded && (this.PlayerManager.PipeVolume.HasValue && this.InputManager.Down == FezButtonState.Pressed))
     this.PipeVolume = this.LevelManager.Volumes[this.PlayerManager.PipeVolume.Value];
     this.PlayerManager.Action = ActionType.EnteringPipe;
     this.Descending = true;
   if (this.PlayerManager.Grounded || (!this.PlayerManager.PipeVolume.HasValue || !FezButtonStateExtensions.IsDown(this.InputManager.Up) || !BoxCollisionResultExtensions.AnyCollided(this.PlayerManager.Ceiling)))
   this.PipeVolume = this.LevelManager.Volumes[this.PlayerManager.PipeVolume.Value];
   this.PlayerManager.Action = ActionType.EnteringPipe;
   this.Descending = false;
   Vector3 vector3_1 = FezMath.ScreenSpaceMask(this.CameraManager.Viewpoint);
   Vector3 vector3_2 = (this.PipeVolume.From + this.PipeVolume.To) / 2f;
   this.PlayerManager.Position = this.PlayerManager.Position * vector3_1 + vector3_2 * (Vector3.One - vector3_1);
Exemple #3
 private void TrackConnectivePaths(bool update)
   if (this.DontTrack || update && this.EngineState.Loading || (this.CameraManager.Viewpoint == Viewpoint.Perspective || this.CameraManager.Viewpoint == this.CameraManager.LastViewpoint && update))
   List<MovingGroupsHost.MovingGroupState> list = new List<MovingGroupsHost.MovingGroupState>();
   for (int index = this.trackedGroups.Count - 1; index >= 0; --index)
     if (this.trackedGroups[index].IsConnective)
       if (!this.trackedGroups[index].Group.MoveToEnd)
   foreach (ArtObjectInstance artObjectInstance in this.LevelMaterializer.LevelArtObjects)
     if (artObjectInstance.ArtObject.ActorType == ActorType.ConnectiveRail && artObjectInstance.ActorSettings.AttachedGroup.HasValue)
       bool flag = false;
       foreach (MovingGroupsHost.MovingGroupState movingGroupState in this.trackedGroups)
         int num1 = flag ? 1 : 0;
         int id = movingGroupState.Group.Id;
         int? attachedGroup = artObjectInstance.ActorSettings.AttachedGroup;
         int num2 = id != attachedGroup.GetValueOrDefault() ? 0 : (attachedGroup.HasValue ? 1 : 0);
         flag = (num1 | num2) != 0;
         if (flag)
       if (!flag)
   if (list.Count > 0)
     foreach (MovingGroupsHost.MovingGroupState movingGroupState1 in this.trackedGroups)
       if (movingGroupState1.IsConnective)
         MovingGroupsHost.MovingGroupState oldTrack = (MovingGroupsHost.MovingGroupState) null;
         foreach (MovingGroupsHost.MovingGroupState movingGroupState2 in list)
           if (movingGroupState2.Group == movingGroupState1.Group)
             oldTrack = movingGroupState2;
         if (oldTrack != null)
           movingGroupState1.Enabled = oldTrack.Enabled;
           movingGroupState1.PrepareOldTrack(oldTrack.Enabled && !oldTrack.Group.Path.NeedsTrigger);
   foreach (int key in this.enablingVolumes.Keys)
   int num = this.firstAvailableVolumeId;
   foreach (MovingGroupsHost.MovingGroupState movingGroupState in this.trackedGroups)
     if (movingGroupState.IsConnective && !movingGroupState.Enabled)
       Vector3 vector3_1 = new Vector3(float.MaxValue);
       Vector3 vector3_2 = new Vector3(float.MinValue);
       foreach (TrileInstance trileInstance in movingGroupState.Group.Triles)
         vector3_1 = Vector3.Min(vector3_1, trileInstance.Position);
         vector3_2 = Vector3.Max(vector3_2, trileInstance.Position);
       Volume volume = new Volume()
         Id = num++,
         From = new Vector3(vector3_1.X, vector3_1.Y + 1f, vector3_1.Z),
         To = new Vector3(vector3_2.X + 1f, vector3_2.Y + 2f, vector3_2.Z + 1f),
         Orientations = {
         Enabled = true
       this.LevelManager.Volumes.Add(volume.Id, volume);
       this.enablingVolumes.Add(volume.Id, movingGroupState);
   if (this.VolumeService == null)
   this.VolumeService.RegisterNeeded = true;
Exemple #4
 private void PlayerIsInside(Volume volume, bool force)
   volume.PlayerInside = true;
   if (this.PlayerManager.CurrentVolumes.Contains(volume))
   if (force)
Exemple #5
 private void TestCodePattern(Volume volume)
   if (PatternTester.Test((IList<CodeInput>) this.Input, volume.ActorSettings.CodePattern))
     Waiters.Wait((Func<bool>) (() => this.CameraManager.ViewTransitionReached), (Action) (() =>
       this.GameState.SaveData.AnyCodeDeciphered = true;
   this.SinceInput = TimeSpan.Zero;
Exemple #6
        public override void Initialize() {


            Scheduled = new List<Action>();

            #if FNA
            TextInputEXT.TextInput += OnTextInput;
            Game.Window.TextInput += OnTextInput;

            Widgets = new List<GuiWidget>();

            ButtonWidget button;

            //TOP BAR
            Widgets.Add(TopBarWidget = new TopBarWidget(Game));

            TopBarWidget.Widgets.Add(button = new ButtonWidget(Game, "File"));
            button.Background.A = 0;

            button.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "New", delegate() {
                ContainerWidget window;
                Widgets.Add(window = new ContainerWidget(Game) {
                    Size = new Vector2(256f, 144f),
                    Label = "New level"
                window.Position.X = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2 - (int) (window.Size.X / 2);
                window.Position.Y = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 - (int) (window.Size.Y / 2);
                WindowHeaderWidget windowHeader;
                window.Widgets.Add(windowHeader = new WindowHeaderWidget(Game));

                ButtonWidget windowLabelName;
                window.Widgets.Add(windowLabelName = new ButtonWidget(Game, "Name:") {
                    Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                    Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                    UpdateBounds = false,
                    LabelCentered = false,
                    Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                TextFieldWidget windowFieldName;
                window.Widgets.Add(windowFieldName = new TextFieldWidget(Game) {
                    Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X - windowLabelName.Size.X, 24f),
                    UpdateBounds = false,
                    Position = new Vector2(windowLabelName.Size.X, windowLabelName.Position.Y)

                ButtonWidget windowLabelWidth;
                window.Widgets.Add(windowLabelWidth = new ButtonWidget(Game, "Width:") {
                    Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                    Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                    UpdateBounds = false,
                    LabelCentered = false,
                    Position = new Vector2(0f, 24f)
                TextFieldWidget windowFieldWidth;
                window.Widgets.Add(windowFieldWidth = new TextFieldWidget(Game) {
                    Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X - windowLabelWidth.Size.X, 24f),
                    UpdateBounds = false,
                    Position = new Vector2(windowLabelWidth.Size.X, windowLabelWidth.Position.Y)

                ButtonWidget windowLabelHeight;
                window.Widgets.Add(windowLabelHeight = new ButtonWidget(Game, "Height:") {
                    Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                    Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                    UpdateBounds = false,
                    LabelCentered = false,
                    Position = new Vector2(0f, 48f)
                TextFieldWidget windowFieldHeight;
                window.Widgets.Add(windowFieldHeight = new TextFieldWidget(Game) {
                    Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X - windowLabelHeight.Size.X, 24f),
                    UpdateBounds = false,
                    Position = new Vector2(windowLabelHeight.Size.X, windowLabelHeight.Position.Y)

                ButtonWidget windowLabelDepth;
                window.Widgets.Add(windowLabelDepth = new ButtonWidget(Game, "Depth:") {
                    Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                    Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                    UpdateBounds = false,
                    LabelCentered = false,
                    Position = new Vector2(0f, 72f)
                TextFieldWidget windowFieldDepth;
                window.Widgets.Add(windowFieldDepth = new TextFieldWidget(Game) {
                    Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X - windowLabelDepth.Size.X, 24f),
                    UpdateBounds = false,
                    Position = new Vector2(windowLabelDepth.Size.X, windowLabelDepth.Position.Y)

                ButtonWidget windowLabelTrileset;
                window.Widgets.Add(windowLabelTrileset = new ButtonWidget(Game, "Trileset:") {
                    Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                    Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                    UpdateBounds = false,
                    LabelCentered = false,
                    Position = new Vector2(0f, 96f)
                TextFieldWidget windowFieldTrileset;
                window.Widgets.Add(windowFieldTrileset = new TextFieldWidget(Game) {
                    Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X - windowLabelTrileset.Size.X, 24f),
                    UpdateBounds = false,
                    Position = new Vector2(windowLabelTrileset.Size.X, windowLabelTrileset.Position.Y)

                window.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "CREATE", delegate() {
                    Level level = CreateNewLevel(
                    GameState.Loading = true;
                    SkipLoading = 8;
                }) {
                    Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X, 24f),
                    UpdateBounds = false,
                    LabelCentered = true,
                    Position = new Vector2(0f, window.Size.Y - 24f)

            TextFieldWidget fieldOpen;
            button.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "Open", new GuiWidget[] {
                fieldOpen = new TextFieldWidget(Game, "", "Levels") {
                    Size = new Vector2(160f, 24f),
                    Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                new ButtonWidget(Game, "LOAD", delegate() {
                    GameState.Loading = true;
                    SkipLoading = 8;
                }) {
                    LabelCentered = true

            button.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "Recreate thumbnail", new GuiWidget[] {
                new ButtonWidget(Game, "128px (default)", () => CreateThumbnail(128)),
                new ButtonWidget(Game, "256px", () => CreateThumbnail(256)),
                new ButtonWidget(Game, "512px", () => CreateThumbnail(512))
            button.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "Save (XML)", () => Save()));
            button.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "Save (binary)", () => Save(true)));

            TopBarWidget.Widgets.Add(button = new ButtonWidget(Game, "View"));
            button.Background.A = 0;

            button.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "Perspective", new GuiWidget[] {
                new ButtonWidget(Game, "Front", () => CameraManager.ChangeViewpoint(Viewpoint.Front)),
                new ButtonWidget(Game, "Left", () => CameraManager.ChangeViewpoint(Viewpoint.Left)),
                new ButtonWidget(Game, "Back", () => CameraManager.ChangeViewpoint(Viewpoint.Back)),
                new ButtonWidget(Game, "Right", () => CameraManager.ChangeViewpoint(Viewpoint.Right)),
                new ButtonWidget(Game, "Perspective", () => CameraManager.ChangeViewpoint(Viewpoint.Perspective))

            TextFieldWidget fieldPPT;
            button.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "Pixels per Trixel", new GuiWidget[] {
                fieldPPT = new TextFieldWidget(Game, "", new string[] {
                }) {
                    Size = new Vector2(160f, 24f),
                    Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                new ButtonWidget(Game, "CHANGE", delegate() {
                    CameraManager.PixelsPerTrixel = float.Parse(fieldPPT.Text);
                }) {
                    LabelCentered = true

            TopBarWidget.Widgets.Add(button = new ButtonWidget(Game, "Level"));
            button.Background.A = 0;
            TextFieldWidget fieldName;
            TextFieldWidget fieldWidth;
            TextFieldWidget fieldHeight;
            TextFieldWidget fieldDepth;
            button.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "Settings", new GuiWidget[] {
                new ContainerWidget(Game, new GuiWidget[] {
                    new ButtonWidget(Game, "Name:") {
                        Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                        LabelCentered = false,
                        Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                    fieldName = new TextFieldWidget(Game) {
                        RefreshValue = () => LevelManager.Name,
                        Size = new Vector2(160f, 24f),
                        Position = new Vector2(96f, 0f)
                }) {
                    Size = new Vector2(256f, 24f)
                new ContainerWidget(Game, new GuiWidget[] {
                    new ButtonWidget(Game, "Width:") {
                        Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                        LabelCentered = false,
                        Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                    fieldWidth = new TextFieldWidget(Game) {
                        RefreshValue = () => ((int) LevelManager.Size.X).ToString(),
                        Size = new Vector2(160f, 24f),
                        Position = new Vector2(96f, 0f)
                }) {
                    Size = new Vector2(256f, 24f)
                new ContainerWidget(Game, new GuiWidget[] {
                    new ButtonWidget(Game, "Height:") {
                        Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                        LabelCentered = false,
                        Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                    fieldHeight = new TextFieldWidget(Game) {
                        RefreshValue = () => ((int) LevelManager.Size.Y).ToString(),
                        Size = new Vector2(160f, 24f),
                        Position = new Vector2(96f, 0f)
                }) {
                    Size = new Vector2(256f, 24f)
                new ContainerWidget(Game, new GuiWidget[] {
                    new ButtonWidget(Game, "Depth:") {
                        Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                        LabelCentered = false,
                        Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                    fieldDepth = new TextFieldWidget(Game) {
                        RefreshValue = () => ((int) LevelManager.Size.Z).ToString(),
                        Size = new Vector2(160f, 24f),
                        Position = new Vector2(96f, 0f)
                }) {
                    Size = new Vector2(256f, 24f)
                new ButtonWidget(Game, "CHANGE", delegate() {
                    GameLevelManagerHelper.Level.Name = fieldName.Text;
                    GameLevelManagerHelper.Level.Size = new Vector3(
                }) {
                    LabelCentered = true

            TextFieldWidget fieldSpawnX;
            TextFieldWidget fieldSpawnY;
            TextFieldWidget fieldSpawnZ;
            TextFieldWidget fieldSpawnFace;
            button.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "Spawnpoint", new GuiWidget[] {
                new ContainerWidget(Game, new GuiWidget[] {
                    new ButtonWidget(Game, "X:") {
                        Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                        LabelCentered = false,
                        Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                    fieldSpawnX = new TextFieldWidget(Game) {
                        RefreshValue = () => LevelManager.StartingPosition.Id.X.ToString(),
                        Size = new Vector2(160f, 24f),
                        Position = new Vector2(96f, 0f)
                }) {
                    Size = new Vector2(256f, 24f)
                new ContainerWidget(Game, new GuiWidget[] {
                    new ButtonWidget(Game, "Y:") {
                        Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                        LabelCentered = false,
                        Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                    fieldSpawnY = new TextFieldWidget(Game) {
                        RefreshValue = () => LevelManager.StartingPosition.Id.Y.ToString(),
                        Size = new Vector2(160f, 24f),
                        Position = new Vector2(96f, 0f)
                }) {
                    Size = new Vector2(256f, 24f)
                new ContainerWidget(Game, new GuiWidget[] {
                    new ButtonWidget(Game, "Z:") {
                        Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                        LabelCentered = false,
                        Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                    fieldSpawnZ = new TextFieldWidget(Game) {
                        RefreshValue = () => LevelManager.StartingPosition.Id.Z.ToString(),
                        Size = new Vector2(160f, 24f),
                        Position = new Vector2(96f, 0f)
                }) {
                    Size = new Vector2(256f, 24f)
                new ContainerWidget(Game, new GuiWidget[] {
                    new ButtonWidget(Game, "Face:") {
                        Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                        LabelCentered = false,
                        Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                    fieldSpawnFace = new TextFieldWidget(Game, "", Enum.GetNames(typeof(FaceOrientation))) {
                        RefreshValue = () => LevelManager.StartingPosition.Face.ToString(),
                        Size = new Vector2(160f, 24f),
                        Position = new Vector2(96f, 0f)
                }) {
                    Size = new Vector2(256f, 24f)
                new ButtonWidget(Game, "CHANGE", delegate() {
                    LevelManager.StartingPosition.Id.X = int.Parse(fieldSpawnX.Text);
                    LevelManager.StartingPosition.Id.Y = int.Parse(fieldSpawnY.Text);
                    LevelManager.StartingPosition.Id.Z = int.Parse(fieldSpawnZ.Text);
                    LevelManager.StartingPosition.Face = (FaceOrientation) Enum.Parse(typeof(FaceOrientation), fieldSpawnFace.Text);
                }) {
                    LabelCentered = true

            TextFieldWidget fieldSky;
            button.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "Sky", new GuiWidget[] {
                fieldSky = new TextFieldWidget(Game, "", ContentPaths.Skies) {
                    RefreshValue = () => (LevelManager.Sky != null) ? LevelManager.Sky.Name : "",
                    Size = new Vector2(160f, 24f),
                    Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                new ButtonWidget(Game, "CHANGE", delegate() {
                    Sky sky = fieldSky.Text.Length > 0 ? CMProvider.CurrentLevel.Load<Sky>("Skies/" + fieldSky.Text) : null;
                    if (sky != null) {
                        GameLevelManagerHelper.Level.Sky = sky;
                        GameLevelManagerHelper.Level.SkyName = sky.Name;
                }) {
                    LabelCentered = true

            TextFieldWidget fieldSong;
            button.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "Song", new GuiWidget[] {
                fieldSong = new TextFieldWidget(Game, "", ContentPaths.Music) {
                    RefreshValue = () => (LevelManager.Song != null) ? LevelManager.SongName : "",
                    Size = new Vector2(160f, 24f),
                    Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                new ButtonWidget(Game, "CHANGE", delegate() {
                    TrackedSong song = fieldSong.Text.Length > 0 ? CMProvider.CurrentLevel.Load<TrackedSong>("Music/" + fieldSong.Text) : null;
                    if (song != null) {
                        GameLevelManagerHelper.Level.Song = song;
                        LevelManager.SongChanged = true;
                    GameLevelManagerHelper.Level.SongName = song != null ? song.Name : null;
                }) {
                    LabelCentered = true

            TextFieldWidget fieldWaterHeight;
            TextFieldWidget fieldWaterType;
            button.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "Water", new GuiWidget[] {
                new ContainerWidget(Game, new GuiWidget[] {
                    new ButtonWidget(Game, "Type:") {
                        Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                        LabelCentered = false,
                        Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                    fieldWaterType = new TextFieldWidget(Game, "", Enum.GetNames(typeof(LiquidType))) {
                        RefreshValue = () => LevelManager.WaterType.ToString(),
                        Size = new Vector2(160f, 24f),
                        Position = new Vector2(96f, 0f)
                }) {
                    Size = new Vector2(256f, 24f)
                new ContainerWidget(Game, new GuiWidget[] {
                    new ButtonWidget(Game, "Height:") {
                        Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                        LabelCentered = false,
                        Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                    fieldWaterHeight = new TextFieldWidget(Game, "") {
                        RefreshValue = () => LevelManager.WaterHeight.ToString(),
                        Size = new Vector2(160f, 24f),
                        Position = new Vector2(96f, 0f)
                }) {
                    Size = new Vector2(256f, 24f)
                new ButtonWidget(Game, "CHANGE", delegate() {
                    LevelManager.WaterType = (LiquidType) Enum.Parse(typeof(LiquidType), fieldWaterType.Text);
                    LevelManager.WaterHeight = float.Parse(fieldWaterHeight.Text);
                }) {
                    LabelCentered = true

            TopBarWidget.Widgets.Add(button = new ButtonWidget(Game, "Scripting"));
            button.Background.A = 0;

            button.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "Volumes", delegate() {
                ContainerWidget window;
                Widgets.Add(window = new ContainerWidget(Game) {
                    UpdateBounds = true,
                    Size = new Vector2(512f, 24f),
                    Label = "Volumes"

                window.RefreshValue = delegate() {
                    window.Widgets.Add(new WindowHeaderWidget(Game));

                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (Volume volume in LevelManager.Volumes.Values) {
                        window.Widgets.Add(new ContainerWidget(Game, new GuiWidget[] {
                            new ButtonWidget(Game, "["+volume.Id+"] "+EditorUtils.ToString(volume.From)+" - "+EditorUtils.ToString(volume.To)) {
                                Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X - 24f, 24f),
                                UpdateBounds = false,
                                LabelCentered = false,
                                Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                            new ButtonWidget(Game, "X", delegate() {
                            }) {
                                Background = new Color(0.5f, 0f, 0f, 1f),
                                Size = new Vector2(24f, 24f),
                                UpdateBounds = false,
                                LabelCentered = true,
                                Position = new Vector2(window.Size.X - 24f, 0f)
                        }) {
                            Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X, 24f),
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f)


                    window.Size.Y = (i+1) * 24f;
                    window.Size.Y = Math.Min(512f, window.Size.Y);

                    window.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "+", delegate() {
                        ContainerWidget windowAdd;
                        Widgets.Add(windowAdd = new ContainerWidget(Game) {
                            Size = new Vector2(256f, 192f),
                            Label = "Add Volume"
                        WindowHeaderWidget windowAddHeader;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowAddHeader = new WindowHeaderWidget(Game));

                        ButtonWidget windowLabelId;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowLabelId = new ButtonWidget(Game, "ID:") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                        TextFieldWidget windowFieldId;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowFieldId = new TextFieldWidget(Game) {
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X - windowLabelId.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(windowLabelId.Size.X, windowLabelId.Position.Y)

                        ButtonWidget windowLabelFrom;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowLabelFrom = new ButtonWidget(Game, "From:") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 24f)
                        TextFieldWidget windowFieldFrom;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowFieldFrom = new TextFieldWidget(Game, "0; 0; 0") {
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X - windowLabelFrom.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(windowLabelFrom.Size.X, windowLabelFrom.Position.Y)

                        ButtonWidget windowLabelTo;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowLabelTo = new ButtonWidget(Game, "To:") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 48f)
                        TextFieldWidget windowFieldTo;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowFieldTo = new TextFieldWidget(Game, "1; 1; 1") {
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X - windowLabelTo.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(windowLabelTo.Size.X, windowLabelTo.Position.Y)

                        CheckboxWidget windowCheckFront;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowCheckFront = new CheckboxWidget(Game, "Front") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 72f)

                        CheckboxWidget windowCheckLeft;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowCheckLeft = new CheckboxWidget(Game, "Left") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 96f)

                        CheckboxWidget windowCheckBack;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowCheckBack = new CheckboxWidget(Game, "Back") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 120f)

                        CheckboxWidget windowCheckRight;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowCheckRight = new CheckboxWidget(Game, "Right") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 144f)

                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "ADD", delegate() {
                            string[] fromSplit = windowFieldFrom.Text.Split(new char[] {';'});
                            string[] toSplit = windowFieldTo.Text.Split(new char[] {';'});
                            Volume volume = new Volume() {
                                Id = int.Parse(windowFieldId.Text),
                                From = new Vector3(
                                To = new Vector3(
                            if (windowCheckFront.Checked) {volume.Orientations.Add(FaceOrientation.Front);}
                            if (windowCheckLeft.Checked) {volume.Orientations.Add(FaceOrientation.Left);}
                            if (windowCheckBack.Checked) {volume.Orientations.Add(FaceOrientation.Back);}
                            if (windowCheckRight.Checked) {volume.Orientations.Add(FaceOrientation.Right);}
                            LevelManager.Volumes.Add(volume.Id, volume);
                        }) {
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = true,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, windowAdd.Size.Y - 24f)

                        windowAdd.Position.X = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2 - (int) (windowAdd.Size.X / 2);
                        windowAdd.Position.Y = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 - (int) (windowAdd.Size.Y / 2);
                    }) {
                        Background = new Color(0f, 0.125f, 0f, 1f),
                        Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X, 24f),
                        UpdateBounds = false,
                        LabelCentered = true,
                        Position = new Vector2(0f, window.Size.Y - 24f)

                    return null;

                window.Position.X = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2 - (int) (window.Size.X / 2);
                window.Position.Y = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 - (int) (window.Size.Y / 2);

            button.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "Scripts", delegate() {
                ContainerWidget window;
                Widgets.Add(window = new ContainerWidget(Game) {
                    UpdateBounds = true
                window.Size.X = 512f;
                window.Size.Y = 24f;
                window.Label = "Scripts";
                window.Widgets.Add(new WindowHeaderWidget(Game));

                int i = 0;
                foreach (Script script in LevelManager.Scripts.Values) {
                    window.Widgets.Add(new ContainerWidget(Game, new GuiWidget[] {
                        new ButtonWidget(Game, "["+script.Id+"] "+script.Name+" ("+(script.Triggerless ? "none" : (script.Triggers.Count == 1 ? script.Triggers[0].ToString() : "..."))+") : "+(script.Actions.Count == 1 ? script.Actions[0].ToString() : "...")) {
                            Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X - 48f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                        new ButtonWidget(Game, "C") {
                            Background = new Color(0f, 0f, 0.125f, 1f),
                            Size = new Vector2(24f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = true,
                            Position = new Vector2(window.Size.X - 48f, 0f)
                        new ButtonWidget(Game, "X") {
                            Background = new Color(0.5f, 0f, 0f, 1f),
                            Size = new Vector2(24f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = true,
                            Position = new Vector2(window.Size.X - 24f, 0f)
                    }) {
                        Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X, 24f),
                        Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f)


                window.Size.Y += i * 24f;
                window.Size.Y = Math.Min(512f, window.Size.Y);

                window.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "+", delegate() {
                }) {
                    Background = new Color(0f, 0.125f, 0f, 1f),
                    Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X, 24f),
                    UpdateBounds = false,
                    LabelCentered = true,
                    Position = new Vector2(0f, window.Size.Y - 24f)

                window.Position.X = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2 - (int) (window.Size.X / 2);
                window.Position.Y = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 - (int) (window.Size.Y / 2);
            button.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "Art Objects", delegate() {
                ContainerWidget window;

                Widgets.Add(window = new ContainerWidget(Game) {
                    UpdateBounds = true,
                    Size = new Vector2(512f, 24f),
                    Label = "Art Objects"

                window.RefreshValue = delegate() {

                    window.Widgets.Add(new WindowHeaderWidget(Game));

                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (ArtObjectInstance ao in LevelManager.ArtObjects.Values) {
                        window.Widgets.Add(new ContainerWidget(Game, new GuiWidget[] {
                            new ButtonWidget(Game, "["+ao.Id+"] "+ao.ArtObjectName+": "+EditorUtils.ToString(ao.Position)) {
                                Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X - 24f, 24f),
                                UpdateBounds = false,
                                LabelCentered = false,
                                Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                            new ButtonWidget(Game, "X", delegate() {
                                int trileGroupId = ao.ActorSettings.AttachedGroup.HasValue ? ao.ActorSettings.AttachedGroup.Value : -1;
                                if (LevelManager.Groups.ContainsKey(trileGroupId)) {
                                    TrileGroup trileGroup = LevelManager.Groups[trileGroupId];
                                    while (trileGroup.Triles.Count > 0) {

                            }) {
                                Background = new Color(0.5f, 0f, 0f, 1f),
                                Size = new Vector2(24f, 24f),
                                UpdateBounds = false,
                                LabelCentered = true,
                                Position = new Vector2(window.Size.X - 24f, 0f)
                        }) {
                            Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X, 24f),
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f)


                    window.Size.Y = (i+1) * 24f;
                    window.Size.Y = Math.Min(512f, window.Size.Y);

                    window.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "+", delegate() {
                        ContainerWidget windowAdd;
                        Widgets.Add(windowAdd = new ContainerWidget(Game) {
                            Size = new Vector2(256f, 168f),
                            Label = "Add Art Object"
                        WindowHeaderWidget windowAddHeader;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowAddHeader = new WindowHeaderWidget(Game));

                        int maxID = 0;
                        foreach (int id in LevelManager.ArtObjects.Keys) {
                            if (id >= maxID) {
                                maxID = id + 1;

                        ButtonWidget windowLabelId;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowLabelId = new ButtonWidget(Game, "ID:") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                        TextFieldWidget windowFieldId;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowFieldId = new TextFieldWidget(Game, maxID.ToString()) {
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X - windowLabelId.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(windowLabelId.Size.X, windowLabelId.Position.Y)

                        ButtonWidget windowLabelName;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowLabelName = new ButtonWidget(Game, "Name:") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 24f)
                        TextFieldWidget windowFieldName;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowFieldName = new TextFieldWidget(Game, "", ContentPaths.ArtObjects) {
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X - windowLabelName.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(windowLabelName.Size.X, windowLabelName.Position.Y)

                        ButtonWidget windowLabelPosition;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowLabelPosition = new ButtonWidget(Game, "Position:") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 48f)
                        TextFieldWidget windowFieldPosition;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowFieldPosition = new TextFieldWidget(Game, "0; 0; 0") {
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X - windowLabelPosition.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(windowLabelPosition.Size.X, windowLabelPosition.Position.Y)

                        ButtonWidget windowLabelRotation;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowLabelRotation = new ButtonWidget(Game, "Rotation:") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 72f)
                        TextFieldWidget windowFieldRotation;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowFieldRotation = new TextFieldWidget(Game, "0; 0; 0; 1") {
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X - windowLabelRotation.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(windowLabelRotation.Size.X, windowLabelRotation.Position.Y)

                        ButtonWidget windowLabelCenter;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowLabelCenter = new ButtonWidget(Game, "Center:") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 96f)
                        TextFieldWidget windowFieldCenter;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowFieldCenter = new TextFieldWidget(Game, "0; 0; 0") {
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X - windowLabelCenter.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(windowLabelCenter.Size.X, windowLabelCenter.Position.Y)

                        ButtonWidget windowLabelScale;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowLabelScale = new ButtonWidget(Game, "Scale:") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 120f)
                        TextFieldWidget windowFieldScale;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowFieldScale = new TextFieldWidget(Game, "1; 1; 1") {
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X - windowLabelScale.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(windowLabelScale.Size.X, windowLabelScale.Position.Y)

                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "ADD", delegate() {
                            string[] positionSplit = windowFieldPosition.Text.Split(new char[] {';'});
                            string[] rotationSplit = windowFieldRotation.Text.Split(new char[] {';'});
                            string[] centerSplit = windowFieldCenter.Text.Split(new char[] {';'});
                            string[] scaleSplit = windowFieldScale.Text.Split(new char[] {';'});
                            ArtObjectInstance ao = new ArtObjectInstance(windowFieldName.Text) {
                                Id = int.Parse(windowFieldId.Text),
                                Position = new Vector3(
                                Rotation = new Quaternion(
                                Scale = new Vector3(
                            ao.ActorSettings = new ArtObjectActorSettings() {
                                RotationCenter = new Vector3(
                            ao.ArtObject = CMProvider.CurrentLevel.Load<ArtObject>("Art objects/"+ao.ArtObjectName);
                            LevelManager.ArtObjects[ao.Id] = ao;

                        }) {
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = true,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, windowAdd.Size.Y - 24f)

                        windowAdd.Position.X = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2 - (int) (windowAdd.Size.X / 2);
                        windowAdd.Position.Y = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 - (int) (windowAdd.Size.Y / 2);
                    }) {
                        Background = new Color(0f, 0.125f, 0f, 1f),
                        Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X, 24f),
                        UpdateBounds = false,
                        LabelCentered = true,
                        Position = new Vector2(0f, window.Size.Y - 24f)

                    return null;


                window.Position.X = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2 - (int) (window.Size.X / 2);
                window.Position.Y = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 - (int) (window.Size.Y / 2);
            button.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "Background Planes", delegate() {
                ContainerWidget window;
                Widgets.Add(window = new ContainerWidget(Game) {
                    UpdateBounds = true,
                    Size = new Vector2(512f, 24f),
                    Label = "Background Planes"

                window.RefreshValue = delegate() {

                    window.Widgets.Add(new WindowHeaderWidget(Game));

                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (BackgroundPlane bp in LevelManager.BackgroundPlanes.Values) {
                        window.Widgets.Add(new ContainerWidget(Game, new GuiWidget[] {
                            new ButtonWidget(Game, "["+bp.Id+"] "+bp.TextureName+": "+EditorUtils.ToString(bp.Position)) {
                                Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X - 24f, 24f),
                                UpdateBounds = false,
                                LabelCentered = false,
                                Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                            new ButtonWidget(Game, "X", delegate() {
                            }) {
                                Background = new Color(0.5f, 0f, 0f, 1f),
                                Size = new Vector2(24f, 24f),
                                UpdateBounds = false,
                                LabelCentered = true,
                                Position = new Vector2(window.Size.X - 24f, 0f)
                        }) {
                            Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X, 24f),
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f)


                    window.Size.Y = (i+1) * 24f;
                    window.Size.Y = Math.Min(512f, window.Size.Y);

                    window.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "+", delegate() {
                        ContainerWidget windowAdd;
                        Widgets.Add(windowAdd = new ContainerWidget(Game) {
                            Size = new Vector2(256f, 240f),
                            Label = "Add Background Plane"
                        WindowHeaderWidget windowAddHeader;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowAddHeader = new WindowHeaderWidget(Game));

                        int maxID = 0;
                        foreach (int id in LevelManager.BackgroundPlanes.Keys) {
                            if (id >= maxID) {
                                maxID = id + 1;

                        ButtonWidget windowLabelId;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowLabelId = new ButtonWidget(Game, "ID:") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                        TextFieldWidget windowFieldId;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowFieldId = new TextFieldWidget(Game, maxID.ToString()) {
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X - windowLabelId.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(windowLabelId.Size.X, windowLabelId.Position.Y)

                        ButtonWidget windowLabelName;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowLabelName = new ButtonWidget(Game, "Name:") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 24f)
                        TextFieldWidget windowFieldName;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowFieldName = new TextFieldWidget(Game, "", ContentPaths.BackgroundPlanes) {
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X - windowLabelName.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(windowLabelName.Size.X, windowLabelName.Position.Y)

                        ButtonWidget windowLabelPosition;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowLabelPosition = new ButtonWidget(Game, "Position:") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 48f)
                        TextFieldWidget windowFieldPosition;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowFieldPosition = new TextFieldWidget(Game, "0; 0; 0") {
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X - windowLabelPosition.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(windowLabelPosition.Size.X, windowLabelPosition.Position.Y)

                        ButtonWidget windowLabelRotation;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowLabelRotation = new ButtonWidget(Game, "Rotation:") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 72f)
                        TextFieldWidget windowFieldRotation;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowFieldRotation = new TextFieldWidget(Game, "0; 0; 0; 1") {
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X - windowLabelRotation.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(windowLabelRotation.Size.X, windowLabelRotation.Position.Y)

                        ButtonWidget windowLabelScale;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowLabelScale = new ButtonWidget(Game, "Scale:") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 96f)
                        TextFieldWidget windowFieldScale;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowFieldScale = new TextFieldWidget(Game, "1; 1; 1") {
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X - windowLabelScale.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(windowLabelScale.Size.X, windowLabelScale.Position.Y)

                        ButtonWidget windowLabelFilter;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowLabelFilter = new ButtonWidget(Game, "Filter:") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 120f)
                        TextFieldWidget windowFieldFilter;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowFieldFilter = new TextFieldWidget(Game, "#FFFFFFFF") {
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X - windowLabelFilter.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(windowLabelFilter.Size.X, windowLabelFilter.Position.Y)

                        CheckboxWidget windowCheckboxBillboard;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowCheckboxBillboard = new CheckboxWidget(Game, "Billboard") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 144f)

                        CheckboxWidget windowCheckboxLightMap;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowCheckboxLightMap = new CheckboxWidget(Game, "Lightmap") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 168f)

                        CheckboxWidget windowCheckboxOverbright;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowCheckboxOverbright = new CheckboxWidget(Game, "Overbright") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 192f)

                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "ADD", delegate() {
                            string[] positionSplit = windowFieldPosition.Text.Split(new char[] {';'});
                            string[] rotationSplit = windowFieldRotation.Text.Split(new char[] {';'});
                            string[] scaleSplit = windowFieldScale.Text.Split(new char[] {';'});
                            BackgroundPlane plane = new BackgroundPlane() {
                                Id = int.Parse(windowFieldId.Text),
                                TextureName = windowFieldName.Text,
                                Position = new Vector3(
                                Rotation = new Quaternion(
                                Scale = new Vector3(
                                Billboard = windowCheckboxBillboard.Checked,
                                LightMap = windowCheckboxLightMap.Checked,
                                AllowOverbrightness = windowCheckboxOverbright.Checked
                            Color filter = new Color();
                            filter.PackedValue = Convert.ToUInt32(windowFieldFilter.Text.Substring(1), 16);
                            plane.Filter = filter;
                            plane.Animated = CMProvider.CurrentLevel.Load<object>("Background Planes/" + plane.TextureName) is AnimatedTexture;
                            plane.HostMesh = ((!plane.Animated) ? LevelMaterializer.StaticPlanesMesh : LevelMaterializer.AnimatedPlanesMesh);

                        }) {
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = true,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, windowAdd.Size.Y - 24f)

                        windowAdd.Position.X = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2 - (int) (windowAdd.Size.X / 2);
                        windowAdd.Position.Y = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 - (int) (windowAdd.Size.Y / 2);
                    }) {
                        Background = new Color(0f, 0.125f, 0f, 1f),
                        Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X, 24f),
                        UpdateBounds = false,
                        LabelCentered = true,
                        Position = new Vector2(0f, window.Size.Y - 24f)

                    return null;


                window.Position.X = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2 - (int) (window.Size.X / 2);
                window.Position.Y = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 - (int) (window.Size.Y / 2);
            button.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "Groups", delegate() {
                ContainerWidget window;
                Widgets.Add(window = new ContainerWidget(Game) {
                    UpdateBounds = true,
                    Size = new Vector2(256f, 24f),
                    Label = "Groups"

                window.RefreshValue = delegate() {

                    window.Widgets.Add(new WindowHeaderWidget(Game));

                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (TrileGroup group_ in LevelManager.Groups.Values) {
                        window.Widgets.Add(new ContainerWidget(Game, new GuiWidget[] {
                            new ButtonWidget(Game, "["+group_.Id+"] "+group_.Name) {
                                Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X - 24f, 24f),
                                UpdateBounds = false,
                                LabelCentered = false,
                                Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                            new ButtonWidget(Game, "X", delegate() {
                                while (group_.Triles.Count > 0) {
                            }) {
                                Background = new Color(0.5f, 0f, 0f, 1f),
                                Size = new Vector2(24f, 24f),
                                UpdateBounds = false,
                                LabelCentered = true,
                                Position = new Vector2(window.Size.X - 24f, 0f)
                        }) {
                            Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X, 24f),
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f)


                    window.Size.Y = (i+1) * 24f;
                    window.Size.Y = Math.Min(512f, window.Size.Y);

                    window.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "+", delegate() {
                    }) {
                        Background = new Color(0f, 0.125f, 0f, 1f),
                        Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X, 24f),
                        UpdateBounds = false,
                        LabelCentered = true,
                        Position = new Vector2(0f, window.Size.Y - 24f)

                    return null;


                window.Position.X = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2 - (int) (window.Size.X / 2);
                window.Position.Y = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 - (int) (window.Size.Y / 2);
            button.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "NPCs", delegate() {
                ContainerWidget window;
                Widgets.Add(window = new ContainerWidget(Game) {
                    UpdateBounds = true,
                    Size = new Vector2(256f, 24f),
                    Label = "NPCs"

                window.RefreshValue = delegate() {

                    window.Widgets.Add(new WindowHeaderWidget(Game));

                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (NpcInstance npc in LevelManager.NonPlayerCharacters.Values) {
                        window.Widgets.Add(new ContainerWidget(Game, new GuiWidget[] {
                            new ButtonWidget(Game, "["+npc.Id+"] "+npc.Name) {
                                Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X - 24f, 24f),
                                UpdateBounds = false,
                                LabelCentered = false,
                                Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                            new ButtonWidget(Game, "X", delegate() {
                            }) {
                                Background = new Color(0.5f, 0f, 0f, 1f),
                                Size = new Vector2(24f, 24f),
                                UpdateBounds = false,
                                LabelCentered = true,
                                Position = new Vector2(window.Size.X - 24f, 0f)
                        }) {
                            Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X, 24f),
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f)


                    window.Size.Y = (i+1) * 24f;
                    window.Size.Y = Math.Min(512f, window.Size.Y);

                    window.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "+", delegate() {
                        ContainerWidget windowAdd;
                        Widgets.Add(windowAdd = new ContainerWidget(Game) {
                            Size = new Vector2(256f * 2f, 240f),
                            Label = "Add NPC",
                            UpdateBounds = false
                        WindowHeaderWidget windowAddHeader;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowAddHeader = new WindowHeaderWidget(Game));

                        int maxID = 0;
                        foreach (int id in LevelManager.NonPlayerCharacters.Keys) {
                            if (id >= maxID) {
                                maxID = id + 1;

                        float columnWidth = 256f;
                        ContainerWidget[] columns = new ContainerWidget[2];
                        for (int ci = columns.Length - 1; ci >= 0; ci--) {
                            columns[ci] = new ContainerWidget(Game) {
                                Position = new Vector2(ci * columnWidth, 0),
                                Size = new Vector2(columnWidth, windowAdd.Size.Y),
                                UpdateBounds = ci != 0,
                                Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f)

                        ButtonWidget windowLabelId;
                        columns[0].Widgets.Add(windowLabelId = new ButtonWidget(Game, "ID:") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                        TextFieldWidget windowFieldId;
                        columns[0].Widgets.Add(windowFieldId = new TextFieldWidget(Game, maxID.ToString()) {
                            Size = new Vector2(columnWidth - windowLabelId.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(windowLabelId.Size.X, windowLabelId.Position.Y)

                        ButtonWidget windowLabelName;
                        columns[0].Widgets.Add(windowLabelName = new ButtonWidget(Game, "Name:") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 24f)
                        TextFieldWidget windowFieldName;
                        columns[0].Widgets.Add(windowFieldName = new TextFieldWidget(Game, "", ContentPaths.CharacterAnimations) {
                            Size = new Vector2(columnWidth - windowLabelName.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(windowLabelName.Size.X, windowLabelName.Position.Y)

                        ButtonWidget windowLabelPosition;
                        columns[0].Widgets.Add(windowLabelPosition = new ButtonWidget(Game, "Position:") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 48f)
                        TextFieldWidget windowFieldPosition;
                        columns[0].Widgets.Add(windowFieldPosition = new TextFieldWidget(Game, "0; 0; 0") {
                            Size = new Vector2(columnWidth - windowLabelPosition.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(windowLabelPosition.Size.X, windowLabelPosition.Position.Y)

                        ButtonWidget windowLabelDestination;
                        columns[0].Widgets.Add(windowLabelDestination = new ButtonWidget(Game, "Destination:") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 72f)
                        TextFieldWidget windowFieldDestination;
                        columns[0].Widgets.Add(windowFieldDestination = new TextFieldWidget(Game, "0; 0; 0") {
                            Size = new Vector2(columnWidth - windowLabelDestination.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(windowLabelDestination.Size.X, windowLabelDestination.Position.Y)

                        ButtonWidget windowLabelWalkSpeed;
                        columns[0].Widgets.Add(windowLabelWalkSpeed = new ButtonWidget(Game, "Walk speed:") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 96f)
                        TextFieldWidget windowFieldWalkSpeed;
                        columns[0].Widgets.Add(windowFieldWalkSpeed = new TextFieldWidget(Game, "1") {
                            Size = new Vector2(columnWidth - windowLabelWalkSpeed.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(windowLabelWalkSpeed.Size.X, windowLabelWalkSpeed.Position.Y)

                        CheckboxWidget windowCheckboxAvoidsGomez;
                        columns[0].Widgets.Add(windowCheckboxAvoidsGomez = new CheckboxWidget(Game, "Avoids Gomez") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(columnWidth, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 120f)

                        CheckboxWidget windowCheckboxOverrideTalk;
                        columns[1].Widgets.Add(windowCheckboxOverrideTalk = new CheckboxWidget(Game, "Override talk") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(columnWidth, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false

                        Dictionary<string, string>.KeyCollection speechLines = typeof(GameText).GetPrivateStatic<Dictionary<string, string>>("Fallback").Keys;
                        columns[1].Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "+ SPEECH", delegate() {
                            ContainerWidget widgetSpeech = null;
                            TextFieldWidget widgetFieldSpeech = null;
                            columns[1].Widgets.Insert(columns[1].Widgets.Count - 2, widgetSpeech = new ContainerWidget(Game, new GuiWidget[] {
                                widgetFieldSpeech = new TextFieldWidget(Game) {
                                    Size = new Vector2(columnWidth - 24f, 24f),
                                    UpdateBounds = false,
                                    Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                                new ButtonWidget(Game, "X", delegate() {
                                }) {
                                    Background = new Color(0.5f, 0f, 0f, 1f),
                                    Size = new Vector2(24f, 24f),
                                    UpdateBounds = false,
                                    LabelCentered = true,
                                    Position = new Vector2(columnWidth - 24f, 0f)
                            }) {
                                Size = new Vector2(columnWidth, 24f),
                                Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f)
                        }) {
                            Background = new Color(0f, 0.125f, 0f, 1f),
                            Size = new Vector2(columnWidth, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = true

                        columns[0].Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "ADD NPC", delegate() {
                            string[] positionSplit = windowFieldPosition.Text.Split(new char[] {';'});
                            string[] destinationSplit = windowFieldDestination.Text.Split(new char[] {';'});
                            NpcInstance npc = new NpcInstance() {
                                Id = int.Parse(windowFieldId.Text),
                                Name = windowFieldName.Text,
                                Position = new Vector3(
                                DestinationOffset = new Vector3(
                                WalkSpeed = float.Parse(windowFieldWalkSpeed.Text),
                                AvoidsGomez = windowCheckboxAvoidsGomez.Checked

                            for (int ri = 0; ri < columns[1].Widgets.Count; ri++) {
                                GuiWidget rowWidget = columns[1].Widgets[ri];
                                if (!(rowWidget is ContainerWidget) || rowWidget.Widgets.Count != 2) {
                                TextFieldWidget lineWidget = (TextFieldWidget) rowWidget.Widgets[0];
                                SpeechLine line = new SpeechLine() {
                                    Text = lineWidget.Text
                                if (ri == 0 && windowCheckboxOverrideTalk.Checked) {
                                    line.OverrideContent = new NpcActionContent() {
                                        AnimationName = "Talk"

                            string root = ContentPaths.CharacterAnimations + "/" + npc.Name;
                            IEnumerable<string> list = CMProvider.GetAllIn(root);
                            foreach (string item_ in list) {
                                string item = item_.Substring(root.Length + 1).ToUpper();
                                NpcAction key;
                                if (!Enum.TryParse<NpcAction>(item, true, out key)) {
                                npc.Actions[key] = new NpcActionContent() {
                                    AnimationName = key.ToString()

                            LevelManager.NonPlayerCharacters[npc.Id] = npc;
                            npc.State = new GameNpcState(Game, npc);

                        }) {
                            Size = new Vector2(columnWidth, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = true,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, columns[0].Size.Y - 24f)

                        windowAdd.Position.X = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2 - (int) (windowAdd.Size.X / 2);
                        windowAdd.Position.Y = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 - (int) (windowAdd.Size.Y / 2);
                    }) {
                        Background = new Color(0f, 0.125f, 0f, 1f),
                        Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X, 24f),
                        UpdateBounds = false,
                        LabelCentered = true,
                        Position = new Vector2(0f, window.Size.Y - 24f)

                    return null;


                window.Position.X = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2 - (int) (window.Size.X / 2);
                window.Position.Y = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 - (int) (window.Size.Y / 2);
            button.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "Paths", delegate() {
                ContainerWidget window;
                Widgets.Add(window = new ContainerWidget(Game) {
                    UpdateBounds = true
                window.Size.X = 128f;
                window.Size.Y = 24f;
                window.Label = "Paths";
                window.Widgets.Add(new WindowHeaderWidget(Game));

                int i = 0;
                foreach (MovementPath path in LevelManager.Paths.Values) {
                    window.Widgets.Add(new ContainerWidget(Game, new GuiWidget[] {
                        new ButtonWidget(Game, path.Id.ToString()) {
                            Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X - 48f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                        new ButtonWidget(Game, "C") {
                            Background = new Color(0f, 0f, 0.125f, 1f),
                            Size = new Vector2(24f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = true,
                            Position = new Vector2(window.Size.X - 48f, 0f)
                        new ButtonWidget(Game, "X") {
                            Background = new Color(0.5f, 0f, 0f, 1f),
                            Size = new Vector2(24f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = true,
                            Position = new Vector2(window.Size.X - 24f, 0f)
                    }) {
                        Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X, 24f),
                        Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f)


                window.Size.Y += i * 24f;
                window.Size.Y = Math.Min(512f, window.Size.Y);

                window.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "+", delegate() {
                }) {
                    Background = new Color(0f, 0.125f, 0f, 1f),
                    Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X, 24f),
                    UpdateBounds = false,
                    LabelCentered = true,
                    Position = new Vector2(0f, window.Size.Y - 24f)

                window.Position.X = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2 - (int) (window.Size.X / 2);
                window.Position.Y = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 - (int) (window.Size.Y / 2);
            button.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "Muted Loops", delegate() {
                ContainerWidget window;
                Widgets.Add(window = new ContainerWidget(Game) {
                    UpdateBounds = true,
                    Size = new Vector2(512f, 24f),
                    Label = "Muted Loops"

                window.RefreshValue = delegate() {
                    window.Widgets.Add(new WindowHeaderWidget(Game));

                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (string loop in LevelManager.MutedLoops) {
                        window.Widgets.Add(new ContainerWidget(Game, new GuiWidget[] {
                            new ButtonWidget(Game, loop) {
                                Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X - 24f, 24f),
                                UpdateBounds = false,
                                LabelCentered = false,
                                Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                            new ButtonWidget(Game, "X", delegate() {
                            }) {
                                Background = new Color(0.5f, 0f, 0f, 1f),
                                Size = new Vector2(24f, 24f),
                                UpdateBounds = false,
                                LabelCentered = true,
                                Position = new Vector2(window.Size.X - 24f, 0f)
                        }) {
                            Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X, 24f),
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f)


                    window.Size.Y = (i+1) * 24f;
                    window.Size.Y = Math.Min(512f, window.Size.Y);

                    window.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "+", delegate() {
                        ContainerWidget windowAdd;
                        Widgets.Add(windowAdd = new ContainerWidget(Game) {
                            Size = new Vector2(256f, 48f),
                            Label = "Add Muted Loop"
                        WindowHeaderWidget windowAddHeader;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowAddHeader = new WindowHeaderWidget(Game));

                        ButtonWidget windowLabelName;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowLabelName = new ButtonWidget(Game, "Name:") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                        TextFieldWidget windowFieldName;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowFieldName = new TextFieldWidget(Game) {
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X - windowLabelName.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(windowLabelName.Size.X, windowLabelName.Position.Y)
                        List<Loop> keysOrig = SoundManager.CurrentlyPlayingSong.Loops;
                        List<string> keys = new List<string>();
                        foreach (Loop keyOrig in keysOrig) {

                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "ADD", delegate() {
                        }) {
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = true,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, windowAdd.Size.Y - 24f)

                        windowAdd.Position.X = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2 - (int) (windowAdd.Size.X / 2);
                        windowAdd.Position.Y = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 - (int) (windowAdd.Size.Y / 2);
                    }) {
                        Background = new Color(0f, 0.125f, 0f, 1f),
                        Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X, 24f),
                        UpdateBounds = false,
                        LabelCentered = true,
                        Position = new Vector2(0f, window.Size.Y - 24f)

                    return null;

                window.Position.X = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2 - (int) (window.Size.X / 2);
                window.Position.Y = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 - (int) (window.Size.Y / 2);
            button.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "Ambience Tracks", delegate() {
                ContainerWidget window;
                Widgets.Add(window = new ContainerWidget(Game) {
                    UpdateBounds = true,
                    Size = new Vector2(256f, 24f),
                    Label = "Ambience Tracks"

                window.RefreshValue = delegate() {
                    window.Widgets.Add(new WindowHeaderWidget(Game));

                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (AmbienceTrack track in LevelManager.AmbienceTracks) {
                        window.Widgets.Add(new ContainerWidget(Game, new GuiWidget[] {
                            new ButtonWidget(Game, track.Name) {
                                Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X - 24f, 24f),
                                UpdateBounds = false,
                                LabelCentered = false,
                                Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                            new ButtonWidget(Game, "X", delegate() {
                            }) {
                                Background = new Color(0.5f, 0f, 0f, 1f),
                                Size = new Vector2(24f, 24f),
                                UpdateBounds = false,
                                LabelCentered = true,
                                Position = new Vector2(window.Size.X - 24f, 0f)
                        }) {
                            Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X, 24f),
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f)


                    window.Size.Y = (i+1) * 24f;
                    window.Size.Y = Math.Min(512f, window.Size.Y);

                    window.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "+", delegate() {
                        ContainerWidget windowAdd;
                        Widgets.Add(windowAdd = new ContainerWidget(Game) {
                            Size = new Vector2(256f, 144f),
                            Label = "Add Ambience Track"
                        WindowHeaderWidget windowAddHeader;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowAddHeader = new WindowHeaderWidget(Game));

                        ButtonWidget windowLabelName;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowLabelName = new ButtonWidget(Game, "Name:") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(96f, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                        TextFieldWidget windowFieldName;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowFieldName = new TextFieldWidget(Game) {
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X - windowLabelName.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(windowLabelName.Size.X, windowLabelName.Position.Y)
                        Dictionary<string, string>.KeyCollection keysOrig = SoundManager.GetPrivate<Dictionary<string, string>>("MusicAliases").Keys;
                        List<string> keys = new List<string>();
                        foreach (string keyOrig in keysOrig) {
                            if (!keyOrig.StartsWith("ambience")) {
                            string key = keyOrig.Replace("\\", " ^ ").Replace("ambience", "Ambience");

                        CheckboxWidget windowCheckDawn;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowCheckDawn = new CheckboxWidget(Game, "Dawn") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 24f)

                        CheckboxWidget windowCheckDay;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowCheckDay = new CheckboxWidget(Game, "Day") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 48f)

                        CheckboxWidget windowCheckDusk;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowCheckDusk = new CheckboxWidget(Game, "Dusk") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 72f)

                        CheckboxWidget windowCheckNight;
                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(windowCheckNight = new CheckboxWidget(Game, "Night") {
                            Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = false,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, 96f)

                        windowAdd.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "ADD", delegate() {
                            LevelManager.AmbienceTracks.Add(new AmbienceTrack() {
                                Name = windowFieldName.Text,
                                Dawn = windowCheckDawn.Checked,
                                Day = windowCheckDay.Checked,
                                Dusk = windowCheckDusk.Checked,
                                Night = windowCheckNight.Checked
                        }) {
                            Size = new Vector2(windowAdd.Size.X, 24f),
                            UpdateBounds = false,
                            LabelCentered = true,
                            Position = new Vector2(0f, windowAdd.Size.Y - 24f)

                        windowAdd.Position.X = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2 - (int) (windowAdd.Size.X / 2);
                        windowAdd.Position.Y = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 - (int) (windowAdd.Size.Y / 2);
                    }) {
                        Background = new Color(0f, 0.125f, 0f, 1f),
                        Size = new Vector2(window.Size.X, 24f),
                        UpdateBounds = false,
                        LabelCentered = true,
                        Position = new Vector2(0f, window.Size.Y - 24f)

                    return null;

                window.Position.X = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2 - (int) (window.Size.X / 2);
                window.Position.Y = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2 - (int) (window.Size.Y / 2);

            TopBarWidget.Widgets.Add(button = new ButtonWidget(Game, "Settings"));
            button.Background.A = 0;
            button.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "Invert theme", delegate() {
                LevelEditorOptions.Instance.DefaultBackground.R = (byte) (255 - LevelEditorOptions.Instance.DefaultBackground.R);
                LevelEditorOptions.Instance.DefaultBackground.G = (byte) (255 - LevelEditorOptions.Instance.DefaultBackground.G);
                LevelEditorOptions.Instance.DefaultBackground.B = (byte) (255 - LevelEditorOptions.Instance.DefaultBackground.B);

                LevelEditorOptions.Instance.DefaultForeground.R = (byte) (255 - LevelEditorOptions.Instance.DefaultForeground.R);
                LevelEditorOptions.Instance.DefaultForeground.G = (byte) (255 - LevelEditorOptions.Instance.DefaultForeground.G);
                LevelEditorOptions.Instance.DefaultForeground.B = (byte) (255 - LevelEditorOptions.Instance.DefaultForeground.B);

                foreach (GuiWidget widget in Widgets) {
            CheckboxWidget checkboxShowAOTooltips;
            button.Widgets.Add(checkboxShowAOTooltips = new CheckboxWidget(Game, "ArtObject tooltips") {
                RefreshValue = () => LevelEditorOptions.Instance.TooltipArtObjectInfo
            TextFieldWidget fieldBackupHistory;
            button.Widgets.Add(new ContainerWidget(Game, new GuiWidget[] {
                new ButtonWidget(Game, "Backup Depth:") {
                    Background = new Color(DefaultBackground, 0f),
                    LabelCentered = false,
                    Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f)
                fieldBackupHistory = new TextFieldWidget(Game) {
                    RefreshValue = () => LevelEditorOptions.Instance.BackupHistory.ToString(),
                    Size = new Vector2(48f, 24f),
                    Position = new Vector2(144f, 0f)
            }) {
                Size = new Vector2(192f, 24f)
            button.Widgets.Add(new ButtonWidget(Game, "Save", delegate() {
                LevelEditorOptions.Instance.TooltipArtObjectInfo = checkboxShowAOTooltips.Checked;
                LevelEditorOptions.Instance.BackupHistory = int.Parse(fieldBackupHistory.Text);

            Widgets.Add(InfoWidget = new EditorInfoWidget(Game));

            //TRILE PICKER
            Widgets.Add(TrilePickerWidget = new TrilePickerWidget(Game));

            TooltipWidget = new ButtonWidget(Game);

Exemple #7
 public HoleState(Volume volume, BlackHolesHost host)
   : this(host)
   this.Volume = volume;
   this.Size = volume.To - volume.From;
Exemple #8
 private void TryInitialize()
   this.DoorAo = (ArtObjectInstance) null;
   this.AttachedGroup = (TrileGroup) null;
   this.AssociatedVolume = (Volume) null;
   this.Enabled = false;
   this.sRumble = (SoundEffect) null;
   this.sLightUp = (SoundEffect) null;
   this.sFadeOut = (SoundEffect) null;
   if (this.eRumble != null && !this.eRumble.Dead)
   this.eRumble = (SoundEmitter) null;
   foreach (ArtObjectInstance artObjectInstance in (IEnumerable<ArtObjectInstance>) this.LevelManager.ArtObjects.Values)
     if (artObjectInstance.ArtObject.ActorType == ActorType.SecretPassage)
       this.DoorAo = artObjectInstance;
       this.Enabled = true;
   if (!this.Enabled)
     if (this.GlowPlane != null)
     this.GlowPlane = (BackgroundPlane) null;
   if (!this.Enabled)
   this.AttachedGroup = this.LevelManager.Groups[this.DoorAo.ActorSettings.AttachedGroup.Value];
   this.AssociatedVolume = Enumerable.FirstOrDefault<Volume>((IEnumerable<Volume>) this.LevelManager.Volumes.Values, (Func<Volume, bool>) (x =>
     if (x.ActorSettings != null)
       return x.ActorSettings.IsSecretPassage;
       return false;
   string key = (string) null;
   foreach (Script script in (IEnumerable<Script>) this.LevelManager.Scripts.Values)
     foreach (ScriptAction scriptAction in script.Actions)
       if (scriptAction.Object.Type == "Level" && scriptAction.Operation.Contains("Level"))
         foreach (ScriptTrigger scriptTrigger in script.Triggers)
           if (scriptTrigger.Object.Type == "Volume" && scriptTrigger.Event == "Enter" && scriptTrigger.Object.Identifier.HasValue)
             key = scriptAction.Arguments[0];
   this.Accessible = this.GameState.SaveData.World.ContainsKey(key);
   this.sRumble = this.CMProvider.CurrentLevel.Load<SoundEffect>("Sounds/MiscActors/Rumble");
   this.sLightUp = this.CMProvider.CurrentLevel.Load<SoundEffect>("Sounds/Zu/DoorBitLightUp");
   this.sFadeOut = this.CMProvider.CurrentLevel.Load<SoundEffect>("Sounds/Zu/DoorBitFadeOut");
   if (!this.Accessible)
     this.Enabled = false;
     this.GlowPlane = new BackgroundPlane(this.LevelMaterializer.StaticPlanesMesh, (Texture) this.CMProvider.CurrentLevel.Load<Texture2D>("Other Textures/glow/secret_passage"))
       Fullbright = true,
       Opacity = 0.0f,
       Position = this.DoorAo.Position + FezMath.AsVector(Enumerable.First<FaceOrientation>((IEnumerable<FaceOrientation>) this.AssociatedVolume.Orientations)) / (65.0 / 32.0),
       Rotation = FezMath.QuaternionFromPhi(FezMath.ToPhi(Enumerable.First<FaceOrientation>((IEnumerable<FaceOrientation>) this.AssociatedVolume.Orientations))),
       AttachedGroup = new int?(this.AttachedGroup.Id)
     this.ExpectedViewpoint = FezMath.AsViewpoint(Enumerable.First<FaceOrientation>((IEnumerable<FaceOrientation>) this.AssociatedVolume.Orientations));
     if (!this.LevelManager.WentThroughSecretPassage)
     this.MoveUp = true;
     this.GlowPlane.Opacity = 1f;
     this.SinceStarted = TimeSpan.Zero;
     this.AoOrigin = this.DoorAo.Position;
     this.PlaneOrigin = this.GlowPlane.Position;
Exemple #9
 public void SpiralAround(Volume volume, Vector3 center, bool hideDot)
   this.PlayerManager.CanControl = false;
   if (hideDot)
     this.HaloPlane.Hidden = true;
     this.Visible = false;
   volume.From = new Vector3(volume.From.X, Math.Max(volume.From.Y, this.PlayerManager.Position.Y + 4f / this.CameraManager.PixelsPerTrixel), volume.From.Z);
   this.PreventPoI = true;
   this.SinceStartedCameraPan = 0.0f;
   this.Behaviour = DotHost.BehaviourType.SpiralAroundWithCamera;
   this.CameraManager.Constrained = true;
   this.RoamingVolume = volume;
   this.SpiralingCenter = center;
   this.InterpolatedScale = new Vector3(50f);
   Vector3 vector3 = FezMath.Abs(this.RoamingVolume.BoundingBox.Max - this.RoamingVolume.BoundingBox.Min);
   this.InterpolatedPosition = new Vector3(vector3.X / 2f, vector3.Y, vector3.Z / 2f) + this.RoamingVolume.BoundingBox.Min;
   if (!hideDot)
     this.eMove = SoundEffectExtensions.EmitAt(this.sMove, this.Position, true, 0.0f, 0.0f);
   this.Update(new GameTime(), true);