private static async void ConnectAsTcpClient(object iHost)
            try {
                System.Net.WebClient WC = new WebClient();
                string RESULT           = WC.DownloadString("http://" + FRITZCallMonitor.Gw.ToString());
                if (RESULT.IndexOf("FRITZ!Box", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > 0)
                    FBC = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient();
                    FRITZCallMonitor iH = (FRITZCallMonitor)iHost;
                    using (var tcpClient = new TcpClient()) {
                        FeuerwehrCloud.Helper.Logger.WriteLine("|  < [FRITZCallMonitor] *** FRITZ!Box found at " + FRITZCallMonitor.Gw.ToString() + ", trying to attach to CallMonitor");
                        await tcpClient.ConnectAsync(FRITZCallMonitor.Gw, 1012);

                        FeuerwehrCloud.Helper.Logger.WriteLine("|  < [FRITZCallMonitor] *** CallMonitor attached, waiting for calls...");
                        using (var networkStream = tcpClient.GetStream()) {
                                var buffer    = new byte[4096];
                                var byteCount = await networkStream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                                var      response = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, byteCount);
                                string[] rLine    = response.Split(new [] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                                switch (rLine [1])
                                case "CALL":
                                    FeuerwehrCloud.Helper.Logger.WriteLine("|  < [FRITZCallMonitor] *** Outgoing call with " + rLine [3] + "/" + rLine [4] + " to: " + rLine [5]);
                                    iH.RaiseFinish("text", rLine);

                                case "RING":
                                    FeuerwehrCloud.Helper.Logger.WriteLine("|  < [FRITZCallMonitor] *** Incoming call from: " + rLine [3] + " on number " + rLine [4]);
                                    if (BOSConfig.ContainsValue(rLine [3]))
                                        FeuerwehrCloud.Helper.Logger.WriteLine("|  < [FRITZCallMonitor] *** Incoming call FAX FROM ILS! Forcing printer tp warm up...");
                                        try {
                                            // There's a new Method wo wake up the printer -> FeuerwehrCloud.Generic.PrinterStatus
                                            //System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("/usr/bin/lp wakeup.txt");
                                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                                    iH.RaiseFinish("text", rLine);

                                case "CONNECT":
                                    FeuerwehrCloud.Helper.Logger.WriteLine("|  < [FRITZCallMonitor] *** Pickup call: " + rLine [4]);
                                    iH.RaiseFinish("text", rLine);

                                case "DISCONNECT":
                                    FeuerwehrCloud.Helper.Logger.WriteLine("|  < [FRITZCallMonitor] *** Hangup call after " + rLine [3]);
                                    iH.RaiseFinish("text", rLine);

                                    FeuerwehrCloud.Helper.Logger.WriteLine("|  < [FRITZCallMonitor] *** response was {0}", response);
                            } while (Disposing == false);
            } catch (Exception ex) {