Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method calculates the localizer line of the sourceFrame that can be drawn on the destinationFrame.
        /// You should call the method CanDrawLocalizer prior to check if localizer calculation is valid on the two frames.
        /// This method returns the line of common pixels where the two images intersect.
        /// If the two images intersect, then it returns <code>true</code> and the out parameters are filled with values. Otherwise the method returns <code>false</code>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceFrame">The geometry of the frame, that is viewed by the user</param>
        /// <param name="destinationFrame">The geometry of the scout frame, where the localizer line should be drawn on</param>
        /// <param name="startPoint">If the frames intersect, then this contains the start point of the localizer line in terms of pixels on destinationFrame</param>
        /// <param name="endPoint">If the frames intersect, then this contains the end point of the localizer lin in terms of pixels on destinationFrame</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool CalcualteIntersectionLocalizer(FrameGeometry sourceFrame, FrameGeometry destinationFrame, out Point2 startPoint, out Point2 endPoint)
            double t; // coeficient of the plane-equation
            double nA, nB, nC, nD, nP;
            var    lstProj = new List <Point3D>();

            // initialize
            startPoint = Point2.Origin;
            endPoint   = Point2.Origin;

            // validation
            if (destinationFrame.DirectionNormal.IsZero)

            nP = destinationFrame.DirectionNormal * destinationFrame.PointTopLeft;
            nA = destinationFrame.DirectionNormal * sourceFrame.PointTopLeft;
            nB = destinationFrame.DirectionNormal * sourceFrame.PointTopRight;
            nC = destinationFrame.DirectionNormal * sourceFrame.PointBottomRight;
            nD = destinationFrame.DirectionNormal * sourceFrame.PointBottomLeft;

            // segment AB
            if (Math.Abs(nB - nA) > Constants.Epsilon)
                t = (nP - nA) / (nB - nA);
                if (t > 0 && t <= 1)
                    lstProj.Add(sourceFrame.PointTopLeft + t * (sourceFrame.PointTopRight - sourceFrame.PointTopLeft));

            // segment BC
            if (Math.Abs(nC - nB) > Constants.Epsilon)
                t = (nP - nB) / (nC - nB);
                if (t > 0 && t <= 1)
                    lstProj.Add(sourceFrame.PointTopRight + t * (sourceFrame.PointBottomRight - sourceFrame.PointTopRight));

            // segment CD
            if (Math.Abs(nD - nC) > Constants.Epsilon)
                t = (nP - nC) / (nD - nC);
                if (t > 0 && t <= 1)
                    lstProj.Add(sourceFrame.PointBottomRight + t * (sourceFrame.PointBottomLeft - sourceFrame.PointBottomRight));

            // segment DA
            if (Math.Abs(nA - nD) > Constants.Epsilon)
                t = (nP - nD) / (nA - nD);
                if (t > 0 && t <= 1)
                    lstProj.Add(sourceFrame.PointBottomLeft + t * (sourceFrame.PointTopLeft - sourceFrame.PointBottomLeft));

            // the destinationplane should have been crossed exactly two times
            if (lstProj.Count != 2)

            // now back from 3D patient space to 2D pixel space
            startPoint = destinationFrame.TransformPatientPointToImage(lstProj[0]).Round();
            endPoint   = destinationFrame.TransformPatientPointToImage(lstProj[1]).Round();