public static void AddLiveTile(Category cat) { // Look to see whether the Tile already exists; if so, don't try to create it again. ShellTile tileToFind = ShellTile.ActiveTiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.NavigationUri.ToString().Contains("/Category/" + cat.CategoryID.ToString())); // Create the Tile if we didn't find that it already exists. if (tileToFind == null) { // Create an image for the category if there isnt one. if (cat.ImageURL == null || cat.ImageURL == String.Empty) { cat.ImageURL = ImageGrabber.GetDefaultImage(); } // Create the Tile object and set some initial properties for the Tile. StandardTileData newTileData = new StandardTileData { BackgroundImage = new Uri(cat.ImageURL, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), Title = cat.CategoryTitle, Count = 0, BackTitle = cat.CategoryTitle, BackContent = "Read the latest in " + cat.CategoryTitle + "!", }; // Create the Tile and pin it to Start. This will cause a navigation to Start and a deactivation of our application. ShellTile.Create(new Uri("/Category/" + cat.CategoryID, UriKind.Relative), newTileData); // note: Tile URI could have listed the full path to the Category page. For example --> /Views/CategoryPage.xaml?id= cat.IsPinned = true; App.DataBaseUtility.SaveChangesToDB(); } }
/// <summary> /// User has clicked save. Category is added to database along with it's associated feeds. /// </summary> private void OnSaveClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { string text = CategoryNameTextBox.Text; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) { Category newCat = new Category() { CategoryTitle = text }; App.DataBaseUtility.AddCategory(newCat); App.DataBaseUtility.SaveChangesToDB(); foreach (Feed f in FeedPicker.SelectedItems) { App.DataBaseUtility.AddFeed(f, newCat); } App.DataBaseUtility.SaveChangesToDB(); if (NavigationService.CanGoBack) { NavigationService.GoBack(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for the Application object. /// </summary> public App() { // Global handler for uncaught exceptions. UnhandledException += Application_UnhandledException; // Standard Silverlight initialization InitializeComponent(); // Phone-specific initialization InitializePhoneApplication(); // Enable URI Mapper RootFrame.UriMapper = Resources["UriMapper"] as UriMapper; // Show graphics profiling information while debugging. if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) { // Display the current frame rate counters. Application.Current.Host.Settings.EnableFrameRateCounter = false; // Show the areas of the app that are being redrawn in each frame. //Application.Current.Host.Settings.EnableRedrawRegions = true; // Enable non-production analysis visualization mode, // which shows areas of a page that are handed off to GPU with a colored overlay. //Application.Current.Host.Settings.EnableCacheVisualization = true; // Disable the application idle detection by setting the UserIdleDetectionMode property of the // application's PhoneApplicationService object to Disabled. // Caution:- Use this under debug mode only. Application that disables user idle detection will continue to run // and consume battery power when the user is not using the phone. PhoneApplicationService.Current.UserIdleDetectionMode = IdleDetectionMode.Disabled; } // Initialize application wide settings and DataBase utilities. using (LocalDatabaseDataContext db = new LocalDatabaseDataContext(DBLocation)) { //Inorder to clean the db uncomment the next line (or, if debugging, rebuild solution) //db.DeleteDatabase(); if (!db.DatabaseExists()) { db.CreateDatabase(); } db.SubmitChanges(); } // Needs to be called AFTER DatabaseContext is Disposed above. DataBaseUtility = new DataUtils(DBLocation); Favorites = new Category { CategoryTitle = "Favorites" }; App.DataBaseUtility.AddCategory(Favorites); App.DataBaseUtility.SaveChangesToDB(); ApplicationSettings = new Settings(); // WebTools object used for initial download and refreshing. SynFeedDownloader = new WebTools(new SynFeedParser()); // ArticleSource array used to keep track of article page source. ArticleSource = new string[2]; // Create the background agent if it does not already exist on the scheduler. BackgroundAgentTools BGTools = new BackgroundAgentTools(); BGTools.StartPeriodicAgent(); // Redirect initial navigation. RootFrame.Navigating += new NavigatingCancelEventHandler(RootFrame_Navigating); }
//Delete a category. public void DeleteCategory(Category deleteCategory) { //If the category is not favorites if (deleteCategory.CategoryID != 1) { //Get all the pairings of the category var q = from o in db.Category_Feed where o.CategoryID == deleteCategory.CategoryID select o; //Foreach of the pairings foreach (Category_Feed deleteCat_Feed in q) { //Check if the feed has any other association if (checkDelete(Convert.ToInt32(deleteCat_Feed.FeedID))) { //If not, delete it. Feed feed = QueryFeed(Convert.ToInt32(deleteCat_Feed.FeedID)); DeleteFeed(feed); } } //Remove the cat_feeds even if they are associated with Favorites Category. List<Category_Feed> catfeed = q.ToList(); int max = catfeed.Count; for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { if (catfeed[i].CategoryID == 1) { catfeed.RemoveAt(i); max--; i--; } } db.Category_Feed.DeleteAllOnSubmit(catfeed); db.Category.DeleteOnSubmit(deleteCategory); SaveChangesToDB(); } }
//Add a feed to the feed table, and a corresponding entry in Category_Feed Table public bool AddFeed(Feed newFeed, Category cat) { dbMutex.WaitOne(); bool checkfeed = checkFeed(newFeed.FeedBaseURI, cat.CategoryID); bool feedexists = checkIfFeedExists(newFeed.FeedBaseURI); //Checks if the feed is in the database if (feedexists) { newFeed.SharedCount = 0; newFeed.UnreadCount = 0; newFeed.ViewCount = 0; newFeed.FavoritedCount = 0; newFeed.IsPinned = false; db.Feed.InsertOnSubmit(newFeed); SaveChangesToDB(); Category_Feed newCat_Feed = new Category_Feed { CategoryID = cat.CategoryID, FeedID = newFeed.FeedID }; db.Category_Feed.InsertOnSubmit(newCat_Feed); SaveChangesToDB(); } //If it does, but not to the category, add it to the category else if (checkfeed) { Category_Feed newCat_Feed = new Category_Feed { CategoryID = cat.CategoryID, FeedID = newFeed.FeedID }; db.Category_Feed.InsertOnSubmit(newCat_Feed); SaveChangesToDB(); } //Else do nothing. dbMutex.ReleaseMutex(); return (feedexists); }
//Add a category to the category table public bool AddCategory(Category newCategory) { dbMutex.WaitOne(); var c = from q in db.Category where q.CategoryTitle == newCategory.CategoryTitle select q; bool checkCategory = (c.Count() == 0); if (checkCategory) { newCategory.IsPinned = false; if (newCategory.CategoryID != 1) { newCategory.IsRemovable = true; } else { newCategory.IsRemovable = false; } db.Category.InsertOnSubmit(newCategory); SaveChangesToDB(); } dbMutex.ReleaseMutex(); return checkCategory; }
/// <summary> /// Navigate to the previous category. /// </summary> private void OnPreviousClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (null != _allCategories && _allCategories.Count > 0) { int prevCatIndex = _allCategories.IndexOf(SelectedCategory) - 1; if (prevCatIndex >= 0) { Category previousCategory = _allCategories[prevCatIndex]; List<Article> categoryArticles = App.DataBaseUtility.GetCategoryArticles(previousCategory.CategoryID); if (null != categoryArticles) { this.SelectedCategory = previousCategory; this.DataContext = categoryArticles; _nextButton.IsEnabled = true; _previousButton.IsEnabled = (prevCatIndex > 0); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Retrieve the category clicked by the user and it's corresponding articles. /// </summary> protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { base.OnNavigatedTo(e); string idStr; if (NavigationContext.QueryString.TryGetValue("id", out idStr)) { SelectedCategory = App.DataBaseUtility.QueryCategory(Convert.ToInt32(idStr)); _allCategoryArticles = App.DataBaseUtility.GetCategoryArticles(Convert.ToInt32(idStr)); List<Article> firstSetOfArticles = new List<Article>(_allCategoryArticles); if (firstSetOfArticles.Count > 10) { firstSetOfArticles.RemoveRange(10, firstSetOfArticles.Count - 10); } CategoryArticles = new ObservableCollection<Article>(firstSetOfArticles); DataContext = CategoryArticles; } _allCategories = App.DataBaseUtility.GetAllCategories(); _allCategories.Sort(); ApplicationBar appBar = new ApplicationBar(); int index = _allCategories.IndexOf(SelectedCategory); _previousButton = new ApplicationBarIconButton { IconUri = new Uri("/Icons/", UriKind.Relative), Text = AppResources.AppBarButtonPreviousText, IsEnabled = (index > 0) }; _previousButton.Click += OnPreviousClick; ApplicationBarMenuItem addMenu = new ApplicationBarMenuItem(AppResources.AppBarMenuItemAddText); addMenu.Click += OnAddMenuClick; _nextButton = new ApplicationBarIconButton { IconUri = new Uri("/Icons/", UriKind.Relative), Text = AppResources.AppBarButtonNextText, IsEnabled = (index < _allCategories.Count - 1) }; _nextButton.Click += OnNextClick; appBar.Buttons.Add(_previousButton); appBar.Buttons.Add(_nextButton); appBar.MenuItems.Add(addMenu); this.ApplicationBar = appBar; }
partial void DeleteCategory(Category instance);
partial void UpdateCategory(Category instance);
partial void InsertCategory(Category instance);