Exemple #1
        protected void Application_AuthenticateRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            // reset
            Context.User           = null;
            FeeblPrincipal.Current = null;

            // get new
            FeeblPrincipal.Current = new FeeblPrincipal();
            var cookieName = FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName;
            var authCookie = Context.Request.Cookies[cookieName];

            if (authCookie == null)

            using (var ctx = new FeeblDataContext())
                var ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(authCookie.Value);
                if (ticket == null)

                var password = ticket.UserData;

                var userIdentity  = new FeeblIdentity(ctx, ticket.Name, password);
                var userPrincipal = new FeeblPrincipal(userIdentity);
                Context.User           = userPrincipal;
                FeeblPrincipal.Current = userPrincipal;
Exemple #2
        public void Update(string applicationID, string customerID, string processID, int counter, string hash, DateTime utcProcessingTime)
            #region Rate limiting (TokenBucket)

            while (TokenBucket.ContainsKey(processID) && TokenBucket[processID] > DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-Limit).Ticks)
            TokenBucket[processID] = DateTime.Now.Ticks;


            #region Check challenge

            HashAlgorithm algorithm = SHA1.Create();
            var           x         = algorithm.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(applicationID + customerID + processID + counter));
            var           sb        = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (var b in x)
            var counterchallenge = sb[17] + sb[Math.Abs(counter) % sb.Length] + sb.ToString().Substring(1, 7);

            if (counterchallenge != hash)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid hash.");


            using (var ctx = new FeeblDataContext())
                var application = ctx.Applications.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == applicationID.Trim()) ?? new Application {
                    Name = applicationID
                var customer = ctx.Customers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == customerID.Trim()) ?? new Customer {
                    Name = customerID
                var process = ctx.Processes.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Application == application && p.Customer == customer && p.Name == processID) ??
                              new Process {
                    Application = application, Customer = customer, Name = processID, URL = string.Empty, GroupID = string.Empty

                process.LastRunTime = utcProcessingTime;

                var groupIndex = processID.IndexOf("@", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                if (groupIndex > 0)
                    process.GroupID = processID.Substring(groupIndex + 1).Trim();

                ctx.Events.InsertOnSubmit(new Event
                    Process      = process,
                    CreationTime = utcProcessingTime,
                    Counter      = counter

Exemple #3
        public void Update(FeeblDataContext ctx, bool isMet, string remark, int?counter)
            // if the demand was still not met (it failed previously and is still failed) and it's priority is Normal or higher
            // we will initiate a ticket log for support
            if (!IsMet && !isMet && Priority >= (int)Lists.Priority.Normal)
                // find the last log of state change for this demand
                var log = (from h in Histories orderby h.HistoryID descending select h).FirstOrDefault();

                // create a buffer of MaxRunTime ?? 30 minutes and check the IsExported flag to prevent doubles
                if (log != null && log.Status == "Failed" && !log.IsExported && log.CreationTime <= DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-(MaxRunTime ?? 30)))
                    var subject = string.Format("{0} failed for {1} @ {2}", Process.Name, Process.Application.Name, Process.Customer.Name);

                    if (Priority >= (int)Lists.Priority.High)
                        subject = "[PRIO: HIGH] " + subject;

                    var message = counter.HasValue
                        ? string.Format("{0} / {1}", Methods.GetCounterValue(counter.Value), Methods.GetCounterValue(QuantityValue))
                        : string.Format("{0}, last run {1}", NextRunTime.Value.ToCET().ToString("MM/dd HH:mm"), Process.LastRunTime.HasValue ? Process.LastRunTime.Value.ToCET().ToString("MM/dd HH:mm") : "never");

                    var subscribers = Process.UserSubscriptions.Select(s => s.User.Email).Distinct().ToArray();

                    // include related users, in case of backup procedures
                    var related = (from p in ctx.Processes
                                   from s in p.UserSubscriptions
                                   where p.CustomerID == Process.CustomerID &&
                                   p.ApplicationID == Process.ApplicationID
                                   select s.User.Email).Distinct().ToArray();

                    var mail = new Email
                        Subject = subject,
                        Body    = $"{subject}<br /><br />Failed at {message}<br /><br />{Comment}<br /><br />Subscribers: {string.Join(",", subscribers)}<br />Related: {string.Join(",", related)}<br /><br />{Methods.GetUrl($"Demand?processID={ProcessID}")}"


                    log.IsExported = true;

            // if there was a change in condition (we either failed a green process or just resolved a red process)
            // make sure the proper users are notified of this change
            else if (IsMet != isMet)
                var diff = !isMet ? "Failed" : "Resolved";

                ctx.Histories.InsertOnSubmit(new History
                    Counter      = counter,
                    CreationTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    Demand       = this,
                    DemandID     = DemandID,
                    Status       = diff,
                    Remark       = remark

                var emails  = (from s in Process.UserSubscriptions where s.User.Email != null && s.User.Email != string.Empty && s.Email select s.User.Email).Distinct().ToList();
                var mobiles = (from s in Process.UserSubscriptions where s.User.Mobile != null && s.User.Mobile != string.Empty && s.SMS select s.User.Mobile).Distinct().ToList();

                // if this is triggered from a user itself (through Ignore)
                // remove this user from SMS notification if applicable
                if (FeeblPrincipal.Current != null)
                    var user = (FeeblIdentity)FeeblPrincipal.Current.Identity;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Mobile))

                var subject = string.Format("{0} {1} for {2} @ {3}", Process.Name, diff.ToLower(), Process.Application.Name, Process.Customer.Name);

                var detail = counter.HasValue
          ? string.Format("{0} / {1}", Methods.GetCounterValue(counter.Value), Methods.GetCounterValue(QuantityValue))
          : isMet
            ? string.Format("at {1} - next @{0}", NextRunTime.Value.ToCET().ToString("MM/dd HH:mm"), Process.LastRunTime.HasValue?Process.LastRunTime.Value.ToCET().ToString("MM/dd HH:mm") : "never")
            : string.Format("{0}, last run {1}", NextRunTime.Value.ToCET().ToString("MM/dd HH:mm"), Process.LastRunTime.HasValue ? Process.LastRunTime.Value.ToCET().ToString("MM/dd HH:mm") : "never");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remark))
                    detail += ", " + remark;

                if (emails.Any())
                    var mail = new Email
                        Subject = subject,
                        Body    = detail + "<br /><br />" + Comment + "<br /><br />" + Methods.GetUrl($"Demand?processID={ProcessID}")

                    foreach (var to in emails)

                if (mobiles.Any() && Priority >= (int)Lists.Priority.Low)
                    var sms = new SmsMessage {
                        Body = subject + ", " + detail
                    if (sms.Body.Length > 160)
                        sms.Body = subject;
                    if (sms.Body.Length > 160)
                        sms.Body = string.Format("{0} {1}!", Process.Name, diff.ToLower());

                    foreach (var to in mobiles)

                var slack = new Slack
                    Body    = string.Format("<{0}|{1}>, {2}", Methods.GetUrl($"Demand?processID={ProcessID}"), subject, detail),
                    Success = isMet


                IsMet = isMet;

            ErrorMessage = (!isMet && counter.HasValue)
        ? string.Format("{0} / {1}", Methods.GetCounterValue(counter.Value), Methods.GetCounterValue(QuantityValue))
        : string.Empty;
Exemple #4
        public void Check(FeeblDataContext ctx)
            // if we've not yet determined next run, calculate and bail
            if (!NextRunTime.HasValue)

            // when do we expect to have a message from this job
            var threshold = NextRunTime.Value.AddMinutes(MaxRunTime ?? 0);

            // if it's in the future, we're all good - just bail
            if (threshold > DateTime.UtcNow)

            // if there's no event, make a special case to signal and bail
            if (!Process.LastRunTime.HasValue)
                Update(ctx, true, "No events", null);

            // if the last event was from a previous run, signal failure and bail
            // prevent this from executing if we left MaxRunTime empty (= pure counter check)
            //// also reducing scheduled time by 1 minute to prevent time sync issues
            if (MaxRunTime.HasValue && Process.LastRunTime.Value < NextRunTime.Value.AddMinutes(-1))
                Update(ctx, false, null, null);

            int?quantity = null;

            if (QuantityValue.HasValue)
                // if quantity time was given, use this as interval
                // otherwise, use start time of this demand (minute 1 minute time sync issue)
                var fromTime = QuantityTime.HasValue
          ? DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-QuantityTime.Value)
          : NextRunTime.Value;

                quantity = (from e in Process.Events
                            where e.CreationTime >= fromTime.AddMinutes(-1)
                            select e.Counter ?? 0).Sum();

                // when the quantity demands are not met, signal failure and bail
                if (quantity < QuantityValue.Value)
                    Update(ctx, false, null, quantity);

            // we've passed all the checks, and the current "NextRunTime" conditions were met
            // so move on to the next and signal success
            Update(ctx, true, null, quantity);