The screen manager is a component which manages one or more GameScreen instances. It maintains a stack of screens, calls their Update and Draw methods at the appropriate times, and automatically routes input to the topmost active screen.
Inheritance: Microsoft.Xna.Framework.DrawableGameComponent
        /// <summary>
        ///   Constructs a new input state.
        /// </summary>
        public InputHelper(ScreenManager manager)
            _currentKeyboardState = new KeyboardState();
            _currentGamePadState = new GamePadState();
            _currentMouseState = new MouseState();
            _currentVirtualState = new GamePadState();

            _lastKeyboardState = new KeyboardState();
            _lastGamePadState = new GamePadState();
            _lastMouseState = new MouseState();
            _lastVirtualState = new GamePadState();

            _manager = manager;

            _cursorIsVisible = false;
            _cursorMoved = false;
            #if WINDOWS_PHONE
            _cursorIsValid = false;
            _cursorIsValid = true;
            _cursor = Vector2.Zero;

            _handleVirtualStick = false;
        public FarseerPhysicsGame()
            Window.Title = "Farseer Samples Framework";
            _graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
            _graphics.PreferMultiSampling = true;
            _graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 1280;
            _graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 720;
            IsFixedTimeStep = true;
            _graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 800;
            _graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 480;
            IsFixedTimeStep = false;
            _graphics.IsFullScreen = false;
            _graphics.IsFullScreen = true;

            Content.RootDirectory = "Content";

            //new-up components and add to Game.Components
            ScreenManager = new ScreenManager(this);

            FrameRateCounter frameRateCounter = new FrameRateCounter(ScreenManager);
            frameRateCounter.DrawOrder = 101;
Exemple #3
        public Agent(World world, ScreenManager screenManager, Vector2 position)
            _batch = screenManager.SpriteBatch;

            _collidesWith = Category.All;
            _collisionCategories = Category.All;

            _agentBody = BodyFactory.CreateBody(world, position);
            _agentBody.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;

            FixtureFactory.AttachCircle(0.5f, 0.5f, _agentBody);

            //Left arm
            FixtureFactory.AttachRectangle(1.5f, 0.4f, 1f, new Vector2(-1f, 0f), _agentBody);
            FixtureFactory.AttachCircle(0.5f, 0.5f, _agentBody, new Vector2(-2f, 0f));

            //Right arm
            FixtureFactory.AttachRectangle(1.5f, 0.4f, 1f, new Vector2(1f, 0f), _agentBody);
            FixtureFactory.AttachCircle(0.5f, 0.5f, _agentBody, new Vector2(2f, 0f));

            //Top arm
            FixtureFactory.AttachRectangle(0.4f, 1.5f, 1f, new Vector2(0f, 1f), _agentBody);
            FixtureFactory.AttachCircle(0.5f, 0.5f, _agentBody, new Vector2(0f, 2f));

            //Bottom arm
            FixtureFactory.AttachRectangle(0.4f, 1.5f, 1f, new Vector2(0f, -1f), _agentBody);
            FixtureFactory.AttachCircle(0.5f, 0.5f, _agentBody, new Vector2(0f, -2f));

            _box = new Sprite(screenManager.Assets.TextureFromVertices(PolygonTools.CreateRectangle(1.75f, 0.2f), MaterialType.Blank, Color.White, 1f));
            _knob = new Sprite(screenManager.Assets.CircleTexture(0.5f, MaterialType.Blank, Color.Orange, 1f));
            _offset = ConvertUnits.ToDisplayUnits(2f);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        ///   Constructs a new input state.
        /// </summary>
        public InputHelper(ScreenManager manager)
            KeyboardState = new KeyboardState();
            GamePadState = new GamePadState();
            MouseState = new MouseState();
            VirtualState = new GamePadState();

            PreviousKeyboardState = new KeyboardState();
            PreviousGamePadState = new GamePadState();
            PreviousMouseState = new MouseState();
            PreviousVirtualState = new GamePadState();

            _manager = manager;

            _cursorIsVisible = false;
            IsCursorMoved = false;
            #if WINDOWS_PHONE
            IsCursorValid = false;
            IsCursorValid = true;
            Cursor = Vector2.Zero;

            _handleVirtualStick = false;
Exemple #5
        public Border(World world, ScreenManager screenManager, Camera2D camera)
            _screenManager = screenManager;
            _camera = camera;

            float halfWidth = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(screenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width) / 2f - 0.75f;
            float halfHeight = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(screenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height) / 2f - 0.75f;

            Vertices borders = new Vertices(4);
            borders.Add(new Vector2(-halfWidth, halfHeight));
            borders.Add(new Vector2(halfWidth, halfHeight));
            borders.Add(new Vector2(halfWidth, -halfHeight));
            borders.Add(new Vector2(-halfWidth, -halfHeight));

            _anchor = BodyFactory.CreateLoopShape(world, borders);
            _anchor.CollisionCategories = Category.All;
            _anchor.CollidesWith = Category.All;

            _basicEffect = new BasicEffect(screenManager.GraphicsDevice);
            _basicEffect.VertexColorEnabled = true;
            _basicEffect.TextureEnabled = true;
            _basicEffect.Texture = screenManager.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Materials/pavement");

            VertexPositionColorTexture[] vertice = new VertexPositionColorTexture[8];
            vertice[0] = new VertexPositionColorTexture(new Vector3(-halfWidth, -halfHeight, 0f), Color.LightGray, new Vector2(-halfWidth, -halfHeight) / 5.25f);
            vertice[1] = new VertexPositionColorTexture(new Vector3(halfWidth, -halfHeight, 0f), Color.LightGray, new Vector2(halfWidth, -halfHeight) / 5.25f);
            vertice[2] = new VertexPositionColorTexture(new Vector3(halfWidth, halfHeight, 0f), Color.LightGray, new Vector2(halfWidth, halfHeight) / 5.25f);
            vertice[3] = new VertexPositionColorTexture(new Vector3(-halfWidth, halfHeight, 0f), Color.LightGray, new Vector2(-halfWidth, halfHeight) / 5.25f);
            vertice[4] = new VertexPositionColorTexture(new Vector3(-halfWidth - 2f, -halfHeight - 2f, 0f), Color.LightGray, new Vector2(-halfWidth - 2f, -halfHeight - 2f) / 5.25f);
            vertice[5] = new VertexPositionColorTexture(new Vector3(halfWidth + 2f, -halfHeight - 2f, 0f), Color.LightGray, new Vector2(halfWidth + 2f, -halfHeight - 2f) / 5.25f);
            vertice[6] = new VertexPositionColorTexture(new Vector3(halfWidth + 2f, halfHeight + 2f, 0f), Color.LightGray, new Vector2(halfWidth + 2f, halfHeight + 2f) / 5.25f);
            vertice[7] = new VertexPositionColorTexture(new Vector3(-halfWidth - 2f, halfHeight + 2f, 0f), Color.LightGray, new Vector2(-halfWidth - 2f, halfHeight + 2f) / 5.25f);

            _borderVerts = new VertexPositionColorTexture[24];
            _borderVerts[0] = vertice[0];
            _borderVerts[1] = vertice[5];
            _borderVerts[2] = vertice[4];
            _borderVerts[3] = vertice[0];
            _borderVerts[4] = vertice[1];
            _borderVerts[5] = vertice[5];
            _borderVerts[6] = vertice[1];
            _borderVerts[7] = vertice[6];
            _borderVerts[8] = vertice[5];
            _borderVerts[9] = vertice[1];
            _borderVerts[10] = vertice[2];
            _borderVerts[11] = vertice[6];
            _borderVerts[12] = vertice[2];
            _borderVerts[13] = vertice[7];
            _borderVerts[14] = vertice[6];
            _borderVerts[15] = vertice[2];
            _borderVerts[16] = vertice[3];
            _borderVerts[17] = vertice[7];
            _borderVerts[18] = vertice[3];
            _borderVerts[19] = vertice[4];
            _borderVerts[20] = vertice[7];
            _borderVerts[21] = vertice[3];
            _borderVerts[22] = vertice[0];
            _borderVerts[23] = vertice[4];
Exemple #6
        public Ragdoll(World world, ScreenManager screenManager, Vector2 position)
            _batch = screenManager.SpriteBatch;

            CreateBody(world, position);

Exemple #7
        public Objects(World world, ScreenManager screenManager, Vector2 startPosition, Vector2 endPosition, int count, float radius, ObjectType type)
            _batch = screenManager.SpriteBatch;
            _bodies = new List<Body>(count);

            CollidesWith = Category.All;
            CollisionCategories = Category.All;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                switch (type)
                    case ObjectType.Circle:
                        _bodies.Add(BodyFactory.CreateCircle(world, radius, 1f));
                    case ObjectType.Rectangle:
                        _bodies.Add(BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, radius, radius, 1f));
                    case ObjectType.Star:
                        _bodies.Add(BodyFactory.CreateGear(world, radius, 10, 0f, 1f, 1f));
                    case ObjectType.Gear:
                        _bodies.Add(BodyFactory.CreateGear(world, radius, 10, 100f, 1f, 1f));

            for (int i = 0; i < _bodies.Count; ++i)
                Body body = _bodies[i];
                body.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
                body.Position = Vector2.Lerp(startPosition, endPosition, i / (float)(count - 1));
                body.Restitution = .7f;
                body.Friction = .2f;
                body.CollisionCategories = CollisionCategories;
                body.CollidesWith = CollidesWith;

            AssetCreator creator = screenManager.Assets;
            switch (type)
                case ObjectType.Circle:
                    _object = new Sprite(creator.CircleTexture(radius, MaterialType.Dots, Color.DarkRed, 0.8f));
                case ObjectType.Rectangle:
                    _object = new Sprite(creator.TextureFromVertices(PolygonTools.CreateRectangle(radius / 2f, radius / 2f), MaterialType.Dots, Color.Blue, 0.8f));
                case ObjectType.Star:
                    _object = new Sprite(creator.TextureFromVertices(PolygonTools.CreateGear(radius, 10, 0f, 1f), MaterialType.Dots, Color.Yellow, 0.8f));
                case ObjectType.Gear:
                    _object = new Sprite(creator.TextureFromVertices(PolygonTools.CreateGear(radius, 10, 100f, 1f), MaterialType.Dots, Color.DarkGreen, 0.8f));
        public FrameRateCounter(ScreenManager screenManager)
            : base(screenManager.Game)
            _screenManager = screenManager;
            _format = new NumberFormatInfo();
            _format.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
#if XBOX
            _position = new Vector2(55, 35);
            _position = new Vector2(30, 25);
Exemple #9
        public Spider(World world, ScreenManager screenManager, Vector2 position)
            _batch = screenManager.SpriteBatch;

            //Load bodies
            _circle = BodyFactory.CreateCircle(world, SpiderBodyRadius, 0.1f, position);
            _circle.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;

            //Left upper leg
            _leftUpper = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, _upperLegSize.X, _upperLegSize.Y, 0.1f, _circle.Position - new Vector2(SpiderBodyRadius, 0f) - new Vector2(_upperLegSize.X / 2f, 0f));
            _leftUpper.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;

            //Left lower leg
            _leftLower = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, _lowerLegSize.X, _lowerLegSize.Y, 0.1f, _circle.Position - new Vector2(SpiderBodyRadius, 0f) - new Vector2(_upperLegSize.X, 0f) - new Vector2(_lowerLegSize.X / 2f, 0f));
            _leftLower.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;

            //Right upper leg
            _rightUpper = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, _upperLegSize.X, _upperLegSize.Y, 0.1f, _circle.Position + new Vector2(SpiderBodyRadius, 0f) + new Vector2(_upperLegSize.X / 2f, 0f));
            _rightUpper.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;

            //Right lower leg
            _rightLower = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, _lowerLegSize.X, _lowerLegSize.Y, 0.1f, _circle.Position + new Vector2(SpiderBodyRadius, 0f) + new Vector2(_upperLegSize.X, 0f) + new Vector2(_lowerLegSize.X / 2f, 0f));
            _rightLower.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;

            //Create joints
            JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(world, _circle, _leftUpper, new Vector2(_upperLegSize.X / 2f, 0f));
            _leftShoulderAngleJoint = JointFactory.CreateAngleJoint(world, _circle, _leftUpper);
            _leftShoulderAngleJoint.MaxImpulse = 3f;

            JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(world, _circle, _rightUpper, new Vector2(-_upperLegSize.X / 2f, 0f));
            _rightShoulderAngleJoint = JointFactory.CreateAngleJoint(world, _circle, _rightUpper);
            _rightShoulderAngleJoint.MaxImpulse = 3f;

            JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(world, _leftUpper, _leftLower, new Vector2(_lowerLegSize.X / 2f, 0f));
            _leftKneeAngleJoint = JointFactory.CreateAngleJoint(world, _leftUpper, _leftLower);
            _leftKneeAngleJoint.MaxImpulse = 3f;

            JointFactory.CreateRevoluteJoint(world, _rightUpper, _rightLower, new Vector2(-_lowerLegSize.X / 2f, 0f));
            _rightKneeAngleJoint = JointFactory.CreateAngleJoint(world, _rightUpper, _rightLower);
            _rightKneeAngleJoint.MaxImpulse = 3;

            AssetCreator creator = screenManager.Assets;
            _torso = new Sprite(creator.CircleTexture(SpiderBodyRadius, MaterialType.Waves, Color.Gray, 1f));
            _upperLeg = new Sprite(creator.TextureFromShape(_leftUpper.FixtureList[0].Shape, MaterialType.Blank, Color.DimGray, 1f));
            _lowerLeg = new Sprite(creator.TextureFromShape(_leftLower.FixtureList[0].Shape, MaterialType.Blank, Color.DarkSlateGray, 1f));
Exemple #10
        public TheoJansenWalker(World world, ScreenManager screenManager, Camera2D camera, Vector2 position)
            _position = position;
            _motorSpeed = 2.0f;
            _spriteBatch = screenManager.SpriteBatch;
            _lineBatch = screenManager.LineBatch;
            _camera = camera;

            _walkerJoints = new List<DistanceJoint>();

            _leftShoulders = new Body[3];
            _rightShoulders = new Body[3];
            _leftLegs = new Body[3];
            _rightLegs = new Body[3];

            Vector2 pivot = new Vector2(0f, -0.8f);

            CreateChassis(world, pivot, screenManager.Assets);

            Vector2 wheelAnchor = pivot + new Vector2(0f, 0.8f);


            CreateLeg(world, -1f, wheelAnchor, 0);
            CreateLeg(world, 1f, wheelAnchor, 0);

            _leftLeg.Origin = AssetCreator.CalculateOrigin(_leftLegs[0]);
            _leftShoulder.Origin = AssetCreator.CalculateOrigin(_leftShoulders[0]);
            _rightLeg.Origin = AssetCreator.CalculateOrigin(_rightLegs[0]);
            _rightShoulder.Origin = AssetCreator.CalculateOrigin(_rightShoulders[0]);

            _wheel.SetTransform(_wheel.Position, 120f * Settings.Pi / 180f);
            CreateLeg(world, -1f, wheelAnchor, 1);
            CreateLeg(world, 1f, wheelAnchor, 1);

            _wheel.SetTransform(_wheel.Position, -120f * Settings.Pi / 180f);
            CreateLeg(world, -1f, wheelAnchor, 2);
            CreateLeg(world, 1f, wheelAnchor, 2);
Exemple #11
        public Pyramid(World world, ScreenManager screenManager, Vector2 position, int count, float density)
            _batch = screenManager.SpriteBatch;

            Vertices rect = PolygonTools.CreateRectangle(0.5f, 0.5f);
            PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape(rect, density);

            Vector2 rowStart = position;
            rowStart.Y -= 0.5f + count * 1.1f;

            Vector2 deltaRow = new Vector2(-0.625f, 1.1f);
            const float spacing = 1.25f;

            _boxes = new List<Body>();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                Vector2 pos = rowStart;

                for (int j = 0; j < i + 1; ++j)
                    Body body = BodyFactory.CreateBody(world);
                    body.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
                    body.Position = pos;

                    pos.X += spacing;

                rowStart += deltaRow;

            AssetCreator creator = screenManager.Assets;
            _box = new Sprite(creator.TextureFromVertices(rect, MaterialType.Dots, Color.SaddleBrown, 2f));
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Responds to user input, changing the selected entry and accepting
        /// or cancelling the menu.
        /// </summary>
        public override void HandleInput(InputHelper input, GameTime gameTime)
            // Mouse or touch on a menu item
            int hoverIndex = GetMenuEntryAt(input.Cursor);

            if (hoverIndex > -1 && _menuEntries[hoverIndex].IsSelectable() && !_scrollLock)
                _selectedEntry = hoverIndex;
                _selectedEntry = -1;

            _scrollSlider.Hover = false;
            if (input.IsCursorValid)
                _scrollUp.Hover   = false;
                _scrollDown.Hover = false;
                _scrollLock       = false;

            // Accept or cancel the menu?
            if (input.IsMenuSelect() && _selectedEntry != -1)
                if (_menuEntries[_selectedEntry].IsExitItem())
                else if (_menuEntries[_selectedEntry].Screen != null)

                    if (_menuEntries[_selectedEntry].Screen is IDemoScreen)
                        ScreenManager.AddScreen(new MessageBoxScreen((_menuEntries[_selectedEntry].Screen as IDemoScreen).GetDetails()));
            else if (input.IsMenuCancel())

            if (input.IsMenuPressed())
                if (_scrollUp.Hover)
                    _menuOffset = Math.Max(_menuOffset - 200f * (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds, 0f);
                    _scrollLock = false;
                if (_scrollDown.Hover)
                    _menuOffset = Math.Min(_menuOffset + 200f * (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds, _maxOffset);
                    _scrollLock = false;
                if (_scrollSlider.Hover)
                    _scrollLock = true;

            if (input.IsMenuReleased())
                _scrollLock = false;

            if (_scrollLock)
                _scrollSlider.Hover = true;
                _menuOffset         = Math.Max(Math.Min(((input.Cursor.Y - _menuBorderTop) / (_menuBorderBottom - _menuBorderTop)) * _maxOffset, _maxOffset), 0f);