Clone() public abstract méthode

Clone the concrete shape
public abstract Clone ( ) : Shape
Résultat Shape
Exemple #1
        public Fixture(Body body, Shape shape, object userData)
            if (Settings.UseFPECollisionCategories)
                _collisionCategories = Category.All;
                _collisionCategories = Category.Cat1;

            _collidesWith = Category.All;
            _collisionGroup = 0;

            //Fixture defaults
            Friction = 0.2f;
            Restitution = 0;

            IsSensor = false;

            Body = body;
            UserData = userData;

            if (Settings.ConserveMemory)
                Shape = shape;
                Shape = shape.Clone();

Exemple #2
        internal Fixture(Body body, Shape shape, object userData = null)
            if (shape.ShapeType == ShapeType.Polygon)
                ((PolygonShape)shape).Vertices.AttachedToBody = true;

            _collisionCategories = Settings.DefaultFixtureCollisionCategories;
            _collidesWith = Settings.DefaultFixtureCollidesWith;
            _collisionGroup = 0;

            IgnoreCCDWith = Settings.DefaultFixtureIgnoreCCDWith;

            //Fixture defaults
            Friction = 0.2f;
            Restitution = 0;

            Body = body;
            IsSensor = false;

            UserData = userData;

            Shape = Settings.ConserveMemory ? shape : shape.Clone();

Exemple #3
		public FSFixture(FSBody body, Shape shape, object userData) {
			_collisionCategories = FSSettings.DefaultFixtureCollisionCategories;
			_collidesWith = FSSettings.DefaultFixtureCollidesWith;
			_collisionGroup = 0;

			IgnoreCCDWith = FSSettings.DefaultFixtureIgnoreCCDWith;

			//Fixture defaults
			Friction = 0.2f;
			Restitution = 0;

			Body = body;
			IsSensor = false;

			UserData = userData;

			if (FSSettings.ConserveMemory)
				Shape = shape;
				if (shape != null) Shape = shape.Clone();

        internal Fixture(Body body, Shape shape, float density)
            //Fixture defaults
            Friction = 0.2f;
            _collisionCategories = CollisionCategory.All;
            _collidesWith = CollisionCategory.All;
            IsSensor = false;

            Body = body;

            #if ConserveMemory
            Shape = shape;
            Shape = shape.Clone();
            // Reserve proxy space
            int childCount = Shape.ChildCount;
            Proxies = new FixtureProxy[childCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i)
                Proxies[i] = new FixtureProxy();
                Proxies[i].Fixture = null;
                Proxies[i].ProxyId = BroadPhase.NullProxy;
            ProxyCount = 0;

            Density = density;

            FixtureId = _fixtureIdCounter++;
Exemple #5
        public Fixture(Body body, Shape shape, Object userData)
            CollisionFilter = new CollisionFilter(this);

            //Fixture defaults
            Friction = 0.2f;
            Restitution = 0;

            IsSensor = false;

            Body = body;
            UserData = userData;

            if (Settings.ConserveMemory)
                Shape = shape;
                Shape = shape.Clone();

            // Reserve proxy space
            int childCount = Shape.ChildCount;
            Proxies = new FixtureProxy[childCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i)
                Proxies[i] = new FixtureProxy();
                Proxies[i].Fixture = null;
                Proxies[i].ProxyId = BroadPhase.NullProxy;
            ProxyCount = 0;

            FixtureId = _fixtureIdCounter++;

            if ((Body.Flags & BodyFlags.Enabled) == BodyFlags.Enabled)
                BroadPhase broadPhase = Body.World.ContactManager.BroadPhase;
                CreateProxies(broadPhase, ref Body.Xf);


            // Adjust mass properties if needed.
            if (Shape._density > 0.0f)

            // Let the world know we have a new fixture. This will cause new contacts
            // to be created at the beginning of the next time step.
            Body.World.Flags |= WorldFlags.NewFixture;

            if (Body.World.FixtureAdded != null)
        private static Fixture GlomFixture(World world, Body oldBody, List<Body> thisSideBodies, Shape shape, DebugMaterial mat, List<Joint> joints)
            foreach (Body lb in thisSideBodies)
                foreach (Fixture lf in lb.FixtureList)
                    Manifold m = new Manifold();
                    PolygonShape newShape = shape.Clone() as PolygonShape;
                    PolygonShape existingShape = lf.Shape as PolygonShape;
                    if (newShape != null && existingShape != null)
                        Collision.Collision.CollidePolygons(ref m, newShape, ref oldBody.Xf, existingShape, ref oldBody.Xf);
                        if (m.PointCount > 0)
                            Fixture glommed = lb.CreateFixture(newShape, mat);
                            transferJoints(oldBody, joints, lb, glommed);
                            return glommed;


            Body lb2 = new Body(world);
            if (!thisSideBodies.Any())
                transferJoints(oldBody, joints, lb2, null);

            lb2.Position = oldBody.Position;
            lb2.Rotation = oldBody.Rotation;
            Fixture separate = lb2.CreateFixture(shape.Clone(), mat);
            transferJoints(oldBody, joints, lb2, separate);
            return separate;