Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the rotation of this <see cref="Quaternion"/> in euler angles
        /// </summary>
        public Vector3 ToEuler()
            /*float sinX = 2 * (this.W * this.X + this.Y * this.Z);
             * float cosX = 1 - 2 * (this.X * this.X + this.Y * this.Y);
             * float sinY = 2 * (this.W * this.Y - this.Z * this.X);
             * float sinZ = 2 * (this.W * this.Z + this.X * this.Y);
             * float cosZ = 1 - 2 * (this.Y * this.Y + this.Z * this.Z);
             * float y = 0;
             * if(Math.Abs(sinY) >= 1)
             * {
             *  if(sinY < 0)
             *  {
             *      y = -(float)(Math.PI / 2);
             *  }
             *  else
             *  {
             *      y = (float)(Math.PI / 2);
             *  }
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  y = (float)Math.Asin(sinY);
             * }
             * return new Vector3()
             * {
             *  X = (float)Math.Round(Utils.ToDegrees((float)Math.Atan2(sinX, cosX)), 4),
             *  Y = (float)Math.Round(Utils.ToDegrees(y), 4),
             *  Z = (float)Math.Round(Utils.ToDegrees((float)Math.Atan2(sinZ, cosZ)), 4)
             * };*/

            R3DMatrix44 m = R3DMatrix44.FromRotation(this);

            float sy = (float)Math.Sqrt(m.M11 * m.M11 + m.M21 * m.M21);

            bool  singular = sy < 1e-6;
            float x        = 0;
            float y        = 0;
            float z        = 0;

            if (!singular)
                x = (float)Math.Round(Utilities.ToDegrees((float)Math.Atan2(m.M32, m.M33)), 4);
                y = (float)Math.Round(Utilities.ToDegrees((float)Math.Atan2(-m.M31, sy)), 4);
                z = (float)Math.Round(Utilities.ToDegrees((float)Math.Atan2(m.M21, m.M11)), 4);
                x = (float)Math.Round(Utilities.ToDegrees((float)Math.Atan2(-m.M23, m.M22)), 4);
                y = (float)Math.Round(Utilities.ToDegrees((float)Math.Atan2(-m.M31, sy)), 4);
                z = 0;

            return(new Vector3(x, y, z));
Exemple #2
        public static Vector3 FromRotationMatrix(R3DMatrix44 m)
            float x = 0;
            float y = Utilities.Clamp(m.M13, -1, 1);
            float z = 0;

            return(new Vector3()
                X = (float)Math.Round(Utilities.ToDegrees(x), 4),
                Y = (float)Math.Round(Utilities.ToDegrees(x), 4),
                Z = (float)Math.Round(Utilities.ToDegrees(x), 4)
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a <see cref="Quaternion"/> that represents the rotation of the given matrix
        /// </summary>
        public static Quaternion FromTransformationMatrix(R3DMatrix44 matrix)
            Quaternion result = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0);
            float      sqrt;
            float      half;
            float      scale = matrix.M11 + matrix.M22 + matrix.M33;

            if (scale > 0.0f)
                sqrt     = (float)Math.Sqrt(scale + 1.0f);
                result.W = sqrt * 0.5f;
                sqrt     = 0.5f / sqrt;

                result.X = (matrix.M23 - matrix.M32) * sqrt;
                result.Y = (matrix.M31 - matrix.M13) * sqrt;
                result.Z = (matrix.M12 - matrix.M21) * sqrt;
            else if ((matrix.M11 >= matrix.M22) && (matrix.M11 >= matrix.M33))
                sqrt = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0f + matrix.M11 - matrix.M22 - matrix.M33);
                half = 0.5f / sqrt;

                result.X = 0.5f * sqrt;
                result.Y = (matrix.M12 + matrix.M21) * half;
                result.Z = (matrix.M13 + matrix.M31) * half;
                result.W = (matrix.M23 - matrix.M32) * half;
            else if (matrix.M22 > matrix.M33)
                sqrt = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0f + matrix.M22 - matrix.M11 - matrix.M33);
                half = 0.5f / sqrt;

                result.X = (matrix.M21 + matrix.M12) * half;
                result.Y = 0.5f * sqrt;
                result.Z = (matrix.M32 + matrix.M23) * half;
                result.W = (matrix.M31 - matrix.M13) * half;
                sqrt = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0f + matrix.M33 - matrix.M11 - matrix.M22);
                half = 0.5f / sqrt;

                result.X = (matrix.M31 + matrix.M13) * half;
                result.Y = (matrix.M32 + matrix.M23) * half;
                result.Z = 0.5f * sqrt;
                result.W = (matrix.M12 - matrix.M21) * half;

 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a clone of a <see cref="R3DMatrix44"/> object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="r3dMatrix44">The <see cref="R3DMatrix44"/> to clone</param>
 public R3DMatrix44(R3DMatrix44 r3dMatrix44)
     this.M11 = r3dMatrix44.M11;
     this.M12 = r3dMatrix44.M12;
     this.M13 = r3dMatrix44.M13;
     this.M14 = r3dMatrix44.M14;
     this.M21 = r3dMatrix44.M21;
     this.M22 = r3dMatrix44.M22;
     this.M23 = r3dMatrix44.M23;
     this.M24 = r3dMatrix44.M24;
     this.M31 = r3dMatrix44.M31;
     this.M32 = r3dMatrix44.M32;
     this.M33 = r3dMatrix44.M33;
     this.M34 = r3dMatrix44.M34;
     this.M41 = r3dMatrix44.M41;
     this.M42 = r3dMatrix44.M42;
     this.M43 = r3dMatrix44.M43;
     this.M44 = r3dMatrix44.M44;