// Use this for initialization
        private void Awake()
            ApplyLocalize();    //Localize text

            //Load the software volume
            Dictionary <string, int> pref = null;

            if (saveVolume)
                pref = XPlayerPrefs.GetDictionary <string, int>(SaveKey);  //nothing -> null  //無いとき=null;
            foreach (var item in items)
                dic[item.key]         = item;        //Register in dictionary with key   //キーで辞書に登録
                initVolumes[item.key] = item.volume; //Save the value of inspector at startup  //起動時のインスペクタをデフォとする

                //Update stored saved volume    //保存された音量があったら更新
                if (pref != null && pref.ContainsKey(item.key))
                    item.volume = pref[item.key];

                SetVolume(item.key, item.volume);
Exemple #2
        // Use this for initialization
        private void Start()
            //Load the software volume
            Dictionary <string, int> pref = null;

            if (saveVolume)
                pref = XPlayerPrefs.GetDictionary <string, int>(SaveKey); //nothing -> null
            foreach (var item in items)
                dic[item.key]         = item;
                initVolumes[item.key] = item.volume;  //Save the value of inspector at startup

                if (pref != null && pref.ContainsKey(item.key))
                    item.volume = pref[item.key];

                SetVolume(item.key, item.volume);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate and return elements saved in JSON format (string type) in PlayerPrefs as Param class.
        ///(*) Param class is basically the same as a dictionary, and it is the same as XPlayerPrefs.GetDictionary(), because content classes (which inherit Dictionary) are handled easily.
        ///・In JSON, the dictionary is also saved as a key array and a value array, so XPlayerPrefs.SetArrayPair() saved pair array can also be acquired as a dictionary.
        /// PlayerPrefs に JSON 形式(文字列型)で保存された要素を辞書として生成して返す
        ///※Param は基本的に辞書と同じでパラメタを簡単に扱うクラス(Dictionary を継承している)ため、内容的には XPlayerPrefs.GetDictionary() と同じ。
        ///・JSON では辞書もキー配列と値配列として保存されるため、XPlayerPrefs.SetArrayPair() 保存したペア配列も辞書として取得できる。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">Save key</param>
        /// <param name="def">Defalut value</param>
        /// <returns>Saved value (Param: newly created)</returns>
        public static Param GetPlayerPrefs(string key, Param def = null)
            Dictionary <string, string> dic = XPlayerPrefs.GetDictionary <string, string>(key);

            return((dic != null) ? new Param(dic) : def);