////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void load() { Log log = Log.get("podindex"); // load all the props List podNames = m_env.findAllPodNames(); Hashtable mutable = new Hashtable(podNames.sz()*11); for (int i=0; i<podNames.sz(); ++i) { string n = (string)podNames.get(i); try { FileSystemInfo f = ((LocalFile)m_env.findPodFile(n)).toDotnet(); loadPod(mutable, n, f); } catch (System.Exception e) { log.err("Cannot load " + n, e); } } // now make all the lists immutable List keys = new List(Sys.StrType); Hashtable immutable = new Hashtable(mutable.Count*3); IDictionaryEnumerator en = mutable.GetEnumerator(); while (en.MoveNext()) { immutable[en.Key] = ((List)en.Value).toImmutable(); keys.add(en.Key); } this.m_index = immutable; this.m_keys = (List)keys.sort().toImmutable(); }