static void Main(string[] args) { Action action; // change encoding console(for people who have english version Windows) Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; // Story Characters var storyManager = new StoryManager(); var oldMan = new OldMan(); var bear = new Bear(); ICollection <StoryObject> animals = new List <StoryObject>() { new Mouse(), new Frog(), new Bunny(), new Wolf() }; // Story action = storyManager.DoRepitableAct; try { storyManager.DoActionZero(); storyManager.DoActionOne(oldMan); foreach (StoryObject animal in animals) { action(animal); } storyManager.FinalAction(bear); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.GetType()); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } Console.ReadKey(); }
// Bear come to gloves public void FinalAction(Bear bear) { // random choise bool _bearChois = Convert.ToBoolean(random.Next(0, 2)); Console.WriteLine($"Вот {bear.HowMove} {bear.Name}. Увидела оъект типа {_mainVictim.Name} и такая(ой):"); bear.Choise = _bearChois; if (_bearChois) { bear.Action(_mainVictim); _mainVictim.Objects.Add(bear); } else { bear.Action(_mainVictim); } _mainVictim.DoPlotTwist(); }
public void Say() { Fox fox = new Fox(); Hare hare = new Hare(); int i = 0; GetRandomValues(out string foxActingOfHut, fox); BeginStory(foxActingOfHut); fox.GetSatietyOfFox(); do { int animalNameWhichSpeakWithHare = random.GenerateRandom(4); fox.state = (State)random.GenerateRandom(3); Story deleg; i++; if (animalNameWhichSpeakWithHare == (int)Name.wolf) { Wolf wolf = new Wolf(); deleg = wolf.SpeakWithHare; } else if (animalNameWhichSpeakWithHare == (int)Name.bear) { Bear bear = new Bear(); deleg = bear.SpeakWithHare; } else { C**k c**k = new C**k(); deleg = c**k.SpeakWithHare; } deleg(hare, foxActingOfHut, fox); } while (fox.state != State.fright); TheEndStory(); }