internal int AddItem(string itemName, IFeatureLayer layer)
            // Add each item to combo box.
            int cookie = s_comboBox.Add(itemName, layer);

            s_comboBox.Select(cookie);//select the last one added
        internal static void FillComboBox(IMap theMap)
            LayerDropdown selCombo = LayerDropdown.GetTheComboBox();

            if (selCombo == null)

            //hold onto the currently selected layer name, before the combo box is cleared
            IFeatureLayer pFlyr = null;

            if (selCombo.items.Count > 1)
                pFlyr = (IFeatureLayer)selCombo.GetItem(selCombo.Selected).Tag;

            IFeatureLayer   featureLayer;
            ICompositeLayer pCompLyr      = null;
            LayerManager    ext_PntLyrMan = LayerManager.GetExtension();
            bool            bUseLines     = false;

            if (ext_PntLyrMan != null)
                bUseLines = ext_PntLyrMan.UseLines;
            // Loop through the layers in the map and add the layer's name to the combo box.
            int lLayerCount = 0;
            int cookie      = 0;
            int resetCookie = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < theMap.LayerCount; i++)
                bool   bIsComposite = false;
                ILayer pLayer       = theMap.get_Layer(i);
                if (pLayer is ICompositeLayer)
                    pCompLyr     = (ICompositeLayer)pLayer;
                    bIsComposite = true;

                int iCompositeLyrCnt = 1;
                if (bIsComposite)
                    iCompositeLyrCnt = pCompLyr.Count;
                for (int j = 0; j <= (iCompositeLyrCnt - 1); j++)
                    if (bIsComposite)
                        pLayer = pCompLyr.get_Layer(j);
                    if (pLayer is IFeatureLayer)
                        featureLayer = pLayer as IFeatureLayer;
                        if (featureLayer is ICadastralFabricSubLayer2)

                        if (featureLayer.FeatureClass == null)

                        if (featureLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint && !bUseLines ||
                            featureLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline && bUseLines)
                            cookie = selCombo.AddItem(featureLayer.Name, featureLayer);
                            if (pFlyr != null)
                                if (featureLayer.Name == pFlyr.Name)
                                    resetCookie = cookie;
                if (lLayerCount > 1)
                    selCombo.Select(cookie);//select the last one added

            if (pFlyr == null)
                if (lLayerCount > 1)
                    selCombo.Select(cookie);//select the last one added
                else if (lLayerCount == 0)
                    m_fl = null;
            else if (lLayerCount > 1)// else set the combo box to the originally selected layer