public ActionResult GetArticleById(string articleID)
                if (!FeatureListModel.Instance.CheckFeatureForEnabled(Features.GetAtricleById))
                    throw new Exception("Просмотр статей отключен");
                var maybeId = articleID.MaybeAs<string>().Bind(c => c.Split('-').Skip(1).Take(1).Last()).GetOrDefault("");
                int currentId;
                int.TryParse(maybeId, out currentId);
                var helper = new IocHelper();
                CommonHelper.Instance.CurrentArticle = helper.ArticleService.GetArticleById(currentId);
                var dto = new ArticleDto(CommonHelper.Instance.CurrentArticle);
                var groups = helper.GroupService.GetAllGroups(c => c.GroupName, 0, 999).ToList();
                if (IocHelper.CurrentToggle == "xml")
                    dto.Group = groups.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Groups.FirstOrDefault(x => x == dto.ArticleName) != null)
                        .Bind(c => c.GroupName)

                return Json(dto, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new HttpException(500, e.Message);
        public FileResult ExprortFromDb()
                if (IocHelper.CurrentToggle != "db")
                    throw new Exception("Экспорт возможен только из БД");
                var helper = new IocHelper();

                using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                    using (var archive = new ZipArchive(memoryStream, ZipArchiveMode.Create, true))
                        var demoFile = archive.CreateEntry("db_export.xml", CompressionLevel.Optimal);

                        using (var entryStream = demoFile.Open())
                        using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(entryStream))
                    memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    return File(memoryStream.ToArray(), "application/zip", "");
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new HttpException(500, e.Message);
        public ActionResult GetGroups()
                var helper = new IocHelper();
                var res = helper.ArticleService.GetAllArticles(c => c.ArticleName);
                var groups = helper.GroupService.GetAllGroups(c => c.GroupId);
                var lst = new List<ForGroupPanel>();
                if (IocHelper.CurrentToggle == "xml")
                    var groupView = GroupHelper.Instance.GetXmlGroups(groups, res ?? new List<Article>());
                    lst = groupView.GroupViewItems.Select(c => new ForGroupPanel(c)).ToList();
                    var groupView = GroupHelper.Instance.GetDbGroups(groups);
                    lst = groupView.GroupViewItems.Select(c => new ForGroupPanel(c)).OrderBy(c=>c.Name).ToList();

                return Json(lst, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new HttpException(500, e.Message);
Exemple #4
 private ArticleGroup GetGroup(string group)
     var helper = new IocHelper();
     return @group != null
         ? helper.GroupService.GetGroupsByParams(c => c.GroupName == @group, c => c.GroupId, 0, 1).FirstOrDefault()
         : helper.GroupService.GetGroupsByParams(c => c.GroupName == "Без группы", c => c.GroupId, 0, 1).FirstOrDefault();
Exemple #5
 public void ConnectToGroup(string groupName)
     if (HttpContext.Current.Cache[groupName] != null)
         var res = HttpContext.Current.Cache[groupName] as List<dynamic>;
         if (res == null)
             var comments = HttpContext.Current.Cache[groupName] as List<Comment>;
             if (comments != null)
                 res = comments
                             .Select(comment => new { message = comment.CommentText, id = comment.CommentId.ToString(), name = comment.UserName, date = comment.AddedDate.ToString("F", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US")) })
         var helper = new IocHelper();
         var comments = helper.CommentService.GetByGroup(groupName);
         var lst = comments
             .Select(comment => new { message = comment.CommentText, id = comment.CommentId.ToString(), name = comment.UserName, date = comment.AddedDate.ToString("F", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US")) })
         HttpContext.Current.Cache.Add(groupName, lst, null, DateTime.MaxValue, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 30),
             CacheItemPriority.Default, (key, value, reason) => CacheCallBack(key));
Exemple #6
        private ArticleGroup GetGroup(string group)
            var helper = new IocHelper();

            return(@group != null
                                ? helper.GroupService.GetGroupsByParams(c => c.GroupName == @group, c => c.GroupId, 0, 1).FirstOrDefault()
                                : helper.GroupService.GetGroupsByParams(c => c.GroupName == "Без группы", c => c.GroupId, 0, 1).FirstOrDefault());
 public ActionResult UpdatePlan(Plan plan)
         var helper = new IocHelper();
         return Json(plan, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new HttpException(500, e.Message);
Exemple #8
        public ArticleGroup InitGroup(ArticleGroup group, IEnumerable<Article> articles)
            bool flag = false;
            if (articles == null || !articles.Any())
                var helper = new IocHelper();
                articles = helper.ArticleService.GetArticlesByParams(c => group.Groups.Contains(c.ArticleName), c => c.ArticleId);
                flag = true;
            @group.Articles = flag ? articles.ToList() : articles.Where(c => @group.Groups.Contains(c.ArticleName)).ToList();

            return @group;
		public ActionResult Registration(RegistrationModel model)
			var errorList = new List<string>();

			if (model.Password != model.ConfirmPassword)
				errorList.Add("Пароли не совпадают");
			var helper = new IocHelper();
			var existingUser = helper.UserService.GetUserByParams(model.FirstName, model.LastName, model.Email, model.Login);
			if (existingUser.Any())
				errorList.Add("Пользователь с похожими данными уже существует");

			if (errorList.Count > 0)
				CommonHelper.Instance.TempFiles = null;
				foreach (var item in errorList)
					ModelState.AddModelError("", item);
				return View(model);
			var user = new User
				Credential = new Credential
					Login = model.Login,
					Password = model.Password
				FirstName = model.FirstName,
				LastName = model.LastName,
				Email = model.Email,
				Avatar = CommonHelper.Instance.TempFiles.Count > 0 ? CommonHelper.Instance.TempFiles.First().ImageData : null


			CommonHelper.Instance.TempFiles = null;
			if (!ModelState.IsValid)

				CommonHelper.Instance.TempFiles = null;
				return View(model);
			return View("Login", user);
Exemple #10
        public ArticleGroup InitGroup(ArticleGroup group, IEnumerable <Article> articles)
            bool flag = false;

            if (articles == null || !articles.Any())
                var helper = new IocHelper();
                articles = helper.ArticleService.GetArticlesByParams(c => group.Groups.Contains(c.ArticleName), c => c.ArticleId);
                flag     = true;
            @group.Articles = flag ? articles.ToList() : articles.Where(c => @group.Groups.Contains(c.ArticleName)).ToList();

Exemple #11
 public void InitGroups(ArticleDto article)
     if (IocHelper.CurrentToggle == "xml")
         var @group = GetGroup(article.Group);
         if (@group.Groups == null)
             @group.Groups = new List <string>();
         var helper = new IocHelper();
Exemple #12
 public void InitGroups(ArticleDto article)
     if (IocHelper.CurrentToggle == "xml")
         var @group = GetGroup(article.Group);
         if (@group.Groups == null)
             @group.Groups = new List<string>();
         var helper = new IocHelper();
 public ActionResult DeletePlan(int id)
         var plan = new Plan{PlanId = id};
         var helper = new IocHelper();
         return Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new HttpException(500, e.Message);
 public ActionResult SavePlan(Plan plan)
         plan.AddedDate = DateTime.Now;
         plan.IsDone = false;
         var helper = new IocHelper();
         return Json(plan, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new HttpException(500, e.Message);
Exemple #15
        public string GetInfo()
            double size = 0;

            if (Directory.Exists(IocHelper.GetCurrentDirectory() + BaseXml.FOLDER))
                var infos = new DirectoryInfo(IocHelper.GetCurrentDirectory() + BaseXml.FOLDER);
                size = infos.EnumerateFiles()
                       .Where(info => info.Extension == ".xml")
                       .Aggregate <FileInfo, double>(0, (current, info) => (current + info.Length / (1024.0 * 1024.0)));
            var articleDb = new ArticleDBRepository();
            var dbSize    = articleDb.GetSize();

            var result = string.Format("Размеры данных:<br>XML: {0:0.00} MB, DB:{1}", size, dbSize);

 public ActionResult GetAllPlans(string skip,string take,string order)
         int pSkip, pTake;
         int.TryParse(skip, out pSkip);
         int.TryParse(take, out pTake);
         pTake = pTake > 0 ? pTake : 999;
         var helper = new IocHelper();
         var res = helper.PlanService.GetAllPlans(c => c.PlanName, pSkip, pTake);
         var totalCount = helper.PlanService.TotalCount;
         var plan = new {Plans = res, TotalCount = totalCount};
         return Json(plan, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new HttpException(500, e.Message);
 public ActionResult DeleteArticelById(string id)
         int ids;
         int.TryParse(id, out ids);
         var article = new Article
             ArticleId = ids
         var helper = new IocHelper();
         var current = article.Clone();
         return Json(current);
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new HttpException(500, e.Message);
		public async Task<FileContentResult> GetImageByArticleIdAndImageId(string articleID, string imageID, string size = null)
			int articleIdCurrent, imageIdCurrent;
			var maybeArticleId = articleID.MaybeAs<string>().Bind(c => c.Split('-').Skip(1).Take(1).Last()).GetOrDefault("");
			var maybeImageId = imageID.MaybeAs<string>().Bind(c => c.Split('-').Skip(1).Take(1).Last()).GetOrDefault("");
			var maybeSize = size.MaybeAs<string>().Bind(c => c.Split('-').Skip(1).Take(1).Last()).GetOrDefault("");

			int.TryParse(maybeArticleId, out articleIdCurrent);
			int.TryParse(maybeImageId, out imageIdCurrent);

			var helper = new IocHelper();

			if (CommonHelper.Instance.CurrentArticle.ArticleId != articleIdCurrent)
				CommonHelper.Instance.CurrentArticle = helper.ArticleService.GetArticleById(articleIdCurrent);

			var images = CommonHelper.Instance.CurrentArticle.Images.Select(x => new ImageResult { ImageData = x.Data, Id = x.ImageId });
			var result = images.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == imageIdCurrent);
			var reworkedImage = CommonHelper.Instance.DefineSizeOfImage(maybeSize, result);
			return await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => File(reworkedImage.MaybeAs<ImageResult>().Bind(c => c.ImageData).GetOrDefault(null), "image/gif"));
Exemple #19
        public IDto GetEntity(string type, string id)
            var maybeType = type.MaybeAs <string>().Bind(c => c.Split('-').Skip(1).Take(1).Last()).GetOrDefault("");
            var maybeId   = id.MaybeAs <string>().Bind(c => c.Split('-').Skip(1).Take(1).Last()).GetOrDefault("");
            int currentId;

            int.TryParse(maybeId, out currentId);
            var helper = new IocHelper();

            switch (maybeType)
            case "article":
                var article = helper.ArticleService.GetArticleById(currentId);
                if (article == null)
                    throw new Exception("Статьи с данным идентификатором не сущесвует");
                return(new ArticleDto(article));

            //case "image":
            //	return IocHelper.;
            case "plan":
                var plan = helper.PlanService.GetPlanById(currentId);
                if (plan == null)
                    throw new Exception("Плана с данным идентификатором не сущесвует");
                return(new PlanDto(plan));

            case "group":
                var group = helper.GroupService.GetGroupById(currentId);
                if (group == null)
                    throw new Exception("Группы с данным идентификатором не сущесвует");
                return(new GroupDtoView(group));
        public ActionResult GetPanel()
                var helper = new IocHelper();
                var res = helper.ArticleService.GetAllArticles(c => c.ArticleName);
                var list = new List<ForPanel>();
                if (res != null)
                    list = res.Select(article => new ForPanel
                        Id = article.ArticleId,
                        Name = article.ArticleName,
                        Rate = article.Rate
                    }).OrderBy(c => c.Name).ToList();
                return Json(list, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

            catch (Exception e)
                throw new HttpException(500, e.Message);
        public ActionResult GetFullStat()
                var helper = new IocHelper();
                if (listTranViewsModels.Count == 0)
                    listTranViewsModels = helper.ArticleService.GetAllArticles(c => c.ArticleId).Select(c => new StatViewModel { Name = c.ArticleName, LetterCount = helper.ArticleHelperService.GetCountOfLetters(c) }).ToList();

                var totalEntityes = (double)helper.TransactionService.TotalCount;
                var counts = helper.TransactionService.GetTrancCount();

                var readable = (counts.Item1 / totalEntityes) * 100;
                var updatable = (counts.Item3 / totalEntityes) * 100;
                var writable = (counts.Item2 / totalEntityes) * 100;

                var wrapper = new StatViewModelWrapper
                    TranViewModels = listTranViewsModels,
                    TotalCount = listTranViewsModels.Sum(c => c.LetterCount),
                    ReadablePercent = readable,
                    UpdatablePercent = updatable,
                    WritablePercent = writable,
                return Json(wrapper, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new HttpException(500, e.Message);
        public ActionResult GetStat(int? articleId)
                var maybeId = articleId.MaybeAs<int>().Bind(c => c).GetOrDefault(-1);
                var helper = new IocHelper();
                var res = helper.ArticleService.GetArticleById(maybeId);
                if (res != null)
                    var countOfLetters = helper.ArticleHelperService.GetCountOfLetters(res);
                    var countOfWords = helper.ArticleHelperService.GetCountOfWords(res);
                    var countOfSentenses = helper.ArticleHelperService.GetCountOfSentences(res);
                    var result = new { CountOfLetters = countOfLetters, CountOfWords = countOfWords, countOfSentenses = countOfSentenses, ArticleName = res.ArticleName };
                    return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
                throw new Exception("Статьи с данным идентификатором не существует");

            catch (Exception e)
                throw new HttpException(500, e.Message);
 public ActionResult SaveNewGroup(string group)
         var helper = new IocHelper();
         var res = IocHelper.CurrentToggle == "xml" ? helper.GroupService.GetGroupsByParams(c => c.GroupName == group, c => c.GroupId, 0, 1).FirstOrDefault()
             : helper.GroupService.GetAllGroups(c => c.GroupId).FirstOrDefault(c => c.GroupName == group);
         if (res != null)
             throw new Exception(string.Format("Группа \"{0}\" уже существует", group));
         var groupArticle = new ArticleGroup
             GroupName = group,
             Groups = new List<string>()
         return Json(true);
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new HttpException(500, e.Message);
Exemple #24
        public void Send(dynamic message, string groupName)
            // Call the broadcastMessage method to update clients.

   = DateTime.Now.ToString("F", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"));
   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            if (HttpContext.Current.Cache[groupName] == null)
                var now = DateTime.Now;
                var lst = new List<dynamic>();

                HttpContext.Current.Cache.Add(groupName, lst, null, DateTime.MaxValue, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 30),
                    CacheItemPriority.Default, (key, value, reason) => CacheCallBack(key));
                var currentComment = new Comment
                    CommentId = Guid.Parse((string),
                    GroupName = groupName,
                    CommentText = message.message,
                    UserName =,
                    AddedDate = DateTime.ParseExact((string), "F", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"))
                var helper = new IocHelper();
                (HttpContext.Current.Cache[groupName] as List<dynamic>).Add(message);
 public ActionResult ToggleSource(string source)
         var helper = new IocHelper();
         if (source == "db")
         return Json(IocHelper.CurrentToggle);
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new HttpException(500, e.Message);
 public ActionResult UpdateArticle(ArticleDto dto)
         var article = dto.Convert();
         var helper = new IocHelper();
         return Json(true);
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new HttpException(500, e.Message);
		public ActionResult UpdateuserData(User user)
				var helper = new IocHelper();

				var current = CommonHelper.Instance.CurrentUser;
				helper.UserService.ValidateUserData(current, user);

				current.Email = user.Email;
				current.FirstName = user.FirstName;
				current.LastName = user.LastName;


				return Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
			catch (Exception e)
				throw new HttpException(500, e.Message);
		public ActionResult SaveAvatar()
				var file = CommonHelper.Instance.TempFiles.LastOrDefault();
				if (file != null)
					var user = CommonHelper.Instance.CurrentUser;
					user.Avatar = file.ImageData;

					var helper = new IocHelper();
					CommonHelper.Instance.TempFiles = new List<ImageResult>();
					return Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

					throw new Exception("Аватар не был изменен");
			catch (Exception e)
				throw new HttpException(500, e.Message);
 public ActionResult UpdateArticleRate(int? articleId,int? rate)
         var helper = new IocHelper();
         var art = helper.ArticleService.GetArticleById(articleId ?? 0);
         art.Rate = rate ?? 0;
         return Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new HttpException(500, e.Message);
Exemple #30
 public IDto GetEntity(string type, string id)
     var maybeType = type.MaybeAs<string>().Bind(c => c.Split('-').Skip(1).Take(1).Last()).GetOrDefault("");
     var maybeId = id.MaybeAs<string>().Bind(c => c.Split('-').Skip(1).Take(1).Last()).GetOrDefault("");
     int currentId;
     int.TryParse(maybeId, out currentId);
     var helper = new IocHelper();
     switch (maybeType)
         case "article":
             var article = helper.ArticleService.GetArticleById(currentId);
             if (article == null)
                 throw new Exception("Статьи с данным идентификатором не сущесвует");
             return new ArticleDto(article);
         //case "image":
         //	return IocHelper.;
         case "plan":
             var plan = helper.PlanService.GetPlanById(currentId);
             if (plan == null)
                 throw new Exception("Плана с данным идентификатором не сущесвует");
             return new PlanDto(plan);
         case "group":
             var group = helper.GroupService.GetGroupById(currentId);
             if (group == null)
                 throw new Exception("Группы с данным идентификатором не сущесвует");
             return new GroupDtoView(group);
		public ActionResult Login(User user)
			var helper = new IocHelper();
			var currentUser = helper.UserService.GetUserByCredential(user.Credential.Password, user.Credential.Login);
			if (currentUser == null)
				ModelState.AddModelError("", "Пользователь не найден");
				return View(user);
				FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(currentUser.Credential.Login + "[!!!]" + currentUser.UserRole.RoleName(), false);
				CommonHelper.Instance.CurrentUser = currentUser;
				return new RedirectResult("../entity/type-article/id-1");
        public ActionResult Import(HttpPostedFileBase[] files)
                var buffer = new byte[files.First().ContentLength];
                if (!files.First().ContentType.Contains("xml"))
                    throw new Exception("Не верный тип файла " + files.First().ContentType);
                files.First().InputStream.Read(buffer, 0, files.First().ContentLength);

                var isDb = IocHelper.CurrentToggle == "db";
                var helper = new IocHelper();
                var unmatched = helper.ArticleService.Import(isDb, buffer);
                var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                if (unmatched.Count == 0)
                    stringBuilder.Append("Импорт прошел успешно");
                    foreach (var res in unmatched)
                        stringBuilder.Append(string.Format("{0}.<br>", res));
                return Json(stringBuilder.ToString(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new HttpException(500, e.Message);
 public ActionResult SendEmail()
         if (!FeatureListModel.Instance.CheckFeatureForEnabled(Features.SwitchEmail))
             throw new Exception("Отправка Email оключена");
         var helper = new IocHelper();
         var listOfLinks =
             helper.ArticleService.GetAllArticles(c => c.ArticleId).OrderBy(c => c.ArticleName)
                 .Select((c, index) => string.Format("{0}) Название: <span style='font-weight:900;color:black'>{1}</span>(<a href='{2}'>{2}</a>)", index + 1, c.ArticleName, c.Link));
         var str = string.Join("<br/>", listOfLinks);
         EmailService.Instance.SendMail(CommonHelper.Instance.CurrentUser.Email, "Список ссылок на статьи", str);
         return Json(CommonHelper.Instance.CurrentUser.Email);
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new HttpException(500, e.Message);
Exemple #34
        public Article Convert()
            int articleId;
            var article = new Article
                ArticleId = this.ArticleId.MaybeAs<string>().Bind(c => string.IsNullOrEmpty(c) ? 0 : int.Parse(c)).GetOrDefault(0),
                AuthorName = this.AuthorName,
                InitialText = this.Content,
                ArticleName = this.ArticleName,
                Link = this.Link,
                ArticleGroup = this.Group == null ? null : new ArticleGroup { GroupName = this.Group}

            if (this.ImageIds != null)
                var results = CommonHelper.Instance.TempFiles.Where(c => ImageIds.Contains(c.GuidId.ToString()));

                article.Images = new List<Image>();
                article.Images.AddRange(results.Select(c => new Image()
                    Data = c.ImageData,
                    Name = c.Name,

                if (article.ArticleId != 0)
                    var helper = new IocHelper();
                    var expArticle = helper.ArticleService.GetArticleById(article.ArticleId);
            return article;
Exemple #35
        private void CacheCallBack(string key)
            //var currentLst = value as List<dynamic>;
            //var lstForSave = currentLst
            //	.Select(c => new Comment { CommentId = Guid.Parse((string), GroupName = key, CommentText = c.message, UserName =, AddedDate = DateTime.ParseExact((string), "F", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US")) });
            if (HttpContext.Current != null)
                var helper = new IocHelper();
                var res = helper.CommentService.GetByGroup(key);

                HttpContext.Current.Cache.Add(key, res, null, DateTime.MaxValue, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5, 30),
                    CacheItemPriority.Default, (currentKey, value, reason) => CacheCallBack(currentKey));