Exemple #1
 private ShiftRecordModels convertToShiftRecordModels(ShiftRecord model)
     ShiftRecordModels record = new ShiftRecordModels();
     record.volunteerId = model.volunteerId;
     record.teamName = model.teamName;
     record.startOn = model.startOn;
     record.endOn = model.endOn;
     record.recordId = model.recordId;
     record.earnHours = model.earnHours;
     record.earnedBucks = model.earnedBucks;
     return record;
Exemple #2
        public ActionResult VolunteerHistoryEdit(ShiftRecord model)
            bool isDuplicateRecord = false;
            model.startOn = getSignInOutTime((DateTime)model.startOn);
            model.endOn = getSignInOutTime((DateTime)model.endOn);

            isDuplicateRecord = checkDuplicateRecord(model);
            if ((model.startOn >= model.endOn) || (isDuplicateRecord == true))
                if (isDuplicateRecord == true)
                    ViewBag.Message = duplicate_time_frame_msg;
                    ViewBag.Message = startTime_endTime_error_msg;

                int volunteerId = (int)model.volunteerId;
                decimal earnedTotalBucks = getTotalEarnedBucks(volunteerId);
                ViewBag.EarnedTotalBucks = earnedTotalBucks;
                decimal earnedTotalHours = getTotalEarnedHours(volunteerId);
                ViewBag.EarnedTotalHours = earnedTotalHours;

                ViewBag.LastRecord = model;
                ViewBag.Volunteer = db.Volunteers.Find(volunteerId);
                return View(GetVolunteerShiftRecords(volunteerId));

                Definition def = db.Definitions.Where(d => d.keyName == "BucksPerShift").FirstOrDefault();
                ShiftRecord record = db.ShiftRecords.Find(model.recordId);
                if (record != null)
                    var target = record;
                    target.volunteerId = model.volunteerId;
                    target.teamName = model.teamName;
                    target.startOn = getSignInOutTime((DateTime)model.startOn);
                    target.endOn = getSignInOutTime((DateTime)model.endOn);
                    target.modifiedOn = DateTime.Now;
                    target.modifiedBy = WebSecurity.CurrentUserName;
                    target.earnHours = CalculateEarnHours(convertToShiftRecordModels(model));
                    target.earnedBucks = decimal.Parse(def.keyValue) * (target.earnHours + CalculateExtraEarnHours(convertToShiftRecordModels(model)));
                    db.Entry(target).State = EntityState.Modified;

                    return RedirectToAction("VolunteerHistory/" + model.volunteerId, "Volunteer");

            return View();
Exemple #3
        public bool checkDuplicateRecord(ShiftRecord model)
            List<ShiftRecord> records = db.ShiftRecords.Where(s => s.volunteerId == model.volunteerId && s.startOn != null && s.endOn != null && s.recordId != model.recordId).ToList();
            if (records != null)
                foreach (var item in records)
                    // 1. Case:
                    //       TS-------TE
                    //    BS------BE
                    // TS is after BS but before BE
                    if (model.startOn != null)
                        if (model.startOn >= item.startOn && model.startOn < item.endOn)
                            return true;

                    // 2. Case
                    //    TS-------TE
                    //        BS---------BE
                    // TE is before BE but after BS
                    if (model.endOn != null)
                        if (model.endOn > item.startOn && model.endOn <= item.endOn)
                            return true;

                    // 3. Case
                    //  TS----------TE
                    //     BS----BE
                    // TS is before BS and TE is after BE
                    if (model.startOn != null && model.endOn != null)
                        if (model.startOn <= item.startOn && model.endOn >= item.endOn)
                            return true;
            return false;
Exemple #4
        public ActionResult VolunteerHistoryCreate(ShiftRecordModels model)
            model.startOn = getSignInOutTime(model.startOn);

            bool isDuplicationRecord = checkDuplicateRecord(model);
            if (isDuplicationRecord == true)
                int volunteerId = (int)model.volunteerId;
                ViewBag.Message = duplicate_time_frame_msg;

                decimal earnedTotalBucks = getTotalEarnedBucks(volunteerId);
                ViewBag.EarnedTotalBucks = earnedTotalBucks;
                decimal earnedTotalHours = getTotalEarnedHours(volunteerId);
                ViewBag.EarnedTotalHours = earnedTotalHours;

                ViewBag.LastRecord = GetLastShiftRecord(volunteerId);
                ViewBag.Volunteer = db.Volunteers.Find(volunteerId);
                return View(GetVolunteerShiftRecords(volunteerId));
                ShiftRecord target = new ShiftRecord();
                target.teamName = model.teamName;
                target.volunteerId = model.volunteerId;
                target.startOn = model.startOn;
                target.createOn = DateTime.Now;
                target.createBy = WebSecurity.CurrentUserName;
                target.modifiedOn = DateTime.Now;
                target.modifiedBy = WebSecurity.CurrentUserName;
                target.earnedBucks = 0;
                target.earnHours = 0;
                return RedirectToAction("VolunteerHistory/" + model.volunteerId, "Volunteer");