static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("This upload tester is fully automatic."); Console.WriteLine("Please wait for a line saying \"press [enter] to exit\""); Console.WriteLine(" "); try { Console.WriteLine("Starting..."); var ff = new FtpFactory(); ff.setDebug(true); ff.setRemoteHost("MY.FTP.SERVER.COM"); ff.setRemoteUser("USER"); ff.setRemotePass("PASSWORD"); ff.ListMode = DirectoryListMode.PlatformList; ff.login(); Console.WriteLine(" ... I think I'm at: " + ff.pwd()); ff.ensureRemotePath("/test/test/", false); ff.chdir("/test/test/"); ff.ListMode = DirectoryListMode.NameList; var fileNames = ff.getFileList("*"); foreach (string t in fileNames) { Console.WriteLine(t); } ff.setBinaryMode(true); try { ff.PassiveMode = false; ff.upload(@"C:\temp\test.txt"); Console.WriteLine("Uploaded Active"); } catch { ff.PassiveMode = true; ff.upload(@"C:\temp\test.txt"); Console.WriteLine("Uploaded Passive"); } try { ff.ShouldOverwrite = true; try { ff.PassiveMode = false; ff.upload(@"C:\temp\test2.txt"); ff.upload(@"C:\temp\test.txt", @"test2.txt", false); Console.WriteLine("Over-write: Uploaded Active"); } catch { ff.PassiveMode = true; ff.upload(@"C:\temp\test2.txt"); ff.upload(@"C:\temp\test.txt", @"test2.txt", false); Console.WriteLine("Over-write: Uploaded Passive"); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Over-write DIDN'T work"); } try { ff.PassiveMode = false;"test.txt", @"C:\temp\test_result.txt"); Console.WriteLine("Downloaded Active"); } catch { ff.PassiveMode = true;"test.txt", @"C:\temp\test_result.txt"); Console.WriteLine("Downloaded Active"); } ff.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Caught Error: " + e.Message); } Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("PRESS [ENTER] TO EXIT"); Console.ReadLine(); }