/// <summary>
 /// Creates the component.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dropNode">The drop node.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 /// Created by SMK
 private ComponentBase CreateComponent(TreeNode dropNode, ComponentType type)
     Point pt = pnlFunclet.PointToClient(currentPoint);
     var sizef = Auxi_Geometry.RoundMeasureString(this, dropNode.Text, Config.FONT_HEADER);
     var node = new GraphNode(type, dropNode.Text, pt, sizef) { NodePath = dropNode.FullPath };
     return node;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the tree node to link.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceNode">The source node.</param>
        /// <param name="targetNode">The target node.</param>
        /// Created by SMK
        private void AddTreeNodeToLink(TreeNode sourceNode, TreeNode targetNode, bool mustGenFunclet)
            #region Declare port position
            var sPort = GetSourcePort(sourceNode) as Port;
            if (sPort == null)
                var sPoint = GetNodePoint(sourceNode);
                sPoint.X += Config.PORT_DELTA;
                sPort = new Port(sPoint, PortType.Output) { Name = sourceNode.Text, NodePath = sourceNode.FullPath };
            var tPoint = GetNodePoint(targetNode);
            tPoint.X -= (Config.PORT_D+ Config.PORT_DELTA);
            var tPort = new Port(tPoint, PortType.Input) { Name = targetNode.Text, NodePath = targetNode.FullPath };

            #region Tree Design
            if (HasFunction(tPort))
                var existPort = GetTargetPort(targetNode) as Port;

                var existFunc = GetFunction(tPort);
                if (existFunc == null)
                    SizeF sizeF = Auxi_Geometry.RoundMeasureString(this, "Fx", fontFunctionHeader);
                    int y = sPort.Y + (tPort.Y - sPort.Y) / 2;
                    existFunc = new GraphNode(ComponentType.FunctionLink, "Fx", new Point(tPort.X - 100, y), sizeF);

                    var linkS = new LinkDot(sPort, existFunc.Ports[1], 4, false);
                    var linkT = new LinkDot(existFunc.Ports[0], existPort, 4, true);
                    linkS.Function = existFunc;
                    linkT.Function = existFunc;
                    if (existFunc.InputComponents == null)
                        existFunc.InputComponents = new List<ComponentBase>();

                    var linkS = new LinkDot(sPort, existFunc.Ports[1], 4, false);

                GroupFunction((GraphNode)existFunc, existPort);
                var link = new LinkDot(sPort, tPort, 4, true);

            #region Funclet Design
            if (mustGenFunclet)
                AddFuncletDesign(sourceNode, targetNode);
            ChangeNodeIcon(sourceNode, 4);
            ChangeNodeIcon(targetNode, 4);
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the mnuItemAddConstant control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        /// Created by SMK 
        private void mnuItemAddConstant_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (var frm = new FrmConstant(this))

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mStringConstant))

                    var sizef = Auxi_Geometry.RoundMeasureString(this, mStringConstant, Config.FONT_HEADER);
                    GraphNode fn = new GraphNode(ComponentType.Constant, mStringConstant, ptMouse_Up, sizef) { NodePath = this.mStringConstant };
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the funclet.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceNode">The source node.</param>
        /// <param name="targetNode">The target node.</param>
        /// Created by SMK
        private void AddFuncletDesign(TreeNode sourceNode, TreeNode targetNode)
            var existTarget = FindFuncletGraphicComponent(targetNode, false);
            if (existTarget == null)
                SizeF sizefS = Auxi_Geometry.RoundMeasureString(this, sourceNode.Text, fontFunctionHeader);
                SizeF sizefT = Auxi_Geometry.RoundMeasureString(this, targetNode.Text, fontFunctionHeader);
                var sNode = new GraphNode(ComponentType.SourceNode, sourceNode.Text, new Point(10, 60), sizefS) { NodePath = sourceNode.FullPath };
                var tNode = new GraphNode(ComponentType.TargetNode, targetNode.Text, new Point(550, 60), sizefT) { NodePath = targetNode.FullPath };
                var link = new LinkDot(sNode.Ports[0], tNode.Ports[0], 4, true);

                AddFuncletGraphics(sNode, tNode, link);
                // Serch Function for this existTarget
                var existFunction = FindFuncletGraphicComponent(targetNode, true) as Function;
                if (existFunction == null)
                    var existLd = pnlFunclet.GraphicalObjectList.Find(l => l is LinkDot) as LinkDot;
                    //Port sPort = existLd
                    List<string> portnames = new List<string>();
                    existFunction = CreateFunction("concat", portnames);

                    // Create new Graph Node
                    SizeF sizefS = Auxi_Geometry.RoundMeasureString(this, sourceNode.Text, fontFunctionHeader);
                    var newNode = new GraphNode(ComponentType.SourceNode, sourceNode.Text, new Point(10, 100), sizefS) { NodePath = sourceNode.FullPath };

                    // Create Link from Function to target node
                    var outPort = existFunction.Ports.Find(p => p.PortType == PortType.Output) as Port;
                    var ld = new LinkDot(outPort, existTarget.Ports[0], 4, true);
                    outPort.IsConnected = true;

                    // move the link from first source node to this function
                    var portIn1 = existFunction.Ports.Find(p => p.PortType == PortType.Input && !p.IsConnected) as Port;
                    portIn1.IsConnected = true;

                    // Create Link from source Node to the new Function
                    var portIn2 = existFunction.Ports.Find(p => p.PortType == PortType.Input && !p.IsConnected) as Port;
                    var ld1 = new LinkDot(newNode.Ports[0], portIn2, 4, true);

                    AddFuncletGraphics(newNode, existFunction, ld, ld1);

                    // Create new Node
                    SizeF sizefS = Auxi_Geometry.RoundMeasureString(this, sourceNode.Text, fontFunctionHeader);
                    var newNode = new GraphNode(ComponentType.SourceNode, sourceNode.Text, new Point(10, 100 + 10 * existFunction.Ports.Count), sizefS) { NodePath = sourceNode.FullPath };

                    // Create Link from source Node to the new Function
                    var newPort = existFunction.Ports.Find(p => p.PortType == PortType.Input && !p.IsConnected) as Port;
                    var newLink = new LinkDot(newNode.Ports[0], newPort, 4, true);

                    AddFuncletGraphics(newNode, newLink);

 /// <summary>
 /// Groups the function.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="func">The func.</param>
 /// <param name="tPort">The t port.</param>
 /// Created by SMK 
 private void GroupFunction(GraphNode obj, Port targetPort)
     var linkDots = pnlTree.GraphicalObjectList.FindAll(l => l is LinkDot && ((LinkDot)l).EndPort == targetPort);
     foreach (ComponentBase item in linkDots)
         LinkDot ld = item as LinkDot;
         if (ld.StartPort != obj.Ports[0])
             ld.MustDrawArrow = false;