GetPath() public méthode

Gets a path relative to the client's directory.
public GetPath ( string path ) : string
path string The path to combine with the client's directory.
Résultat string
Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiates loading of walls.
        /// </summary>
        public void Init()
            var wallGlobalsPath = ContentManager.GetPath("objectdata/globals/walls.iff");

            WallGlobals = new IffFile(wallGlobalsPath);

            var buildGlobalsPath = ContentManager.GetPath("objectdata/globals/build.iff");

            BuildGlobals = new IffFile(buildGlobalsPath); //todo: centralize?

            ushort wallID = 256;

            var archives = new string[]

            for (var i = 0; i < archives.Length; i++)
                var archivePath = ContentManager.GetPath(archives[i]);
                var archive     = new FAR1Archive(archivePath, true);
                var entries     = archive.GetAllEntries();

                foreach (var entry in entries)
                    var iff = new IffFile();
                    DynamicWallFromID[new string(entry.Key.TakeWhile(x => x != '.').ToArray()).ToLowerInvariant()] = wallID;
                    var bytes = archive.GetEntry(entry);
                    using (var stream = new MemoryStream(bytes))

                    var catStrings = iff.Get <STR>(0);

                    Entries.Add(wallID, new WallReference(this)
                        ID       = wallID,
                        FileName = entry.Key,

                        Name        = catStrings.GetString(0),
                        Price       = int.Parse(catStrings.GetString(1)),
                        Description = catStrings.GetString(2)


            var far1 = new FAR1Provider <IffFile>(ContentManager, new IffCodec(), new Regex(".*/walls.*\\.far"));

            Walls    = far1;
            NumWalls = wallID;
        public void Init(Content content)
            //load and build catalog
            ItemsByGUID = new Dictionary<uint, ObjectCatalogItem>();
            ItemsByCategory = new List<ObjectCatalogItem>[30];
            for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) ItemsByCategory[i] = new List<ObjectCatalogItem>();

            var packingslip = new XmlDocument();

            var objectInfos = packingslip.GetElementsByTagName("P");

            foreach (XmlNode objectInfo in objectInfos)
                sbyte Category = Convert.ToSByte(objectInfo.Attributes["s"].Value);
                uint guid = Convert.ToUInt32(objectInfo.Attributes["g"].Value, 16);
                if (Category < 0) continue;
                var item = new ObjectCatalogItem()
                    GUID = guid,
                    Category = Category,
                    Price = Convert.ToUInt32(objectInfo.Attributes["p"].Value),
                    Name = objectInfo.Attributes["n"].Value
                ItemsByGUID[guid] = item;

            //load and build Content Objects into catalog
            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(FSOEnvironment.ContentDir, "Objects/catalog_downloads.xml")))
                var dpackingslip = new XmlDocument();

                dpackingslip.Load(Path.Combine(FSOEnvironment.ContentDir, "Objects/catalog_downloads.xml"));
                var downloadInfos = dpackingslip.GetElementsByTagName("P");

                foreach (XmlNode objectInfo in downloadInfos)
                    sbyte dCategory = Convert.ToSByte(objectInfo.Attributes["s"].Value);
                    uint dguid = Convert.ToUInt32(objectInfo.Attributes["g"].Value, 16);
                    if (dCategory < 0) continue;
                    var ditem = new ObjectCatalogItem()
                        GUID = dguid,
                        Category = dCategory,
                        Price = Convert.ToUInt32(objectInfo.Attributes["p"].Value),
                        Name = objectInfo.Attributes["n"].Value

                    ItemsByGUID[dguid] = ditem;

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the audio manager.
        /// </summary>
        public void Init()
            this.Stations     = new List <AudioReference>();
            this.StationsById = new Dictionary <uint, AudioReference>();
            this.Modes        = new List <AudioReference>();

            var stationsRegEx = new Regex(@"music/stations/.*\.mp3");

            foreach (var file in ContentManager.AllFiles)
                if (stationsRegEx.IsMatch(file))
                    var reference = new AudioReference {
                        Type = AudioType.RADIO_STATION, FilePath = ContentManager.GetPath(file)
                    var idString = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file);
                    idString = idString.Substring(idString.LastIndexOf("_") + 1);
                    var id = Convert.ToUInt32(idString, 16);
                    reference.ID = id;
                    StationsById.Add(id, reference);

            TSOAudio = new DBPFFile(ContentManager.GetPath("TSOAudio.dat"));
            tsov2    = new DBPFFile(ContentManager.GetPath("tsov2.dat"));
            Stings   = new DBPFFile(ContentManager.GetPath("Stings.dat"));
            EP5Samps = new DBPFFile(ContentManager.GetPath("EP5Samps.dat"));
            EP2      = new DBPFFile(ContentManager.GetPath("EP2.dat"));
            Hitlists = new DBPFFile(ContentManager.GetPath("HitListsTemp.dat"));

            SFXCache         = new Dictionary <uint, SoundEffect>();
            TracksById       = new Dictionary <uint, Track>();
            TracksByBackupId = new Dictionary <uint, Track>();
            HitlistsById     = new Dictionary <uint, Hitlist>();


            //load events
            _Events = new Dictionary <string, HITEventRegistration>();
            var content       = ContentManager;
            var newmain       = LoadHitGroup(content.GetPath("sounddata/newmain.hit"), content.GetPath("sounddata/eventlist.txt"), content.GetPath("sounddata/newmain.hsm"));
            var relationships = LoadHitGroup(content.GetPath("sounddata/relationships.hit"), content.GetPath("sounddata/relationships.evt"), content.GetPath("sounddata/relationships.hsm"));
            var tsoep5        = LoadHitGroup(content.GetPath("sounddata/tsoep5.hit"), content.GetPath("sounddata/tsoep5.evt"), content.GetPath("sounddata/tsoep5.hsm"));
            var tsoV2         = LoadHitGroup(content.GetPath("sounddata/tsov2.hit"), content.GetPath("sounddata/tsov2.evt"), null); //tsov2 has no hsm file
            var tsov3         = LoadHitGroup(content.GetPath("sounddata/tsov3.hit"), content.GetPath("sounddata/tsov3.evt"), content.GetPath("sounddata/tsov3.hsm"));
            var turkey        = LoadHitGroup(content.GetPath("sounddata/turkey.hit"), content.GetPath("sounddata/turkey.evt"), content.GetPath("sounddata/turkey.hsm"));

Exemple #4
        public void Init()
            DirCache = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            Cache    = new ConcurrentDictionary <int, CityMap>();

            var dir = Content.GetPath("cities");

            foreach (var map in Directory.GetDirectories(dir))
                var id = int.Parse(Path.GetFileName(map).Replace("city_", ""));
                DirCache.Add(id, map);

            dir = Path.Combine(FSOEnvironment.ContentDir, "Cities/");
            foreach (var map in Directory.GetDirectories(dir))
                var id = int.Parse(Path.GetFileName(map).Replace("city_", ""));
                DirCache.Add(id, map);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the audio manager.
        /// </summary>
        public void Init()
            this.Stations     = new List <AudioReference>();
            this.StationsById = new Dictionary <uint, AudioReference>();
            this.Modes        = new List <AudioReference>();

            var stationsRegEx = new Regex(@"music/stations/.*\.mp3");

            foreach (var file in ContentManager.AllFiles)
                if (stationsRegEx.IsMatch(file))
                    var reference = new AudioReference {
                        Type = AudioType.RADIO_STATION, FilePath = ContentManager.GetPath(file)
                    var idString = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file);
                    idString = idString.Substring(idString.LastIndexOf("_") + 1);
                    var id = Convert.ToUInt32(idString, 16);
                    reference.ID = id;
                    StationsById.Add(id, reference);

            TSOAudio = new DBPFFile(ContentManager.GetPath("TSOAudio.dat"));
            tsov2    = new DBPFFile(ContentManager.GetPath("tsov2.dat"));
            Stings   = new DBPFFile(ContentManager.GetPath("Stings.dat"));
            EP5Samps = new DBPFFile(ContentManager.GetPath("EP5Samps.dat"));
            EP2      = new DBPFFile(ContentManager.GetPath("EP2.dat"));
            Hitlists = new DBPFFile(ContentManager.GetPath("HitListsTemp.dat"));

            SFXCache     = new Dictionary <uint, SoundEffect>();
            TracksById   = new Dictionary <uint, Track>();
            HitlistsById = new Dictionary <uint, Hitlist>();

Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiates loading of walls.
        /// </summary>
        public void Init()
            WallStyleToIndex = WallStyleIDs.ToDictionary(x => x, x => Array.IndexOf(WallStyleIDs, x));

            this.Entries    = new Dictionary <ushort, WallReference>();
            this.ById       = new Dictionary <ushort, Wall>();
            this.StyleById  = new Dictionary <ushort, WallStyle>();
            this.WallStyles = new List <WallStyle>();

            var wallGlobalsPath = ContentManager.GetPath("objectdata/globals/walls.iff");

            WallGlobals = new IffFile(wallGlobalsPath);

            var buildGlobalsPath = ContentManager.GetPath("objectdata/globals/build.iff");
            var buildGlobals     = new IffFile(buildGlobalsPath); //todo: centralize?

            /** Get wall styles from globals file **/
            var    styleStrs = buildGlobals.Get <STR>(0x81);
            ushort wallID    = 1;

            for (ushort i = 2; i < 512; i += 2)
                var far    = WallGlobals.Get <SPR>((ushort)(i));
                var medium = WallGlobals.Get <SPR>((ushort)(i + 512));
                var near   = WallGlobals.Get <SPR>((ushort)(i + 1024));

                var fard    = WallGlobals.Get <SPR>((ushort)(i + 1));
                var mediumd = WallGlobals.Get <SPR>((ushort)(i + 513));
                var neard   = WallGlobals.Get <SPR>((ushort)(i + 1025));

                if (fard == null)
                { //no walls down, just render exactly the same
                    fard    = far;
                    mediumd = medium;
                    neard   = near;

                string name = null, description = null;
                int    price    = -1;
                int    buyIndex = -1;
                WallStyleToIndex.TryGetValue(wallID, out buyIndex);

                if (buyIndex != -1)
                    price       = int.Parse(styleStrs.GetString(buyIndex * 3));
                    name        = styleStrs.GetString(buyIndex * 3 + 1);
                    description = styleStrs.GetString(buyIndex * 3 + 2);

                this.AddWallStyle(new WallStyle
                    ID              = wallID,
                    WallsUpFar      = far,
                    WallsUpMedium   = medium,
                    WallsUpNear     = near,
                    WallsDownFar    = fard,
                    WallsDownMedium = mediumd,
                    WallsDownNear   = neard,

                    Price       = price,
                    Name        = name,
                    Description = description


            DynamicStyleID = 256; //styles loaded from objects start at 256. The objd reference is dynamically altered to reference this new id,
            //so only refresh wall cache at same time as obj cache! (do this on lot unload)

            /** Get wall patterns from globals file **/
            var wallStrs = buildGlobals.Get <STR>(0x83);

            wallID = 0;
            for (ushort i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                var far    = WallGlobals.Get <SPR>((ushort)(i + 1536));
                var medium = WallGlobals.Get <SPR>((ushort)(i + 1536 + 256));
                var near   = WallGlobals.Get <SPR>((ushort)(i + 1536 + 512));

                this.AddWall(new Wall
                    ID     = wallID,
                    Far    = far,
                    Medium = medium,
                    Near   = near,

                if (i > 0 && i < (wallStrs.Length / 3) + 1)
                    Entries.Add(wallID, new WallReference(this)
                        ID       = wallID,
                        FileName = "global",

                        Name        = wallStrs.GetString((i - 1) * 3 + 1),
                        Price       = int.Parse(wallStrs.GetString((i - 1) * 3 + 0)),
                        Description = wallStrs.GetString((i - 1) * 3 + 2)


            Junctions = new Wall
                ID     = wallID,
                Far    = WallGlobals.Get <SPR>(4096),
                Medium = WallGlobals.Get <SPR>(4097),
                Near   = WallGlobals.Get <SPR>(4098),

            wallID = 256;

            var archives = new string[]

            DynamicWallFromID = new Dictionary <string, ushort>();

            for (var i = 0; i < archives.Length; i++)
                var archivePath = ContentManager.GetPath(archives[i]);
                var archive     = new FAR1Archive(archivePath, true);
                var entries     = archive.GetAllEntries();

                foreach (var entry in entries)
                    var iff = new IffFile();
                    DynamicWallFromID[new string(entry.Key.TakeWhile(x => x != '.').ToArray()).ToLowerInvariant()] = wallID;
                    var bytes = archive.GetEntry(entry);
                    using (var stream = new MemoryStream(bytes))

                    var catStrings = iff.Get <STR>(0);

                    Entries.Add(wallID, new WallReference(this)
                        ID       = wallID,
                        FileName = entry.Key,

                        Name        = catStrings.GetString(0),
                        Price       = int.Parse(catStrings.GetString(1)),
                        Description = catStrings.GetString(2)


            this.Walls = new FAR1Provider <IffFile>(ContentManager, new IffCodec(), new Regex(".*/walls.*\\.far"));
            NumWalls = wallID;
Exemple #7
        public void Init(Content content)
            //load and build catalog
            ItemsByGUID     = new Dictionary <uint, ObjectCatalogItem>();
            ItemsByCategory = new List <ObjectCatalogItem> [30];
            for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
                ItemsByCategory[i] = new List <ObjectCatalogItem>();

            var packingslip = new XmlDocument();

            var objectInfos = packingslip.GetElementsByTagName("P");

            foreach (XmlNode objectInfo in objectInfos)
                sbyte Category = Convert.ToSByte(objectInfo.Attributes["s"].Value);
                uint  guid     = Convert.ToUInt32(objectInfo.Attributes["g"].Value, 16);
                if (Category < 0)
                var item = new ObjectCatalogItem()
                    GUID     = guid,
                    Category = Category,
                    Price    = Convert.ToUInt32(objectInfo.Attributes["p"].Value),
                    Name     = objectInfo.Attributes["n"].Value
                ItemsByGUID[guid] = item;

            //load and build Content Objects into catalog
            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(FSOEnvironment.ContentDir, "Objects/catalog_downloads.xml")))
                var dpackingslip = new XmlDocument();

                dpackingslip.Load(Path.Combine(FSOEnvironment.ContentDir, "Objects/catalog_downloads.xml"));
                var downloadInfos = dpackingslip.GetElementsByTagName("P");

                foreach (XmlNode objectInfo in downloadInfos)
                    sbyte dCategory = Convert.ToSByte(objectInfo.Attributes["s"].Value);
                    uint  dguid     = Convert.ToUInt32(objectInfo.Attributes["g"].Value, 16);
                    if (dCategory < 0)
                    var ditem = new ObjectCatalogItem()
                        GUID     = dguid,
                        Category = dCategory,
                        Price    = Convert.ToUInt32(objectInfo.Attributes["p"].Value),
                        Name     = objectInfo.Attributes["n"].Value

                    ItemsByGUID[dguid] = ditem;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiates loading of floors.
        /// </summary>
        public void Init()
            this.Entries            = new Dictionary <ushort, FloorReference>();
            this.ById               = new Dictionary <ushort, Floor>();
            this.DynamicFloorFromID = new Dictionary <string, ushort>();

            var floorGlobalsPath = ContentManager.GetPath("objectdata/globals/floors.iff");
            var floorGlobals     = new Files.Formats.IFF.IffFile(floorGlobalsPath);

            FloorGlobals = floorGlobals;

            var buildGlobalsPath = ContentManager.GetPath("objectdata/globals/build.iff");
            var buildGlobals     = new Files.Formats.IFF.IffFile(buildGlobalsPath); //todo: centralize?

            /** There is a small handful of floors in a global file for some reason **/
            ushort floorID   = 1;
            var    floorStrs = buildGlobals.Get <STR>(0x83);

            for (ushort i = 1; i < (floorStrs.Length / 3); i++)
                var far    = floorGlobals.Get <SPR2>(i);
                var medium = floorGlobals.Get <SPR2>((ushort)(i + 256));
                var near   = floorGlobals.Get <SPR2>((ushort)(i + 512)); //2048 is water tile

                this.AddFloor(new Floor
                    ID     = floorID,
                    Far    = far,
                    Medium = medium,
                    Near   = near

                Entries.Add(floorID, new FloorReference(this)
                    ID       = floorID,
                    FileName = "global",

                    Name        = floorStrs.GetString((i - 1) * 3 + 1),
                    Price       = int.Parse(floorStrs.GetString((i - 1) * 3 + 0)),
                    Description = floorStrs.GetString((i - 1) * 3 + 2)


            var waterStrs = buildGlobals.Get <STR>(0x85);

            //add pools for catalog logic
            Entries.Add(65535, new FloorReference(this)
                ID       = 65535,
                FileName = "global",

                Price       = int.Parse(waterStrs.GetString(0)),
                Name        = waterStrs.GetString(1),
                Description = waterStrs.GetString(2)

            floorID = 256;

            var archives = new string[]

            for (var i = 0; i < archives.Length; i++)
                var archivePath = ContentManager.GetPath(archives[i]);
                var archive     = new FAR1Archive(archivePath, true);
                var entries     = archive.GetAllEntries();

                foreach (var entry in entries)
                    var iff = new Files.Formats.IFF.IffFile();
                    DynamicFloorFromID[new string(entry.Key.TakeWhile(x => x != '.').ToArray()).ToLowerInvariant()] = floorID;
                    var bytes = archive.GetEntry(entry);
                    using (var stream = new MemoryStream(bytes))

                    var catStrings = iff.Get <STR>(0);

                    Entries.Add(floorID, new FloorReference(this)
                        ID       = floorID,
                        FileName = entry.Key,

                        Name        = catStrings.GetString(0),
                        Price       = int.Parse(catStrings.GetString(1)),
                        Description = catStrings.GetString(2)


            NumFloors   = floorID;
            this.Floors = new FAR1Provider <Files.Formats.IFF.IffFile>(ContentManager, new IffCodec(), new Regex(".*/floors.*\\.far"));
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiates loading of world objects.
        /// </summary>
        public void Init(bool withSprites)
            WithSprites = withSprites;
            Iffs        = new FAR1Provider <IffFile>(ContentManager, new IffCodec(), "objectdata/objects/objiff.far");

            TuningTables = new FAR1Provider <OTFFile>(ContentManager, new OTFCodec(), new Regex(".*/objotf.*\\.far"));


            if (withSprites)
                Sprites = new FAR1Provider <IffFile>(ContentManager, new IffCodec(), new Regex(".*/objspf.*\\.far"));

            /** Load packingslip **/
            Entries = new Dictionary <ulong, GameObjectReference>();
            Cache   = new ConcurrentDictionary <ulong, GameObject>();

            var packingslip = new XmlDocument();

            var objectInfos = packingslip.GetElementsByTagName("I");

            foreach (XmlNode objectInfo in objectInfos)
                ulong FileID = Convert.ToUInt32(objectInfo.Attributes["g"].Value, 16);
                Entries.Add(FileID, new GameObjectReference(this)
                    ID       = FileID,
                    FileName = objectInfo.Attributes["n"].Value,
                    Source   = GameObjectSource.Far,
                    Name     = objectInfo.Attributes["o"].Value,
                    Group    = Convert.ToInt16(objectInfo.Attributes["m"].Value),
                    SubIndex = Convert.ToInt16(objectInfo.Attributes["i"].Value)

            //init local objects, piff clones

            string[] paths = Directory.GetFiles("Content/Objects", "*.iff", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            for (int i = 0; i < paths.Length; i++)
                string  entry    = paths[i];
                string  filename = Path.GetFileName(entry);
                IffFile iffFile  = new IffFile(entry);

                var objs = iffFile.List <OBJD>();
                foreach (var obj in objs)
                    Entries.Add(obj.GUID, new GameObjectReference(this)
                        ID       = obj.GUID,
                        FileName = entry,
                        Source   = GameObjectSource.Standalone,
                        Name     = obj.ChunkLabel,
                        Group    = (short)obj.MasterID,
                        SubIndex = obj.SubIndex
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the audio manager.
        /// </summary>
        public void Init()
            if (Initialized)
            this.Stations     = new List <AudioReference>();
            this.StationsById = new Dictionary <uint, AudioReference>();
            this.Modes        = new List <AudioReference>();

            var stationsRegEx = new Regex(@"music/stations/.*\.mp3");

            foreach (var file in ContentManager.AllFiles)
                if (stationsRegEx.IsMatch(file))
                    var reference = new AudioReference {
                        Type = AudioType.RADIO_STATION, FilePath = ContentManager.GetPath(file)
                    var idString = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file);
                    idString = idString.Substring(idString.LastIndexOf("_") + 1);
                    var id = Convert.ToUInt32(idString, 16);
                    reference.ID = id;
                    StationsById.Add(id, reference);

            TSOAudio = new DBPFFile(ContentManager.GetPath("TSOAudio.dat"));
            tsov2    = new DBPFFile(ContentManager.GetPath("tsov2.dat"));
            Stings   = new DBPFFile(ContentManager.GetPath("Stings.dat"));
            EP5Samps = new DBPFFile(ContentManager.GetPath("EP5Samps.dat"));
            EP2      = new DBPFFile(ContentManager.GetPath("EP2.dat"));
            Hitlists = new DBPFFile(ContentManager.GetPath("HitListsTemp.dat"));

            SFXCache         = new Dictionary <uint, SoundEffect>();
            TracksById       = new Dictionary <uint, Track>();
            TracksByBackupId = new Dictionary <uint, Track>();
            HitlistsById     = new Dictionary <uint, Hitlist>();


            //load events
            _Events = new Dictionary <string, HITEventRegistration>();
            var content       = ContentManager;
            var newmain       = LoadHitGroup(content.GetPath("sounddata/newmain.hit"), content.GetPath("sounddata/eventlist.txt"), content.GetPath("sounddata/newmain.hsm"));
            var relationships = LoadHitGroup(content.GetPath("sounddata/relationships.hit"), content.GetPath("sounddata/relationships.evt"), content.GetPath("sounddata/relationships.hsm"));
            var tsoep5        = LoadHitGroup(content.GetPath("sounddata/tsoep5.hit"), content.GetPath("sounddata/tsoep5.evt"), content.GetPath("sounddata/tsoep5.hsm"));
            var tsoV2         = LoadHitGroup(content.GetPath("sounddata/tsov2.hit"), content.GetPath("sounddata/tsov2.evt"), null); //tsov2 has no hsm file
            var tsov3         = LoadHitGroup(content.GetPath("sounddata/tsov3.hit"), content.GetPath("sounddata/tsov3.evt"), content.GetPath("sounddata/tsov3.hsm"));
            var turkey        = LoadHitGroup(content.GetPath("sounddata/turkey.hit"), content.GetPath("sounddata/turkey.evt"), content.GetPath("sounddata/turkey.hsm"));


            //register the .xa files over in the nightclub folders.
            var files = Directory.GetFiles(content.GetPath("sounddata/nightclubsounds/"));

            foreach (var file in files)
                if (!file.EndsWith(".xa"))
                var  split = file.Split('_');
                uint id    = 0;
                    var endSplit = split[split.Length - 1];
                    id = Convert.ToUInt32("0x" + endSplit.Substring(0, endSplit.Length - 3), 16);
                catch { continue; }

                NightclubSounds[id] = file;

            Initialized = true;
Exemple #11
        public void Init()
            var purchasable = Content.GetPath("packingslips/purchasable.xml");

            if (!File.Exists(purchasable))

            var xml = new XmlDocument();


            foreach (XmlNode child in xml.FirstChild.ChildNodes)
                if (!(child is XmlElement))

                var name    = child.Name;
                var assetId = child.Attributes["assetID"];
                var price   = child.Attributes["price"];

                if (assetId == null || price == null)

                var outfit = new RackOutfit
                    AssetID = (uint)ulong.Parse(assetId.InnerText.Substring(2), NumberStyles.HexNumber),
                    Price   = int.Parse(price.InnerText)

                //Convert to full content id so its consistent with DbAvatar
                outfit.AssetID = (outfit.AssetID << 32) | 0xd;

                if (name.EndsWith("Male"))
                    outfit.Gender   = RackOutfitGender.Male;
                    outfit.RackType = GetRackType(name.Substring(0, name.Length - 4));
                else if (name.EndsWith("Female"))
                    outfit.Gender   = RackOutfitGender.Female;
                    outfit.RackType = GetRackType(name.Substring(0, name.Length - 6));
                else if (name.StartsWith("Decor"))
                    outfit.Gender = RackOutfitGender.Neutral;
                    var type = name.Split('_');
                    outfit.RackType = GetRackType(type[0] + "_" + type[1]);

                if (!Racks.ContainsKey(outfit.RackType))
                    Racks.Add(outfit.RackType, new RackOutfits()
                        Outfits  = new List <RackOutfit>(),
                        RackType = outfit.RackType
