public static void ShowCallNotification(Call call) { IncomingCallNotification notifier = new IncomingCallNotification(); = call; windows.Add(notifier); notifier.Show(); }
public CallPropertyEventArgs(Call call, string property_name) { = call; this.property_name = property_name; }
private static void HandleCustomEvent(FSEvent evt, string uuid) { if (evt.subclass_name == "portaudio::ringing") { Utils.DebugEventDump(evt); if ((from c in calls where c._leg_a_uuid == uuid && c.call_ended == false select c).Count() > 0)//only care about first ring return; Call call = new Call(); call.SetCallInfoFromEvent(evt); String gw_id = (from c in channels where c.Key == call.leg_b_uuid select c.Value.gateway_id).SingleOrDefault(); call.account = (from a in Account.accounts where a.gateway_id == gw_id select a).SingleOrDefault(); calls.Add(call); call.UpdateCallState(CALL_STATE.Ringing, active_call ?? call); } else if (evt.subclass_name == "portaudio::makecall") { Utils.DebugEventDump(evt); if (evt.get_header("fail") == "true") { MessageBox.Show("Make Call failed!!!, came from portaudio not sure why"); return; } Call call = new Call(); call.is_outgoing = true; call.SetCallInfoFromEvent(evt); if (call.other_party_number == "fsc_conference"){ call.visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Conference.instance.our_conference_call = call; call.is_conference_call = true; } calls.Add(call); call.UpdateCallState(call.is_conference_call ? CALL_STATE.Answered : CALL_STATE.Ringing, call); } else if (evt.subclass_name == "portaudio::callheld" || evt.subclass_name == "portaudio::callresumed") { String paid_str = evt.get_header("variable_pa_call_id"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(paid_str)) return; int portaudio_id = Int32.Parse(paid_str); Call call = (from c in calls where c.portaudio_id == portaudio_id && c.call_ended == false select c).SingleOrDefault(); if (call == null) return; if (evt.subclass_name == "portaudio::callresumed") call.UpdateCallState(CALL_STATE.Answered, call); else call.UpdateCallState(call.state == CALL_STATE.Ringing ? CALL_STATE.Hold_Ringing : CALL_STATE.Hold, call == active_call ? null : active_call); } }
private void UpdateCallState(CALL_STATE new_state, Call new_active_call) { bool actually_make_active = active_call != new_active_call; bool actually_update_state = state != new_state; bool set_call_ended = new_state != CALL_STATE.Answered && new_state != CALL_STATE.Ringing && new_state != CALL_STATE.Hold && new_state != CALL_STATE.Hold_Ringing && call_ended == false; ActiveCallChangedArgs args = null; if (actually_update_state) _state = new_state; if (actually_make_active) { args = new ActiveCallChangedArgs { new_active_call = new_active_call, old_active_call = active_call }; active_call = new_active_call; } if (set_call_ended) { call_ended = true; _end_time = DateTime.Now; } if (args != null) ActiveCallChanged(null, args); if (actually_update_state) RaisePropertyChanged("state"); if (set_call_ended) { RaisePropertyChanged("call_ended"); RaisePropertyChanged("end_time"); } }
private void HandleCallWaiting(Timer timer, Call c) { if (c.state != Call.CALL_STATE.Ringing || Call.active_call == c) { if (timer != null) { timer.Stop(); timer.Dispose(); return; } } if (timer == null) { timer = new Timer(4000); timer.Elapsed += (s, e) => HandleCallWaiting(timer, c); timer.Start(); } if (Call.active_call != null && Call.active_call.state == Call.CALL_STATE.Answered) PortAudio.PlayInUUID(Call.active_call.leg_a_uuid, "tone_stream://%(200,100,440);loops=2;"); }
private static void HandleChannelAnswerEvent(FSEvent evt, String uuid) { Call call = (from c in calls where c.leg_b_uuid == uuid && c.call_ended == false select c).SingleOrDefault(); if (call == null){ String orig_dest = evt.get_header("Other-Leg-Destination-Number"); if (orig_dest != "auto_answer") return; call = new Call(); call.SetCallInfoFromEvent(evt); String gw_id = (from c in channels where c.Key == call.leg_b_uuid select c.Value.gateway_id).SingleOrDefault(); call.account = (from a in Account.accounts where a.gateway_id == gw_id select a).SingleOrDefault(); calls.Add(call); call.UpdateCallState(CALL_STATE.Ringing, call); } if (call.state == CALL_STATE.Answered) return; if (call.state == CALL_STATE.Ringing || (call.state == CALL_STATE.Hold_Ringing && !call.is_outgoing)) call.UpdateCallState(CALL_STATE.Answered, (call.is_outgoing || call.is_conference_call) ? active_call : call); else if (call.state == CALL_STATE.Hold_Ringing) call.UpdateCallState(CALL_STATE.Hold, active_call); else throw new Exception("Unknown state, call answered but was not in a state of hold_ring or ringing"); }
protected override Task<string> EditAliasAsync(Call c, string number, string default_value) { var res = EditAlias(c, number, default_value); return Task.FromResult(res); }
public abstract void CallRightClickMenu(Call call, ContextMenu menu);
public override void XFERRightClickMenu(Call call, ContextMenu menu) { MenuItem item; bool on_call = call != null; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in number_to_xfer) { item = new MenuItem(); String num = kvp.Key; if (on_call) { item.Click += (s, e) => { menu.IsOpen = false; call.Transfer(num); }; } item.Header = kvp.Value + " (" + num + ")"; menu.Items.Add(item); MenuItem sub_item = new MenuItem(); if (!on_call) { sub_item.Click += edit_xfer_click; sub_item.Header = "Edit Alias"; sub_item.DataContext = kvp; item.Items.Add(sub_item); if (CanDeleteXFER()) { sub_item = new MenuItem(); sub_item.Click += del_xfer_click; sub_item.Header = "Delete Alias"; sub_item.DataContext = kvp; item.Items.Add(sub_item); } } } if (!on_call) { item = new MenuItem(); item.Click += add_xfer_click; item.Header = "Add Transfer Alias"; menu.Items.Add(item); } ModifyXFERRightClickMenu(call, menu); }
protected virtual string EditAlias(Call c, String number, String default_value) { return base.EditAliasAsync(c, number, default_value).Result; }
public override void CallRightClickMenu(Call call, ContextMenu menu) { MenuItem item = new MenuItem(); item.Click += item_Click; item.Header = "Edit Contact"; menu.Items.Add(item); ModifyRightClickMenu(call, menu); }
protected virtual string DefaultEditValue(Call call) { if (call.other_party_name != call.other_party_number) return call.other_party_name; return ""; }
private void CallStateChangedHandler(object sender, Call.CallPropertyEventArgs args) { if ( == Call.CALL_STATE.Ringing && ! { if (IncomingTopMost) { MainWindow.get_instance().BringToFront(); } if (IncomingBalloons && !DND) { IncomingCallNotification.ShowCallNotification(; if (Call.active_call != && Call.active_call != null) HandleCallWaiting(null,; } else if (IncomingKeyboardFocus) Utils.SetForegroundWindow(MainWindow.get_instance()); } if (DND && != null && == false && == Call.CALL_STATE.Ringing)"Call ignored due to DND"); if ( != null && && ClearDTMFS) = ""; DelayedFunction.DelayedCall("broker_updatestatus", UpdateStatus, 500); }
private void broker_xferMenuOpened(Call active_call, ContextMenu menu) { if (active_plugin == null) return; active_plugin.contact_plugin.XFERRightClickMenu(active_call, menu); }
protected virtual Task<string> EditAliasAsync(Call c, String number, String default_value) { var res = InputBox.GetInput("Editing Contact", "Edit alias for number: " + number, default_value); return Task.FromResult(res); }
private void calls_RightClickMenuShowing(object sender, Call.CallRightClickEventArgs e) { if (active_plugin == null) return; active_plugin.contact_plugin.CallRightClickMenu(,; }
protected virtual void ModifyXFERRightClickMenu(Call call, ContextMenu menu) { return; }
public virtual void XFERRightClickMenu(Call call, ContextMenu menu) { }