static void Main(string[] args) { bool userWantsToQuit = false; while (!userWantsToQuit) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a string and press enter to check if it is a palindrome."); Console.WriteLine("If you want to quit type 'quit' and press enter"); string Input = Console.ReadLine(); if (Input == "quit") { userWantsToQuit = true; } if (PalindromeCheck.CheckPalindrome(Input)) { Console.WriteLine("This is a palindrome."); } else { Console.WriteLine("This is not a palindrome."); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool UserWantsToQuit = false; bool IgnoreUppercase = false; bool IgnoreSpecialChars = false; while (!UserWantsToQuit) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a string and press enter to check if it is a palindrome."); Console.WriteLine("If you want to quit type 'quit' and press enter"); Console.WriteLine("To configure the patterns type in 'config'"); string Input = Console.ReadLine(); if (Input == "quit") { UserWantsToQuit = true; } if (Input == "config") { Console.WriteLine("Do you want to ignore uppercase? y/n"); IgnoreUppercase = (Console.ReadLine().ToLower() == "y") ? true : false; Console.WriteLine("Do you want to ignore special characters? y/n"); IgnoreSpecialChars = (Console.ReadLine().ToLower() == "y") ? true : false; Console.WriteLine("Please enter a string and press enter to check if it is a palindrome."); Input = Console.ReadLine(); } Console.WriteLine("---"); if (PalindromeCheck.CheckPalindrome(Input, IgnoreUppercase, IgnoreSpecialChars)) { Console.WriteLine("{0} is a palindrome.", Input); } else { Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a palindrome.", Input); } Console.WriteLine("---"); } }