public static ExchangeEntry FromJson(JObject jObject, Material material, ExchangeData exchange, bool tryApplyToExchange = true)
            ExchangeEntry entry;

                entry            = jObject.ToObject <ExchangeEntry>();
                entry.BuyOrders  = ((JArray)jObject.GetValue("BuyingOrders")).Select(token => token.ToObject <ExchangeOrder>()).ToList();
                entry.SellOrders = ((JArray)jObject.GetValue("SellingOrders")).Select(token => token.ToObject <ExchangeOrder>()).ToList();
                entry.Exchange   = exchange;
                entry.Material   = material;
            catch (Exception ex) when(ex is NullReferenceException || ex is ArgumentException || ex is FormatException || ex is JsonSerializationException)
                //This is lacklustre and undescriptive. Maybe break up the try/catch into one for each thing?
                throw new JsonSchemaException("Exchange entry information is improperly formatted", ex);

            if (tryApplyToExchange && exchange != null)
        public static ExchangeEntry FromJson(JObject jObject, List <Material> allMaterials, ExchangeData exchange, bool tryApplyToExchange = true)
            Material material;

                material = allMaterials.Where(mat => mat.Ticker.Equals(jObject.GetValue("MaterialTicker").ToObject <string>())).First();
            catch (InvalidOperationException)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Incomplete material list provided, missing{jObject.GetValue("MaterialTicker")}");
            catch (Exception ex) when(ex is NullReferenceException || ex is ArgumentException || ex is FormatException)
                throw new JsonSchemaException("Material ticker information improperly formatted or missing", ex);
            return(FromJson(jObject, material, exchange, tryApplyToExchange));