Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="MhNr"></param>
        public void calcDMXRatios(int MhNr)
            Log.DebugFormat("calcDMXRatios: MhNrSetupComplete.ContainsKey({0}: {1}", MhNr, MhNrSetupComplete.ContainsKey(MhNr));
            Log.DebugFormat("calcDMXRatios: MhNrSetupComplete[{0}]: {1}", MhNr, MhNrSetupComplete[MhNr]);
            Log.DebugFormat("calcDMXRatios: DMXSetupValues.ContainsKey: {0}", DMXSetupValues.ContainsKey(MhNr));
            if (MhNrSetupComplete.ContainsKey(MhNr) && MhNrSetupComplete[MhNr] && DMXSetupValues.ContainsKey(MhNr))
                Log.DebugFormat("of moving head: {0}, Model.Map: {1}", MhNr, Model.Map);
                //calc epsilon = 5% of avg of height and with of map
                int epsilon = (int)Math.Round(((Model.Map.GetHeight() + Model.Map.GetWidth()) / 2) * 0.05);
                //get the relevant sample-points
                List<DMXImgSetupMappingValue> points = DMXSetupValues[MhNr];
                if (!MhNrIsVirtual[MhNr])
                    //values in points.VirtualVal are currently image positions
                    //convert them into virtual positions
                    Log.Debug("calcDMXRatios: convert DMXSetupValues.VirtualVal from image to virtual positions");
                    List<DMXImgSetupMappingValue> virtualPoints = new List<DMXImgSetupMappingValue>();
                    DMXImgSetupMappingValue val = new DMXImgSetupMappingValue();
                    foreach (DMXImgSetupMappingValue entry in points)
                        VPosition pos = new VPosition(entry.VirtualVal.X, entry.VirtualVal.Y);
                        Log.DebugFormat("calcDMXRatios: image pos: {0}, {1}", pos.X, pos.Y);

                        Point virtualPos = getToPosition(pos);
                        Log.DebugFormat("calcDMXRatios: virtual pos: {0}, {1}", virtualPos.X, virtualPos.Y);

                        val.DMXImgVal = entry.DMXImgVal;
                        val.VirtualVal = virtualPos;
                    DMXSetupValues[MhNr] = virtualPoints;
                    Log.DebugFormat("calcDMXRatios: DMXSetupValues[0].Count: {0}", DMXSetupValues[0].Count);
                    Log.DebugFormat("calcDMXRatios: DMXSetupValues[0][0].VirtualVal: {0}, {1}", DMXSetupValues[0][0].VirtualVal.X, DMXSetupValues[0][0].VirtualVal.Y);
                    MhNrIsVirtual[MhNr] = true;
                Log.DebugFormat("calcDMXRatios: points.Count: {0}", points.Count);
                Tuple<ValueMapping, ValueMapping> valueMappings = null;
                //Tuple<ValueMapping, ValueMapping> valueMappings = calcRatios(epsilon, points);

                if (valueMappings != null)
                    VirtualToDMXMapping[MhNr] = valueMappings.Item1;
                    Log.DebugFormat("calcDMXRatios: VirtualToDMXMapping.GetStartY.K: {0}", VirtualToDMXMapping[MhNr].GetStartY.K);
                    Log.DebugFormat("calcDMXRatios: VirtualToDMXMapping.GetStartY.D: {0}", VirtualToDMXMapping[MhNr].GetStartY.D);
                    DMXToVirtualMapping[MhNr] = valueMappings.Item2;
                    Log.DebugFormat("calcDMXRatios: DMXToVirtualMapping.GetStartY.K: {0}", DMXToVirtualMapping[MhNr].GetStartY.K);
                    Log.DebugFormat("calcDMXRatios: DMXToVirtualMapping.GetStartY.D: {0}", DMXToVirtualMapping[MhNr].GetStartY.D);
                // else: Warning from DEBUG-mode is already logged!
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// At this time, all setup-values are available and are now processed to the correct VM datastructures
        /// </summary>
        public void doImageSetup()
            Log.Debug("perform image setup");
            if (ImgSetupPositions.Count >= 4)
                Log.Debug(" enough positions to perform image setup");
                List<Point> points = new List<Point>();
                Point p = new Point();
                List<Position> positions = new List<Position>();
                Log.Debug(" image setup log 1");
                foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Position> entry in ImgSetupPositions)
                Log.Debug(" image setup log 2");

                foreach (Position pos in positions)
                    int distanceX = (int)Math.Pow(pos.X - pos.X_Direction, 2);
                    int distanceY = (int)Math.Pow(pos.Y - pos.Y_Direction, 2);
                    int radius = (int)Math.Round(Math.Sqrt(distanceX + distanceY));
                    p.X = pos.X - radius;
                    p.Y = pos.Y - radius;

                int maxValueX = (int)Math.Sqrt(int.MaxValue);
                int maxValueY = maxValueX;
                if (ImgSetup.Width < maxValueX)
                    maxValueX = ImgSetup.Width;
                if (ImgSetup.Height < maxValueY)
                    maxValueY = ImgSetup.Height;

                Log.Debug(" image setup log 3");
                p.X = 0;
                p.Y = 0;
                int topLeft = getClosestToPoint(p, points);
                Log.Debug(" image setup log 4");

                p.X = maxValueX;
                int topRight = getClosestToPoint(p, points);
                Log.Debug(" image setup log 5");

                p.Y = maxValueY;
                int bottomRight = getClosestToPoint(p, points);
                Log.Debug(" image setup log 6");

                p.X = 0;
                int bottomLeft = getClosestToPoint(p, points);
                Log.Debug(" image setup log 7");

                DMXImgSetupMappingValue val = new DMXImgSetupMappingValue();
                val.DMXImgVal = points[topLeft];
                p.Y = 0;
                val.VirtualVal = p;
                Log.Debug(" image setup log 8");

                val.DMXImgVal = points[topRight];
                p.X = Model.Map.GetWidth();
                val.VirtualVal = p;
                Log.Debug(" image setup log 9");

                val.DMXImgVal = points[bottomRight];
                p.Y = Model.Map.GetHeight();
                val.VirtualVal = p;
                Log.Debug(" image setup log 10");

                val.DMXImgVal = points[bottomLeft];
                p.X = 0;
                val.VirtualVal = p;
                Log.Debug(" image setup log 11");

                ImgSetupDone = true;
                Log.Debug("image setup complete");
                Log.WarnFormat("Found only {0} setup-positions", ImgSetupPositions.Count);
                // Just a very optimistic idea in diagnostics
                using (StreamWriter sout = new StreamWriter(@"C:\Temp\fhv_game.test.txt"))
                    sout.Write("Test at " + System.DateTime.Now);
            catch (Exception e)
Exemple #3
        private void SetupPositionReached(MsgSetupPositionReached obj)
            if (!MhNrSetupComplete.ContainsKey(obj.Pos.MhNr))
                Log.DebugFormat("SetupPositionReached: set mh: {0}", obj.Pos.MhNr);
                MhNrSetupComplete[obj.Pos.MhNr] = false;
                MhNrIsVirtual[obj.Pos.MhNr] = false;
            if (MhNrSetupComplete[obj.Pos.MhNr])
                // new setup -> reset all old values
                Log.Debug("SetupPositionReached: reset all old values");
                MhNrSetupComplete[obj.Pos.MhNr] = false;
                MhNrIsVirtual[obj.Pos.MhNr] = false;
            if (!DMXSetupValues.ContainsKey(obj.Pos.MhNr))
                Log.DebugFormat("SetupPositionReached: create a DMXSetupValue for mh: {0}", obj.Pos.MhNr);
                DMXSetupValues[obj.Pos.MhNr] = new List<DMXImgSetupMappingValue>();
            DMXImgSetupMappingValue val = new DMXImgSetupMappingValue();

            Log.DebugFormat("SetupPositionReached: dmx pos: {0}, {1}", obj.Pos.Pos.X, obj.Pos.Pos.Y);
            val.DMXImgVal = obj.Pos.Pos;
            if (!MhNrEntityIdMapping.ContainsKey(obj.Pos.MhNr))
                // get next free entityId
                Log.Debug("SetupPositionReached: get next free entityId");
                foreach (KeyValuePair<int, VImageParseResultEntity> entry in ImgParseResults)
                    if (!MhNrEntityIdMapping.ContainsValue(entry.Key))
                        Log.DebugFormat("SetupPositionReached: entityId: {0}", entry.Key);
                        MhNrEntityIdMapping[obj.Pos.MhNr] = entry.Key;
            // TODO: maybe throw exception if no imageParseResult is available
            if (MhNrEntityIdMapping.ContainsKey(obj.Pos.MhNr))
                VPosition imgPos = ImgParseResults[MhNrEntityIdMapping[obj.Pos.MhNr]].Pos;
                Log.DebugFormat("SetupPositionReached: img pos: {0}, {1}", imgPos.X, imgPos.Y);
                //use virtual pos
                //Point virtualPos = getToPosition(imgPos);
                //Log.DebugFormat("SetupPositionReached: virtual pos: {0}, {1}", virtualPos.X, virtualPos.Y);
                //val.VirtualVal = virtualPos;
                //use image pos (later mapping necessary!)
                Point pos = new Point(imgPos.X, imgPos.Y);
                val.VirtualVal = pos;
            Log.DebugFormat("SetupPositionReached: old DMXSetupValues.Count: {0}", DMXSetupValues[obj.Pos.MhNr].Count);
            Log.DebugFormat("SetupPositionReached: new DMXSetupValues.Count: {0}", DMXSetupValues[obj.Pos.MhNr].Count);
            if (obj.IsEndPosition)
                Log.Debug("SetupPositionReached: is end pos");
                MhNrSetupComplete[obj.Pos.MhNr] = true;